@clonetek I have a meh hat I can send you. It was a custom thing that we only got one of, so I will send it to you on the condition that you post a picture of you wearing it in public. Don’t wanna lose it without people ever even getting to see it, after all. Deal?
They do them regularly and annually in west Texas (which is both Texas and a place unto itself.)
A friend of mine once filmed the big one in Sweetwater. It was traditionally kinda an all-guy bonding thing, so she took some teasing, but she said it was fascinating.
And the longer you wait, the longer we have to use our imaginations. I see you in a bright pink (or mehbe a neon purple) Pussy Hat with “MEHyeoooow!” emblazoned on the front, which you are wearing proudly to a monster truck rally.
@clonetek I’m going to have to time a trip through Longview to coincide with a meal there, then (I’m from Shreveport so it’s not far). Anyplace that proclaims “Famous for Ribeyes” is talking directly to me.
Until you make it to Longview, try this - it’s quite for real and you don’t have to worry that the waitstaff will sniff at you for not being up to their standards. Wear your t-shirt and sandals if you want.
M & M Steak House
1106 NW 28th St
Fort Worth, TX 76164
Phone number (817) 624-0612
M&M Steak House–1971
Twenty years earlier in 1951, M&M Steak House originally opened as Papa Joe’s, serving the same rib-eye steaks and calf fries the obscurely located restaurant is known for today. When the original owner passed, the name was changed, according to a longtime cook who’s been grilling steaks in the location for 44 years. Today the dark and dusty dive is owned by Keith Kidwell, who also owns Margie’s Original Italian Kitchen. With walls covered in taxidermy, neon-lit beer signs and a jukebox of old Country and Western hits, M&M is destination dining strictly for patrons in the know.
They mostly have normal steaks, but they stray a little toward the “Amarillo” type menus:
One review, for one of the more well-known menu items:
Ordered the 32 oz sirloin and if you are looking for a “real” steak with fat gristle and all it is fantastic. The garlic sauce is a little strong but I enjoyed it. My wife on the other hand was not a big fan of trying to pull out the fat and gristle. Very old school classic dive that clearly has never changed in years and years.
@f00l I’ve been there - many years ago when rancher relations from ID came to town for the Fat Stock Show. We were told it’s the best ‘meaty steak’ in town.
We heard a rumor that it was closed, but don’t often get up to the Northside to confirm. We do occasionally visit the Star Cafe in the Stockyards . Have a fine (long) tale to tell of my first weeks living in FW, staying at Miss Molly’s…
@clonetek Yessir I reckon they suffice. I appreciate you being a good sport about it all, if we ever get the gumption to make any hats proper-like, I’ll be sure that you get one free of charge!
I would strongly consider purchasing a Meh or Mediocre gimme cap. Esp if I could get one that was adjustable for size and mesh in the back. And ventilated.
And not white (don’t want keeping it clean to be a struggle)
And not expensive (ie cheap ie <$10-$12)
Oh, @narfcake, @PlacidPenguin, and @f00l, I’ll take that cute little one that’s only $950. Just have Meh send it to me at my house like you did with my last little trinket.
So say we all.
Dark version too, please.
@clonetek I have a meh hat I can send you. It was a custom thing that we only got one of, so I will send it to you on the condition that you post a picture of you wearing it in public. Don’t wanna lose it without people ever even getting to see it, after all. Deal?
(Make @clonetek interrupt a news report or press conference. Would reach a larger audience that way.
@Moose Sounds pretty good to me! I’ll take a pic of me wearing it at the Canton flea market in a couple of weeks.
@clonetek It can be wherever; y’know, a mall, local roller rink, church, livestock show and rodeo, whatevs. It will be headed your way soon!
@Moose Congrats, I think that’s the most “Texas” line I’ve seen on this forum!
@Moose You forgot rattlesnake roundup. I actually went to one of those when in Texas.
@pitamuffin That’s…actually something that happens! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rattlesnake_round-up Color me newly informed.
They do them regularly and annually in west Texas (which is both Texas and a place unto itself.)
A friend of mine once filmed the big one in Sweetwater. It was traditionally kinda an all-guy bonding thing, so she took some teasing, but she said it was fascinating.
Hey, that was awesome! Worked perfectly for @clonetek. Let me try it…
I have a mighty need for a Maybach G650!
/image Maybach G650

@ruouttaurmind You get a mehbach.

/image mehbach.
@narfcake Ok, now that right there was funny.

/giphy laughing on the inside
Doesn’t really apply to my /giphy request, but I think I’ll leave it.
@ruouttaurmind I have no idea how, what, and/or why, but it’s a good indicator that @Moose needs to con…vince @snapster into selling catshirts here.
I have a need for a Mighty Meh hat!
Jumping on the bandwagon and grabbing onto coattails and late to the party …
But my Hat must be Mighty.
@f00l I see what you did there…
@Moose Any chance of selling some Meh coffee mugs for those of us with slow clicking fingers?
One hat please. Snapback cause my head is large
rather large*
@connorbush OR dad hat
I have a mighty need for a purple Meh hat. I would not be embarrassed to be seen wearing it in public. (I think.)
@Barney You could test it out for them… was we all know all new products need testing : )
I agree with @Barney. I would definitely buy one and wear it with pride as long as it’s good quality (not a trucker hat).
@clonetek YES!
@clonetek I loved that show. The creator also made my favorite comic book.

