I need answers. Fast.
4In this thread: https://meh.com/forum/topics/35-66-of-you-didnt-bite @hollboll shared a gif of Elmo. In the gif though, his left hand has a stick, of the kind used on puppets.
However, Elmo isn't a puppet.
Why is there a stick though?
Is there something I'm not being told?
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Elmo actually died a while ago. so, his corpse has to be manipulated by mechanical means, a la Weekend At Bernie's.
sigh I knew this day would come. Sit down, we need to have a talk.
What is it you think Elmo is?
I'm of the opinion that in the Bermuda Triangle is a portal to Atlantis where there is a doorway to Shangri La where all the Sesame Street characters live.
@FroodyFrog and you ask why you're nominated for goat?
On my way to Shangri-La. You are better than Google Maps!
Pretty much.
Unless @narfcake got confused.
Looks like it came from one Fallon show or another, so maybe it is not the usual Elmo setup.
What do you mean by "usual Elmo setup" ???
@darksaber99999 Ah, in this sketch, Elmo was pretending to be a rod puppet. Yeah. Now it's time for Mommy to go pour some special medicine in her cup.
@darksaber99999 I definitely didn't read that as 'Fall On Tonight,' nope, not that dumb over here.
@FroodyFrog if you look close it's on his left and right hand
It only shows up in the last few frames.
(Even once the right arm is up, it's not there, then before gif resets, the stick shows up.)
I seriously feel like I'm not aware of something regarding Elmo...
However, in this image, there are no sticks...

@Lotsofgoats @froodyfrog
I fixed it for you.. you can sleep easy tonight!
@kadagan why does that door look like it's coming out at us? Is it a changeling... Is it Odo? Is the dominion after us and using Elmo as a spokes-puppet?
@sohmageek because I did this really quickly ;)
@carl669 @PurplePawprints @Ignorant @Lotsofgoats @Hollboll @kadagan
I made some inquires, and I must say... I'm COMPLETELY devastated with what I found out regarding Elmo.
I don't know who or what to believe anymore, and as a result, I'm going to be crying myself to sleep for the foreseeable future.
@FroodyFrog please see gif above.
It's too late. @hollboll and @Lotsofgoats are officially dream killers.

@Ignorant literally came here to post the same thing
@FroodyFrog here ya go :) http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images/1/17/Active_elmo_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100218214948 oh I'm glad it's a link. It's better that way ;)