Other than the kickstarter, I've gotten 1 of them because I can't stay up until Midnight. Oh well. It's what I get for not staying up until Midnight. No biggie.
I wasn't ready. I missed it. Like I said elsewhere, I still haven't unpacked all from my last Fuku or the last Mehrican exchange. I have too much stuff as it is.
I just hope some folks who've never had the pleasure got the pleasure last night.
@DMlivezey I set up a thread for venting without judgement- I hate expressing disappointment and then being jumped on by trolls. That's why I haven't visited the product thread.
I care - but I'm not going to complain. I went to bed well before midnight. Still, I think it's unfair that those of us that have to work can't get one! I'm sure these were sold out shortly after midnight and I checked at 6am EST. Just once I'd like to see enough of these being sold so we all had a chance - maybe release them in waves every few hours. Anyway, I've missed them all - FUKU.
@Ready4C woot did exactly what you asked for - several times. The mass quantity BOC's sucked for pretty much everyone. More than usual. So, you have a choice - low price mystery box that's easier to get, but has utter crap in it; higher price mystery box that's easy to get, that still probably has utter crap in it... or this. Also - you're not the only one who works here. You're not the only one who lives on the east coast and gets up at 6am. Everyone has the same chance - the bag goes up at the same time for all. It's your choice to be here when it happens, or sleep. Personally, sleep is probably the more prudent decision.
@Thumperchick Actually, I get up at 0430 EST - I'm at work at 0600 (retired military and part time gov annuitant) and check meh first thing. Been with woot and meh from the beginning (no longer bother with woot however). I guess it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. I want a fukubukuro - bottom line. I know it's crap - I know there's no Cadillac in the box - but, that's the fun of it - I want to post a picture of the crap, I want to complain about the quality of the crap, and I want the freaking bag! In order to get one I'd have to stay up every day to check - I'm 70 so sleep is important. So, yeah, everyone has the same chance - but I'd like my chance to be at 2000 or 2100 or 2200 like our time zone friends to the West!! At least I'd be awake to take my chance!!
@Ready4C Thank you for your service to our country. In my opinion, our military people aren't appreciated enough. If a red fuku bag is all you want, I have one from a previous fuku that I would happily send you. LMK here if you are interested.
@Ready4C - You can safely enjoy your sleep now for a couple of months. Two months will conveniently bring us ~to Christmas, you might try staying up then.
@jsimsace That's a great offer - but I wouldn't do that. I'll get one and the crap inside too! Again thank you and keep supporting our troops - they need us now more than ever before!
@walarney Same, I was busy doing some work, looked at the clock, saw it as 12:06, figured I'd go check on Meh. "Oh... well... that sucks. Next time, then"
I'm a little bummed because I actually did get every previous fuku/fuko, through sheer luck, or perseverance during the horrible crash fuku. I even won an extra one that Meh didn't send because I'd gotten one by other means (was that the VMP one? I don't recall and not going to look it up). I lost this time because the robot check demanded I enter full payment information, and that took too long.
I was wondering if they looked at my order history and decided I needed a robot check to break my winning streak, but then decided that was too much work; they wouldn't bother. OTOH the first time @jaremelz is the goat, I lose my first fuku? And I bet she didn't have to work at it at all.
And um...yeah. My husband actually hit buy it before me, but he didn't get one and I did. My 3rd, including the great fuku crash. That was my intro to the magical fuku. So..I'll hang my head in shame now
@jaremelz ummm... not furious (especially in this thread). Just sad. I lost my perfect Meh button streak months ago and my perfect fuku streak becomes a dusty relic of the past. And now even the October goat is being sympathetic. Never have I sunk so low. It is to sigh...
@DMlivezey - On one fuku sale they sold a few, then the site crashed for about an hour, then came back up. Some of those who stuck around and kept trying managed to score one in the second wave.
@DMlivezey What @KDemo said. It was reminiscent of some of the BOCs at Woot, where you just kept pounding away at it until either it sold out or you got through. I almost gave up on that one but persevered and got one. Of course @jaremelz wasn't the goat then... if she was who knows what would have happened.
First time I didn't get one I tried for. Not mad about not getting one. meh. But a little, ok maybe a lot, frustrated at being stuck in "are you a robot" hell. First time for that. I hate that. The pictures they bring up you can't even tell what they are. A robot might know. A human not so much.