/image Johnny the homicidal maniac
@clonetek I love my invader zim box set!
@connorbush Do you have the one that looks like his house and comes with the GIR figure? Thats the one I got.
@clonetek ugh I wish I were that cool.
@moose made me a hat once. Even says “official” on it.
Me too!
Those woot hats scream 1990’s tech company.
It’s kinda cool if they scream at all.
If no meh hat, I’d settle for a mediocre hat…
@earlyre in purple, right?
@Barney of course! is there any other color?
@earlyre Nope!
@Moose you dirty rat
@clonetek if you don’t post pictures, it didn’t happen!
@mikibell I don’t wanna :|
@clonetek then it didn’t happen
@clonetek @Moose
What (allegedly) happened?
@clonetek But you agreed, so you havta.
And the longer you wait, the longer we have to use our imaginations. I see you in a bright pink (or mehbe a neon purple) Pussy Hat with “MEHyeoooow!” emblazoned on the front, which you are wearing proudly to a monster truck rally.
@clonetek Don’t make me send in the Mehscle. Yee-haw!
@clonetek You at least have to post a photo of your dog wearing it.
I’m anxiously awaiting this photo of you wearing it at the flea market.
@clonetek hmmmm still no pictures…

/giphy pics or it didn’t happen
Is @moose being a dirty rat worse than @snapster being a wimp?
The answer to that is of course: Nope.
Just got back from Canton…
Here’s what @moose sent me:
I took a selfie at the flea market:
It was way too small to fit my melon, and it was way too windy to try to hang onto it for the 6 hours we walked around.
Took another one at Leon’s Steakhouse:
If you are ever in Longview Texas, be sure to stop here! They have the best damn steak I’ve ever had. (aside from the ones my dad grills)
Well. @moose certainly lived up to his promise to send you a hat.
(And to be fair, he never specified what kind of hat
@PlacidPenguin you’re right, and I shoulda known…
@PlacidPenguin he did say it was custom.
@clonetek thanks for being a good sport
@clonetek Love going to Trade Days @ Canton, but Longview is the wrong direction for us
@compunaut It’s soooooo worth it!!
@clonetek I’m going to have to time a trip through Longview to coincide with a meal there, then (I’m from Shreveport so it’s not far). Anyplace that proclaims “Famous for Ribeyes” is talking directly to me.
P.S. Nice hat! I’m kinda jealous!
@djslack Leon’s famous ribeye steak is what I always get.
Until you make it to Longview, try this - it’s quite for real and you don’t have to worry that the waitstaff will sniff at you for not being up to their standards. Wear your t-shirt and sandals if you want.
M & M Steak House
1106 NW 28th St
Fort Worth, TX 76164
Phone number (817) 624-0612
They mostly have normal steaks, but they stray a little toward the “Amarillo” type menus:
One review, for one of the more well-known menu items:
@f00l I’ve been there - many years ago when rancher relations from ID came to town for the Fat Stock Show. We were told it’s the best ‘meaty steak’ in town.
. Have a fine (long) tale to tell of my first weeks living in FW, staying at Miss Molly’s…
We heard a rumor that it was closed, but don’t often get up to the Northside to confirm. We do occasionally visit the Star Cafe in the Stockyards
@clonetek - It’s adorable! Wish we could have seen you opening the box. How much did you laugh?

@KDemo none, it was more of a Kif groan
@clonetek oh…that is truly funny…too bad it fit so poorly. So glad you are courageous enough to share with us!
@moose I hope these pics are good enough.

Dahling, you look wonderful!
@clonetek Yessir I reckon they suffice. I appreciate you being a good sport about it all, if we ever get the gumption to make any hats proper-like, I’ll be sure that you get one free of charge!
I would strongly consider purchasing a Meh or Mediocre gimme cap. Esp if I could get one that was adjustable for size and mesh in the back. And ventilated.
And not white (don’t want keeping it clean to be a struggle)
And not expensive (ie cheap ie <$10-$12)
and better than this one for $36

I’d buy a hat with just the mediocre ‘beaker’ logo. Is it a beaker? Wasn’t around for the shirts. Anyway, sell us some ballcaps…

/image laboratory flask
/image beaker
Prefer Flask to Beaker.
Prefer Flash to Beak.
Maybe a ‘classy’ hat like this would be cool.

Heres some stuff I picked up at the flea market:
@clonetek Oooh, I love purple.
@Barney You shoulda seen the ones I couldnt bring home!
@clonetek is the green malachite? so pretty, regardless… I like the purple too, but the bigger pieces would just collect dust in my house…
@clonetek I’ve heard fish stories about the ones that got away.
They are very pretty.
Oh, @narfcake, @PlacidPenguin, and @f00l, I’ll take that cute little one that’s only $950. Just have Meh send it to me at my house like you did with my last little trinket.
Again; I had little involvement with that shipment.
Now… The pony which is on your way however…
@mikibell yep malachite
@clonetek soooo pretty…
Tsk Tsk.
I don’t work for UPS/FedEx/Amazon/Mediocre, so…
I don’t work for any of those. Hmmm.
Great mystery.
Jake and Rebecca do.
And who might those two be? Amazon CS agents?
I’m assuming there’s at least one of those in at least one of the aforementioned companies.