@cranky1950@Felton10 Not convinced, as either has some use. I’ll just keep referring to him as The Walking Shitstain - both repulsive and difficult to get rid of.
@Felton10 Trump is pretty clearly a cancer. If we’d stopped him early, we’d be so much more likely to recover. But instead we pretended symptoms were normal, or would go away, and now he’s spread his little tumors through every part of the executive branch, and it make take a pretty extreme amount of surgery to remove him, assuming we even can.
Meanwhile, while he gets bigger and stronger, we all just get sicker. Our bills go up and we can’t work. Even if we can excise him and all his tumorous offspring, we’ll never be the same. Maybe we’ll be able to hide the bits that were mutilated, but we’ll always know they’re there, and hurting. And we’ll always know there are still metasticized cells floating around our blood stream, waiting to start up again.
@Felton10 my question is…what did a dildo or a dick ever do to you people? to compare them with such a/an…damn, I can’t think of anything I want to insult bad enough to compare him it with
Setup your mortgage payment with your bank’s online banking bill pay. You decide when to schedule the check, and the bank is on the hook for delivery by the scheduled date.
If the mortgage servicer doesn’t do electronic banking (i.e. receive ACH e-checks), then the bank prints a check and mails it to wherever. No more stamps! No more envelopes! No more writing checks!
Always do this instead of “auto-pay”, ETFs, or automatic drafts with whoever (utilities, car payments, insurance, etc).
@mike808 I mean my mortgage is with my credit union and while I chose not to do auto pay their website is not awful… I just have the right amount direct deposited from each check and when I do a transfer the last day of the month it’s pretty much immediate.
But if anyone is dealing with mortgage deferment or another CV plan that they may have been put into without requesting it… That’s super annoying
That’s what I was referring to. You telling the bank when to pay, and how much, not giving whomever you pay authorization to make withrawals all by themselves (that’s what EFTs and “auto-pay” with a payee are). Because they would never make a mistake, right? And even if they did, it would always be in your favor, right?
That’s right. Most banks offer the ability to control bills you pay from your checking account using their online service.
So instead of authorizing your mortgage company to withdraw from your checking account. You are telling your checking service to setup a automated payment to the mortgage company.
@moseman@unksol Yes. I like not having written and mailed a check more than once or twice in years. And I don’t care if the utility or water company’s systems are hacked. They only get money when I tell my bank to pay.
What I literally do is I have my direct deposit paycheck split into two checking accounts. One is with my credit union checking account, which is also my mortgage lender. Having a checking account with the credit union was a requirement… But they are also local and had a great rate.
The other is my main account. That I can transfer from if I wanted to but because it’s between separate banks it might take a day or two. And I have to ask for it.
When I pay my mortgage it’s literally a 30 second transfer from checking to mortgage at the same credit union. No checks involved and no bank connection required.
You can also set up automatic bill pay which will mail actual paper checks as suggested. if they can’t do online transfers. but since you were frustrated by the mail. There are Ways to avoid it entirely.
@MarkedUp AMEN!!! Besides the apparent “dropped out of school after 5th grade education” and the vitriolic terminology used, TDS is strong in this post!
@MarkedUp@medz Trump has been a horrible person and a bully all his life and at his age is not going to change. The people we should be mad at are the people who know better and still support and enable this POS.
@cinoclav@MarkedUp HAHA, Congress messed the USPS up decades ago.They have had the opportunity to fix it many times. Instead they bail them out time and time again. Just raise the rates and pay the bill. Or roll them back to a regular Government agency instead of “Quasi”. What is that word Quasi? Maybe, but maybe not?
Uh, no, the Republicans in congress screwed over the USPS because they want to privatize it - sell it to their cronies and backers - and then jammed up the works with Moscow Mitch McConnell killing every bill coming out of the house to extort America into opression by the minority.
No other company is forced by law to fully 100% fund its employee pension for 75 years for existing employees and each new hire, starting immediately. None of its competitors are - Amazon, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. It was designed to bankrupt the USPS to then “justify” selling it to the highest bidders. Who just happen to be supporters of the party of corrupt politicians railroading the USPS into failure. And the new postmaster general is the poster child of that corruption, next to Moscow Mitch and Trump themselves.
Remember Merrick Garland? The USPS is merely another example in a long line of sabotage to American democracy and justice.
@ddavison You can say they were messed up decades ago. That doesn’t change the fact that whatever they were, they were that consistently for decades. Nothing much had changed until Trump and DeJoy started fucking with it these past few months. Pretty sure you’re well aware of this but you just felt the need to contribute some pointless excuse.
First off, I am a woman. Secondly, any proper accounting would be done electronically and covered by FDIC up to the amount of $250,000. Third should we really compare education now? I’m pretty sure your conversations are speaking for themselves. This blind, dumb rage you all have is why the man won before and will be winning again.
@cinoclav@MarkedUp@mike808 Here is an article that discusses this myth. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ebauer/2020/04/14/post-office-pensions--some-key-myths-and-facts/#50553f4547f5
The Democrat majority congress could have changed this during the Obama Presidency, but like our national debt no one really cares. It is jut used as a talking (shouting) point.
President Trump has said he would sign a bill to help the USPS as a stand alone bill. Not as part of a $2 Trillion or $3 trillion omnibus spending bill.
I completely understand your frustration with our elected Congress and Senate. I have a tendency to vote against the incumbent in most Federal elections. I say tendency, as I voted against Robert O’Rourke in his TX senate run.
@cinoclav@ddavison@MarkedUp@mike808 This exactly. Republicans only real goal for decades has been to privatize everything to benefit the wealthy regardless of the cost to people and institutions. They talk up family values, abortion, immigration, etc., not because they care but only because it will garner them votes. It works. I mean, how can anyone calling themselves Christian vote for a man like Trump? Stupid and hypocritical.
They claim America should be a Meritocracy when they actually want a Corporatocracy.
@Felton10@MarkedUp Even us folks who didn’t graduate from the Ivy League Prep Schools know HTAT isn’t the same as “that”. Blood boiling, keyboard thrashing (to hell with syntax) is a guaranteed symptom of TDS. (BTW: Lincoln Elementary, Fergus Falls Jr. & Sr. High, Fergus Falls Community College, Moorhead State University are all part of my educational experience. I’ve also attended the School of Hard Knocks where I graduated with High-Honors).
What is distinctive about the USPS is that, a a result of the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA), they are also required to pre-fund their retiree medical promises. However, what is also distinctive is that any private-sector company may simply cancel its retiree medical benefits at any time; the funding requirement for the USPS exists because only an act of Congress would enable them to cut these benefits.
So, who was President in 2006? Um, GWB, yes? Not Obama, not a democrat.
When Obama was President in 2008, he was left with the devastation of the Great Recession. Congress had bigger problems to work on. Then, Moscow Mitch, as the Republican Senate majority leader, loudly and proudly called himself the “Grim Reaper” of legislation and that he would ensure that only no-compromise scorched earth Republican proposals would ever see the light of day.
So to disingenuously suggest that Obama and the Democratic House could have changed anything is laughable.
Including rejection of any Democrat-proposed USPS board member that wasn’t 100% on board with sabotaging the USPS with the singular goal of privatizing it. That was why Bernie voted against Obama’s candidates that were selected to “reach across the aisle” to work with a completely obstructionist Senate that couldn’t give two craps about compromise, bi-partisanship, or good faith negotiation. Moscow Mitch has one mission - extort every item on the wish list of the Republican’s dystopian trickle-down corporate fascist kleptocracy that is their Ayn Rand vision of a whiter America.
Merrick Garland, and the Republican Senate’s legislative and judicial appointment blockade during the entirety of the Obama administration are the facts. And then once Trump was elected, Moscow Mitch did away with the filibuster rule for everything, including the Supreme Court, and hastily shoved in two new right-wing conservative jusitices, after cutting a deal with Scalia for his retirement, for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and the ACA. Along with an express train of judicial appointments on the flimsiest of qualifications or just plain outright completely unqualified for a lifetime appointment as long as they would decide cases based on a partisan basis.
The Republicans have been drooling for a Trump chump in the Oval Office to railroad through as much corruption as they can in the Judiciary (with AG Barr) and steal as much as they can through before they get caught or the rubes, er, base, catches on that they’ve been had and realizes We. are. fucked.
@cinoclav@ddavison@MarkedUp@mike808 To be fair, we were fucked the moment Obama’s progressive economic transition team was scrapped for people who had Citicorp’s best interests at heart. We were really fucked after Dodd-Frank. As far as I can tell, the claim that Trump is a significant shift to the right seems to be based purely on emotion. The fact that so many people in this cursed thread are using childhood playground nicknames (many of which rhyme) only further reinforces my impression.
Yuri was right.
In case anybody actually gives a shit and isn’t just being performative:
Everyday it is something else with that dick. Today he tweeted not to buy Goodyear products because they wouldn’t let employees wear any item of political apparel (ie a MAGA hat) at work. Of course numbnuts failed to realize that the car he rides around in has Goodyear bullet proof tires (as well as all Secret Service cars) and Goodyear has their major factory in the swing state of Ohio. Doesn’t this toilet turd have anything better to do?
@Felton10@tohar1 BLM isn’t a political organization, unless you’re of the mindset that one party doesn’t think black lives matter and the other doesn’t.
@capguncowboy@Felton10@tohar1 BLM is most certainly political…go to their website…click on donate…Redirects to ActBlue, a fundraising arm of the democratic party
@richmondhokie saying it’s a political organization because they donate to a platform ? If that’s the case, then any company that donates to a politician is a political organization.
@capguncowboy I’m saying its one and the same - BLM is ActBlue/Democratic party fundraising. A donation to BLM is in effect a donation to the democratic party.
The real issue here is that they are “legislating” who you can support in their policies, which flies in the face of the first amendment.
@capguncowboy BLM IS political. Any organization that has influence over US/State/Local policy IS political. They also denied Blue/All Lives Matter apparel, so tell me the policy of Goodyear is not left leaning and censoring their employees.
