Humorous garage sale add in my local craigslist

Kidsandliz went on a bit of a rant said

My local craigslist has a garage sale that was too funny. I did a google to see if they stole it from somewhere and I couldn’t find that they had. I loved the fictitious books they were selling. The husband’ s comment at the end was pretty funny too.

Wedding dress, golf wedges, golf putter, golf bag, bath mats, cutting board, small vertical belt sander, radio, outdoor pillows, candles, frames, small luggage, computer cover, nail polish, glassware, purses, succulents and herbs, home goods, home décor, books, Clint Eastwood/Ethel Merman/Sid Vicious Celtic River Dance Rap CD (not really; just seeing if you’re paying attention), dresses, jewelry, jewelry box, women’s T-shirts, women’s bathing suits, yard art, planting pots, beginner piano book, seasona; decorations and Hello Kitty notebook (yeah, it’s real, but who cares, right?)

For fiction lovers, fictitious books for sale: “Hillary Clinton Campaigning for Dummies” workbook (unused), “Donald Trump’s Complete Hyperbole Anthology” (Russian edition), “Cha-Ching: Chinese Diplomacy Made Easy” by Ivanka Trump, “Revisionist History and Advanced Dry Cleaning” by Bill Clinton, “Bill O’Reilly 14th Century Sexual Harassment Handbook.”

Also, CNN’s “Stories We Got Right” refrigerator magnet (large print edition), and a Gannett newspaper vacuum (it sucks badly; it thinks it has more power than it does).

Sale starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m., or when my wife reads this ad and realizes the mistake she made in having me in charge of such things.