…Even though Meh sometimes doesn’t register my click and through no fault of my own kills my hard earned streak, signifying the passing and irretrievable days of my life.
@ThomasF But I already have so many other things to think about in life… If I were the sort to really lose sleep over this sort of thing, I might double and triple check click stickiness, but that would be distinctly not in keeping with the Meh spirit. So, like most here, I’d rather put up a passive aggressive screed than take any personal initiative.
I selected “I’m not buying the item” without bothering to look at the context cause I saw truth that is seldom wrong and decided to go for it… even though now it implies i only click the button when i’m not buying… which is incorrect. meh
@SSteve no, just saying it would be optional and streaks comprised of meh-meh-meh-bought-meh-meh would be valid with or without a meh on the bought-day.
I usually click the button when the item, for some reason, kept my interest enough to read the text, look through the images and still not buy it. You know, it’s as if I was in the store, saw something interesting, picked it up then put it back down with a “meh”.
I’m not entirely consistent on it thought, sometimes it’s just random.
And then there’s… I don’t know what Meh button you’re talking about. I just have the meh page loaded in my one tab and in the mornings, I just open the page… see what’s for sale and then come here.
@sammydog01 Ok… I did. Honest to God… I never even noticed that button there in all the time I’ve been coming here. Looked right past it! (Forest-trees)
I only click the meh button when I think the item is total crap or the deal sucks.
I use it to tell meh that they have failed me and everyone else that day (don’t worry, I’m a Browns fan, so complete and utter failure will not keep me away)
@SSteve That’s a great idea. But I’m afraid I’ll be hitting the meh button every time it sprays me in the eye. Not the brown eye, one of the other two.
@craigthom Same here. Usually I don’t buy the things I click Meh on, but in those rare cases where it’s a good deal on a lame item that I think I might use, I do both.
I’m seriously thinking about starting a streak NOT clicking the Meh button. I wonder how many days in a row I can go without clicking it… If Meh is true to form, some time in the future, just as I approach some not-click-streak milestone, the site will autoclick it for me.
@shahnm I’m a paltry 112 days from 1K. Once I hit that milestone, I’m going to see how long it takes me to have an internal meltdown and start clicking again.
Enjoying the extended discussion here. @dave and I have been discussing some of these positions internally. We’d like to clarify the differences between the site name / button / product (presumably via a clearer what is meh page).
@snapster It’s not like woot where “woot” was both a noun (site name / product / user or “wooter”) and a verb (act of purchasing the item and/or act of participating on the site or “wooting”)
A wooter just wooted a woot on woot! Woot, woot!
meh = site name
product = item / sale / deal / offering
meh button = the button that reads “meh”.
There is no verb of meh-ing nor noun of meh-ers.
“I clicked meh.” would mean a person clicked the meh button, but “I clicked on meh.” could mean the person navigated to meh.com, they clicked something on the meh site, or they specifically clicked the meh button. That’s the only possible thing that would need further distinction, in my opinion.
The site is named for the ability to express and display collective disdain/ambivalence on a deal, an unusual feature.
The goal of the site Meh is not actually to sell Meh product. We may need to admit that to clarify better.
Or maybe state the goal is to increase Meh button presses as a byproduct of more people visiting maybe. But I think even that is too obscure for mainstream visitors.
@snapster Well, sure. Both “meh” and “woot” are explanations one can use to convey their ambivalence/excitement over something. (deal or otherwise) I think that goes without saying as “meh” was used for that purpose since the long, long ago times of pre-Internet.
I can see how the “what is meh” page could be misleading and selling you short as it does discuss why would you be selling items that are considered to be of “meh” levels of desire. That Shark vacuum deal the other day got me all hot and bothered, so it was certainly not “meh” to me. I still clicked that meh button, however.
Edit: if would be cute to see a little needle gauge that would display the degree of meh-ness for the product of the day beyond a simple total click count. I’m sure somebody could come up with a formula that included total meh clicks, product stock, purchase rates, etc… The gauge could have ratings from green to red that included “hardly meh”, “somewhat meh”, “decidedly meh”, and so forth. After the sale ends, you would have that rating to query on to see which deals were collectively considered to be “meh”.
I used to have a max run of 3, but last month I accidentally clicked a fourth day in a row and now I had to put it up to 5 because I refuse to have a longest streak of FOUR that’s the worst number ever. But in general I try to click it at least once a week and no more than three or so times in a row.
I sometimes start to make an interesting visual pattern with my clicks, but I have not completed any. This month it was going to be something to behold! But I forgot to click on Monday, sigh.
@Collin1000 Shoulda stopped at 1337.
@GLaDOS Can’t stop. Won’t stop. Send help.
@Collin1000 @GLaDOS I would have sent lawyers, guns, and money, but I already sent all of mine to Warren…
…Even though Meh sometimes doesn’t register my click and through no fault of my own kills my hard earned streak, signifying the passing and irretrievable days of my life.
@shahnm Refresh the page to check if it stuck! Geez!
@ThomasF But I already have so many other things to think about in life… If I were the sort to really lose sleep over this sort of thing, I might double and triple check click stickiness, but that would be distinctly not in keeping with the Meh spirit. So, like most here, I’d rather put up a passive aggressive screed than take any personal initiative.
Whaddya think - this is Woot! or something?
I selected “I’m not buying the item” without bothering to look at the context cause I saw truth that is seldom wrong and decided to go for it… even though now it implies i only click the button when i’m not buying… which is incorrect. meh
Currently extending my longest steak at 201. (meh.)
1241 days in a row.
How many are in the 1K club?
@hems79 1201 in a row. You win.
@hems79 Isn’t overachieving on meh button clicks somewhat antithetical to the concept of Meh?
@hems79 @txag96 They are generous souls providing the rest of us the opportunity to revel in the glorious meh-ness of our own meh button click streaks.
You unappreciative yewt.
@hems79 @txag96 Not as overachieving as this middle finger.