I wish meh would just keep track of who is a robot and who isn't. I don't think it's rocket science. Therefore it must be @jaremelz 's doing.
@ceagee How would meh keep track of who is a robot? A robot (computer script) can log in just like a person (or even use your personal credentials) and navigate a site to make purchases. They can impersonate all factors like cookies, browser and OS versions. There are many sites that use captcha to attempt to minimize the ability for a script to just submit. It requires a lot more programming to bypass a cpatcha or the "Are you a robot" feature.
I will totally support a new crap of the day site that starts at 6:00 am Eastern so the west coasters can do the 3:00 am that woot does. Let's call it hehem.com or something less memorable.
@limehouse If there's any live-at-3am stuff at woot, it's going to be some plus sale, which isn't something worth getting up for. Or even looking at on the most part.
Back on topic, I didn't get one, laid the blame on @jaremelz, and moved on. I actually have some more unblame ... but meh.
@limehouse NOOO!!! 6 AM EST is too late, I'd already be leaving for work/showering/changing a baby/at work (early days) how about 3 AM EST... midnight for west coast... :) Also @Jaremelz I blame you for my mood yesterday... that continued on this morning...
I own a business. I need sleep. I'm never awake at midnight. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with not getting a fukumehbuko or whatever it is. But then, I've never had one, so I do not know what I am missing. Maybe it's chocolate.* If you've never had it, you don't miss it, but once you have, you want it every day.
*Alternatives include "sex," "malted milk balls," "World of Warcraft," and "oxygen."
@Marion14505 I have gotten several and actually most of the stuff in them I give away, sell (I am broke) or put in the mehrician (or however that is spelled) exchange as I neither want nor need the stuff (although the anticipation to see what is coming, the posting and being involved in that is fun). The Sony speaker doc was good as that was my daughter's christmas present, she was beyond thrilled and I couldn't have afforded it otherwise. That I was stuck in robot hell for the second time in a row, with multiple buy clicks until it finally said sold out was OK (or so I tell myself LOL) as I really didn't want much of what meh was selling between the last and this fuku and so the leftovers that would have been put in there likely would have been on the sell or give away list. Of course they throw a few other things in, often broken or it breaks on the way, and of course I have gotten a few things that were nice surprises that I have kept for me - so I have come out ahead in the long run.
If you post your address we could blitz you with malted milk balls and packages of TX air (for those who got fukus after they come in) since there is oxygen in them LOL.
@Marion14505 Well hog the world supply via a bootleg operation to suck it out of the air. When you have all of it you'd have a monopoly. That should give you more than enough and you'd get rich to boot selling it back... Oh wait... there is a small problem with that plan LOL
I think I'd really like to get one, but it's sounds like those who do put in a lot of effort and I'm just kind of meh about Meh. One day I'm sure I'll be up past my bedtime and happen upon it, and then I'll go all Varuca Salt and sing about it and end up a bad egg headed to the incinerator.
I didn't get one, but have been fuku'd twice before. I feel liberated by all the folks that did stay up, or were up at midnight EDT and didn't get one anyway. It was one of the few nights I slept at midnight EDT since July 8 and now I see I can skip the midnight ritual, if it's a crap shoot anyway. Thanks to all the pissed off posters for informing me/us about robots and spinning, slow loads, Meh. on aMehricans!
Got tired and went to bed early for the first time in weeks, missed the fuku. Meh.
Other than the kickstarter, I've gotten 1 of them because I can't stay up until Midnight. Oh well. It's what I get for not staying up until Midnight. No biggie.
Totally didn't get one this time either. It's okay. I've got an inside scoop on what's going in them. Wouldn't want one anyways.
@MEHcus Can you send me one that isnt terrible and is truly mediocre? Cause I gave you things all creepy like a few months back.
@MEHcus We know they're shit, it' scoring one that matters!
@darkzrobe No can do, as @Kyser_Soze said, they are all shit.
@MEHcus I see how it is.
I wasn't ready. I missed it. Like I said elsewhere, I still haven't unpacked all from my last Fuku or the last Mehrican exchange. I have too much stuff as it is.
I just hope some folks who've never had the pleasure got the pleasure last night.
@lisaviolet I did not get any pleasure last night
@mehdaf you sound like my husband!
@mehdaf Blame @jaremelz.
@mehdaf and @lisaviolet I'm sorry you were denied pleasure last night.

