@shahnm How oddly fitting that my first I.R.K. should generate a giphy of a knife… I wonder… is it a Bluetooth knife? Perhaps with a fidget spinner feature??
@lichme@Stallion A buddy of mine who isn’t a VMP member said he got the same thing about needing to choose a shipping option.
I swear mine never prompted me for this? My immediate thought was - “Well maybe it’s cause I’m a VMP member and he is not”. However it appears you’re a VMP member also and it affected you but not me?
So I have no idea what it is, but apparently it affected some people and not all.
@WUZUP1998 I thought it was a VMP thing too. I had no shipping choice to make, and checked by going to the buy page for the flashlight, none there either.
SO TEMPTED TO BUY! But I’m a lurker for Meh and it would be my first purchase… that doesn’t feel right somehow. I dont want to “steal” a dedicated Meh member’s stuff you feel?
@zanderman72 Go for it if you get another chance! My first purchase here was a Fuko and now they can’t get rid of me. They even let me take the blame for all the bad things that happen during their day! Fun!
@SeajFaj I do not think I personally used anything from the two I have got previously! But it is cheap fun. Not as good as the old bags of crap from Woot! days of yore.
@thismyusername I’m logged into my Google account but still get those from time to time. Not here on Meh today, but I do still have to help their machine vision project out once in a while.
@thismyusername - How does that work? I was logged into my Google acct, but always get the recaptchas these days, and miss the bag. How to become verified?
@kdemo no idea… does the google account have a credit card attached? is that the magic ‘verification’? who knows… if you find out let us all know please.
@kdemo maybe, I block most trackers at the router level, so I always have to do their AI training for them
I know I’ve only had the checkmark on my phone (not here at meh but with re-capcha) when signed in to my account with my google pay on it… but I have also had it with pictures.
@shahnm Likely the same rules as the fuko - one and only one; the rest will be cancelled and then people will hunt you down and eat you for preventing someone else from getting it.
@shahnm You are a dead goat. You would be rewarded for feeding yourself to an alligator to save someone else. Alligators eat rotting meat. Buy extra fukos irks and you would likely be used as bait for alligators. Either way you are dead meat. But at least in the first way you will have your 15 seconds of fame and find flowers, batteries with cold packs and stuffed animals on your grave. The second way you’d likely have graffiti, a broken headstone and your batteries would fry in hell.
Given the season I can only hope it arrives on December 26th, for double the regret.
PS. Had stair captcha, bless you captcha gods for no traffic lights.
@shahnm Now that would be cool. On the other hand it took years to get a goat badge. And if they did that then you’d have to decide - do you want to show your goat or your irk. Hmm maybe that would be ire that you’d have to pick?
YES I GOT ONE - yea! Cool. I join the group who have the honor regret of getting the first one. Hopefully it will cheer me up after all the crap going on in my life and not be putting a match to my limited supply of money. Merry Christmas to me! Thank you mom. AND now I can tell her I bought 2 things for me out of her christmas money which will make her happy since I was ordered to, this year, spend it on myself or I wouldn’t get anything for christmas. My argument has always been that paying bills is spending money on me too since the bills resulted from spending money on me or rent or heath care or fixing the car so it will get me places - all of which I need; thus it is spent on me. Of course she argues with my logic.
Now back to grading with the timer on. Well except I doubt I am buying anything else.
@mike808 Sorry! I got in on one if that makes it any better (Though I guess in theory, my one could have been the one that blocked you, so full blame acknowledged and accepted.) Seriously though, I hope you score one soon! Gotta flaunt that IRK bag! Good luck not being a robot!
@slipperyp I said the same thing when I saw the unicorn donut too, but then I set a timer on my google home (also from meh) for 30 secs before the time was up and then swapped back over from rocket league and F5 SWEET JEEZUS BUY NOW. I am with @lordbowen "Shocked I actually got one. Regret can come later.
My sleepy old eyes failed me and I fell asleep between the unicorn floaty and a few minutes after the IRK was posted. This body has failed me for the last time; are you posting any replacement body kits soon, Meh?
Hrrrrrm, I didn’t know this even existed. I have an alarm on my phone going back to the good ole’ Fuku daze, when crap was cheap and I was ready to waste doe-ray-me on it. How does instant regret work?
@therealjrn OMG, U R SOOOO RIGHT! I feel it in my bonez … the veil is lifted as a mehllion microphones are being dropped in front of my eyes right now.
@justonebrat Nope. Sold out for now. These are typically only sold during a Mehrathon, and there’s usually a paired offer that impacts the actual price.
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just throw it away
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Jan 7 - Wednesday, Jan 9

/giphy found-answer-cream
@ACraigL I would trade you my IRK for that ice cream. I feel like that little boy
@lilsrm123 It is so gratifying when an appropriate gif comes up. Is it possible that guy actually finished it???
@ACraigL Look at that kid! He’s found his hero, what he aspires to in life.
That cone!

