Ideal for shirts, blouses, t-shirts, sweaters, jackets and more
Hot air tension technology heats and smooths your garments
Set heat timer to smooth out your garments
The Shirt Butler uses 360 degrees of air to give you crease-free clothing without harmful chemicals
Perfect for delicates like cashmere and silk
Compact for easy storage
How It Works:
Just place the damp clothes over the inflatable bag, like you would put it on a hanger, and add a few weight clips, then turn it on. The hot air circulates around the bag using a built-in fan, which inflates the bag and fills your shirt, tee-shirt, blouse, sweater, or even a suit jacket.
The heat and tension push the creases out so that you don’t need to iron the shirt afterward. And every inch of your garment will be smooth and dry and ready to wear.
Got 3.5 stars on 10 reviews. “Shirts will be soft after drying, not as crisp as a hot iron…Keep a window open if you are drying a damp shirt or moisture will build up in the room.” Looks decent. Anyone have one?
I worked at a dry cleaners once and used a professional version of this. Good for reducing wrinkles out of t-shirts and lighter delicate fabrics like silk. It won’t completely get wrinkles and creases out but it helps to freshen clothes up
@riskybryzness Safe?! I put my hand in my glove the other day, which hasn’t been worn in months, and my hand still stunk after being washed twice. Still amazed a shower get the stank off me, but hey that’s part of the charm of the sport…right?
@katbyter@pat4ever I suspect that it is already punctured - some sort of perforation pattern to allow the air to blow through the fabric. This would speed up drying as well as provide a necessary exhaust in order that hot air would continuously circulate.
@richrauch I can’t find anywhere that it uses water. You are apparently supposed to put a wet shirt on it and it’ll blow hot air until the shirt is dry and, lord willing, wrinkle free. This appears to be hot garbage.
“Dry cleaning”: a cleaning process using chemicals other than water.
“Dry cleaner”: One who dry cleans, regardless of how well,
“Professional dry cleaner”: One who gets paid to dry clean, regardless of how well he does it, He also gets paid for such services as stain removal, minor repairs, . . . and ironing.
And so if this ‘irons’ as as well as that crummy shop around the corner that keeps losing my buttons, then yes - it produces “Professional dry cleaner results”.
@Danielsard@richrauch@the_inevitable Hot garbage that needs used in the hot garage in the summer if you don’t want to blow up your electric bill with the A/C working overtime.
@atwoodworker@rpstrong Yeah, just make sure it’s the just camera pointing up. Even if not, you don’t want anything else pointing up during those work or school Zoom calls. Or maybe you do?
@MrNews You got me now at George Carlin. Other cast as well. Definitely going to find this somehow. Apple sells digital but at $18 – hoping to find DVD or BluRay version.
See, so this weird overpriced hot-air-blowing shirt machine did yield some positive results anyway – I learned about a movie I must find.
A friend yesterday recommended “Movie 43” and I’d never heard of it. So now I have two to watch.
Can I plug it in just to hug it when I get lonely? Is it strong enough to withstand the hug - or will it just collapse immediately like all my other relationships???
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$104.39 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Sep 17 - Tuesday, Sep 21
I stayed up till midnight for this? Even after reading the specs, I still don’t know what it does or why I would need it.
@Felton10 steamy night
@Felton10 Basically a pants press for your dress shirts.
@Felton10 blows hot air on shirt shaped things.
Fffffff yaa!
Got 3.5 stars on 10 reviews. “Shirts will be soft after drying, not as crisp as a hot iron…Keep a window open if you are drying a damp shirt or moisture will build up in the room.” Looks decent. Anyone have one?
Wonder if it would make my undies warm and toasty before I put them on?
@Felton10 you need a pizza oven for that
@Felton10 Are your undies that big?
At least it isn’t from Cleveland.
Shirt Buttler
What did I watch?
@darkzrobe I can’t believe I watched more than 30 seconds of that. Must have watched almost 45.
Wakanda Forever!

Couldn’t you just get like, a $30 dehydrator, and clip the shirt to it in a similar manner and it be the same thing and also make you some beef jerky?
@Coldwyn I was thinking the opposite… can this be used in the kitchen somehow? Steam some broccoli maybe?
@Coldwyn or just toss it in the dryer.
Neat, Meh. Today you have shown me something I did not know existed. Now I know.
@djslack mcsquatty potty was that for me
I can’t help but notice the example shirt has wrinkles.
I thought it was 212 degrees of water vapor, make up your mind!
I worked at a dry cleaners once and used a professional version of this. Good for reducing wrinkles out of t-shirts and lighter delicate fabrics like silk. It won’t completely get wrinkles and creases out but it helps to freshen clothes up
Looks kinda like a hairdryer got busy with a trash bag and had a child in the shape of a long-sleeved shirt.
This looks like it might work great for goalie gear for hockey or road racing leathers.
@riskybryzness I can’t imagine what the room would smell like after putting a chest protector on that thing! And here I thought locker rooms were bad…
@Raider That’s why it all goes out in the garage until it’s safe.
@riskybryzness Safe?! I put my hand in my glove the other day, which hasn’t been worn in months, and my hand still stunk after being washed twice. Still amazed a shower get the stank off me, but hey that’s part of the charm of the sport…right?
