@PlacidPenguin I am certain that the iron in the 2nd pic is not nonstick. I have tried to use it to cook my mozzarella sticks and they stick every damn time.
Here’s a decent deal on a food processor, if you give up on waiting for Meh to have one: http://www.kitchenaid.com/shop/-[RKFP0711WH]-401418/RKFP0711WH/ They don’t have pictures of the refurb but it’s the same model number without the R.
I bought a refurbished 9 cup model from them and like it.
@RiotDemon What about one of the triply kinda pans? Marshals/homegoods always has both calaphon (about half the price) and all clad (supposedly slightly better, I wouldn’t know for sure). Just let them get hot first, then add a little oil or butter. Pretty easy to clean.
@f00l Honestly it’s that as seen on TV stuff and it’s all ugly as sin. works great though and leeches out no nasty stuff. Most of it is the most anti feng shui stuff ever conceived.
@RiotDemon Yeah, I think you got a bad one. I’ve had several, though to be honest, I always cook with oil and/or butter, and have not had issues with the cheap ones or the better quality ones out of the box. However, the better quality ones last longer. The cheap ones got scratched and stopped being non-stick after about a year, which seems to be something a lot of people report. I wish I could tell you the brand of the good one, but I don’t remember and I’m not home right now. I’ll post in this thread later.
@RiotDemon@Fuzzalini My daughter doesn’t like to use much, if any, fat when cooking, and has a tendency to get distracted and let things stick/burn. She couldn’t have regular non-stick pans because of her birds (fumes can kill them), so when ceramic first came out I paid good money to get her a set of pans. Unfortunately, they weren’t very non-stick and still a pain to clean.
Then I picked up some cheap ceramic ones at Big Lots (don’t remember brand) and they are amazingly good for the price. Also bought a T-fal ceramic griddle and that also works well. She sticks them in the dishwasher to clean and they are still in good shape after more than a year.
@f00l That microwave chip maker actually… mostly worked. I was amazed. Best kitchen gadget I’ve gotten from Meh though? Has to be the Easy Eggwich microwave deals. Those things are perfect for getting a breakfast bagel built up in a hurry.
@mfladd I’m going to use mine to make some Texas-style chili today. A last run-through before the cook-off at work this Friday. Hopefully I can come up with something that works. My wife tried Kenji’s recipe at Serious Eats. It had good flavor and the meat was tender and moist but a crazy amount of liquid which diluted the good flavor.
@SSteve Try making the chili in a bowl on top of the steamer grate and adding water to the bottom of the pot for pressure, use your regular chili recipe in the bowl. I use stainless mixing bowls as they take up less space in the pot.
@thismyusername Yes, thank you. I actually had my blade crack and come loose about a year ago while processing. It hit the side of the bowl with tremendous force so I caught it fortunately.
@Yoda_Daenerys Ha, it was way too early when I wrote that. When I say I caught it I meant that I heard it pop off and hit the inside of the bowl so I was able to simply discard what I was processing rather than serve myself a steaming bowl of broken processor blade.
@thismyusername Ditto the thanks! I actually have two of the processors. My old one refuses to die, but thinking it was about to, I picked up another when I saw a deal to get it half price. They didn’t give an option for getting two replacement blades, so have to have the second one sent to my daughter.
@thismyusername Thanks for the public service announcement! I have a 32 year old DLC-8 that my wife was getting ready to use tomorrow. Got the new blade coming, and let her know. I’ll bet she’ll still use it. One of those types that says you’re not hurt unless you actually see the bone sticking out of your skin…
The Galaxy S7 was never recalled. It was the Note 7.
Significant difference. Especially when they would announce on the planes that the Galaxy S7 was recalled thus confusing passengers. (Or worse, them announcing ‘the Note Galaxy S7’.)
I’ve got a Hamilton Beach food processor that works great and just won’t die. Use it to make hummus whoosh up veggies for meatloaf and shread cabbage for Kapusta. was 27 bucks when I bought it new at Wally’s
@cranky1950 We actually have a food processor accessory for our old Oster multi-speed blender (old enough it was made in the USA). Its small but it does the job just fine.
@duodec I’ve got the oscar attachment for an oster kitchen center actually all the attachments but all I use it for these days is to sqeeze maters for sauce and to make apple butter.
@duodec That seems good. The kitchen center has an ok meat grinder but I bought a better one for sausage stuffing. Once I finally get an electric squeezo, the kitchen center is going on ebay
@cranky1950 You don’t want ground beef for pub burgers. What we do is pre-nearly freeze the steaks so they are stiff but not yet hard frozen. Then they are processed down until the piece are pretty small (sorry, don’t know how to described); it is coarser and less uniform than ground beef would be. Any larger chunks that survive processing are checked for gristle and cleaned/removed.
