Powered via micro USB (micro USB to USB cable included)
- Tracing drawings and photos
- Sensory activies for children
- Sand art
- Viewing film negatives, slides, and x-rays
- Displaying transparencies
- Watercolor paint surface
- Animation
Condition: New Warranty:90 Day Mediocre Estimated Delivery: 8/4 - 8/7 Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Light pad
1x Micro USB to USB cable
1x User manual
@lljk If you're into them, really wacom is the only way to go. There's a few others out there, but I've really seen nothing that comes close to them. Of course when you're paying $50 for some knock off instead of $200 for the wacom, I guess what can you expect.
@lljk Monoprice has a fine line of drawing tablets that apparently get quite good reviews. Not being an artist, I can't say whether or not they are good, but I hear good things about them from artsty people.
@lljk It's worth reading Frenden's reviews before jumping into the space. That tag covers everything from the drawing tablets OP wanted to Cintiq replacements (and Cintiqs) to stuff like the Surface Pro 3. Dude also does drop-dead-gorgeous Manga Studio/Clip Studio brushes for next to nothing. He is a super valuable resource.
NOTE: I am not Frenden, I am not getting kickbacks from Frenden, I'm just like READ THE THING EEEE.
Wacom used to be the only game in town worth your time for small knock-around entry level tablets, but that's getting less and less true. If you go down that road, research helps - something else might fit better with your style, and you might want to keep your costs down for the initial commit. It really pays to read Frenden to narrow down what you want, then go check Amazon reviews to confirm whether the thing you want has issues with your existing equipment (driver issues, Mac incompatibility WHICH HAPPENS A LOT, software conflicts, bla).
If I didn't already have a badass 4-foot lightbox, I'd get it. Trust me, from someone who draws really well and is often called "talented"--the only reason I'm good is because I started drawing when I was 3 and never stopped. And when I was a kid, I traced a LOT. It really is an amazing way to learn how to draw. Don't pass off the traces as original drawings, but trace for a month and try drawing. Then another month, and again. Each time you'll be astonished at how good you've gotten.
Tracing isn't the best way to learn how to shade, but ones you learn shapes, then tackle shading (I recommend charcoal as a learning medium).
This also makes a great base for small-product photography where you want to knock out the background and don't have lighting equipment (hint for etsy people).
@HELLOALICE Great hint! Seems like there's no end to the uses for a light box. I've got a 400W DIY monster, and I'm in for one of these to use as a more elegant and portable light box.
@Jetlag I didn't cancel my VMP and I did order so much shit.
Here at meh, I got the batteries, I picked up my third Foscam IP camera (still don't have the other two set up), the Damson speakers last week. Spent money at Walmart online, Amazon, too. I told myself after buying Imagepac negative film last night "ENOUGH!"
Then this light box showed and golly gosh darn it, wouldn't ya know I've ALWAYS wanted one of these?
Nice try, Meh, telling us this isn't a drawing tablet when there's clearly a USB cable for this. I don't know what you're trying to pull here but I'm not buying it.
I run a print shop; this guy is perfect for measuring front-to-back registration on duplex jobs. Prefer this to the old method of holding test prints up to the fluorescent lights in the ceiling.
My love for all of you -- take what you need but need what you take -- and my open wallet are brought to you this evening by vodka.
@Distraktor clever. In a similar vane, if you frequently print on watermarked bond paper it could be useful to assure you've got the paper loaded upright and front-right. But perhaps it would be overkill for that.
@CerPrime I have this one and it works quite well. I like that I can adjust the brightness easily. It's really lightweight, and since I purchased the easel for it, I can use it at the exact angle I need.
Grrrraaaaaaagh. Want to buy a second but keep getting zip code verification errors on two cards. I've already emailed @halp, but if any Meh peeps see this before Monday morning and can add the second unit to my order before it sells out, I swear I will buy you a beer the next time I see you. Merci.
@cengland0@IQof20 Actually, at first it wouldn't let me buy it at all because of that. Then I clicked after the zip code and typed in the hyphen and four digits and, even though they didn't show up, that was the transaction that cleared okay. A few minutes later when I realized that aside from the gift, I had a use for one myself, that trick didn't work on either the card already in the system or the one I try not to use online. (I also reported the problem after the fukō sale but never heard back. Did you get any response, @IQof20?)
@cengland0@IQof20 I just talked to Visa and the rep said they don't even have the extra four digits in the system. Those are in the mailing address database, but as far as they're concerned they have nothing to do with transaction processing. She asked me what zip code I was using, I told her those first five digits, and she said in a really puzzled tone, "That doesn't make any sense. That's what we've got." Maybe time to ping @dave and @shawn?
@editorkid I've looked into this and I'm happy to share what I'm able to see from our end from Stripe (our payment processor). To me this really looks like an issue with the issuing bank (not necessarily Visa).
At 12:00:59am ET your bank sent us the following error message:
At 12:01:08am ET we got the same error message:
At 12:01:40am ET we got an approval from your bank.
You might have typed in a hyphen and four digits but it didn't make it to our site. The name, billing address, and expiration date was identical to the previous two payments that were declined. I'm confident in saying this because the card's "fingerprint" (which we use to help track fraudulent cards across multiple accounts) is identical.
Why would your bank give us two error messages of The zip code you supplied failed validation before approving the exact same address 32 seconds later?
At 12:15:35am ET we got an error from your bank for the exact same card that was approved 14 minutes earlier with the exact same card fingerprint.
Same error message at 12:15:52am ET, 12:16:10am ET, 12:16:28am ET, 12:16:58am ET, and 12:17:22am ET.
At 12:18:10am ET it looks to me like your bank had enough and blacklisted this card. We got the following error message:
Since we're having so many issues with the card I'm going to delete it from our system. If you contact your bank again, here's some info about declined charges: https://stripe.com/help/declines
@shawn, you continue to be awesome. All I know at my end is that Visa says "shrug ain't us," but knowing that it's my bank rather than you folks or Visa proper, and having a specific log like this, hopefully will really help now that I know I have to talk to the bank itself. Thanks for taking weekend time helping me on this... you are on the beer list too. (And yeah, so many failed transaction attempts in such a short time led to a card block. But Carol at Visa was glad to hear it was me and removed the block, and thinks the idea of Meh is pretty cool and is going to check it out.)
I'm getting one to replace this which I bought for 15¢ at a garage sale decades ago and expected to outgrow. Will probably store my spiffy new one in a NY Built neoprene case to protect it in between uses. Major-snooty-burn search resulted in tragic pictures of diseased goat noses rather than images of Robert Duvall from M*A*S*H.
@RedOak The manual and the manufacturer's page says 5.1mm/0.2in. Amazon says 5.1mm, but then converts it to 0.27in which isn't right at all. I didn't measure it myself, but I would say confidently that it is 0.2in.
@G1@Kylethephotoguy luckily for my credit card, they sold out before I came back in the morning!
@G1, not sure whether it was the camping angle that floated your boat, but we camped this week and brought along a really cheap LED light string (as in, the LED leads themselves were directly strung together) connected to a 3xAAA box. We hung that string across the middle of our standing height tent and it worked great as ambient lighting for about $5 as I recall on eBay.
@MsELizardBeth I have this same one for that very reason, lol!! It's been a life - and eyesight - saver! Just wish it had been on sale when I got it...oh well!
@MsELizardBeth I'm amazed that others here do shirts! How cool is that? I don't do anything really artsy, but I have fun doing it.
Here's one of my favorites (we had annual meets at the Disney resort in Anaheim for fifteen years and I made the shirts for us all). That year's theme was "The Year of the Ride". We all got little Sharpie pens to go with the shirts. We marked off the rides we'd been on.
@KDemo Thanks, it was fun! Our group name was on the front.
The most I've ever done was on a rainy weekday in February a few years ago with my best friend. We did 23 rides in one day.
And I've found that using Ridemax (available for both Disneyland and Disneyworld) is a great help. One of our problems is we stand around "waddya wanna do now?"
my brain and hand doesn't seem to understand how to draw 3 dimensional. So when I try to draw or paint it's just all like flat. I bought books to help me with this, not much help, still don't get it.
