@mike808 that reminds me of the old Bonsai Kittens website. Amazing the things people would believe back in the early 2000s. Good thing we’re much wiser these days
@tinamarie1974 It looks very alive. And longhaired which helps fill up the spaces. My long haired one, back when she wasn’t old age skinny, would cram her chubbly little self into all sorts of small containers and boxes filling the entire space like she was boneless.
non newtonian fluid
@riskybryzness a Bingham fluid, to be precise.
Or are they a gas that fills the container they are put into?
What quantum sorcery is this?
@mike808 disturbing!
@mike808 I guess this was Schrödinger’s follow on experiment.
@mehcuda67 @mike808 Looks like his lab supplies.
@mike808 that reminds me of the old Bonsai Kittens website. Amazing the things people would believe back in the early 2000s. Good thing we’re much wiser these days
@macromeh @mike808 @Moose @robson Having good supplies for your lab is important!
/giphy lab supplies
Perhaps plasma
@narfcake - surely there is a cat shirt like this?
@Kidsandliz @narfcake hasn’t been seen since last Saturday. Maybe he’s out back hanging with @matthew.
Cats are
there is nothing else to say
Is that cat alive??
@tinamarie1974 It looks very alive. And longhaired which helps fill up the spaces. My long haired one, back when she wasn’t old age skinny, would cram her chubbly little self into all sorts of small containers and boxes filling the entire space like she was boneless.
Won’t know until I open the blender? #schrodingerscat
@JnKL This is just wrong! I love it.
@JnKL Umm a blender will burn many solids into liquids - see ice cream.
@JnKL @Kidsandliz
… and that would be a catastrophe.
@JnKL meant to say turn not burn - oops.
I believe the reaction requires a catalyst.
@mike808 that is pretty impressive!
@mike808 Good grief! That thing must have a relative who is a cockroach!!!
@mike808 @ThomasF omg!!
/giphy Cat astrophe
@cattylaq I hope to heaven that is on the first floor or that will be a dead kitty.
@cattylaq @Kidsandliz well they do say cats always land on their feet, right?
@cattylaq @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 He’d better not do that 9 times.
@cattylaq @Kidsandliz @mehcuda67 @tinamarie1974
@cattylaq @chienfou @Kidsandliz @mehcuda67 @tinamarie1974
Proof cats derp too.
@cattylaq @Kidsandliz it wasn’t.
@cattylaq @Kidsandliz not the same cat, but this cat survived a 19 story fall:
Cats in boxes?
The cat in the box looks suspiciously like Maru, a famous YouTube cat that loves boxes.
/youtube Maru
@aetris that is a different type of hairball
@aetris @tinamarie1974 it’s a h’airball
@aetris @ybmuG you are assuming we can use apostrophes!
@aetris @tinamarie1974 not, apparently, if you’re the NHL…