@jst1ofknd Yep. Came here to say this. Luckily mine is blonde, so it’s not quite as noticeable, but it still sucks. I’ve found this trimmer to be pretty damn good, though:
@katbyter@therealjrn Yep. You must be young. I’m slowly collecting hair on my chin that I have to keep an eye out for to pluck so I don’t look like somebody’s old Aunt. There’s more every year!
@compunaut@heartny I wish for white. But no, been greying since I was 22 but at 50 it still looks like a dirty dishtowel between what strands that are left clinging to brown and all the grey mixed with an occasional white. Therefore I am a natural blonde, says so on the box.
/image Garnier Natural Medium Blonde
Either would or wouldn’t grow on my head. Not this in-between thinning crap.
Besides that, well, I’m Italian. My chest hair begins two inches below where my beard ends. If it weren’t for that, I’d literally be hairy from head to toe, and I’m fine with that. (More importantly, so is my wife.)
Sometimes I wish my eyelashes weren’t so blonde. Unless you’re staring directly at my face from less than a foot away, it doesn’t really look like I have any.
At the same time, I’m not so self conscious to feel like I need to wear mascara. It’s probably been six months since I’ve worn makeup.
I guess I’m blessed that my hair is blonde because if I don’t shave my legs, it’s not that noticeable unless you look up close. I mostly shave because it feels annoying. If my hair was darker, I would of lasered it off. Buying a Groupon for around $85 to have six sessions of armpit lasering was the best thing ever.
@RiotDemon dye your eyelashes. You will be in luck when you start getting gray hair because for a long time it won’t show or will barely show. The photo of you with @carl669 though showed it black. You are one of the few people I know who dye their hair darker.
@RiotDemon I’m a redhead with the same issues, my body hair is a pale copper color which is all but invisible. That’s great except my eyelashes and eyebrows are equally invisible. I very rarely wear makeup, but I pretty often use brow mascara. But it’s a fair trade for practically never having to shave. Never now, for some reason after menopause my leg and armpit hair all disappeared.
@RiotDemon I wish my leg hair was blonder! I’m a strawberry blonde with dark, coarse leg hair. And I hate body hair. The universe laughed when I was created, furry as hell and a deep aversion to hair.
@moondrake@RiotDemon I refer to my color as antique silver strawberry blonde, with more silver than gold now. For Halloween I’m going to rock bright purple eyebrow mascara and dark blue lashes. The freckles are gold accents.
@carl669 You weren’t informed there was a photo with @RiotDemon because you were probably busy flipping off someone (grin) and so not paying attention. Actually I messed up, didn’t check the one posted to see who it actually was with. Sorry about that.
There’s this one thick black hair that grows on the left side of my chin that drives me bonkers! BE GONE! I pluck it and when it grows back it starts out blonde and I think once it starts to get darker it grows like crazy overnight. I don’t see it, I don’t see it, I don’t see it, OH MY GOD EVERYONE CAN SEE IT!!! PLUCK IT!! RIP IT OUTTTTT!!!
I just wish the curl in my bangs would turn inward at the bottom rather than outward. No product nor curling iron will conquer this silly looking outward flip.
Wouldn’t grow in my nether-regions
Wouldn’t grow on my ears. The wife yanks the hair and it hurts…
Also nose. Nose hair trimmers are a pain.
@jst1ofknd Yep. Came here to say this. Luckily mine is blonde, so it’s not quite as noticeable, but it still sucks. I’ve found this trimmer to be pretty damn good, though:
I actually have that same one.
Would start touring again.
@rhcurry02 HALLELUJAH!
@rhcurry02 Yay! It’s time for my winter coat
Would only grow where and when I wanted it to.
This needs to be a multi-selection for us with fur.
How about legs and underarms for us ladies?
@shampshire to be fair, as I get older it is cheeks and chin too.
@shampshire and upper lip ugh
Something tells me the poll writers are all male…
@katbyter Um…you apparently haven’t met my Aunt Nana…the first three are for the females, the last three for the males.
@katbyter @therealjrn Yep. You must be young. I’m slowly collecting hair on my chin that I have to keep an eye out for to pluck so I don’t look like somebody’s old Aunt. There’s more every year!
wouldn’t clog the shower
Wouldn’t turn gray.
or white! So much white…
@compunaut @heartny I wish for white. But no, been greying since I was 22 but at 50 it still looks like a dirty dishtowel between what strands that are left clinging to brown and all the grey mixed with an occasional white. Therefore I am a natural blonde, says so on the box.

/image Garnier Natural Medium Blonde
*That is not me, just the search result
Would grow on my chest, and back.
Either would or wouldn’t grow on my head. Not this in-between thinning crap.
Besides that, well, I’m Italian. My chest hair begins two inches below where my beard ends. If it weren’t for that, I’d literally be hairy from head to toe, and I’m fine with that. (More importantly, so is my wife.)
Sometimes I wish my eyelashes weren’t so blonde. Unless you’re staring directly at my face from less than a foot away, it doesn’t really look like I have any.
At the same time, I’m not so self conscious to feel like I need to wear mascara. It’s probably been six months since I’ve worn makeup.
I guess I’m blessed that my hair is blonde because if I don’t shave my legs, it’s not that noticeable unless you look up close. I mostly shave because it feels annoying. If my hair was darker, I would of lasered it off. Buying a Groupon for around $85 to have six sessions of armpit lasering was the best thing ever.
@RiotDemon dye your eyelashes. You will be in luck when you start getting gray hair because for a long time it won’t show or will barely show. The photo of you with @carl669 though showed it black. You are one of the few people I know who dye their hair darker.
@Kidsandliz @RiotDemon there’s a picture of me and @RiotDemon? why was I not informed??
Lol, right??? @carl669 @Kidsandliz you’re definitely thinking of @KittySprinkles
@carl669 @Kidsandliz @RiotDemon
I smell a road trip!
@carl669 @Kidsandliz @KittySprinkles I’m not even sure where he’s at.
@RiotDemon I’m a redhead with the same issues, my body hair is a pale copper color which is all but invisible. That’s great except my eyelashes and eyebrows are equally invisible. I very rarely wear makeup, but I pretty often use brow mascara. But it’s a fair trade for practically never having to shave. Never now, for some reason after menopause my leg and armpit hair all disappeared.
@Kidsandliz @KittySprinkles @RiotDemon
Chicago! come on over!
@carl669 @RiotDemon
I don’t think he even knows that half of the time.
@RiotDemon I wish my leg hair was blonder! I’m a strawberry blonde with dark, coarse leg hair. And I hate body hair. The universe laughed when I was created, furry as hell and a deep aversion to hair.
@moondrake @RiotDemon I refer to my color as antique silver strawberry blonde, with more silver than gold now. For Halloween I’m going to rock bright purple eyebrow mascara and dark blue lashes. The freckles are gold accents.
@carl669 @KittySprinkles @RiotDemon Woops sorry about confusing people. I was going by memory of that photo without actually looking.
@carl669 You weren’t informed there was a photo with @RiotDemon because you were probably busy flipping off someone (grin) and so not paying attention. Actually I messed up, didn’t check the one posted to see who it actually was with. Sorry about that.
There’s this one thick black hair that grows on the left side of my chin that drives me bonkers! BE GONE! I pluck it and when it grows back it starts out blonde and I think once it starts to get darker it grows like crazy overnight. I don’t see it, I don’t see it, I don’t see it, OH MY GOD EVERYONE CAN SEE IT!!! PLUCK IT!! RIP IT OUTTTTT!!!
see? I told you. BONKERS.
@givancic Yep! And there will be more, Mark my words.
@givancic Try cutting it short instead of pulling it.
I just wish the curl in my bangs would turn inward at the bottom rather than outward. No product nor curling iron will conquer this silly looking outward flip.
@moondrake Hahaha… yup. Then there’s the cowlick situation.
Hair didn’t thin and lose its shine as you get older. Isn’t being old bad enough?
was biodegradable.