@mick To coax dimensionality out of a drawing, add shadows and specular highlights even if they aren't there in the model or source material. A lot of artists struggle with this not because they suck but because they're in a certain sense too GOOD... they're trying to hard to accurately depict the source. Of course if you're working from a physical model like a still life you can alter the lighting to bring out sharper shadows and specular highlights, but sometimes you just have to fake it. Try studying the works of impressionist painters, where this concept is taken to its logical extreme. Good luck!
I made a little example of an ammonite. Whether the specular highlights and shadows exist on the source object or not, they add dimensionality where there previously was none:
@gwrankin Especially so when you consider that art supplies like this are a bit unusual for Meh. Had they gotten a deal on speaker docks or knives or such, then they'd have tons of 'em, but if they're selling products that are a bit more out there then it makes sense to buy fewer at first until you know it's in a category that Meh users are interested in.
Although i do not have use for this item i do appreciate the effort to put forth new items for that a big BRAVO MEH ...also the 14x10 dimensions adds up to 17.7 inches?
@sammydog01 lol. Yea. When I saw more orders than the CEO I too realized my problem. (luckily most of it is for work and not coming from my bank account)
I got in before the sellout. Usually I wake up at midnight to check, but I alcohol-snoozed through that this time. Fortunately, my backup alarm (my bladder) went off around 5:30am and I was able to purchase then.
Only on few occasions do I find myself with a need for a lightbox, but when I do, it's awkward as hell. Like, taping something to a window. Awful.
I too was an art major and used to draw a lot as a child. During our illustration labs in college, it was a REQUIREMENT to trace elements out of magazines and such to composite them into an original drawing. This was before Photoshop was main-steam (or even had layers), of course, but I think the training and skill-set needed to do that are valid and necessary to use PS effectively.
Here's one such "trace" where we only used the outline, but were required to come up with the color/shading treatment on our own, only using the original photo for reference.
And here's some skulls. Just because. This was drawn from life (no tracing).
There has been some great discussion on this item and how to use it.
@hypernuvigilant for the Frenden's reviews site. @HELLOALICE advice. Others on the t-shirt advice, & so many others…
I do have a question about buying some basic supplies such as a small set of pencils and charcoal. I am in a small town so am not hands-on. I have a 12 color set of Sanford Prismacolor which seem ok.
I just did a search and, maybe this set of Prismacolor could be an OK set but the really older sets were fantastic. Others recommend these brands : Faber-Castell, Lyra Rembrandt Polycolors. Then I found that the Prismacolor Premier were recommended and at a reasonable price. Gets so confusing…
Also seems one needs a decent sharpener (manual) and maybe a nice variety of paper to play around with.
Sorry to ask so much. Maybe there is a review site that one can suggest… anything would be really appreciated!
@fjp999 Colored pencils and markers: yes, prismacolor. Graphite: staedtler or however you spell it's. Blue pencils, come in a tin. Fine-tip black market for inking: Sakura.
These are not top of the line, but they are the best for their price. Copics are expensive as fuck.
Get a huge box of vine charcoal and a cheap kit of different softness. Buy a few moldable grey erasers.
Paper wise, buy a strathmore pad. Not Bristol, just drawing. Buy a huge thick cheap shitty sketch pad.
Use the vine charcoal on the sketch pad and everything else on the drawing paper. Don't try to do anything super crazy nice for a few months. When you're ready, play with Bristol and vellum. The stiff translucent kind. Killer for markers.
Most importantly, LOOK. Don't draw an apple. Draw the lines and shadows. DrW what you see, not what you think. There, art 101.
@fjp999 Oh. Any sharpener will do. Don't let anyone con you otherwise. Yes manual to avoid rattling the cores but just buy a piece of crap $1 sharpener. And paper variety is for when you know what you're doing. One step at a time. Get a cheap pad of tracing paper too.
@fjp999 I've used prismacolors (120 color set) and they were fine. I do recommend a knife to sharpen the pencils. Not mandatory, but once you start it's nice to be able to customize the point (flat on one side, etc.)
Rembrandt stuff is fine as well, particularly for their pastels and charcoals. Conte crayons are another good starter item to have as you can make quick sketches with a few different colors to make things pop.
