In case you missed it somehow -- Too Many Cooks
9If you haven't seen this yet the less you know the better, but here are a few things to keep in mind:
- This is a dangerous earworm. I've had it stuck in my head for 3 days now. I love it.
- It gets super weird. If you're not into absurdist humor I still suggest you give a shot, but there's a good chance you'll hate it.
- It's probably nsfw for most traditional offices.
- It's long for internet video standards, but it's so worth it.
You're welcome!
- 22 comments, 15 replies
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I am ambivalent on thinking this was terrible or good. I guess I could say it was pretty meh.
Also DON'T SKIP AHEAD. Guaranteed to ruin the whole thing that way.
@Moose like the Possum Head Chronicles?
I... uh... huh. Huh. I just feel like I have to go take a shower and watch 43 episodes of Veggie Tales to flush that from my consciousness.
I got about five and a half minutes in and had to stop. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
@SSteve Watched the rest last night. I'm glad I did. That went freakin' everywhere.
I swear that is the original set from Married With Children.
@TehMaliron I think you're right.
@TehMaliron at least the front door
@TehMaliron And the stairs in the back, the kitchen to the left, the upstairs bedrooms where Kelly used to be, etc.
@TenMaliron @cengland0 and the couch.
@Thumperchick Couch is in the correct location but definitely different.
@cengland0 Well damn, you're right. I was just hoping that beat up old sofa managed to hang around.
@Thumperchick It's probably in some warehouse in hollywood somewhere collecting dust.
Are they all Lesbians?
dammit I thought I'd seen that episode. always a cliffhanger.
That was an interesting ride. Also a nice homage, of sorts.
It takes a lot to make a stew...
BTW, fun Easter egg game it so see how many shots the hobo serial killer gets in. He's in most of the shots.
Also, Smarf rules.
Dam, I couldn't make it all the way through the intro.
Oh please kill me.
If they want this show to really take off they're going to have to trim down the theme song. It's like how for the first half a season of Three's Company they had that really long theme song by Emerson Lake & Palmer that ran over 17 minutes and tells the deeply symbolic story of a stranded astronaut who realises he can't get home but he also can't die so he creates a whole new universe but finds it unfulfilling and there's a lot of ambiguity about whether he really is dying and it's just in his head and maybe he isn't even really an astronaut but it was too long & weird so they replaced it with the chirpy one that goes "Come and knock on our doooor..."
Apologies, all - I saw Victoria Sun undressed at around 1:47 and now my whole day's projected productivity is approaching zero.
@SirLouie And 2:12. Don't forget 2:12.
This is bad brilliantly, but, @JonT, that earworm is hideous hideously. FTFY, buddy.
@joelmw I warned you. Day 5: it's still going strong in my head.
@JonT You did. But you knew it would only entice me. Thankfully, I've got plenty of hookups for bad (and a few good) earworms.
This is a stupid thing. Has anyone seen 11 minutes and 11 seconds laying around? I seem to have lost them and I'd like to get that back. Thanks.
I'm gonna just be totally honest here. I haven't had any interest at all in Too Many Cooks since they undid all of Season 4 as "just a dream" so they could bring Victoria Sun back after her character Marilyn died on the Binomalian ship holding the airlock door open so Lt. Dakkor could escape. Then later they decide it's no longer a "dream" but a "future vision" of what could happen if Marilyn's hologram decides not to abort her clone baby inside the virtual reality world. And THEN they had the nerve to release that season on DVD even though in their stupid-ass canon it never even happened! WTtotalF! You do not do that to the fans and expect them to keep coming back! That show is so dead to me, and I've since discovered Sonic the Hedgehog where at least the creators treat the fans right and don't release stupid shit. Sonic is way past cool, the Cooks are way past fools.
@Starblind Dude, you should get a writing gig somewhere. I mean in addition to the meh forums. Seriously.
Starbaby is totally the best customer
This was a bit terrifying.
Thanks so much for putting this in my head for the last couple days. By the way, look what showed up at shirt.woot today.
Thanks, Meh and @jont for keeping me relevant with the kids these days.
@JonT I woke up (again) this morning with this in my head. Accompanied by the mental image of this gif: