The Meh rhyming department worked overtime for this one:
“Happy New Year to you,
Hope it’s your best yet,
Whether IRK
Or toothbrush
You’ll one day get.”
Simply outstanding. Well, ok, outstanding is a stretch. But definitely very good. Or good. Ok, ok, it’s weak, but at least it matched the mediocre artwork.
Besides, it’s the thought that counts. Meh rules.
I liked it. I’m not in any rush to see how this unfolds so it was a cute reminder. Whether it’s a consolation IRK or toothbrush, it’s a fun journey to be on.
@bigtom67 Pics or it didn’t happen
The Meh rhyming department worked overtime for this one:
“Happy New Year to you,
Hope it’s your best yet,
Whether IRK
Or toothbrush
You’ll one day get.”
Simply outstanding. Well, ok, outstanding is a stretch. But definitely very good. Or good. Ok, ok, it’s weak, but at least it matched the mediocre artwork.
Besides, it’s the thought that counts. Meh rules.
I got one. Wife didn’t appreciate it for what it was. I liked it…I matter
I thought the postcard was cute… reminds me of the whole Lantern video camera issue…
I did not. But then I did not tread near attempting to purchase a “Quip.”
I’m curious if, since I ordered 2 toothbrushes, I will receive 2 IRK/FUKO packages if this issue doesn’t get resolved with me receiving the 2 brushes…
Anyone want to post an image of their postcard for the rest of us that are just following along?
/giphy pretty please

@RiotDemon My mail hasn’t arrived yet, but this is the scan I got in today’s “Informed Delivery” digest:
@submariner thanks!
I too received this odd postcard, but alas the 2 quips have still not arrived…
I liked it. I’m not in any rush to see how this unfolds so it was a cute reminder. Whether it’s a consolation IRK or toothbrush, it’s a fun journey to be on.
I just got home from out of town- my USPS doesn’t understand mail holds, so I had a mountain of soggy mail. And a relatively dry post card. Neat!
@hanzov69 Thanks for the pic.
@hanzov69 thanks!
@communist Thank you! I was on my phone and there isn’t a good way (that I know of) to attach inline, and I couldn’t remember the markup for external.
@hanzov69 just turn the phone sideways. A menu pops up. Hit the one that looks kind of like a mountain.
@communist @hanzov69 OMG that’s fantastic, I love it! Thanks for sharing!
@RiotDemon Sweet! That’s some solid advice
No postcard, no quip…no happy
Just got mine. I thought it was pretty funny.
I too received this odd postcard, but alas the 2 quips have still not arrived…
Darn it! I ordered 5 toothbrushes and no postcard!
I’m wondering if the illustrations on the postcard hold hidden meanings. Maybe I’m reading into it too much.
/giphy lonely quip

@submariner I wouldn’t worry.

I gots won.
Found my postcard, and nobody in my house understands just why it needs to stay attached to my fridge. Oh well.
/giphy meh