For the colored pencils, I would get a good, high-quality sketchbook -- any is fine, but if you're doing work with charcoal or conte, a newspaper sketchpad is the way to go. Strathmore makes good products in both cases.
I guess I have talents in other mediums but get so jealous when my partner would just sit down and create page after page of amazing sketches… having all these Japanese friends who could all make magic with pencil or pen and paper (learning to write the thousands of characters in Japanese which are actually often pictures).
I do know that drawing can be a learned talent from my uni days and a Psych 101 class with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Got a notice of a small biz having a sale (30% off w code SummerSale30) and have always wanted to support this site - handeyesupply.com - They are nearly sold out of the things I wanted and what they did have in stock was very limited.
I did pick up a Cretacolor Monolith Woodless Graphite Pencil 6B all they had, for $1.57 and a case of 12 Palomino Blackwing in the gift box for $15+,a couple of Magma Sketchbooks for $11 each and a large roll of Bee Sketch Rolls White 24" x 20 yd for $7.
I hate paying for shipping so picked up a few other things like pants, dustpan, etc.
Those Palomino Blackwing pencils look beautiful. May not live up to all the hype but a good price.
btw, @ACraigL they have a book, 224pgs, on "How to Sharpen Pencils" Sold OUT! At the time of publishing, there is an ad for the guy - "ARTISANAL PENCIL SHARPENING - $12.50 PER PENCIL"
@fjp999 That's David Rees, who is a genius and a very, very funny person. His My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable was more pointed and biting than Tom Tomorrow's stuff and Get Your War On got even more pissed off. Poking around his site, it doesn't look like navigation and archiving are a priority of his, but there are great paperbacks that collect lots of his stuff.
@editorkid thanks for the links. I got curious about this book when I saw Amy Sedaris (of Candy from Strangers) featured in the "Customer Testimonials".
@editorkid I asked Stripe's support team to look into this further and they responded how I thought they would.
Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this, and I'm sorry about the delay in getting back to you. It looks like something strange was going on with the bank since we got both pass and fail responses to the address and zip checks from the bank in a very short period and with the same billing address.
It look like the address and zip code checks are now passing, though, and the charges are simply being declined by the bank. Since the most recent attempts passed those checks, it may be worth asking the cardholder to reach out to his bank to see if they can approve the charges and confirm that they have the correct billing address on file for the card.
Thanks, @shawn -- @hollboll also emailed me the info. I totally slacked off on calling my bank earlier this week, and now it turns out that's a good thing since I can give them not only the info you had this weekend but also this info from Stripe. Way to reinforce my procrastination, man. On the other hand, if the bank is now just declining all charges from you guys, I'd better call soon, because this is the one card I use online...
@Noddy93 Or days. Apparently I'm an idiot for not ordering one of these when I had the chance. I had to use ambient lighting like a freaking caveman to trace motivational artwork for my son this morning.
I just got this and I'm super-impressed. This thing is crazy thin, crazy bright, and has a neat touch on/off switch. Bonus that you can adjust the brightness as well.
This has to be the coolest item I've gotten from Meh yet.
@ACraigL I had NO idea what to expect and totally agree with you!
WoW. I was forced to use laser printer paper & very difficult to trace on but I actually impressed myself - I did find some very old tracing paper (at least that is what I think it is) but will have to cycle to this big box while waiting for a mail order.
First attempt with was a complex line drawing - came out pretty good… #2 were smallish photo based and omg - fingers are difficult! but tracing really makes you notice all these amazing details. Now learning to reproduce them…
I do have a kind of passion for mechanical pencils and am using the "uni - Kuru Toga". I am sure the one they sell in Japan is even nicer but the one I got at Amazon is really fantastic. I have never broken the lead. The pencil automatically feeds the lead (usually) and even though it says it is 0.5 HB it seems much finer.
I would buy another one of these tracing boxes to use maybe as a LCD light source, conversation art piece (x-ray) etc.
btw, I didn't realize how tacky masking tape was… I really have to get tracing tape now.
Great light box! Wasn't expecting to see something like this here but I'm so happy you offered it. Again (I know I'm being a bore on the subject) impressed with how very quickly you shipped it.
