"‘Colorless green ideas sleep furiously’ is a statement coined by Noam Chomsky to describe the sleeping habits of colorless green ideas, a topic that Chomsky had been studying excessively in the 1950s. Chomsky stated that if an idea is both white (colorless) and eco-friendly (green), it will be angry while sleeping. The sentence has become widely popular in many different mediums and has been said to originally be “Furiously sleep ideas green colorless.” However, Chomsky later changed the wording due to it not being grammatically correct."
"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously is a sentence composed by Noam Chomsky in his 1957 book Syntactic Structures as an example of a sentence that is grammatically correct, but semantically nonsensical."
@phendrick@dave@kidsandliz@taRDy@djslack@jbartus i am having trouble with a few of these: do i star to thank you for posting because it made me laugh a little, or not star because people would think i like the idea actually being expressed and i don’t want that?
My first one is less than inspiring…especially for a former smoker.
We’re fucked.
@narfcake here’s my inspirational message to counter that.
For now you’re still the Alpha predator on Earth. Shut up and act like it.
Less inspiring, more of a threat.
We’re all slaves to something.
The Inspirobot spied out my patented methods and handed my secret techniques to the world!
Oh. Fuck.
I hope peaches come after the circus! Mmm … peach.
I don’t think my girlfriend will appreciate the humor in this one:
I just…don’t think this is good advice.
First two:
The middle one isn’t half bad LOL
Time to invest!
Exceedingly inspirational.
Would that be the reptile or the plumber’s tool?
@narfcake They would be weaponized. Just imagine it. All those legs. All those eyes. You’d be… unstoppable…
The phenomenon:
The text along with that picture…
Very first one, couldn’t be more perfect for here.
We can only hope…
I think they got that one backwards?
Feel reassured now. Thx.
Customer Service Slogan:
Earlier today I sent my wife the url to inspirobot and she immediately sent back this screenshot and the following message:
"…I’m not inspired"
@djslack - Hey, I guess your fiance became your wife? Wish you a lifetime of happiness!
Uh - starting after that email exchange.
@KDemo Yes, just over a month ago. We went to Jamaica and got married in an overwater chapel with a glass floor.
Thanks for the well wishes! She’s used to not being amused by half the shit I pull, it doesn’t seem to bring down the happiness quotient by much.
@djslack - Sounds like you have an ideal formula there. Congratulations!
And remember . . .
Well congrats! Hope all is wonderful!
Here are some winners it just made for me:
I think the algorithm for “inspiration” may need a little tweaking.
You just go suck lies or die tryin’, now.
Have two, they’re small.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
"‘Colorless green ideas sleep furiously’ is a statement coined by Noam Chomsky to describe the sleeping habits of colorless green ideas, a topic that Chomsky had been studying excessively in the 1950s. Chomsky stated that if an idea is both white (colorless) and eco-friendly (green), it will be angry while sleeping. The sentence has become widely popular in many different mediums and has been said to originally be “Furiously sleep ideas green colorless.” However, Chomsky later changed the wording due to it not being grammatically correct."
"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously is a sentence composed by Noam Chomsky in his 1957 book Syntactic Structures as an example of a sentence that is grammatically correct, but semantically nonsensical."
Chomsky was being more than a bit Western-Hemispherist here.
Why exactly did he favor that expression over
‘Colourless green ideas sleep furiously’???
I ask everyone! Why?
What implicit cultural favoritism,paid for and expressed by poor innocent spelling customs, did he intend to infect us with?
But I see thru Chomsky. He may have fooled MIT, but he will never fool me.
/image “colourless green”
/image “colorless green”
Why must we subtly favor one planetary hemisphere over another? Should not all hemispherical spelling customs be treated as equally worthy?
I leave you with this:
Gangnam style?
Or Chomsky style?
@f00l - Are you having a spelling spell?
I’d probably opt for Strunk & White Style, not Harry Styles.
Examples of my stile:
Kiss, the paragons of selfless courage!
You reap what you sow?
You sew are reap you what?
Happy happy. (That’s just so special.)
@phendrick @dave @kidsandliz @taRDy @djslack @jbartus i am having trouble with a few of these: do i star to thank you for posting because it made me laugh a little, or not star because people would think i like the idea actually being expressed and i don’t want that?
@mollama star for whatever you want! I won’t judge you, at worst, just blame the goat!
Damnit @cranky1950 stop making @mollama have these feelings of uncertainty!
Is this one D E E P ?, or am I just too sleepy:
In Lower East Buttfuck, Texas, you drive past this sign:
@KDemo this:
or this:
Hopefully they both can find some friends?
Based on personal life experience, I would dispute the first part of that assertion.
@RiotDemon there are a few perplexing ones but this has to rule this thread so far.
/giphy perplexing chimpanzee
@denboy I’d star your comment, but that gif is so gross. Lol
@KDemo lol, wut
@RiotDemon thanks for explaining. I’d been dying here waiting for even one solitary star.
@denboy Solitary star granted.
@djslack letting deep sleep commence thanks to you
/giphy my hero
My mantra!
Yep, that pretty much describes my whole life.
I have reservations about posting a sensible quotation, but what the hell -
Maybe the blueberries unmake the point.
Don’t forget to chew.
So thank you for putting the seat down.
This one is so me
The first one I got I liked
Then I got about 10 that I thought were stupid. Ending on a high note.
The Internet is FULL of videos suggesting otherwise…
@brhfl - Ha, I doubt I’ll believe that!
Something … logical …
Reminds me of this @bootsboots shirt:
So I guess I should buy the red shoes?
This article has some funny results.
Humans trying to do it also tends to go horribly wrong.
/giphy "inspire me"
Inspirobot said I was its favorite user. I believe that is true.
Oh and this one too…
Now they tell me.
Are these actual words?
Awww yissss.
I smell a lawsuit.
@RiotDemon Been there, done that; got a whole bunch of T shirts.