If I build it, will they come?


It’s Friday again!

You know what that means. Once again, I try to distract you all with a video game online. I won’t pretend I’m particularly good at this one, but I still dare you to come to knock me down a peg. I’ll have you know I beat @Chadp so bad, he quit.

What game? Monopoly!

What time? Noon CST.

Why? I can’t answer that, you have to seek it within yourself.

How do I join? Click this link! [http://benbean.openode.io/monopoly-io/?roomID=Q4LPZ1XC]

PS. Each game only fits 6 players at a time (I think) so we might have to get more than 1 game set up. If we do, I’ll suggest we run it tournament style, until we have 1 monopoly monarch.