Mine just got delivered today (why oh why must I be so far from meh?), and I immediately put it to use. It was exactly what I needed for a covert craft in working on! One of the best meh purchases I've made.
Got mine and plugged it in to make sure it works. Disappointed that I didn't realize that there's no battery. Yes, I know I can solve that by adding a portable USB phone battery pack or any other fancy pants solution.
Is anyone still interested in this? I bought one for the lols and now I’m not loling anymore. I haven’t even used it and now I just need cash. If anyone wants this for the same price I’m selling
@nchew003@sammydog01 I am STILL kicking myself for missing out on this, and here it is, nearly a year later, and I’m still missing out on this. It’s nuts.
@sammydog01 S/he probably realized it could be posted somewhere and sold for at least slightly more money. And since I wouldn’t pay slightly more money for it, I do not begrudge the choice.
- Tracing drawings and photos
- Sensory activies for children
- Sand art
- Viewing film negatives, slides, and x-rays
- Displaying transparencies
- Watercolor paint surface
- Animation
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 8/4 - 8/7
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Light pad
1x Micro USB to USB cable
1x User manual
Sketching stuff
Everything included
Back of the unit
Baby arm’s attempt at Irk
Price Comparison
$79.99 List, $45.76 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Now that's unique.
@cengland0 For sure. Now those that were asking for "no repeats" better be buying this.
@pitamuffin Mmmm-hmmm.
@cengland0 im glad it didn't sell out before I woke up, I didn't stay up for it and my girlfriend could use this :)
Ooh, first tempting thing in weeks.
@armchair Very!
@armchair Agreed! In for one.
Damn, I actually did want a digital drawing tablet, but it's not.
@lljk same here
@lljk If you're into them, really wacom is the only way to go. There's a few others out there, but I've really seen nothing that comes close to them. Of course when you're paying $50 for some knock off instead of $200 for the wacom, I guess what can you expect.
@lljk Monoprice has a fine line of drawing tablets that apparently get quite good reviews. Not being an artist, I can't say whether or not they are good, but I hear good things about them from artsty people.
@lljk It's worth reading Frenden's reviews before jumping into the space. That tag covers everything from the drawing tablets OP wanted to Cintiq replacements (and Cintiqs) to stuff like the Surface Pro 3. Dude also does drop-dead-gorgeous Manga Studio/Clip Studio brushes for next to nothing. He is a super valuable resource.
NOTE: I am not Frenden, I am not getting kickbacks from Frenden, I'm just like READ THE THING EEEE.
Wacom used to be the only game in town worth your time for small knock-around entry level tablets, but that's getting less and less true. If you go down that road, research helps - something else might fit better with your style, and you might want to keep your costs down for the initial commit. It really pays to read Frenden to narrow down what you want, then go check Amazon reviews to confirm whether the thing you want has issues with your existing equipment (driver issues, Mac incompatibility WHICH HAPPENS A LOT, software conflicts, bla).
Steal Like An Artist ... Nice little read.
This is a great Christmas present for my wife.
@bakeyoural Meh! So very Meh!
I had a friend who used a light box to forge documents. I guess there must be other uses for them too.
@heartny They're handy for looking at slides & negatives quickly without the hassle of setting up the projector.
@Starblind I miss the glory days of film.
@heartny as a former battalion adjutant with "for the commander" signature authority, my first thought as well
@Starblind Looking at what and whats?
@mcanavino A slide is like a tiny, very thin iPad that only shows one picture and does nothing else ever.
@Starblind huh, that's silly! Do they use inductive charging?
If I didn't already have a badass 4-foot lightbox, I'd get it. Trust me, from someone who draws really well and is often called "talented"--the only reason I'm good is because I started drawing when I was 3 and never stopped. And when I was a kid, I traced a LOT. It really is an amazing way to learn how to draw. Don't pass off the traces as original drawings, but trace for a month and try drawing. Then another month, and again. Each time you'll be astonished at how good you've gotten.
Tracing isn't the best way to learn how to shade, but ones you learn shapes, then tackle shading (I recommend charcoal as a learning medium).
This also makes a great base for small-product photography where you want to knock out the background and don't have lighting equipment (hint for etsy people).