Then spread it out evenly on a sheet pan, pour melted butter over it and freeze it again for maybe 10 minutes. You might also choose to sprinkle some salt, pepper, or other spices over the meat.
That leaves the butter frozen in strands and dollops fairly evenly spread throughout but the meat still malleable. Then you take enough beef to make a patty (we weigh) and form a burger, but do it quickly so the butter doesn’t melt, and you leave the mixture loose; don’t compress it any more than the minimum needed to have the patty hold together. Keep the patties refrigerated until ready to cook.
Cook from cold, you want an initial sear on both sides because it helps hold the loose burger together.
Cook to 140 - 145F in the center (don’t need to hit 160 because you are cooking your own steaks not butcher shop ground meat). These are seriously tasty and juicy burgers with a wonderful tender consistency.
Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. I forgot to include the steak combination we use for best results. A ‘tweak’ if you will though one we found online after using something close.
1/2 sirloin steak tips or sirloin tip roast (remove any silver skin, excess fat, gristle)
1/2 boneless short ribs. (remove any silver skin and large fat chunks, and gristle).
(We have tried subbing NY Strip steak for the sirloin or sirloin tip but didn’t find the results worth the extra cost). Ditto ribeye steaks.
When the meat is initially chilled to firmness and cut up into chunks for processing, you process some of both types together in the food processor for each batch to make sure you get a uniform mix.
All else as above. We’ve had some amazing burgers but do find they cook best on cast or flat iron. A grill (unless you have one with wide slats and narrow slots) may lead to patties falling part before they can sear and gain needed cohesiveness.
@sammydog01 Yes, seriously. Why watch the game? and the commercial previews looked pretty sucky.
I’m one of those who used to tell other people how pointless and stupid pro sports have become but I took Irk’s words to heart and now just ignore the whole thing unless someone else brings it up. You’re it. But I can’t find that particular Irk video (assuming I’m remembering correctly)
The Puppy Bowl sucked this year too. So many interludes and reality crap and overwhelming sponsor slammed in your face has completely obfuscated the point of watching puppies playing together.
We’re watching Food Network, and they just covered the ambrosia french toast and stuffed chicken breasts with red pepper pasta at the Peppermill in Las Vegas. I may be going to LV to see family (really) later this year and now I want to go back to the Peppermill. They had the best turkey bacon club sandwiches, though they were a ‘special occasion’ place for us back then (pricy!).
Usually eat whole food vegan at home. Good for you and almost no prep do more or less feeds my laziness.
When I go out, “whatever”. I’m the opposite of doctrinaire.
Getting a side of beef, pre-trimmed, is no prob around here. In fact you get flyers on your front door at the time.
When we were young and the parents would go out, mom would say “i thawed some filet mignon or t-bones for you guys. You know how to cook them. I prepped the green beans and salad, just heat the beans. And the potatoes are ready to bake.”
This was not a terrible experience for us, in my memory.
There’s a reason I don’t do takeout often. It’s ridiculously expensive (comparatively).
$9 for just a burger for me, and yet that could buy nice sized lunches for several people.
Agreed though that cooking can be a joy. However, I prefer not to do it myself, because it’s like: “What’s the point? I’ll spend half an hour making a nice looking lunch for myself, but it’ll be gone in a couple of minutes”.
Using that logic, the last time I fried an egg for instance was about 4 or 5 years ago.
@duodec It’s 12:40am and I don’t have anything in the house to even approximate your recipe. Carp. You should add a spoiler alert so that I (we?) can avoid reading such things until we have time for prep and cooking. And eating.
@PlacidPenguin I am not a fan of cooking either. But I have to since I can’t afford to eat out. If it can’t be cooked in 15 min or less I am not interested. Occasionally I’ll bake a roast or something. Mom gave me a crock pot years ago. Never even took it out of the box (actually returned it, but quietly so I wouldn’t hurt her feelings). Too much work to plan that far ahead. Plus cats. I have one who has never met a cupboard or kitchen drawer he can not eventually figure out how to open. I can just see the lid or the entire pot eventually on the floor and fat, happy cats along with no dinner for me. What I need is a cook. Maybe meh would sell one of those. I’d gladly do the dishes.
But in all seriousness, yes, I cook, just not meat (or at least not often).
Recently had an issue with some salmon though…
As for takeout, I do that, but infrequently. Although I do certain types of takeout more often than others. Haven’t gotten a burger in years though because I’m not shelling out $9 for just 1 burger.
I’d be interested in some canning supplies. Also maybe some kitchen organizing type things like for drawers and cabinets to hold all the kitchen shit I have and don’t need.
/image Bluetooth frying pan

