@yakkoTDI That made my laugh. Back when I had a kid in the house she complained that she did “all the work around here”. So I made a list of every singe thing that had to be done to keep the house and yard running no matter how small. I split it up by daily, several times a week, several times a month, monthly, less often than monthly and told her how many things she had to pick off of each list. So she picked (this was an open ended pick except the deal that whomever cooked the other person did the dishes - she did cook on occasion but only as an offer, not as an expectation). She picked every chore in the bathroom except the toilet. LOL
@PocketBrain The only time I’ve ever ironed anything is when I travel for work to give presentations. If I’m at a hotel and need to give a talk or whatever that day I’ll usually iron my shirt and pants in the morning as they’ll be wrinkled from being in luggage. At home, I keep everything hung up and if something is wrinkled I just throw it in the dryer (my dryer also has a steam function).
As a teacher, I keep an iron and ironing board in my classroom. I originally brought it in to do iron-on designs or something like that. I’ve kept it because I teach at a school that has a large JROTC program and the kids will sometimes run into my room asking to iron some part of their uniform before an inspection.
I iron my dresses sometimes. When I hand wash them they don’t always come out nice and wrinkle free Or when they’ve been mailed from the store.
@kittykat9180 My mom used to live in a house with white tile floors everywhere except the bedrooms. She had a black cat that shed so much you always wondered how it was not bald. The ceiling fans in the living room would move the hair to the baseboards so it looked like seaweed at the high tide line.
@2many2no Absolutely - I would trade yard work for house work any time. There are automatic machines that do the dishes and laundry, and vacuuming/cleaning is easy if you do it right away instead of letting it pile up.
@InnocuousFarmer@mike808 It could be emptied though like I caught my kid doing a couple of times - threw everything into the oven and a cabinet without a lick of soap or water applied. :Laughing:
@jerk_nugget Yeah laundromats are a big pain. The 4 washers/dryers this building are broken all the time and new management has it open only from 8-4pm M-F instead of 24/7. As a result schlepping everything to the car to go to one is a common experience.
I once watched someone put some really gross, stiff and mud covered crap stuff along with a strongly pee smelling dog bed into one of the huge washer. Umm nope don’t want to use that washer after him. I sometimes wonder what was last in the ones I am using. Someone who was there at the time said what went into that washer is why she always pays to run an empty load with soap and beach liberally poured in prior to using it to wash her stuff.
@Kidsandliz ugh that’s so annoying, to have laundry on site but not be able to use it. (in my first apartment i was so excited to have a washer and dryer in the unit (!!) and it broke within the first month. it was still under warranty but our landlord refused to do anything about it. good times, fond memories, etc.)
and yeah, laundromats can be pretty gnarly in all sorts of ways. mercifully the one i use now is very, very clean and also well staffed, with water filtration and daily filter changes. they literally clean constantly during open hours so i feel pretty good about the machines there. (and no more saving quarters because it’s all on a card system which is awesome.)
@jerk_nugget How does the card system work? This place is going to outsource the laundry room. They told us the price will go up and we won’t be able to use cash anymore. You just buy amounts in advance on the card?
@Kidsandliz at my laundromat there’s a touchscreen display in the wall with a slot to either insert your card or to receive a new card. with your laundry card inserted, you can check your balance or load money onto it. there’s an additional slot to insert bills (but it does not dispense change of any kind) or you can swipe a credit or debit card. also, every other time i use it, i “win” a free dollar on the card.
@jerk_nugget Hope they install that kind then with the free dollar. As long as there is no minimum to put on the card, so I can put on there exactly what I know I will spend to the quarter, then I don’t care. If I can’t then the odds are high the company will get to keep the money not spent on laundry when I finally move out or when the card malfunctions, can’t be read anymore… Multiply that by a bunch of people and they stand to make/keep more than rounding error.
The laundromat I often drive to the first 10 min of the dryer is free. If you feel like pushing that button repeatedly then you can dry for free. The attendant actually tells people and since she has worked there approaching 20 years I’m guessing the owners don’t mind. I’d imagine they factor that into the cost of the washer.
@Kidsandliz i have never tried adding anything other than whole dollar amounts, but i’m pretty sure you can type in exact amounts. obv you would need to use a credit/debit card for that and i think there is a minimum for credit cards, i forget whether it is $5 or $10. you can certainly add like, only a buck if using cash, and i have added amounts like $23 on a card. i only ever load money onto it on the day i’m doing laundry and always check the balance first so in case i lose the card afterwards i’d only be out less than a dollar. the staff at mine has always been cool if something goes awry with the card or a machine and i’ve never lost any money. (like all cards the magnetic strip can get worn out after awhile so sometimes the machine won’t read it, and then someone will come over and wipe it off and insert it a certain way and it works again, despite me doing exactly that five times prior lol. but i’ve had mine 6+ years and it lives in my purse.)