I know you’re sending the meh button clicks straight to the NSA and I’m not falling for it.
Meh clicks break time!! Be careful!!

@Luko26 You’re a Mehrathon warrior
I click when I know I won’t buy something. If it’s something I don’t want but the price seems nice, I won’t click.
When I want to express the meh-ness of the item to meh.com
@GLaDOS I knew we forgot an answer.
Beat my previous streak, but only by a little bit…
Just like Sisyphus rolling a stone up the hill… meh.
or at least wait for the color meh face tee shirt.
I click the Meh button when:
I come to the site. Gotta keep that streak going, baby!
But only if I remember to. (It’s usually when I’m considering buying, but haven’t made up my mind, that I forget. [sad face])
When I want to verify that I’m still logged in without having to refresh any pages.
Back at the dawn of meh, I wouldn’t click the meh face on stuff I bought. What the hell was I thinking?
@SSteve we’ve been thinking we should go back and fill in this sort of gap. I think you had it right and the streak should be either/or.
@snapster How about a new streak tracking statistic? The number of days since you’ve purchased anything.
@snapster Are you saying people wouldn’t be able to click meh on stuff they buy? If so, I think you’d have a full-scale riot on your hands.
@SSteve no, just saying it would be optional and streaks comprised of meh-meh-meh-bought-meh-meh would be valid with or without a meh on the bought-day.
I have not clicked the button a whopping 157 times since I joined Meh 1169 days ago. My current streak hits a year tomorrow. I don’t know why I do it.
And while we’re at it this makes the 547th time I’ve voted in one of your stupid polls.
/giphy stupid poll

I usually click the button when the item, for some reason, kept my interest enough to read the text, look through the images and still not buy it. You know, it’s as if I was in the store, saw something interesting, picked it up then put it back down with a “meh”.
I’m not entirely consistent on it thought, sometimes it’s just random.
cinoclav joined us 1378 days ago
1467 meh button clicks
1264 days in a row
longest streak: 1264
I’m still pissed off about that phantom click that didn’t stick.
You know that’s just mediocrebot screwing with you, ya? After all, don’t forget…
1561 meh button clicks
252 days in a row
longest streak: 694
Only missed 2 or 3 days.
I click anything that moves.
Today’s click is 66 in a row, 2 clicks past my previous record.
597 clicks total.
Not all that impressive, I know, but Meh has only recently become a compulsive part of my morning surf.
But it is now a firmly rooted compulsion.
And then there’s… I don’t know what Meh button you’re talking about. I just have the meh page loaded in my one tab and in the mornings, I just open the page… see what’s for sale and then come here.
@lseeber CLICK THE BUTTON! The one that says Meh. It becomes something magical. Try it- once won’t hurt. Really, you can stop any time you want.
@lseeber @sammydog01