@PlacidPenguin food processor, Im in. Nonstick = subhuman. Kitchen stuff as a general rule tho absolutely.
/image Bluetooth food processor

/image Bluetooth non-nonstick food processor

@PlacidPenguin I am certain that the iron in the 2nd pic is not nonstick. I have tried to use it to cook my mozzarella sticks and they stick every damn time.
I haaaate teflon pans. That said I could use a knife block and steel.
/image Bluetooth knife block

@PlacidPenguin ew
Here’s a decent deal on a food processor, if you give up on waiting for Meh to have one: http://www.kitchenaid.com/shop/-[RKFP0711WH]-401418/RKFP0711WH/ They don’t have pictures of the refurb but it’s the same model number without the R.

I bought a refurbished 9 cup model from them and like it.
Can you wean yourself off non-stick surfaces on pots and pans?
Skillets - hard to beat good cast iron.
Lodge is great but the Tramontina heavy cast iron brand is quite nice. (Walmart, Amz etc)
Season it properly, treat it properly, it’s non-stick.
Either plain cast iron or enameled is good. For skillets I’d go plain.
@f00l too heavy for my liking.
I used to own a cast iron griddle pan. Thing cracked in half one day. It was lodge brand.
I know everyone hates on non stick fry pans, but I’ve been using them since I was a little kid. Probably not going to change any time soon.
@RiotDemon Try Goodwill. 90% of the stuff I see there is non-stick, so there’s a long-term verdict for you.
@brakeforbeer I go to goodwill sometimes. If there is a pan there, it’s from someone that beat the crap out of it. Not really interested in that.
@RiotDemon Try ceramic. It’s non stick and it’s not going to kill you.
@Fuzzalini I had a ceramic pan once. Everything stuck to it.
Maybe it was bad quality?
@RiotDemon What about one of the triply kinda pans? Marshals/homegoods always has both calaphon (about half the price) and all clad (supposedly slightly better, I wouldn’t know for sure). Just let them get hot first, then add a little oil or butter. Pretty easy to clean.
@Fuzzalini Every type of pan will kill you. If someone hits you with it hard enough.
@PantHeist We have an All Clad that my wife already owned when I met her in 1989.
@f00l I can’t lift the iron skillet anymore if there’s food in it. Husband has to be around to do it.
I had a rolled steel (I think) akiilet or fry pan of I bought in Chinatown in NYC. The same steel you see in woks.
Carbon steel, not stainless. So it could rust but won’t if you take care of it.
Once I seasoned it properly, it was non-stick by seasoning, not by coating.
It was pretty good to cook with but you had to watch it. Less forgiving re temp than cast iron or something that weight a lot.
I wonder if these are still made? Mine long since vanished.
Weight was a tiny fraction of equivalent cast iron.
Now I have all-clad and cast iron but I never seem to cook much.
@f00l @RiotDemon
/image Bluetooth carbon steel skillet

