Man, I miss VMP only lol. Oh well, I can only hope for a 4th, and then a 5th. That’s what I get for being at work in a side of a hill on slow wifi/cell service
Okay, 0/3. I literally clicked buy as quickly as I could. What do I need to sacrifice. No first borns available, but I’ll be happy to send my angry cat to help motivate any and all workers who need to be hissed at
Wow. Totally having no luck. First one, I got the buy screen but was too slow. Second, I didn’t even get the buy screen (instant sellout?). This one, I clicked not a robot but it kept telling me I had to click it. Is there a trick to getting one of these, please?
Only sold 49 instead of 50? I think they’re just messing with us now… At least I only had to check the box this try, not keep clicking on crosswalks… Maybe next time…
What’s included?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Price Comparison
Throw it in the trash
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Sep 6 - Thursday, Sep 8
/giphy It’s deja vu all over again…

That happened!
@ExtraMedium Repeat of a few Mehrathons ago… How many were there in that hour?
Now this is just getting silly

/giphy three
/giphy bared-eloquent-dandelion

shit… just not fast enough
Third times a charm, I guess!
/giphy useless-silly-thistle

Somehow I still can’t get one
/giphy frustrated

refreshed to sold out… mother forkers…
Is it February 2nd?
@shoelessjoek Are you hearing Sonny and Cher?
/giphy terrified-faithful-dime

irk hour???
3 time same thing. 3 blue line and then sold out. It’s all rigged
Third time was the charm!
/giphy heartbroken-narcoleptic-grape

Booger, was expecting this and was too slow for three in a row.
Three in a row! Meh!
/giphy blissful-irreverent-person

another green bar

Man, I miss VMP only lol. Oh well, I can only hope for a 4th, and then a 5th. That’s what I get for being at work in a side of a hill on slow wifi/cell service
This is fun but I already got a Irk from the benighted non-member non-VMPers so don’t get to play.
Arghhhh, my card info disappeared.
/giphy slow

Okay, 0/3. I literally clicked buy as quickly as I could. What do I need to sacrifice. No first borns available, but I’ll be happy to send my angry cat to help motivate any and all workers who need to be hissed at
@jakeline a goat might help, lol
@truquito See, I was thinking that, but we already have a sacrificial goat. Does a second one work twice as well?
Wow. Totally having no luck. First one, I got the buy screen but was too slow. Second, I didn’t even get the buy screen (instant sellout?). This one, I clicked not a robot but it kept telling me I had to click it. Is there a trick to getting one of these, please?
Really MEH??? 1 kit per sale, the green bar filled 5 times and then it said SOLD OUT, AHHHHHHHHHHHHJHHHHHH!!!
@truquito Looks like 49 per sale, unless the numbers lie.
You had me each time, meh! But alas, my luck is not strong. Curse you! Oh, and piss off you wankers, I have %$@#$ I gotta do, so…
Can you buy more than one in a day?
@gunhan1 Nope, if you do succeed, it will get canceled.
@gunhan1 only if it’s offered on a different site, one per day per site
@blaineg thank you
@lonocat thanks
/giphy rage

/giphy dark humor

Well play me for a fool. I had my back turned on the previous two, and I left the room on this one.
I thought I was…and then got the doom sentence. “Oops!” Etc
I thought meh-rathons had an hour that was just for VMP’s…
That’s what this is.
Well, VMP AND Members.
Only sold 49 instead of 50? I think they’re just messing with us now… At least I only had to check the box this try, not keep clicking on crosswalks… Maybe next time…
Okay, I wasn’t a member, but tried to sign up for membership while buying, and was told I wasn’t… forgot the wording already… allowed to buy.
But then I just went to the flask, members-only shirt and could buy it though I wasn’t a member when I started.
What gives, meh? WHAT GIVES INDEED.
/le sigh
Clearly it’s not in the cards for me to get one of these this time. Too few available, no Wi-Fi and crappy mobile service. Happy Birthday anyway Meh.
I got all the way to buy then it sold out. Frustrating when you pay $5 a month for the privilege.