/image waxing-bony-shadow
/giphy waxing-bony-shadow
/giphy madly-wireless-company

/giphy feverish-stylish-garlic

/giphy savory-theatrical-viper

@shahnm How oddly fitting that my first I.R.K. should generate a giphy of a knife… I wonder… is it a Bluetooth knife? Perhaps with a fidget spinner feature??
Easy Peezy. I dig that new bag!
/image metric demanding werewolf

venerable-shallow-car! I got some of the first instant regret!
I’m just going to put a bow on it and give it to my wife for Christmas. Hope there’s some jerky and caffeinated gum!
@SnakeJG Hope you are not doing christmas till mid january… awesome shipping to be expected
Got one!
Got my first one.
Got one! Is this the First IRK offering?

/giphy amusingly-indented-cow
That’s fucked up. The timer was off.
@jsh139 timer goes by your computer/phone clock.
@Ignorant @jsh139 In atomic time I noticed it was around just under a second late.
@Ignorant yeah I knew that too
just forgot.
Got one!
/giphy fun-tolerable-group

Aww yiss
K I’m going to sleep kbai
/giphy earnest-eloquent-elephant

/giphy brutal-moral-skirt

/image brutal-moral-skirt
Am sad
missed it…was playing a stupid video game
@medz At least you know there will be more…
@medz did you win in the game at least?
@tnhillbillygal still alive right now…so I got that going for me
Got it. rational-uneven-stranger
@Pony what did you just call me?
@akparker777 Late for dinner.
@pnfire /giphy definite-eloquent-grain
@pnfire - Drop the giphy command down so it’s on a line of its own.

/giphy definite-eloquent-grain
The thing sold out in the time it took the CAPTCHA to decide I’m not a machine.
@actionjbone Me too. Oh well.
@actionjbone Yeah, and fifty fucking people had time to post about it. WTF?
Is this the first IRK?
@adamselby Yes
@adamselby yes!
Finally! And I already regret it!
/giphy ample-ugly-nitrogen

Sadness is all I’ll ever know
I hate my life
Such bs
Thought I clicked fast enough… here’s to hoping for the VMP later.
Rekt by a f***ing captcha. Awesome.
/giphy effective-putrid-cat

fuck yeah!
/image makeshift-abounding-flight

/giphy makeshift-abounding-flight

sooooo did I win?
@lichme Not fast enough
@lichme liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich!!
@lichme Got the same message and missed out. Oh well.
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl!!
@Stallion Was fast enough probably, but I had some kind of shipping selection error or something at first, which is kind of weird, but meh.
@lichme @Stallion A buddy of mine who isn’t a VMP member said he got the same thing about needing to choose a shipping option.
I swear mine never prompted me for this? My immediate thought was - “Well maybe it’s cause I’m a VMP member and he is not”. However it appears you’re a VMP member also and it affected you but not me?
So I have no idea what it is, but apparently it affected some people and not all.
@WUZUP1998 I thought it was a VMP thing too. I had no shipping choice to make, and checked by going to the buy page for the flashlight, none there either.
@djslack @WUZUP1998 Most likely it was the non VMP message, and I was in incognito mode window on wootstalkerbot.
@lichme @Stallion @WUZUP1998 that’s what screwed me over. I’m not vmp… but never encountered the shipping thing before either. Sigh.
yup got it too.
Eff yeah!

/giphy superb-meaningless-credit
Got it!!