@HELLOALICE Great hint! Seems like there's no end to the uses for a light box. I've got a 400W DIY monster, and I'm in for one of these to use as a more elegant and portable light box.
That was the most beautiful and inspiring product description ever.
@Endreo truth
I would've ordered so much shit this week if I didn't cancel my vmp... and I don't know how to feel about it.
@Jetlag You can always renew your VMP. It's not like you're banned from ever being a member again.
@Jetlag I didn't cancel my VMP and I did order so much shit.
Here at meh, I got the batteries, I picked up my third Foscam IP camera (still don't have the other two set up), the Damson speakers last week. Spent money at Walmart online, Amazon, too. I told myself after buying Imagepac negative film last night "ENOUGH!"
Then this light box showed and golly gosh darn it, wouldn't ya know I've ALWAYS wanted one of these?
Insta-buy for me, great price for this size.
Also got the great order number faint-near-lawyer ...maybe the system thinks I'm going to use this to violate copyright somehow.
I want to draw. But I don't want to grow up.
I can't pick a favorite image from DuckDuckGo's results for my order phrase.
Although if this is Irk, it would definitely be my favorite.
After 12 comments?
This topic's getting long, we hid some things.
How many printouts can I make with my laser printer for $24?
This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on Meh. And I remember the metal animal fans.
'Careful, some folks might think your comment @stinks.
@RedOak You liked the animal fans? I guess one or two were cute. ;)
Harry's has been an ad on this page for too long. The shaving cream is starting to look like a baby arm.
@saodell Google something else. I looked at a used car weeks ago, it is still haunting me on this site.
@Pamtha Weird, signed up for Harry's like a year ago, never googled them again, but their in my top 5 to this day.
Tempting...oh so tempting. I'll sleep on it. (But if the light is as bright as they say, plus that would be pretty uncomfortable....)
Not sure what I'll do with it, but it looks fun.
@Rstoker art deco wall lamp? better get 3 :)
Baby Arm.
Nice try, Meh, telling us this isn't a drawing tablet when there's clearly a USB cable for this. I don't know what you're trying to pull here but I'm not buying it.
Mac compatible?
More sold than the kindle fire
This could end up being quite a... draw.
Would have LOVED once of these when I was younger.
I run a print shop; this guy is perfect for measuring front-to-back registration on duplex jobs. Prefer this to the old method of holding test prints up to the fluorescent lights in the ceiling.
My love for all of you -- take what you need but need what you take -- and my open wallet are brought to you this evening by vodka.
@Distraktor clever. In a similar vane, if you frequently print on watermarked bond paper it could be useful to assure you've got the paper loaded upright and front-right. But perhaps it would be overkill for that.
Somebody find an actual review or real usage of this device? Like a real video review?
@CerPrime Click this Google search.
@CerPrime I have this one and it works quite well. I like that I can adjust the brightness easily. It's really lightweight, and since I purchased the easel for it, I can use it at the exact angle I need.
want it 70" and curved!
Just buy an old monitor at a garage sale for $5.
@Fen_Star That's.... Significantly less portable.
@Fen_Star and then how do you get it to project white easily?
Grrrraaaaaaagh. Want to buy a second but keep getting zip code verification errors on two cards. I've already emailed @halp, but if any Meh peeps see this before Monday morning and can add the second unit to my order before it sells out, I swear I will buy you a beer the next time I see you. Merci.
@editorkid - Good idea to tag @JonT or @MEHcus.
@KDemo Good point... I owe you a beer too. Thanks for getting my back.
@editorkid I reported the issue a few weeks back. Problem is with the +4 ZIP codes your ccard provider is using but Meh won't allow you to enter.
@IQof20 If that is the problem, why did it let him buy the first unit? It only became a problem when trying to buy a second one.
@cengland0 @IQof20 Actually, at first it wouldn't let me buy it at all because of that. Then I clicked after the zip code and typed in the hyphen and four digits and, even though they didn't show up, that was the transaction that cleared okay. A few minutes later when I realized that aside from the gift, I had a use for one myself, that trick didn't work on either the card already in the system or the one I try not to use online. (I also reported the problem after the fukō sale but never heard back. Did you get any response, @IQof20?)