This is not the thread I seek.


@mfladd Where's the "I didn't get a fukubukuro thread- fuck you all to hell"? That's the one I need.
@sammydog01 start one, I will back your play.
@sammydog01 I think that's the original fuku thread from the other night, some posters got a little testee
@DMlivezey I set up a thread for venting without judgement- I hate expressing disappointment and then being jumped on by trolls. That's why I haven't visited the product thread.
It would have been nice to have gotten one, but since I didn't, life will go on. I didn't lose any sleep over it.
I don't really care.
@Barney woah woah woah, this is the "meh" aka I'm impartial either way. You obviously belong over in the hate threads with your snide "caring" remark.
@Barney At least I have a Fuku bag compliments of you and @Katblue! :)
@Bogie Sorry, my enthusiasm sometimes overwhelms me.
@Barney I understand, I'll let it slide... this time
@mfladd We were very happy to do this for you.
I hit snooze..I lose...somehow I will survive :)
I meant to check last night, but I got distracted, and fell asleep at 10:46 CST. Oh well. Maybe next time.
I get up for work at 5am. I'd rather sleep than try to stay awake until midnight.
I do however get up a few times a night to go potty and check the site if it's after midnight. I woke at 12:06 this morning and was too late.
I will live because @Barney sent me the actual Fuku bag anyway!
@looseneck One of these days you will wake up at the right time and snag a real Fuku, not just an empty bag.
I went to the NLCS game last night, so I missed the fuku. Sad my team lost, but still very happy I went. Definitely worth missing a fuku for.
I care - but I'm not going to complain. I went to bed well before midnight. Still, I think it's unfair that those of us that have to work can't get one! I'm sure these were sold out shortly after midnight and I checked at 6am EST. Just once I'd like to see enough of these being sold so we all had a chance - maybe release them in waves every few hours. Anyway, I've missed them all - FUKU.
@Ready4C Hey, that sounds like complaining to me. Go find that other thread.
@Ready4C woot did exactly what you asked for - several times. The mass quantity BOC's sucked for pretty much everyone. More than usual. So, you have a choice - low price mystery box that's easier to get, but has utter crap in it; higher price mystery box that's easy to get, that still probably has utter crap in it... or this.
Also - you're not the only one who works here. You're not the only one who lives on the east coast and gets up at 6am. Everyone has the same chance - the bag goes up at the same time for all. It's your choice to be here when it happens, or sleep. Personally, sleep is probably the more prudent decision.
@Thumperchick Actually, I get up at 0430 EST - I'm at work at 0600 (retired military and part time gov annuitant) and check meh first thing. Been with woot and meh from the beginning (no longer bother with woot however). I guess it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm really not. I want a fukubukuro - bottom line. I know it's crap - I know there's no Cadillac in the box - but, that's the fun of it - I want to post a picture of the crap, I want to complain about the quality of the crap, and I want the freaking bag! In order to get one I'd have to stay up every day to check - I'm 70 so sleep is important. So, yeah, everyone has the same chance - but I'd like my chance to be at 2000 or 2100 or 2200 like our time zone friends to the West!! At least I'd be awake to take my chance!!
@Ready4C Thank you for your service to our country. In my opinion, our military people aren't appreciated enough. If a red fuku bag is all you want, I have one from a previous fuku that I would happily send you. LMK here if you are interested.
@jsimsace If I had more stars, you would get them!
@Ready4C - You can safely enjoy your sleep now for a couple of months. Two months will conveniently bring us ~to Christmas, you might try staying up then.
@jsimsace That's a great offer - but I wouldn't do that. I'll get one and the crap inside too! Again thank you and keep supporting our troops - they need us now more than ever before!
I was doing dishes. Minor bummer. It's all good.
I was actually at my computer, but didn't notice the time until half past. Oh, well. Got a couple before; don't feel horribly deprived.
@walarney Same, I was busy doing some work, looked at the clock, saw it as 12:06, figured I'd go check on Meh. "Oh... well... that sucks. Next time, then"
WAH. and I went all VIP yesterday too. Meh.
Yeah fuk u fuku
My streak of successfully grabbing a fukubukuro remains unblemished - still a big, fat zero.
@brendles I love a positive outlook.
@lisaviolet Since I can't keep up with my meh button clicks, I figure this is one streak I can keep going!
I'm a little bummed because I actually did get every previous fuku/fuko, through sheer luck, or perseverance during the horrible crash fuku. I even won an extra one that Meh didn't send because I'd gotten one by other means (was that the VMP one? I don't recall and not going to look it up). I lost this time because the robot check demanded I enter full payment information, and that took too long.
I was wondering if they looked at my order history and decided I needed a robot check to break my winning streak, but then decided that was too much work; they wouldn't bother. OTOH the first time @jaremelz is the goat, I lose my first fuku? And I bet she didn't have to work at it at all.
@duodec I'm furious for you!

And um...yeah. My husband actually hit buy it before me, but he didn't get one and I did. My 3rd, including the great fuku crash. That was my intro to the magical fuku. So..I'll hang my head in shame now
@jaremelz ummm... not furious (especially in this thread). Just sad. I lost my perfect Meh button streak months ago and my perfect fuku streak becomes a dusty relic of the past. And now even the October goat is being sympathetic. Never have I sunk so low. It is to sigh...
@duodec I think I'm actually happier missing it altogether. The robot thing really burns me.