@capguncowboy@richmondhokie What is there in that little screen shot that says to you BLM is a registered political party? You literally proved yourself wrong by posting it.
@capguncowboy@cinoclav I NEVER said it was a registered political party, I said they were political - there is a difference. My issue is they (Goodyear) are dictating WHO or WHAT you can support. This is a chipping away at our civil rights. A school system in Michigan has now banned clothing with the US flag in schools (or in online/Zoom classrooms), little by little our freedoms are being taken away. Why should a business dictate what movement I support?
@richmondhokie Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are mockeries of BLM. There is a difference between Black Lives Matter saying “everyone should be treated equally” and All Lives Matter saying “hey, I’m special too”.
Schools have forever been telling children what they can or can’t wear. I wasn’t allowed to wear a Marilyn Manson shirt in high school because it might have upset the kids wearing shirts sponsoring their churches. The same people that were okay with that are the ones that are suddenly not okay when it’s someone else being offended.
@Tadlem43 That’s not what they said. The mockery groups are the ones feeling butt hurt like they’re not special. Nobody said black lives were and nobody said other lives weren’t. The all lives and blue lives groups ASSUME BLM must mean they are not special.
@capguncowboy@richmondhokie I’m required to wear hunter green scrubs at work. I guess I should protest. As for clothing with the U.S. flag, technically it goes against the flag code to wear it on clothing unless it’s a patch on a military uniform or a lapel pin. So kudos to that school for doing it right.
Goodyear isn’t taking away anyone’s rights. Many companies have a dress code. You can wear whatever the hell you feel like once you’re on your own time, not theirs. If anything, they should be commended for this rule which helps keep the peace and prevents a confrontational workplace.
@capguncowboy@cinoclav@richmondhokie YES. What’s with all the self-proclaimed patriots wearing flag underwear and bikinis, etc? How is that respectful of the flag???
@medz " Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are mockeries of BLM. There is a difference between Black Lives Matter saying “everyone should be treated equally” and All Lives Matter saying “hey, I’m special too”." (Richmondhokie)
"The mockery groups are the ones feeling butt hurt like they’re not special. " (medz)
Your comment implies that BLM is special, and that anyone who says ‘all lives matter’ is breaching on that ‘specialty’. If that’s true, then you’re saying BLM is special. That isn’t equality.
Either we’re equal or someone is special. It’s not that complicated.
@Tadlem43 My comment implies that the all lives and blue lives folk THINK the BLM folks think they are special.
It’s not about being special. It’s about being treated fairly and equally. That’s what all lives folk don’t seem to understand.
@richmondhokie why was the blue lives matter phrase started? It was a retort to BLM. It’s not sincere. It’s meant to be a counter point which isn’t how/why BLM was started.
@medz They were using blue lives matter long before BLM. I remember when the 5 police officers were shot and killed here in Dallas, people used the phrase.
@medz Oh…and if you go on BLM’s website and listen to their leaders, she says she and the other founder are trained Marxists, and that’s their agenda.
I don’t support Marxism. That’s why I don’t vote Democrat, too.
@medz I agree that lives matter. I don’t think it’s productive to segregate ourselves out.
I live in a neighborhood that is over 90% Hispanic. I work in a place that is about 95% Hispanic and black. When I look at my neighbors, I don’t see ‘Hispanic’, I see my neighbor. When I go to work, I see my co-workers. Maybe if we related to each other as humans instead of as races, we’d get further. I worked in a hospital for 40+ years. Unless it was something hereditary that affected their treatment, I didn’t see race then, either. My treatment of everyone was the same.
We have spent 50+ years fighting segregation, and now the left is hell bent on segregating us again. I don’t buy into that. I have co-workers and I have neighbors. When they treat me with respect, I treat them with respect. When I treat them with respect, they treat me with respect. We don’t need to define our races to do that.
I wish you could see that groups that define races are the very ones causing the division and derision.
And I STILL don’t support Marxism.
@Tadlem43 You said, “I agree that lives matter.”
Therefore, you agree that black lives matter?
The reason we must emphasize that black lives matter is because black lives are (all too often) not treated with the same degree of value as white lives.
Everyone knows and agrees that white lives matter. Unfortunately, some people need to be told black lives matter just as much.
@medz Or…we could just respect each other and realize that no one group is better than another, nor deserves special consideration. Equality…that’s the goal, right?
I’m done.
Have a nice day.
Oh, and I STILL don’t support Marxism, so I don’t support the Democratic party or BLM.
Equality is the goal. Awareness, acceptance, and action is the path to that goal. “Black lives matter” and kneeling during the anthem raises awareness for those who fail to acknowledge the existing inequalities. Once those in power are aware and accept those inequalities as reality, we can take action to correct it and meet the goal of true equality.