@cengland0 @IQof20 I just talked to Visa and the rep said they don't even have the extra four digits in the system. Those are in the mailing address database, but as far as they're concerned they have nothing to do with transaction processing. She asked me what zip code I was using, I told her those first five digits, and she said in a really puzzled tone, "That doesn't make any sense. That's what we've got." Maybe time to ping @dave and @shawn?
@editorkid I've looked into this and I'm happy to share what I'm able to see from our end from Stripe (our payment processor). To me this really looks like an issue with the issuing bank (not necessarily Visa).
You might have typed in a hyphen and four digits but it didn't make it to our site. The name, billing address, and expiration date was identical to the previous two payments that were declined. I'm confident in saying this because the card's "fingerprint" (which we use to help track fraudulent cards across multiple accounts) is identical.
Why would your bank give us two error messages of
The zip code you supplied failed validation
before approving the exact same address 32 seconds later?Since we're having so many issues with the card I'm going to delete it from our system. If you contact your bank again, here's some info about declined charges: https://stripe.com/help/declines
@shawn, you continue to be awesome. All I know at my end is that Visa says "shrug ain't us," but knowing that it's my bank rather than you folks or Visa proper, and having a specific log like this, hopefully will really help now that I know I have to talk to the bank itself. Thanks for taking weekend time helping me on this... you are on the beer list too. (And yeah, so many failed transaction attempts in such a short time led to a card block. But Carol at Visa was glad to hear it was me and removed the block, and thinks the idea of Meh is pretty cool and is going to check it out.)
@shawn You're awesome!
I'm getting one to replace this which I bought for 15¢ at a garage sale decades ago and expected to outgrow. Will probably store my spiffy new one in a NY Built neoprene case to protect it in between uses. Major-snooty-burn search resulted in tragic pictures of diseased goat noses rather than images of Robert Duvall from M*A*S*H.
First thing I bought from Meh since I started following it several weeks ago.
Awesome. :)
Is it 0.3" (front page) or 0.2" (this page) thick? When you're talking a few tenths, every tenth counts! ... the Amazon page claims 0.27". @moose
(I become a spec-whore when I'm on the fence for a purchase like this.)
@RedOak The manual and the manufacturer's page says 5.1mm/0.2in. Amazon says 5.1mm, but then converts it to 0.27in which isn't right at all. I didn't measure it myself, but I would say confidently that it is 0.2in.
@Moose thx. So the front page is wrong. Saved by a sellout overnight!
Might this be useful as an ambient wall lamp?
Or perhaps when connected to one of those handy portable battery packs, a camping lantern?
@RedOak Damn, why didn't I read this before they sold out?
@RedOak That does sound awesome. And for those that still know about "dye sublimation" is.... a photo print mounted to one would be cool.
@G1 @Kylethephotoguy luckily for my credit card, they sold out before I came back in the morning!
@G1, not sure whether it was the camping angle that floated your boat, but we camped this week and brought along a really cheap LED light string (as in, the LED leads themselves were directly strung together) connected to a 3xAAA box. We hung that string across the middle of our standing height tent and it worked great as ambient lighting for about $5 as I recall on eBay.
I was literally wishing I owned a light box while peeling vinyl for some shirts when my meh stalker beeped in my pocket.
@MsELizardBeth I have this same one for that very reason, lol!! It's been a life - and eyesight - saver! Just wish it had been on sale when I got it...oh well!
@sugarpike i was doing both holographic and glitter heat transfer and it was making me crazy. Did 4 shirts worth without going more blind.
@MsELizardBeth I'm amazed that others here do shirts! How cool is that? I don't do anything really artsy, but I have fun doing it.
Here's one of my favorites (we had annual meets at the Disney resort in Anaheim for fifteen years and I made the shirts for us all). That year's theme was "The Year of the Ride". We all got little Sharpie pens to go with the shirts. We marked off the rides we'd been on.
@lisaviolet What a fun souvenir idea! Approx how many rides can you do in a day?
@KDemo Thanks, it was fun! Our group name was on the front.
The most I've ever done was on a rainy weekday in February a few years ago with my best friend. We did 23 rides in one day.
