Ideas for the Forum
5The forum has really great people and an awesome community, and the interface is pretty nice with all these fun little features and doohickies, but I think that there are some pretty major flaws. First, there should be at least some easy way of knowing/getting notifications on when someone liked your post or has commented on it (such as a little bell or something), and there should also be account pages with info and bios and all that jazz, so you can get to know where people stand in the community and who they are. This forum has a lot of potential and I think that it might get more attention and interaction from new-- and old users if some of these basic things were implemented to improve user interaction and experience.
- 9 comments, 27 replies
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There is a way to get notifications on your own threads - at the bottom of your original post, click the envelope that says "subscribe" - that will get you notifications to every response in that thread. Even if it's not your thread and you just want to follow along.
For notifications of someone talking to you - that's what we use the @ mentions for. Unless you've turned it off, every time someone mentions @Preedom here, you should get an email within about 10-15 minutes, unless you've been to that thread again in that time.
Clicking on a user's name will take you to a page that shows you every thread they've ever made. That's as close to a bio page as we've got right now. After seeing how glitchy and difficult it can be to host and have bio pages for every member, (like the had at woot for a while,) I'm not sure that @Shawn will be adding them to the forums - but it's a neat idea.
To see some level of "standing" in the forum - we have badges.
The goat is our current whipping boy/girl (@TaRDy!)
The Breakfast Octopus is our fearless leader and mediocre founder @snapster
Anyone with an erlenmeyer flask next to their name is an employee
The V sheild = VMP
The K means they've been around since the Kickstarter campaign for meh and probably know their way around.
My medkit badge means I'm a volunteer moderator for the forums.
All of that to say - some of what you're asking for is here, it's just here the way you're asking for it.
and to turn ON your forum notifications for @ mentions:
Go to
make sure the box that says
@Thumperchick Thanks for the nice and thought out reply, but why should I need to get an email when it could be humbly be held in front of me on the website? As a person who doesn't really like email or check it all that much, this would be such a nice little convenience to see things like this when i look at the website every morning.
I have an invisible purple goat emeritus badge. Isn't it lovely?
@Barney How cool would it be if they made just your name purple?
@Thumperchick I would humbly accept any purple crumbs should Meh decide to throw my way.
@Barney Does it look like this in your dreams…?
@brhfl That's it! That's it! Isn't it beautiful? Aww, I love you.
@brhfl Except she is up to 10 stars... (grin)
@carl669 yeah I was being serious, buuuut, there are just some things that exist that I have no idea about, leading me to suggest things that are already in place haha :P
@Preedom ha! i wasn't sure since the things you described made it sound like facebook jr. or something.
@carl669 exactly my thoughts!!! brain brothers!
@connorbush absolutely. i'm thinking we should totally drive a jaegar together.
@carl669 the forums aren't ready for that... yet.
@Preedom Thanks for your thoughts here. It's always great to hear things from the perspective of someone who's just getting started with the forum for the first time.
This thing is a constant work in progress. We made a bunch of updates throughout August and September.
I haven't really shared much of the roadmap lately because we got busy working on things for the holiday season, but here's a couple things I can share today:
We should be getting an account settings page overhaul soon.
Like, really soon. Like, hopefully still this year soon. We need a way to set default payment settings and to allow our VMP members to change/update the credit card being used for their recurring payments without contacting our support team. All the settings and "fun little features and doohickies" @Preedom mentioned turned the current account settings page into a total disaster. So we're moving from this:
To something more like this:
Better profile pages
Right now, as @thumperchick said, the profile pages only show which topics a user has created. I'm hopeful that in early 2016 we'll have a better version.
I guess I'm more than "hopeful" because we already have a pretty cool version we've been using internally. Unfortunately it's in too rough of shape to release at this point. But it exists and I think you'll like it when it's finished.
Hope that helps, @Preedom.
@shawn I hope you're working on that purple "tits up" (I giggle whenever I type this, @joelmw) goat.
@shawn Thanks for the update! Although I would really love to get more accessible notifications on-site, I, and probably lots of others really appreciate your work towards making this site a better place!
@shawn - Thanks for the tease. I wonder if we will have access to more statistics - something akin to the birthday statistics? I think I would like that, I like statistics but not sure how it would feel to compare usage numbers.
Looking forward to seeing what you're working on.
@MEHcus- 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ
@shawn BUMP!! Yea! Didn't see the new Account Page mentioned elsewhere - It's alive! (for me at least) It looks like a real account page. Nicely done.
I think it is cool that you want to see improvements, but the things that this site is "lacking" are the things I love. I would not be here if I had to set up a profile page, that is the reason why I will never join Facebook. I think this is a great thread to suggest things though!
Yea, like, a private message system that would alert when you get a reply... or a message... so we could .. you know share email addresses or skype handles without having to post them for all the world to see.
I'd be happy if you just finally executed Irk and I never had to see him again! Bah Humbug! :) Merry Christmas all!
@mydrivec Merry Christmas!
@dashcloud @thismyusername you all love Irk that much? Hard to believe. Do you fall in love with your excrement too?
@mydrivec a villain in the making!!!! :)
Nope. Nooope. Nope. Change is scary.
Here are all the best ways to improve this forum:
1. Eliminate pagination. It is destroying the community.
2. Allow everyone to have their own tiny avatar, not just me.
3. Filter profanity. This could add a lot of fun because the filtered cuss words could be replaced by really funny words, instead of offensive words.
@phatmass kitten you!
@phatmass pagination is not longer an issue with firehose! :-)
@phatmass you mothermonkey! how dare you cheesing suggest filtering of profanity? a pox on you, you piece of hamburger!
(see... profanity filtering really isn't all that funny)
@carl669 Considering that this is the funniest post you have ever made, what does it say about your sense of humor?
@phatmass i don't know man. i think this one would be the funniest.