Trouble is SOME folks won’t even agree that black lives matter, so…
@medz No, some people don’t think black lives are more important than other’s lives. They aren’t. You don’t seem to want to acknowledge that change takes place between individuals. For some reason, you think destroying our country and attacking the police is the way to bring ‘equality’ and respect. lol Maybe you need to rethink that, huh? That’s like saying the way to peace is to have another war.
If your problem is police brutality, why spit on our nation’s symbol and our veterans to make your point? Police are local. Do something local…not national. It’s disrespectful and disgusting.
My question, btw, is rhetorical… I’ve said my peace.
@medz Blacks. Wow…how childish and insulting. You have GOT to be a kid. You’ll make a good communist. You’re easily led.
What about blacks killing blacks? Do they matter or just the ones the police kill. You’re so obtuse.
@Tadlem43 we’re not talking about civilians treating other civilians poorly. We’re talking about police (and the justice system) treating people of color unfairly.
@bigglasses According to the IRS, it still is deductible. https://www.irs.gov/publications/p936
However, the standard deduction was raised so much that itemizing is now less favorable to all but higher earners, very big deductible-expense spenders or extremely generous givers.
@rrmcgrew If that means he is going to jail for 20 years after he is voted out in November I agree. If it means you want him re-elected, you may have serious drinking problem.
@cinoclav I can’t wait for some douchey kid who got called-out by the media for his douchey behavior to tell me Trump can save me from the fake news media.
I can’t wait for the rich couple with terrible trigger discipline and apparently zero firearms safety training to tell me the dems want to take away all my guns for pointing them at peaceful protesters.
@cinoclav@medz With Trump as President you can believe this is the best they have to offer. But to low information gun totting redneck with a third grade education, this is an all star cast.
@cinoclav Actually, if that was who was speaking, I’d probably tune in. Comedy better than what’s on the networks. Watching political conventions is a waste of time. You look at their proposed policies, you see how they match up with your personal philosophies, you choose, and you vote. Why waste your time?
My only thought…Trump would be ringmaster at this circus. I can hear the organ in the background.
Why do you mail your mortgage payment to Trump?
@DoctorOW Because he’s all over the interwebs begging for money. Worse than gooddamned PBS.
@cranky1950 @DoctorOW I’ve had a good time filling his collection teams inbox with silly fake names, numbers and email addresses.
I always stop at the point where it asks for the credit card.
I just hope they send mailers out to all the fake names and addresses I’ve filled in.
Trump is a dick not a dildo.
@Felton10 Ha with that gut he hasn’t sen his dick in years
@Felton10 One could argue that Trump is a dick and a phony, hence a dildo.
@cranky1950 @Felton10 Not convinced, as either has some use. I’ll just keep referring to him as The Walking Shitstain - both repulsive and difficult to get rid of.
@cranky1950 @rockblossom I refer to him as the Orange Skidmark but any reference which ties him to excrement is fine by me.
@Felton10 Trump is pretty clearly a cancer. If we’d stopped him early, we’d be so much more likely to recover. But instead we pretended symptoms were normal, or would go away, and now he’s spread his little tumors through every part of the executive branch, and it make take a pretty extreme amount of surgery to remove him, assuming we even can.
Meanwhile, while he gets bigger and stronger, we all just get sicker. Our bills go up and we can’t work. Even if we can excise him and all his tumorous offspring, we’ll never be the same. Maybe we’ll be able to hide the bits that were mutilated, but we’ll always know they’re there, and hurting. And we’ll always know there are still metasticized cells floating around our blood stream, waiting to start up again.
@brainmist I love and hate this description at the same time.
“One could argue that Trump is a dick and a phony, hence a dildo.”
@DrWorm @Felton10 This is the funniest thing I have seen all day!
@Felton10 my question is…what did a dildo or a dick ever do to you people? to compare them with such a/an…damn, I can’t think of anything I want to insult bad enough to compare him it with
@candiedisilvio1 The American people have been fucked in every hole possible by that disgusting POS. So you think he is great and doing a good job?
@Felton10 mistaking Trump for a fake dick isn’t too far fetched.
@RogerWilco That is the same thing Malaria said.
@candiedisilvio1 @Felton10 I think candie was saying he’s even worse than a dick or dildo.
@Felton10 Dildos main purpose are to bring women (and some men) pleasure. Trump is unable to do that and as such is not a dildo.
He’s a selfish, short-sighted, troll.
such an insult to IRK
Hey, ho, the USPS has gotta go! (per the Trumpistas, anyway.) (P.S. Pitney Bowes, blows. Too.)
@cbl_wv He just wants to privatize it and then run it into the ground like the six businesses he’s bankrupted.
Setup your mortgage payment with your bank’s online banking bill pay. You decide when to schedule the check, and the bank is on the hook for delivery by the scheduled date.
If the mortgage servicer doesn’t do electronic banking (i.e. receive ACH e-checks), then the bank prints a check and mails it to wherever. No more stamps! No more envelopes! No more writing checks!
Always do this instead of “auto-pay”, ETFs, or automatic drafts with whoever (utilities, car payments, insurance, etc).