@f00l I wonder what it’d take to offer this with the meh logo:

(Yes, this got edited. Sorry, @PlacidPenguin. You can blame someone else for that.)
@narfcake @f00l
/image Bluetooth woot logo skillet

It is decidedly so
/8ball Has the /image thing been nearly useless when it come to Bluetooth enabled shit?
/image Bluetooth enabled shit

who do you blame for that?
Is there an 8ball shirt?
What about a Bluetooth shirt?
@f00l @narfcake @shawn
Novel idea: We should have a /goat thingy which automatically blames the goat.
@f00l Bullhockey copper ceramic nonstick is just the beesknees.
Have a little copper/tin and copper/stainless (the good stuff) which are amazing. Tho they mostly just look pretty. Cause /lazy.
Link to the good copper/ceramic pls.
@f00l Honestly it’s that as seen on TV stuff and it’s all ugly as sin. works great though and leeches out no nasty stuff. Most of it is the most anti feng shui stuff ever conceived.
@RiotDemon Yeah, I think you got a bad one. I’ve had several, though to be honest, I always cook with oil and/or butter, and have not had issues with the cheap ones or the better quality ones out of the box. However, the better quality ones last longer. The cheap ones got scratched and stopped being non-stick after about a year, which seems to be something a lot of people report. I wish I could tell you the brand of the good one, but I don’t remember and I’m not home right now. I’ll post in this thread later.
@RiotDemon @Fuzzalini My daughter doesn’t like to use much, if any, fat when cooking, and has a tendency to get distracted and let things stick/burn. She couldn’t have regular non-stick pans because of her birds (fumes can kill them), so when ceramic first came out I paid good money to get her a set of pans. Unfortunately, they weren’t very non-stick and still a pain to clean.
Then I picked up some cheap ceramic ones at Big Lots (don’t remember brand) and they are amazingly good for the price. Also bought a T-fal ceramic griddle and that also works well. She sticks them in the dishwasher to clean and they are still in good shape after more than a year.
Could also use some new liquid measuring cups. The glass ones I have are slowly losing their writing.
/image Bluetooth liquid measuring cups


/image LCD Digital Measuring Cup
No Bluetooth, sorry.
Love kitchen gadgets, I even that went for that microwave chip maker for fun. You could talk me into an instapot without putting on too much pressure.
A friend of mine swore he wouldn’t use an instapot. I got a open box for him in Dec? when Amz put them on sale.
When I tried to give it to him he was certain he didn’t want it. I told him to try using it a few times and give it back if he didn’t want it then.
(He was a crockpot user.)
Now I get pix once a month or so of him using his instapot but he uses it daily more or less.
The crockpot might go to goodwill.
@f00l That microwave chip maker actually… mostly worked. I was amazed. Best kitchen gadget I’ve gotten from Meh though? Has to be the Easy Eggwich microwave deals. Those things are perfect for getting a breakfast bagel built up in a hurry.
I’d be in. Kitchen gadgets are fun and do a great job of filling my spare shelves with things I use once a year.
Yes! I already have this, but meh should sell it.