@Raider @riskybryzness “the stank” is as much a part as “the flow”
@Raider @riskybryzness have you tried one of those stainless steel soap bar things?
This listing has more pictures of the actual item without a shirt on it. It does look like a garbage bag with arms. @braveit1
@katbyter Looks incredibly vulnerable to punctures and also highly likely to stretch your shirt.
@katbyter Now I see why Meh did not post any pictures of it without a shirt on it.
@katbyter @pat4ever I suspect that it is already punctured - some sort of perforation pattern to allow the air to blow through the fabric. This would speed up drying as well as provide a necessary exhaust in order that hot air would continuously circulate.
@katbyter @pat4ever @rpstrong I wonder if you could poke bigger holes in it and make it act like a single leg dancer waving man.
@katbyter Otto? Is that you?
“She’s gone from suck to blow!!”
This would be good for winter. Wait, I must be the wrong daily deal site.
I saw these dancing around in front of the new tire store last week!
I saw these dancing around in front of the new tire store last week! Also: are these HD and 5G compatible?
My teenager just asked if that was a loneliness pillow.
@katbyter Gosh, generations X,Y & Z, no “loveliness pillow” will ever replace Teddy!
@katbyter *never
The photo of the box says, “Professional dry cleaner results in minutes.”
But, this uses water. And, it doesn’t clean.
Why should I believe the results are “professional”? (Never mind “in minutes”… Ten minutes? 10,000 minutes?)
@richrauch I can’t find anywhere that it uses water. You are apparently supposed to put a wet shirt on it and it’ll blow hot air until the shirt is dry and, lord willing, wrinkle free. This appears to be hot garbage.
@richrauch @the_inevitable hot garbage bag*
@richrauch @the_inevitable
Hot garbage sounds pretty appropriate if you ask me
@richrauch Lets break that down.
And so if this ‘irons’ as as well as that crummy shop around the corner that keeps losing my buttons, then yes - it produces “Professional dry cleaner results”.
You’re welcome.
@Danielsard @richrauch @the_inevitable Hot garbage that needs used in the hot garage in the summer if you don’t want to blow up your electric bill with the A/C working overtime.
can you make it bend and wave for halloween
This is the beginning of my homemade boyfriend.
@ElieC why would you want to date a stuffed shirt
@cranky1950 @ElieC clever, well said !!!
@ElieC HE’S HOT!
Ice cubes in a dryer that’s it for me, (obviously my dryer gets hot some peoples don’t really)
ok BUT
i’ll just keep using a fan
… at least it’s not a bluetooth speaker.
or is it?
@pmarin If this had only had a bluetooth speaker in it I would of gotten it!
@davidcmal I suspect that everything Meh sells has a bluetooth speaker in it somewhere!
What about bluejeans, pants, or slacks? Do people not need to wear those anymore with this COVID-19 self-imposed house arrest?..
@atwoodworker With Zoom, who needs to wear pants? Just make sure to keep the camera pointed up.
@atwoodworker @rpstrong Yeah, just make sure it’s the just camera pointing up. Even if not, you don’t want anything else pointing up during those work or school Zoom calls. Or maybe you do?
@atwoodworker @rpstrong ugh zoom what is this 2020?
To paraphrase Bette Midler in ‘Outrageous Fortune’:
“[This] is too weird to hit.”
@MrNews Never heard of that movie but will look it up. Sounds like a classic line.
@pmarin Mrs. News and I find it absolutely hysterical. Co-stars Shelly Long, George Carlin, Peter Coyote, Robert Prosky… 1987.
@MrNews You got me now at George Carlin. Other cast as well. Definitely going to find this somehow. Apple sells digital but at $18 – hoping to find DVD or BluRay version.
See, so this weird overpriced hot-air-blowing shirt machine did yield some positive results anyway – I learned about a movie I must find.
A friend yesterday recommended “Movie 43” and I’d never heard of it. So now I have two to watch.
@pmarin Regular DVD is $4.99 new @ Amazon. Another great tagline (from Shelly Long): “Nine years of ballet, a€€hole!!”
@MrNews @pmarin I just requested a copy - for free - from my local library. (Actually, it’ll come in via liner-library loan.)
What if you put Downy in the water, would it freshen your shirt like a dry cleaner?
@aestrada78 Or how 'bout using Mexican hand cleaner instead of water?
[Don’t try that at home. Use you friend’s house.]
Can I plug it in just to hug it when I get lonely? Is it strong enough to withstand the hug - or will it just collapse immediately like all my other relationships???
It looks pretty good idea actually.
… If you have room to put one. I hate ironing and steaming works better but always awkward to find spot to steam in.
Where the hell will I find room for Mr. Steamy to stand around 24/7…?
Of all the single-taskers I’ve seen this one is pretty singular.
@blaineg And of marginal taskcicity.
[couldn’t figure out how to spell it since I was making up a word]
@blaineg But if your house has a weird shit from Meh room, then this would be essential for the decor.
@blaineg @pmarin well as of right now 147 have actually sold. I’d say off hand this is not a hot sale item.
You think you have seen it all on meh, but then something comes along that just blows your mind
(or shirt)
Idk man that squatty potty was way crazier to me.
This is just puffery.
Seriously though what are weight clips and are they included?