/giphy quirky-venomous-tooth
/image quirky-venomous-tooth
woo, got one first try… night guys!
And here we are thinking Fuku fun was over. So excited I got one.
Oh you screwed me on that one meh. Gave me an error that you didn’t know what I wanted to buy?! Obviously I wanted regret!
/giphy pumped-sad-branch

I really think bots ruined meh. Might just end vmp now.
Insert John mulaney sketch about captchas here
SO TEMPTED TO BUY! But I’m a lurker for Meh and it would be my first purchase… that doesn’t feel right somehow. I dont want to “steal” a dedicated Meh member’s stuff you feel?
@zanderman72 you’d actually be preventing someone else’s misery. By snagging one for yourself.
@zanderman72 When it comes up again, buy it. Don’t worry, they got a lot crappier over time, we don’t mind.
@zanderman72 Go for it if you get another chance! My first purchase here was a Fuko and now they can’t get rid of me.
They even let me take the blame for all the bad things that happen during their day! Fun!
Yippe! Got my first IRK bag!
/giphy fearing-heavy-poison

Wow, I do feel instant regret! This product is perfect in its advertising.
/giphy Used-Eclectic-Argon

/image Used-Eclectic-Argon

It was a subconscious intentional slip. To waste time tapping Meh… and then Buy.
Stupid Captcha
I didn’t choose shipping fast enough I guess…
/giphy bogus-endearing-airport

Didn’t make it this time… congrats to those who did!
Got my first IRK… My record was 3 Fukos…
Wow, that went quick. No love here.
And the verdict says… Still a Robot according to our captcha overlords.
Got one. Now I can just casually watch the mehrathon
I love the 15 minute countdown for an IRK. yeah right! Should of been more like 15 seconds
Wow, I managed to buy one? Noice.
Got one! Woohoo! Can’t wait…till after Christmas?
Yeah, it kept asking me if I was a robot. How many times can you say no? Shit!
Is this the new bag? ajar-radical-barley
/giphy packed-demonic-crumpet

that sold out immediately.
So bags are back???
Got one! fair-elaborate-dwarf
Wooooo! Got one!

/giphy restless-teachable-school
must… have… bag…
must… have… bag…
What time is the morning crowd sale these days? Because I want a second chance at failure.
Didn’t get it just green bar loading — oh well congrats all that got obe— I think
nice! my meh-thod that brought me pain last round, brought me victory in my second bout!
Totally expected it, totally didn’t get it in time. How many seconds did it take to sell out 200?
Got one!!!
/giphy crying

What were in those Fuko bags before?
@SeajFaj You never know.
@SeajFaj fuking little of value in most bags.
@SeajFaj I do not think I personally used anything from the two I have got previously!
But it is cheap fun. Not as good as the old bags of crap from Woot! days of yore.
I was robbed
@valn you mean you bought one?
/giphy vicious-undulating-magpie

Oh per chance to sleep!
/giphy https://meh.com/orders/ornate-impolite-hawk

@raccoon81 pasted wrong and would change it but really like the one I got!
And my endless feelings of “Regert” begin again.
/giphy radical-abashed-strudel

Fastest draw in the west
Got it!!

/image airy-metric-rhythm
@boc that is a great album.
Do I feel regret? Nay! Not yet anyway.
/giphy damaging-tender-wizard

Got an IRK, and I’m already regretting it, LOL
I didn’t want a bellyache yellowcake colored bag anyway. I am not a robot, either.
Drat! Have to select a shipping option?? That delay of a few seconds…oh well. Sleep time.
I was MEH’d by the fIRKin’ captcha
I’m preparing to be bitterly disappointed.

/giphy appealing-yippy-stone
/image no regerts

That captcha is complete B.S. I’ve been a m(eh)mber since the beginning and never scored a bag full of useless junk.
@CptPicard count yourself blessed.
@CptPicard @RedOak Ever try to buy a toothbrush here?
Nuts!!! I didn’t check the “I am not a robot”, next thing I knew it was sold out.
@gustador maybe if you were a better robot you would lie about it.
Got one! I’m so glad I’m not irked!
/giphy blind-metric-nymph