Just find some refurbs.
@mfladd I’m going to use mine to make some Texas-style chili today. A last run-through before the cook-off at work this Friday. Hopefully I can come up with something that works. My wife tried Kenji’s recipe at Serious Eats. It had good flavor and the meat was tender and moist but a crazy amount of liquid which diluted the good flavor.
@SSteve Try making the chili in a bowl on top of the steamer grate and adding water to the bottom of the pot for pressure, use your regular chili recipe in the bowl. I use stainless mixing bowls as they take up less space in the pot.
I just got my brand spanking new non-riveted food processor blade for my cuisinart… it’s just like new now.
(If any of you have a cuisinart and your blade has rivets you might wanna click here).
@thismyusername Thanks for the info. Time for a new blade.
@thismyusername Yes, thank you. I actually had my blade crack and come loose about a year ago while processing. It hit the side of the bowl with tremendous force so I caught it fortunately.
@patti ninja chef? you caught the blade after it hit the side with tremendous force?
i’m trying to picture getting the lid off after the impact and catching it while it is still in flight…
/image karate kid catch fly

@Yoda_Daenerys Ha, it was way too early when I wrote that. When I say I caught it I meant that I heard it pop off and hit the inside of the bowl so I was able to simply discard what I was processing rather than serve myself a steaming bowl of broken processor blade.
@thismyusername Ditto the thanks! I actually have two of the processors. My old one refuses to die, but thinking it was about to, I picked up another when I saw a deal to get it half price. They didn’t give an option for getting two replacement blades, so have to have the second one sent to my daughter.
@thismyusername Thanks for the public service announcement! I have a 32 year old DLC-8 that my wife was getting ready to use tomorrow. Got the new blade coming, and let her know. I’ll bet she’ll still use it. One of those types that says you’re not hurt unless you actually see the bone sticking out of your skin…
Y’all need to keep the following in mind:
The Mediocre buyers could probably find some stuff, but;
The stuff needs to have sarcastic Bluetooth.
The stuff needs to be mediocre quality.
I wish.
they find stuff someone wants to get rid of or market cheap as a promo.
That why no instapot yet.
@f00l @placidpenguin InstaPot with Bluetooth!!!

@PlacidPenguin That’s no problem, most consumer good made since china inc has takenover are pretty mediocre.
@mfladd This is the most cumbersome speaker dock yet!
@huja @mfladd @sohmageek
Not every speaker dock prepares food though.
@PlacidPenguin True, but with the now-recalled Samsung Galaxy S7 you could roast marshmallows.
The Galaxy S7 was never recalled. It was the Note 7.
Significant difference. Especially when they would announce on the planes that the Galaxy S7 was recalled thus confusing passengers. (Or worse, them announcing ‘the Note Galaxy S7’.)
@PlacidPenguin S’mores!
@PlacidPenguin Blame Samsung for calling so many of their phones ‘Galaxy’. Also blame them for confusing their smart oven with their smart phone.
I blame Samsung for a lot of things.
@PlacidPenguin Evidently so does the S. Korean legal system.