@jerk_nugget Thanks for the info. I guess I will have to wait and see what they do here as they are switching over in Sept. There will be no staff to deal with it since mgt often isn’t here and the have just dumping the front desk and plan to have the door locked 24/7. Be interesting to see if we now get our mail delivered daily or not because of that.
@Kidsandliz yeah, the only other place i’ve lived where i had to use a laundromat (and vowed never again, but unfortunately the universe had other ideas when we moved in here) it was miserable, in large part because it was unstaffed so if something happened you were shit out of luck. i hope your experience is better!
I cook when I’m stressed so definitely clean dishes. I will sometimes dirty a dozen dishes in the course of making a meal. If I could do that any time I wanted without having to worry about dishes I’d be much happier.
always clean bathroom

/image clean bathroom
Always clean bathroom
Freedom for the slave genie!
@Evansdoor Yeah, that whole indentured-servant thing, even if for a mysterious non-corporeal entity, just doesn’t seem really appropriate anymore.
Always clean bathroom. If that is too much just clean the toilet.
@yakkoTDI That made my laugh. Back when I had a kid in the house she complained that she did “all the work around here”. So I made a list of every singe thing that had to be done to keep the house and yard running no matter how small. I split it up by daily, several times a week, several times a month, monthly, less often than monthly and told her how many things she had to pick off of each list. So she picked (this was an open ended pick except the deal that whomever cooked the other person did the dishes - she did cook on occasion but only as an offer, not as an expectation). She picked every chore in the bathroom except the toilet. LOL
Who irons shirts any more?
@PocketBrain my cleaner
@PocketBrain Maybe I should iron my Woot shirts.
@PocketBrain The only time I’ve ever ironed anything is when I travel for work to give presentations. If I’m at a hotel and need to give a talk or whatever that day I’ll usually iron my shirt and pants in the morning as they’ll be wrinkled from being in luggage. At home, I keep everything hung up and if something is wrinkled I just throw it in the dryer (my dryer also has a steam function).
As a teacher, I keep an iron and ironing board in my classroom. I originally brought it in to do iron-on designs or something like that. I’ve kept it because I teach at a school that has a large JROTC program and the kids will sometimes run into my room asking to iron some part of their uniform before an inspection.
I iron my dresses sometimes. When I hand wash them they don’t always come out nice and wrinkle free Or when they’ve been mailed from the store.
Definitely laundry. It’s not hard, but it is time consuming, so if I didn’t have to do it, that’s easily an hour+ I get back every week.
Since I have a dog that sheds incessantly, always clean floors.
@kittykat9180 My mom used to live in a house with white tile floors everywhere except the bedrooms. She had a black cat that shed so much you always wondered how it was not bald. The ceiling fans in the living room would move the hair to the baseboards so it looked like seaweed at the high tide line.
How about a riding vacuum cleaner?
@ajdillon This would need to include a stair climber because we know it would be really heavy. Plus, the stairs need to be vacuumed, too.
@ajdillon They exist already! Cat sized, though.
@ajdillon @narfcake I like the tail dusting device attached to that too.
Always clean house and everything in it (that would include laundry, cat dirt boxes…)
Always clean bathrooms, including the shower.
We have two dogs and five cats. Always vacuumed floors would be a truly wonderful thing.
Always home cooked meals on the table.
Emptying the litter box. I’m sorry to task the genie with such an indignity, but they offered to grant one wish of completed household chores.
A green, perfectly mowed and edged yard.

/image perfect yard
It’s air conditioned inside, so that other stuff is not so bad.
@2many2no absolutely a lawn that is always mowed. I could even live without the edging, but if that’s on the table, I’ll take it.
@2many2no @enville That thing is more than just mowed. Not a weed in sight and ALL of it is green.
@2many2no @enville @Kidsandliz
A: Photoshop
B: Groundskeeper
Choose one.
@2many2no Absolutely - I would trade yard work for house work any time. There are automatic machines that do the dishes and laundry, and vacuuming/cleaning is easy if you do it right away instead of letting it pile up.
@blaineg @enville @Kidsandliz It’s the genie, of course!
smoothies on demand
Always find that thing I misplaced. And no, Trackrs do not help.
To meet the genie of unlimited wishes.
Someone to dust!! I HATE to dust!!
@Tadlem43 Why would you want to have someone to dust if you would hate having to dust them??
If there is no always clean bathroom then I’d go for laundry.
Laundry not so bad if you have easy clothes and lazy approaches. Dishes pile up in the sink for pre-scrubbing. Sink is always full.
Your Mom: Well, that sink is not going to empty itself!
@InnocuousFarmer @mike808 It could be emptied though like I caught my kid doing a couple of times - threw everything into the oven and a cabinet without a lick of soap or water applied. :Laughing:
@Kidsandliz @mike808 Efficiency! I like where his head’s at.