@mike808 I mean my mortgage is with my credit union and while I chose not to do auto pay their website is not awful… I just have the right amount direct deposited from each check and when I do a transfer the last day of the month it’s pretty much immediate.
But if anyone is dealing with mortgage deferment or another CV plan that they may have been put into without requesting it… That’s super annoying
That’s what I was referring to. You telling the bank when to pay, and how much, not giving whomever you pay authorization to make withrawals all by themselves (that’s what EFTs and “auto-pay” with a payee are). Because they would never make a mistake, right? And even if they did, it would always be in your favor, right?
@mike808 @unksol
That’s right. Most banks offer the ability to control bills you pay from your checking account using their online service.
So instead of authorizing your mortgage company to withdraw from your checking account. You are telling your checking service to setup a automated payment to the mortgage company.
This is more better.
@moseman @unksol Yes. I like not having written and mailed a check more than once or twice in years. And I don’t care if the utility or water company’s systems are hacked. They only get money when I tell my bank to pay.
@mike808 @moseman @cranky1950
Since this has been necroposted lol.
What I literally do is I have my direct deposit paycheck split into two checking accounts. One is with my credit union checking account, which is also my mortgage lender. Having a checking account with the credit union was a requirement… But they are also local and had a great rate.
The other is my main account. That I can transfer from if I wanted to but because it’s between separate banks it might take a day or two. And I have to ask for it.
When I pay my mortgage it’s literally a 30 second transfer from checking to mortgage at the same credit union. No checks involved and no bank connection required.
You can also set up automatic bill pay which will mail actual paper checks as suggested. if they can’t do online transfers. but since you were frustrated by the mail. There are Ways to avoid it entirely.
Trump is the cause of your shitty accounting skills? That’s a new low for you folks with TDS.

@MarkedUp AMEN!!! Besides the apparent “dropped out of school after 5th grade education” and the vitriolic terminology used, TDS is strong in this post!

@MarkedUp Trump is a terrible person and a worse President.
@MarkedUp @medz Trump has been a horrible person and a bully all his life and at his age is not going to change. The people we should be mad at are the people who know better and still support and enable this POS.
@MarkedUp @tohar1 And where did you get your education-at Trump U?
@MarkedUp What does accounting have to do with the fact that he fucked up the USPS?
@cinoclav @MarkedUp Remember he probably went to Trump U and as with most people who went there doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.
@cinoclav @MarkedUp HAHA, Congress messed the USPS up decades ago.They have had the opportunity to fix it many times. Instead they bail them out time and time again. Just raise the rates and pay the bill. Or roll them back to a regular Government agency instead of “Quasi”. What is that word Quasi? Maybe, but maybe not?
@cinoclav @ddavison @MarkedUp
Uh, no, the Republicans in congress screwed over the USPS because they want to privatize it - sell it to their cronies and backers - and then jammed up the works with Moscow Mitch McConnell killing every bill coming out of the house to extort America into opression by the minority.
No other company is forced by law to fully 100% fund its employee pension for 75 years for existing employees and each new hire, starting immediately. None of its competitors are - Amazon, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. It was designed to bankrupt the USPS to then “justify” selling it to the highest bidders. Who just happen to be supporters of the party of corrupt politicians railroading the USPS into failure. And the new postmaster general is the poster child of that corruption, next to Moscow Mitch and Trump themselves.
Remember Merrick Garland? The USPS is merely another example in a long line of sabotage to American democracy and justice.
@ddavison You can say they were messed up decades ago. That doesn’t change the fact that whatever they were, they were that consistently for decades. Nothing much had changed until Trump and DeJoy started fucking with it these past few months. Pretty sure you’re well aware of this but you just felt the need to contribute some pointless excuse.
First off, I am a woman. Secondly, any proper accounting would be done electronically and covered by FDIC up to the amount of $250,000. Third should we really compare education now? I’m pretty sure your conversations are speaking for themselves.
This blind, dumb rage you all have is why the man won before and will be winning again.
@cinoclav @MarkedUp @mike808 Here is an article that discusses this myth. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ebauer/2020/04/14/post-office-pensions--some-key-myths-and-facts/#50553f4547f5
The Democrat majority congress could have changed this during the Obama Presidency, but like our national debt no one really cares. It is jut used as a talking (shouting) point.
President Trump has said he would sign a bill to help the USPS as a stand alone bill. Not as part of a $2 Trillion or $3 trillion omnibus spending bill.
I completely understand your frustration with our elected Congress and Senate. I have a tendency to vote against the incumbent in most Federal elections. I say tendency, as I voted against Robert O’Rourke in his TX senate run.
@cinoclav @ddavison @MarkedUp @mike808 This exactly. Republicans only real goal for decades has been to privatize everything to benefit the wealthy regardless of the cost to people and institutions. They talk up family values, abortion, immigration, etc., not because they care but only because it will garner them votes. It works. I mean, how can anyone calling themselves Christian vote for a man like Trump? Stupid and hypocritical.
They claim America should be a Meritocracy when they actually want a Corporatocracy.