@duodec Better now? Turns out I wasn't furious either, it was goaty gas.

@jaremelz Yes Ma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-am.
@duodec what was the 'crash fuku'?
@DMlivezey - On one fuku sale they sold a few, then the site crashed for about an hour, then came back up. Some of those who stuck around and kept trying managed to score one in the second wave.
@DMlivezey What @KDemo said. It was reminiscent of some of the BOCs at Woot, where you just kept pounding away at it until either it sold out or you got through. I almost gave up on that one but persevered and got one. Of course @jaremelz wasn't the goat then... if she was who knows what would have happened.
First time I didn't get one I tried for. Not mad about not getting one. meh.
But a little, ok maybe a lot, frustrated at being stuck in "are you a robot" hell. First time for that. I hate that. The pictures they bring up you can't even tell what they are. A robot might know. A human not so much.
I wish meh would just keep track of who is a robot and who isn't. I don't think it's rocket science. Therefore it must be @jaremelz 's doing.
@ceagee How would meh keep track of who is a robot? A robot (computer script) can log in just like a person (or even use your personal credentials) and navigate a site to make purchases. They can impersonate all factors like cookies, browser and OS versions. There are many sites that use captcha to attempt to minimize the ability for a script to just submit. It requires a lot more programming to bypass a cpatcha or the "Are you a robot" feature.
I will totally support a new crap of the day site that starts at 6:00 am Eastern so the west coasters can do the 3:00 am that woot does. Let's call it hehem.com or something less memorable.
@limehouse If there's any live-at-3am stuff at woot, it's going to be some plus sale, which isn't something worth getting up for. Or even looking at on the most part.
Back on topic, I didn't get one, laid the blame on @jaremelz, and moved on. I actually have some more unblame ... but meh.
@limehouse NOOO!!! 6 AM EST is too late, I'd already be leaving for work/showering/changing a baby/at work (early days) how about 3 AM EST... midnight for west coast... :) Also @Jaremelz I blame you for my mood yesterday... that continued on this morning...
@sohmageek Sorry you're just not feelin' it today, man.

I own a business. I need sleep. I'm never awake at midnight. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with not getting a fukumehbuko or whatever it is. But then, I've never had one, so I do not know what I am missing. Maybe it's chocolate.* If you've never had it, you don't miss it, but once you have, you want it every day.
*Alternatives include "sex," "malted milk balls," "World of Warcraft," and "oxygen."
@Marion14505 I have gotten several and actually most of the stuff in them I give away, sell (I am broke) or put in the mehrician (or however that is spelled) exchange as I neither want nor need the stuff (although the anticipation to see what is coming, the posting and being involved in that is fun). The Sony speaker doc was good as that was my daughter's christmas present, she was beyond thrilled and I couldn't have afforded it otherwise. That I was stuck in robot hell for the second time in a row, with multiple buy clicks until it finally said sold out was OK (or so I tell myself LOL) as I really didn't want much of what meh was selling between the last and this fuku and so the leftovers that would have been put in there likely would have been on the sell or give away list. Of course they throw a few other things in, often broken or it breaks on the way, and of course I have gotten a few things that were nice surprises that I have kept for me - so I have come out ahead in the long run.
If you post your address we could blitz you with malted milk balls and packages of TX air (for those who got fukus after they come in) since there is oxygen in them LOL.
@Kidsandliz Thanks for the info! You can send milk balls to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 :)
@Marion14505 LOL What are you trying to do - get us arrested so there are fewer of us trying for a fuku?
@Kidsandliz Just trying to make more oxygen for me. :)
@Marion14505 Well hog the world supply via a bootleg operation to suck it out of the air. When you have all of it you'd have a monopoly. That should give you more than enough and you'd get rich to boot selling it back... Oh wait... there is a small problem with that plan LOL
@Kidsandliz Sounds like AT&T.
I think I'd really like to get one, but it's sounds like those who do put in a lot of effort and I'm just kind of meh about Meh. One day I'm sure I'll be up past my bedtime and happen upon it, and then I'll go all Varuca Salt and sing about it and end up a bad egg headed to the incinerator.
@caddylikescake Much as with the BOCs of yore, I'm "if I get one, woohoo; if not, BAH! for a minute and life moves on".
One difference is there's a monthly scapegoat to blame here, although so far my track record with @jaremelz is like 5 blames and 200 thanks/ unblames.

I didn't get one, but have been fuku'd twice before. I feel liberated by all the folks that did stay up, or were up at midnight EDT and didn't get one anyway. It was one of the few nights I slept at midnight EDT since July 8 and now I see I can skip the midnight ritual, if it's a crap shoot anyway. Thanks to all the pissed off posters for informing me/us about robots and spinning, slow loads, Meh. on aMehricans!