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz @mike808 good potential in Politics, perhaps?
I would wish the genie to do all the mundane chores.
I wish the genie of mundane household chores was the genie that grants wishes for anything.
@mike808 Except maybe flying spiders? Can we agree that genies should not grant wishes for flying spiders?
I want a genie to wipe my butt for me. Not that it’s hard, or difficult.
I just want to demean some poor genie to having to do disgusting acts.
Foods that cause diarrhea? My new favorites.
@OnionSoup You do remember that genies tend to have a vengeful streak, right?
@OnionSoup *your
since i have to use a laundromat anytime i want clean laundry i definitely had to go with that option.
but a tie for runner up would include always clean floors (hope this includes the floor of my car too) and an always clean tub.
@jerk_nugget Yeah laundromats are a big pain. The 4 washers/dryers this building are broken all the time and new management has it open only from 8-4pm M-F instead of 24/7. As a result schlepping everything to the car to go to one is a common experience.
I once watched someone put some really gross, stiff and mud covered crap stuff along with a strongly pee smelling dog bed into one of the huge washer. Umm nope don’t want to use that washer after him. I sometimes wonder what was last in the ones I am using. Someone who was there at the time said what went into that washer is why she always pays to run an empty load with soap and beach liberally poured in prior to using it to wash her stuff.
@Kidsandliz ugh that’s so annoying, to have laundry on site but not be able to use it. (in my first apartment i was so excited to have a washer and dryer in the unit (!!) and it broke within the first month. it was still under warranty but our landlord refused to do anything about it. good times, fond memories, etc.)
and yeah, laundromats can be pretty gnarly in all sorts of ways. mercifully the one i use now is very, very clean and also well staffed, with water filtration and daily filter changes. they literally clean constantly during open hours so i feel pretty good about the machines there. (and no more saving quarters because it’s all on a card system which is awesome.)
@jerk_nugget How does the card system work? This place is going to outsource the laundry room. They told us the price will go up and we won’t be able to use cash anymore. You just buy amounts in advance on the card?
@Kidsandliz at my laundromat there’s a touchscreen display in the wall with a slot to either insert your card or to receive a new card. with your laundry card inserted, you can check your balance or load money onto it. there’s an additional slot to insert bills (but it does not dispense change of any kind) or you can swipe a credit or debit card. also, every other time i use it, i “win” a free dollar on the card.
@jerk_nugget Hope they install that kind then with the free dollar. As long as there is no minimum to put on the card, so I can put on there exactly what I know I will spend to the quarter, then I don’t care. If I can’t then the odds are high the company will get to keep the money not spent on laundry when I finally move out or when the card malfunctions, can’t be read anymore… Multiply that by a bunch of people and they stand to make/keep more than rounding error.
The laundromat I often drive to the first 10 min of the dryer is free. If you feel like pushing that button repeatedly then you can dry for free. The attendant actually tells people and since she has worked there approaching 20 years I’m guessing the owners don’t mind. I’d imagine they factor that into the cost of the washer.
@Kidsandliz i have never tried adding anything other than whole dollar amounts, but i’m pretty sure you can type in exact amounts. obv you would need to use a credit/debit card for that and i think there is a minimum for credit cards, i forget whether it is $5 or $10. you can certainly add like, only a buck if using cash, and i have added amounts like $23 on a card. i only ever load money onto it on the day i’m doing laundry and always check the balance first so in case i lose the card afterwards i’d only be out less than a dollar. the staff at mine has always been cool if something goes awry with the card or a machine and i’ve never lost any money. (like all cards the magnetic strip can get worn out after awhile so sometimes the machine won’t read it, and then someone will come over and wipe it off and insert it a certain way and it works again, despite me doing exactly that five times prior lol. but i’ve had mine 6+ years and it lives in my purse.)
@jerk_nugget Thanks for the info. I guess I will have to wait and see what they do here as they are switching over in Sept. There will be no staff to deal with it since mgt often isn’t here and the have just dumping the front desk and plan to have the door locked 24/7. Be interesting to see if we now get our mail delivered daily or not because of that.
@Kidsandliz yeah, the only other place i’ve lived where i had to use a laundromat (and vowed never again, but unfortunately the universe had other ideas when we moved in here) it was miserable, in large part because it was unstaffed so if something happened you were shit out of luck. i hope your experience is better!
@jerk_nugget I am not holding my breath…
A self cleaning house
Mop the floors.
I cook when I’m stressed so definitely clean dishes. I will sometimes dirty a dozen dishes in the course of making a meal. If I could do that any time I wanted without having to worry about dishes I’d be much happier.
@ddbelyea Yeah, the cooking is the good part. The cleaning afterwards is awful.
Why can’t the genie clean the whole house? All they do is snap there fingers anyway lol
@Star2236 Good point.

clean my bathroom. Clean everyone’s bathroom!