Poop. Mehrathons are cutthroat!
@akadamia I will abstain from participating in the poop mehrathon. It just seems like it would be… messy.
Got the Kickstarter Fuko, now the Inaugural IRK.
How are people getting through the captcha in a fraction of a second?
@ponagathos I just had a not-a-robo captcha.
@ponagathos if you are logged into a known valid
trusted google account it already knows your not a robot.
@ponagathos @thismyusername I am. I still had a captcha.
@thismyusername I’m logged into my Google account but still get those from time to time. Not here on Meh today, but I do still have to help their machine vision project out once in a while.
@mfladd I said a valid trusted google account
@thismyusername I’m on a chromebook, FCS. Google should be kinder to me.
@mfladd @ponagathos @thismyusername You might actually be a robot, then. You robots are always the last to know…
@thismyusername - How does that work? I was logged into my Google acct, but always get the recaptchas these days, and miss the bag. How to become verified?
@kdemo no idea… does the google account have a credit card attached? is that the magic ‘verification’? who knows… if you find out let us all know please.
@thismyusername - As long as I’m not required to have rhythm.
(no cc in Google, would that authenticate the account or prove you’re human? Perhaps.)
@kdemo maybe, I block most trackers at the router level, so I always have to do their AI training for them
I know I’ve only had the checkmark on my phone (not here at meh but with re-capcha) when signed in to my account with my google pay on it… but I have also had it with pictures.

/giphy Awake worthwhile quicksand
Is there a limit to how many I.R.K.s any one Mehtizen can buy during this Mehrathon?
I’m just asking on behalf of the selfish jerks out there…
@shahnm You can only get one. They will cancel all other ones you manage to get.
@shahnm Likely the same rules as the fuko - one and only one; the rest will be cancelled and then people will hunt you down and eat you for preventing someone else from getting it.
@Kidsandliz Shouldn’t that be something that would be warmly rewarded? Like when someone sacrifices themselves to save a stranger??
@shahnm You are a dead goat. You would be rewarded for feeding yourself to an alligator to save someone else. Alligators eat rotting meat. Buy extra
fukosirks and you would likely be used as bait for alligators. Either way you are dead meat. But at least in the first way you will have your 15 seconds of fame and find flowers, batteries with cold packs and stuffed animals on your grave. The second way you’d likely have graffiti, a broken headstone and your batteries would fry in hell.@Kidsandliz You seem to have strong feelings about this…
I hope mine is just filled with those creepy doll heads.
/giphy turbulent-modern-anteater

/giphy mannerly-madly-earth

Given the season I can only hope it arrives on December 26th, for double the regret.
PS. Had stair captcha, bless you captcha gods for no traffic lights.
Well, they sent me the wrong socks, but at least I’m one of the first 200 to get an IRK.
/giphy dated-noteworthy-duck

wow, got it!
the new name thew me off for a moment & almost made me too slow.
What were some of the items in previous Fuko bags?
@SeajFaj junk
@SeajFaj I got a space heater. It was summertime and 90+ degrees out.
@SeajFaj I got a RMA’d Roomba once. Replaced the battery with a $29 one and it still vacuums the kitchen.
@Deelron @SeajFaj I got a Deebot robot vacuum with bad drop sensors, but Deebot then replaced it under warranty
Booooo, sold out.
/giphy inconsolable

Wow, I actually got it. Will this also come with a bag like the Fuku’s did? My wife still uses that one Fuku bag I got for her knitting projects.
That’s one sweet looking bag. I would have bought it for $5 alone.
@JT954 That is a sweeet looking bag.
@JT954 who knows maybe they will sell one at, like, 3am (in whatever time zone you are in and want to be asleep on a work night) or something.
And why is the clock timer so high for a product that sells out in seconds. Bring on the next product!
@mfladd And why on earth didn’t the website crash?!? I demand a crashed website.
The added shipping choice selection I didn’t see, cost me one of these. I said a swear.
Is there a new badge for us elites who got in on the first batch of I.R.K.s?
@shahnm Now that would be cool. On the other hand it took years to get a goat badge. And if they did that then you’d have to decide - do you want to show your goat or your irk. Hmm maybe that would be ire that you’d have to pick?
@shahnm yup.

YES I GOT ONE - yea! Cool. I join the group who have the
honorregret of getting the first one. Hopefully it will cheer me up after all the crap going on in my life and not be putting a match to my limited supply of money. Merry Christmas to me! Thank you mom. AND now I can tell her I bought 2 things for me out of her christmas money which will make her happy since I was ordered to, this year, spend it on myself or I wouldn’t get anything for christmas. My argument has always been that paying bills is spending money on me too since the bills resulted from spending money on me or rent or heath care or fixing the car so it will get me places - all of which I need; thus it is spent on me. Of course she argues with my logic.Now back to grading with the timer on. Well except I doubt I am buying anything else.
@Kidsandliz I hope you get a seriously kick-ass I.R.K.!
@shahnm We already know those are in incredibly limited supply. The odds are against it, even if the force was with me to get one.
@Kidsandliz Yeah, but maybe the universe figures it owes you a break…
@shahnm I don’t refrigerate my batteries so probably not.
I was so happy I almost forgot to click the meh face
/giphy creepy-grave-tactician