@Felton10 @MarkedUp Even us folks who didn’t graduate from the Ivy League Prep Schools know HTAT isn’t the same as “that”. Blood boiling, keyboard thrashing (to hell with syntax) is a guaranteed symptom of TDS. (BTW: Lincoln Elementary, Fergus Falls Jr. & Sr. High, Fergus Falls Community College, Moorhead State University are all part of my educational experience. I’ve also attended the School of Hard Knocks where I graduated with High-Honors).
@cinoclav @ddavison @MarkedUp
The article notes this:
So, who was President in 2006? Um, GWB, yes? Not Obama, not a democrat.
When Obama was President in 2008, he was left with the devastation of the Great Recession. Congress had bigger problems to work on. Then, Moscow Mitch, as the Republican Senate majority leader, loudly and proudly called himself the “Grim Reaper” of legislation and that he would ensure that only no-compromise scorched earth Republican proposals would ever see the light of day.
So to disingenuously suggest that Obama and the Democratic House could have changed anything is laughable.
Including rejection of any Democrat-proposed USPS board member that wasn’t 100% on board with sabotaging the USPS with the singular goal of privatizing it. That was why Bernie voted against Obama’s candidates that were selected to “reach across the aisle” to work with a completely obstructionist Senate that couldn’t give two craps about compromise, bi-partisanship, or good faith negotiation. Moscow Mitch has one mission - extort every item on the wish list of the Republican’s dystopian trickle-down corporate fascist kleptocracy that is their Ayn Rand vision of a whiter America.
Merrick Garland, and the Republican Senate’s legislative and judicial appointment blockade during the entirety of the Obama administration are the facts. And then once Trump was elected, Moscow Mitch did away with the filibuster rule for everything, including the Supreme Court, and hastily shoved in two new right-wing conservative jusitices, after cutting a deal with Scalia for his retirement, for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and the ACA. Along with an express train of judicial appointments on the flimsiest of qualifications or just plain outright completely unqualified for a lifetime appointment as long as they would decide cases based on a partisan basis.
The Republicans have been drooling for a Trump chump in the Oval Office to railroad through as much corruption as they can in the Judiciary (with AG Barr) and steal as much as they can through before they get caught or the rubes, er, base, catches on that they’ve been had and realizes We. are. fucked.
@cinoclav @ddavison @MarkedUp @mike808 To be fair, we were fucked the moment Obama’s progressive economic transition team was scrapped for people who had Citicorp’s best interests at heart. We were really fucked after Dodd-Frank. As far as I can tell, the claim that Trump is a significant shift to the right seems to be based purely on emotion. The fact that so many people in this cursed thread are using childhood playground nicknames (many of which rhyme) only further reinforces my impression.
Yuri was right.
In case anybody actually gives a shit and isn’t just being performative:
12-13-2009: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2009/12/13/obamas-big-sellout-president-has-packed-his-economic-team-wall-street-insiders
[10 years later]
10-31-2019: @3m51s
Meanwhile, you’re all complaining about the USPS. I guess we really do get what we fucking deserve.
Wednesday is a good day to be cranky
/giphy cranky dildo

@f00l Damn Devine Brown invented a power wheel.
I understand that Trump is planning to sell USPS to Pitney-Bowes…
@eeterrific Halloween is in October, save the scares for closer to?
Everyday it is something else with that dick. Today he tweeted not to buy Goodyear products because they wouldn’t let employees wear any item of political apparel (ie a MAGA hat) at work. Of course numbnuts failed to realize that the car he rides around in has Goodyear bullet proof tires (as well as all Secret Service cars) and Goodyear has their major factory in the swing state of Ohio. Doesn’t this toilet turd have anything better to do?
@Felton10 …forgot to mention that the super Non-Political organization known as “Black Lives Matter” (tongue firmly in cheek) apparel is A-OK.
@Felton10 @tohar1 BLM isn’t a political organization, unless you’re of the mindset that one party doesn’t think black lives matter and the other doesn’t.
@capguncowboy @Felton10 @tohar1 BLM is most certainly political…go to their website…click on donate…Redirects to ActBlue, a fundraising arm of the democratic party
@richmondhokie saying it’s a political organization because they donate to a platform ? If that’s the case, then any company that donates to a politician is a political organization.
I’m saying its one and the same - BLM is ActBlue/Democratic party fundraising. A donation to BLM is in effect a donation to the democratic party.
The real issue here is that they are “legislating” who you can support in their policies, which flies in the face of the first amendment.
@richmondhokie They’re not saying who you can support, only that you can’t wear political apparel at work.
The NRA donates huge amounts of money to the GOP but I’m sure you can wear your NRA hat at work.
@capguncowboy BLM IS political. Any organization that has influence over US/State/Local policy IS political. They also denied Blue/All Lives Matter apparel, so tell me the policy of Goodyear is not left leaning and censoring their employees.
@capguncowboy @richmondhokie What is there in that little screen shot that says to you BLM is a registered political party? You literally proved yourself wrong by posting it.