Safe non stick pan and other kitchen stuff es muy bueno! Btw…love my Cuisinart from Costco. It was a good deal…but not cheap.
I would have been interested in a sous vide immersion circulator but I gave up and bought one from Amazon as a gold box deal.
I’ve got a Hamilton Beach food processor that works great and just won’t die. Use it to make hummus whoosh up veggies for meatloaf and shread cabbage for Kapusta. was 27 bucks when I bought it new at Wally’s
@cranky1950 We actually have a food processor accessory for our old Oster multi-speed blender (old enough it was made in the USA). Its small but it does the job just fine.
@duodec I’ve got the oscar attachment for an oster kitchen center actually all the attachments but all I use it for these days is to sqeeze maters for sauce and to make apple butter.
@cranky1950 Although it has to be done in batches, we use ours to grind up steak for making pub burgers.
@duodec That seems good. The kitchen center has an ok meat grinder but I bought a better one for sausage stuffing. Once I finally get an electric squeezo, the kitchen center is going on ebay
@cranky1950 You don’t want ground beef for pub burgers. What we do is pre-nearly freeze the steaks so they are stiff but not yet hard frozen. Then they are processed down until the piece are pretty small (sorry, don’t know how to described); it is coarser and less uniform than ground beef would be. Any larger chunks that survive processing are checked for gristle and cleaned/removed.
Then spread it out evenly on a sheet pan, pour melted butter over it and freeze it again for maybe 10 minutes. You might also choose to sprinkle some salt, pepper, or other spices over the meat.
That leaves the butter frozen in strands and dollops fairly evenly spread throughout but the meat still malleable. Then you take enough beef to make a patty (we weigh) and form a burger, but do it quickly so the butter doesn’t melt, and you leave the mixture loose; don’t compress it any more than the minimum needed to have the patty hold together. Keep the patties refrigerated until ready to cook.
Cook from cold, you want an initial sear on both sides because it helps hold the loose burger together.
Cook to 140 - 145F in the center (don’t need to hit 160 because you are cooking your own steaks not butcher shop ground meat). These are seriously tasty and juicy burgers with a wonderful tender consistency.
Ya know.
I had to read that.
I had to envision that.
And I don’t have one in front of me.
Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. I forgot to include the steak combination we use for best results. A ‘tweak’ if you will though one we found online after using something close.
1/2 sirloin steak tips or sirloin tip roast (remove any silver skin, excess fat, gristle)
1/2 boneless short ribs. (remove any silver skin and large fat chunks, and gristle).
(We have tried subbing NY Strip steak for the sirloin or sirloin tip but didn’t find the results worth the extra cost). Ditto ribeye steaks.
When the meat is initially chilled to firmness and cut up into chunks for processing, you process some of both types together in the food processor for each batch to make sure you get a uniform mix.
All else as above. We’ve had some amazing burgers but do find they cook best on cast or flat iron. A grill (unless you have one with wide slats and narrow slots) may lead to patties falling part before they can sear and gain needed cohesiveness.
@duodec Are you seriously talking about cooking during the Super Bowl? At least watch the commercials.
@sammydog01 Yes, seriously. Why watch the game? and the commercial previews looked pretty sucky.
I’m one of those who used to tell other people how pointless and stupid pro sports have become but I took Irk’s words to heart and now just ignore the whole thing unless someone else brings it up. You’re it. But I can’t find that particular Irk video (assuming I’m remembering correctly)
The Puppy Bowl sucked this year too. So many interludes and reality crap and overwhelming sponsor slammed in your face has completely obfuscated the point of watching puppies playing together.
We’re watching Food Network, and they just covered the ambrosia french toast and stuffed chicken breasts with red pepper pasta at the Peppermill in Las Vegas. I may be going to LV to see family (really) later this year and now I want to go back to the Peppermill. They had the best turkey bacon club sandwiches, though they were a ‘special occasion’ place for us back then (pricy!).
@duodec @sammydog01
I’m also watching Food Network.
After all, this is the kitchen stuff thread, not the Super Bowl thread.
Meanwhile, someone picked up a thing of prepared lamb. Only had it once it my life. No clue how to prepare it.
It was in the oven for a while, no clue if it finished cooking though.
I’m alternating with Star Trek: TOS though.
I’m not watching food network, but I’m watching people eat stuff on YouTube.