BLAAAME !!! @tnhillbillygal

@mike808 UNBLAME! It’s when you’re “successful” that she gets the blame.
@mike808 Sorry! I got in on one if that makes it any better
(Though I guess in theory, my one could have been the one that blocked you, so full blame acknowledged and accepted.) Seriously though, I hope you score one soon! Gotta flaunt that IRK bag! Good luck not being a robot!
@narfcake I’m successfully 'irk’ed. So blame.

/giphy vengeful-responsible-harbor
even if its just the bag I’m stoked, that new design is cool!
/giphy relishing-appropriate-pump

@joelmw I can’t remember the last time I got one in the first round. My wife regretted it before I even pulled the trigger.
/giphy silver-afraid-krill

/image silver-afraid-krill

/giphy disgusted-memorable-calcium

sorry to the many who missed out on this
Can we just buy the bag?
/giphy mischievous-trite-route

Why the name switch?
@Drunkenalien There’s a thread about it… somewhere around here. The initials are Irk.
@Drunkenalien Meh wanted truth in advertising.
@Drunkenalien @narfcake Fuck-You-Buckaroo was a little socially awkward to say out loud in polite company. Which means anywhere other than here…
/giphy bitter-irkless-asshole

@lichme I was so hoping that was an actual order name!
Instant regret!
/giphy underrated-factual-truck

I got flustered and accidentally typed in the address field and had to redo my card security code. Not my best moment. Maybe next time
Fumbled my way through the purchase process. Shocked I actually got one. Regret can come later.
/giphy hairy-sorry-snake

AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! I saw the unicorn donut and thought “I better keep an eye on this…” only to check back and find out I WAS RIGHT!!!
@slipperyp I said the same thing when I saw the unicorn donut too, but then I set a timer on my google home (also from meh) for 30 secs before the time was up and then swapped back over from rocket league and F5 SWEET JEEZUS BUY NOW. I am with @lordbowen "Shocked I actually got one. Regret can come later.
My sleepy old eyes failed me and I fell asleep between the unicorn floaty and a few minutes after the IRK was posted. This body has failed me for the last time; are you posting any replacement body kits soon, Meh?
@guyfromhawthorn Great idea! Count me in, I want/need a kit too!
/giphy depraved-whole-wallaby

Score on the 2nd item!!! yes I was one of the 200!
Do they ever put one of these up when most people are actually awake to see it?
@lseeber where’s the fun in that?
@lseeber the Fuku/Fuko would appear at random times throughout the Mehrathon!
/giphy young-grasshopper

@carl669 I’d see it.
@lseeber good point. i’ll make some calls.
I pretty much never get the Captcha. Did for this one and it was impossible to pick out the damn cars. Hoping for one in the next rounds.
/giphy poignant-bawdy-scallop yay me!

Scored one! Can’t wait to see how it’ll scal up to the Fuko!
Hi Meh moderators. If there are any duplicates or cancelations can I purchase one PLEASE??? Card on file.
I know they said that they wouldn’t be sending them out before Xmas… But I wish they could, I want to regret more than the Xmas Eve feast.
/giphy regrets

@momojiri What is?
@therealjrn The IRK bags. Sorry was on vaca and no access to email.
@momojiri @therealjrn
Or more accurately, the IRK+Irk minus the bag, in this case.
How can you check the weight
@candiedisilvio1 It will be on the shipping tracking page.
@candiedisilvio1 @therealjrn
@candiedisilvio1 @werehatrack
5 years later
Mines in Memphis!!! 7x7x7 and 1 pound.
Hrrrrrm, I didn’t know this even existed. I have an alarm on my phone going back to the good ole’ Fuku daze, when crap was cheap and I was ready to waste doe-ray-me on it. How does instant regret work?
@cfg83 BAM! You’re feeling it right now!
@therealjrn OMG, U R SOOOO RIGHT! I feel it in my bonez … the veil is lifted as a mehllion microphones are being dropped in front of my eyes right now.
I totally would like Instant regret any extras???
@justonebrat Nope. Sold out for now. These are typically only sold during a Mehrathon, and there’s usually a paired offer that impacts the actual price.