@capguncowboy @cinoclav I NEVER said it was a registered political party, I said they were political - there is a difference. My issue is they (Goodyear) are dictating WHO or WHAT you can support. This is a chipping away at our civil rights. A school system in Michigan has now banned clothing with the US flag in schools (or in online/Zoom classrooms), little by little our freedoms are being taken away. Why should a business dictate what movement I support?
@richmondhokie Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are mockeries of BLM. There is a difference between Black Lives Matter saying “everyone should be treated equally” and All Lives Matter saying “hey, I’m special too”.
Schools have forever been telling children what they can or can’t wear. I wasn’t allowed to wear a Marilyn Manson shirt in high school because it might have upset the kids wearing shirts sponsoring their churches. The same people that were okay with that are the ones that are suddenly not okay when it’s someone else being offended.
@capguncowboy @richmondhokie So BLM says that blacks are special? I thought it was about equality. How can it be equal if someone is special?
@Tadlem43 That’s not what they said. The mockery groups are the ones feeling butt hurt like they’re not special. Nobody said black lives were and nobody said other lives weren’t. The all lives and blue lives groups ASSUME BLM must mean they are not special.
@capguncowboy @richmondhokie I’m required to wear hunter green scrubs at work. I guess I should protest. As for clothing with the U.S. flag, technically it goes against the flag code to wear it on clothing unless it’s a patch on a military uniform or a lapel pin. So kudos to that school for doing it right.
Goodyear isn’t taking away anyone’s rights. Many companies have a dress code. You can wear whatever the hell you feel like once you’re on your own time, not theirs. If anything, they should be commended for this rule which helps keep the peace and prevents a confrontational workplace.
@capguncowboy @Tadlem43 its all about equality - Black Lives DO matter to Goodyear, but Blue lives dont per Goodyear
@capguncowboy @cinoclav @richmondhokie YES. What’s with all the self-proclaimed patriots wearing flag underwear and bikinis, etc? How is that respectful of the flag???
@richmondhokie Sorry that your fragile ego was bruised by Goodyear’s policies.
Here’s a pack of lollipops to help you feel better.
/image extra long hotdog

@medz " Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter are mockeries of BLM. There is a difference between Black Lives Matter saying “everyone should be treated equally” and All Lives Matter saying “hey, I’m special too”." (Richmondhokie)
"The mockery groups are the ones feeling butt hurt like they’re not special. " (medz)
Your comment implies that BLM is special, and that anyone who says ‘all lives matter’ is breaching on that ‘specialty’. If that’s true, then you’re saying BLM is special. That isn’t equality.
Either we’re equal or someone is special. It’s not that complicated.
@capguncowboy @Kyeh I’m guessing @richmondhokie isn’t a big fan of athletes kneeling either.

@medz @Tadlem43 if we are equal - then their policy of BLM IS allowed, and Blue Lives isnt, we are not equal.
The point is that if we are OK with censorship, then our rights are being denied little by little until they are gone
@Tadlem43 My comment implies that the all lives and blue lives folk THINK the BLM folks think they are special.
It’s not about being special. It’s about being treated fairly and equally. That’s what all lives folk don’t seem to understand.
@richmondhokie why was the blue lives matter phrase started? It was a retort to BLM. It’s not sincere. It’s meant to be a counter point which isn’t how/why BLM was started.
@medz I’m afraid comprehension isn’t their strong suit which likely is why we’re having this conversation in the first place
@capguncowboy @cinoclav @richmondhokie
That’s a terrific graphic!
@medz They were using blue lives matter long before BLM. I remember when the 5 police officers were shot and killed here in Dallas, people used the phrase.
@medz @Tadlem43 No. Black Lives Matter began in 2013. Blue Lives Matter began in 2014.
@medz It wasn’t used as a slogan then. Blue lives matter was. There’s nothing at all to indicate that it isn’t sincere.
@Tadlem43 no. Black Lives Matter as a slogan came first. It was misinterpreted as anti-police by some who then responded with blue lives matter.
@medz lol Ok… whatever you say. lol
The point is, the comment implied…no, said…that black lives are special. That isn’t equality.
@medz Oh…and if you go on BLM’s website and listen to their leaders, she says she and the other founder are trained Marxists, and that’s their agenda.
I don’t support Marxism. That’s why I don’t vote Democrat, too.
@Tadlem43 BLM started as a saying, any group could have adopted that phrase as an organization name, but it doesn’t change the sentiment of the phrase
@medz And I still don’t support Marxism…no matter what name they put on it.
@Tadlem43 would you agree with the statement that black lives matter?
@medz I agree that lives matter. I don’t think it’s productive to segregate ourselves out.
I live in a neighborhood that is over 90% Hispanic. I work in a place that is about 95% Hispanic and black. When I look at my neighbors, I don’t see ‘Hispanic’, I see my neighbor. When I go to work, I see my co-workers. Maybe if we related to each other as humans instead of as races, we’d get further. I worked in a hospital for 40+ years. Unless it was something hereditary that affected their treatment, I didn’t see race then, either. My treatment of everyone was the same.