But… I could just set up a livestream and then you could watch me eating food.
@PlacidPenguin what are you eating this evening?
@RiotDemon @PlacidPenguin mentioned lamb. Lamb is actually an option to substitute for some portion of the beef in pub burgers…
@duodec @RiotDemon
I didn’t stay with the lamb though.
You might get a meat thermometer.
Usually eat whole food vegan at home. Good for you and almost no prep do more or less feeds my laziness.
When I go out, “whatever”. I’m the opposite of doctrinaire.
Getting a side of beef, pre-trimmed, is no prob around here. In fact you get flyers on your front door at the time.
When we were young and the parents would go out, mom would say “i thawed some filet mignon or t-bones for you guys. You know how to cook them. I prepped the green beans and salad, just heat the beans. And the potatoes are ready to bake.”
This was not a terrible experience for us, in my memory.
I love what you do with the butter.
Probably won’t though. This is the second time in my life dealing with lamb to eat.
First time was at a restaurant.
The thing about meat/lamb/poultry/steak for me is that it’s expensive.
A decent burger for instance costs about $9 (and that’s without a drink or fries).
Decent burger doesn’t cost near that much homemade.
And cooking can be a joy. And if you cook meat, the thermometer works with all the meat. Only reason not to have one is if you rarely cook meat.
There’s a reason I don’t do takeout often. It’s ridiculously expensive (comparatively).
$9 for just a burger for me, and yet that could buy nice sized lunches for several people.
Agreed though that cooking can be a joy. However, I prefer not to do it myself, because it’s like: “What’s the point? I’ll spend half an hour making a nice looking lunch for myself, but it’ll be gone in a couple of minutes”.
Using that logic, the last time I fried an egg for instance was about 4 or 5 years ago.
@duodec It’s 12:40am and I don’t have anything in the house to even approximate your recipe. Carp. You should add a spoiler alert so that I (we?) can avoid reading such things until we have time for prep and cooking. And eating.
@PlacidPenguin I am not a fan of cooking either. But I have to since I can’t afford to eat out. If it can’t be cooked in 15 min or less I am not interested. Occasionally I’ll bake a roast or something. Mom gave me a crock pot years ago. Never even took it out of the box (actually returned it, but quietly so I wouldn’t hurt her feelings). Too much work to plan that far ahead. Plus cats. I have one who has never met a cupboard or kitchen drawer he can not eventually figure out how to open. I can just see the lid or the entire pot eventually on the floor and fat, happy cats along with no dinner for me. What I need is a cook. Maybe meh would sell one of those. I’d gladly do the dishes.
@PlacidPenguin If you don’t do takeout nor cook for yourself, what do you eat?
(Get it? Because I’m a script.)
But in all seriousness, yes, I cook, just not meat (or at least not often).
Recently had an issue with some salmon though…
As for takeout, I do that, but infrequently. Although I do certain types of takeout more often than others. Haven’t gotten a burger in years though because I’m not shelling out $9 for just 1 burger.
@PlacidPenguin We did salmon with the sous vide cooker a little while ago, then browned it just a little in a pan. Turned out really nice.
/woot kitchen
KitchenAid Blade Coffee Grinder for $17.99
Natural Wood Square Ceiling Kitchen Rack for $49.99
Fred Bone Dry - Kitchen Gloves for $8.94
Calphalon Kitchen Essentials Forged Fruit and Veggie Knife Set for $14.99
@medz friends don’t let friends buy blade grinders (unless you are chopping spices) but for coffee? blasphemy
/giphy blasphemy

I’d be interested in some canning supplies. Also maybe some kitchen organizing type things like for drawers and cabinets to hold all the kitchen shit I have and don’t need.
Just as you ordered . . . more kitchen stuff.
@huja too bad I already have a blender. Oh well. The meh gods were listening, half heartedly.
@RiotDemon The Meh gods are just some guys behind the curtain.
How about selling some cheap refill rolls for the vacuum sealers.
Well, I’ll probably end up ordering them before you get around to it, and then I won’t need them when you do. Such is life.
/image Bluetooth vacuum sealer

zip locks: sandwich, quart, gallon, bigger - freezer and regular. My other purchase is now used up (don’t think they were freezer last time).
Walmart has enormous ones.
I’m not sure if I should regret asking for more kitchen stuff. So far I haven’t needed any of it.
@RiotDemon I was just making a mental note, Be nice to RiotDemon, she must be somebody really important!
I been tempted to buy but restrained myself. I just moved into a smaller home and need to downsize not get more stuff.
@speediedelivery yeah, I have a fairly small kitchen. That’s why I was requesting the small staples. I have no more counter space for big appliances.