/giphy it’s a trap!
@sammydog01 Ok… I did. Honest to God… I never even noticed that button there in all the time I’ve been coming here. Looked right past it! (Forest-trees)
I only click the meh button when I think the item is total crap or the deal sucks.
I use it to tell meh that they have failed me and everyone else that day (don’t worry, I’m a Browns fan, so complete and utter failure will not keep me away)
@SnakeJG Me too
I click the meh button when:
My finger goes through the toilet paper. But I wash my hands first.
@uebergod 797 meh clicks. I think you need to invest in better toilet paper.
@RiotDemon I’ve been waiting for meh to sell some. But, until then, I use cheap coffee filters.
@uebergod You sound like the perfect demographic for the bidets they occasionally sell.
@SSteve That’s a great idea. But I’m afraid I’ll be hitting the meh button every time it sprays me in the eye. Not the brown eye, one of the other two.
When I think it’s a “meh” product, whether I buy it or not.
@craigthom So, basically every day, then?
@craigthom Same here. Usually I don’t buy the things I click Meh on, but in those rare cases where it’s a good deal on a lame item that I think I might use, I do both.
@jsh139 Most days
I clicked it once, just to see what would happen. Meh.

I click it when I think the item is lame.
I’m seriously thinking about starting a streak NOT clicking the Meh button. I wonder how many days in a row I can go without clicking it… If Meh is true to form, some time in the future, just as I approach some not-click-streak milestone, the site will autoclick it for me.
@shahnm I’m a paltry 112 days from 1K. Once I hit that milestone, I’m going to see how long it takes me to have an internal meltdown and start clicking again.
Or maybe I’ll go for 2K?
Or maybe I’ll seek professional help for my OCD?
Enjoying the extended discussion here. @dave and I have been discussing some of these positions internally. We’d like to clarify the differences between the site name / button / product (presumably via a clearer what is meh page).
@snapster It’s not like woot where “woot” was both a noun (site name / product / user or “wooter”) and a verb (act of purchasing the item and/or act of participating on the site or “wooting”)
A wooter just wooted a woot on woot! Woot, woot!
meh = site name
product = item / sale / deal / offering
meh button = the button that reads “meh”.
There is no verb of meh-ing nor noun of meh-ers.
“I clicked meh.” would mean a person clicked the meh button, but “I clicked on meh.” could mean the person navigated to meh.com, they clicked something on the meh site, or they specifically clicked the meh button. That’s the only possible thing that would need further distinction, in my opinion.
@medz right, good baseline but also needed:
The site is named for the ability to express and display collective disdain/ambivalence on a deal, an unusual feature.
The goal of the site Meh is not actually to sell Meh product. We may need to admit that to clarify better.
Or maybe state the goal is to increase Meh button presses as a byproduct of more people visiting maybe. But I think even that is too obscure for mainstream visitors.
@snapster Well, sure. Both “meh” and “woot” are explanations one can use to convey their ambivalence/excitement over something. (deal or otherwise) I think that goes without saying as “meh” was used for that purpose since the long, long ago times of pre-Internet.
I can see how the “what is meh” page could be misleading and selling you short as it does discuss why would you be selling items that are considered to be of “meh” levels of desire. That Shark vacuum deal the other day got me all hot and bothered, so it was certainly not “meh” to me. I still clicked that meh button, however.
Edit: if would be cute to see a little needle gauge that would display the degree of meh-ness for the product of the day beyond a simple total click count. I’m sure somebody could come up with a formula that included total meh clicks, product stock, purchase rates, etc… The gauge could have ratings from green to red that included “hardly meh”, “somewhat meh”, “decidedly meh”, and so forth. After the sale ends, you would have that rating to query on to see which deals were collectively considered to be “meh”.
@snapster Among my 150 purchases, I apologize that I have failed you.
Thank goodness for all those catshirts that keep popping up here, though!
My approach to Meh button clicks:
/youtube wild card bitches
I used to have a max run of 3, but last month I accidentally clicked a fourth day in a row and now I had to put it up to 5 because I refuse to have a longest streak of FOUR that’s the worst number ever. But in general I try to click it at least once a week and no more than three or so times in a row.
@Asviloka Valid reason.

/image tetraphobia elevator
When the item really really stinks. I mean, there’s meh, but even “meh” should have a floor.
/image I’m overusing this image directive

I sometimes start to make an interesting visual pattern with my clicks, but I have not completed any. This month it was going to be something to behold! But I forgot to click on Monday, sigh.