We have spent 50+ years fighting segregation, and now the left is hell bent on segregating us again. I don’t buy into that. I have co-workers and I have neighbors. When they treat me with respect, I treat them with respect. When I treat them with respect, they treat me with respect. We don’t need to define our races to do that.
I wish you could see that groups that define races are the very ones causing the division and derision.
And I STILL don’t support Marxism.
@Tadlem43 You said, “I agree that lives matter.”
Therefore, you agree that black lives matter?
The reason we must emphasize that black lives matter is because black lives are (all too often) not treated with the same degree of value as white lives.
Everyone knows and agrees that white lives matter. Unfortunately, some people need to be told black lives matter just as much.
@medz Or…we could just respect each other and realize that no one group is better than another, nor deserves special consideration. Equality…that’s the goal, right?
I’m done.
Have a nice day.
Oh, and I STILL don’t support Marxism, so I don’t support the Democratic party or BLM.
@Tadlem43 “that’s the goal, right”
Equality is the goal. Awareness, acceptance, and action is the path to that goal. “Black lives matter” and kneeling during the anthem raises awareness for those who fail to acknowledge the existing inequalities. Once those in power are aware and accept those inequalities as reality, we can take action to correct it and meet the goal of true equality.
Trouble is SOME folks won’t even agree that black lives matter, so…
@medz No, some people don’t think black lives are more important than other’s lives. They aren’t. You don’t seem to want to acknowledge that change takes place between individuals. For some reason, you think destroying our country and attacking the police is the way to bring ‘equality’ and respect. lol Maybe you need to rethink that, huh? That’s like saying the way to peace is to have another war.
If your problem is police brutality, why spit on our nation’s symbol and our veterans to make your point? Police are local. Do something local…not national. It’s disrespectful and disgusting.
My question, btw, is rhetorical… I’ve said my peace.
@Tadlem43 “For some reason, you think destroying our country and attacking the police”
I didn’t say that. Don’t lie. I just said black lives matter. Notably, you didn’t.
@medz Are they alive? Then they matter. Just like everyone else. THAT is equality. See what it looks like?
@Tadlem43 The ones who died in police custody are not alive, no.
/giphy mic drop

@medz Blacks. Wow…how childish and insulting. You have GOT to be a kid. You’ll make a good communist. You’re easily led.
What about blacks killing blacks? Do they matter or just the ones the police kill. You’re so obtuse.
@Tadlem43 we’re not talking about civilians treating other civilians poorly. We’re talking about police (and the justice system) treating people of color unfairly.
He screwed it up a couple years ago when he made the mortgage interest non-tax-deductable…
@bigglasses According to the IRS, it still is deductible.
However, the standard deduction was raised so much that itemizing is now less favorable to all but higher earners, very big deductible-expense spenders or extremely generous givers.
Trump 2020
@rrmcgrew If that means he is going to jail for 20 years after he is voted out in November I agree. If it means you want him re-elected, you may have serious drinking problem.
/giphy trump?

/giphy biden?

You’re cranky.
@hems79 YOU BETCHA!
@cinoclav I can’t wait for some douchey kid who got called-out by the media for his douchey behavior to tell me Trump can save me from the fake news media.
I can’t wait for the rich couple with terrible trigger discipline and apparently zero firearms safety training to tell me the dems want to take away all my guns for pointing them at peaceful protesters.
GOP’s finest folk, right there.
@cinoclav @medz With Trump as President you can believe this is the best they have to offer. But to low information gun totting redneck with a third grade education, this is an all star cast.
@cinoclav Actually, if that was who was speaking, I’d probably tune in. Comedy better than what’s on the networks. Watching political conventions is a waste of time. You look at their proposed policies, you see how they match up with your personal philosophies, you choose, and you vote. Why waste your time?
My only thought…Trump would be ringmaster at this circus. I can hear the organ in the background.
@eeterrific Couldn’t be much worse than Clint Eastwood talking to a chair for ten minutes.
@f00l @Willijs3
LOL. Almost spit out my covfefe.
@f00l @mike808 @Willijs3 I had also said covfefe before I refreshed the page, but you had already spat it out. I assure you there was no collusion
Trump says QAnon conspiracy theorists ‘like me very much’ and ‘love our country’ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/19/qanon-trump-says-right-wing-conspiracy-believers-love-our-country/3359614001/
@Kyeh yes they like muricans boiled.
Where did this topic go?
[_] With the $800 million dollars missing from the RNC? #DonTheCon
[_] With the Trump Healthcare Plan?
[_] With the Republican Healthcare Plan?
[_] With the Pee Pee Tape?
[_] With Melania’s work visa to model?
[_] With Trump’s Mar-a-Lago employee’s legal status documents?
[_] With Jeffery Epstein’s cell monitor?
[_] With Trump’s tax returns?
[_] With all the jobs that 10 Trillion tax givaway to the rich was supposed to create?
[_] With the trillions the Fed has been pumping into the stock market when GDP took a 30% hit?
[_] All of the Above?
@mike808 down the toilet in general
My mortgage payment showed up about a week later.