And I've found that using Ridemax (available for both Disneyland and Disneyworld) is a great help. One of our problems is we stand around "waddya wanna do now?"
my brain and hand doesn't seem to understand how to draw 3 dimensional. So when I try to draw or paint it's just all like flat. I bought books to help me with this, not much help, still don't get it.
@mick To coax dimensionality out of a drawing, add shadows and specular highlights even if they aren't there in the model or source material. A lot of artists struggle with this not because they suck but because they're in a certain sense too GOOD... they're trying to hard to accurately depict the source. Of course if you're working from a physical model like a still life you can alter the lighting to bring out sharper shadows and specular highlights, but sometimes you just have to fake it. Try studying the works of impressionist painters, where this concept is taken to its logical extreme. Good luck!
I made a little example of an ammonite. Whether the specular highlights and shadows exist on the source object or not, they add dimensionality where there previously was none:

@mick On the upside, you're going to be popular in Ancient Egypt.
Anyone notice that's now 2 days in a row with a stock of 599. What's up with that meh? Trying to stay off a Federal list or something?
@gwrankin They probably opened one for the photos and the demo video.
@cengland0 So you think 600 is just a number they found as reasonable to stock and sell out of?
@gwrankin I think 600 is what the buyer could get delivered in time for this sale.
@dashcloud That makes sense.
@gwrankin Especially so when you consider that art supplies like this are a bit unusual for Meh. Had they gotten a deal on speaker docks or knives or such, then they'd have tons of 'em, but if they're selling products that are a bit more out there then it makes sense to buy fewer at first until you know it's in a category that Meh users are interested in.
This would make a really excellent gift! For somebody someone else knows!
Although i do not have use for this item i do appreciate the effort to put forth new items for that a big BRAVO MEH ...also the 14x10 dimensions adds up to 17.7 inches?
@mellowirishgent They're measuring diagonally from corner to corner, like a monitor or a TV screen.
@Starblind Then that should be 17.2 inches.
Sqrt( 14^2 + 10^2 ) = 17.20465053408525
@cengland0 Extra half inch possibly the width of the ruler portion.
@cengland0 5.1 mm equals 0.2 (5.1 / 2.54) inches and 0.27 inches and therefore 0.3 inches. So yah, 17.7 inches. CC math.
The first thing in months that I could actually use. Meh
I would love one of these, but after the year end summary I realized I had a Meh problem. So no.
@sammydog01 lol. Yea. When I saw more orders than the CEO I too realized my problem. (luckily most of it is for work and not coming from my bank account)
I got in before the sellout. Usually I wake up at midnight to check, but I alcohol-snoozed through that this time. Fortunately, my backup alarm (my bladder) went off around 5:30am and I was able to purchase then.
Only on few occasions do I find myself with a need for a lightbox, but when I do, it's awkward as hell. Like, taping something to a window. Awful.
I too was an art major and used to draw a lot as a child. During our illustration labs in college, it was a REQUIREMENT to trace elements out of magazines and such to composite them into an original drawing. This was before Photoshop was main-steam (or even had layers), of course, but I think the training and skill-set needed to do that are valid and necessary to use PS effectively.
Here's one such "trace" where we only used the outline, but were required to come up with the color/shading treatment on our own, only using the original photo for reference.
And here's some skulls. Just because. This was drawn from life (no tracing).
There has been some great discussion on this item and how to use it.
@hypernuvigilant for the Frenden's reviews site. @HELLOALICE advice.
Others on the t-shirt advice, & so many others…
I do have a question about buying some basic supplies such as a small set of pencils and charcoal. I am in a small town so am not hands-on. I have a 12 color set of Sanford Prismacolor which seem ok.
I just did a search and, maybe this set of Prismacolor could be an OK set but the really older sets were fantastic. Others recommend these brands : Faber-Castell, Lyra Rembrandt Polycolors. Then I found that the Prismacolor Premier were recommended and at a reasonable price. Gets so confusing…
Also seems one needs a decent sharpener (manual) and maybe a nice variety of paper to play around with.
Sorry to ask so much. Maybe there is a review site that one can suggest… anything would be really appreciated!
@fjp999 Colored pencils and markers: yes, prismacolor. Graphite: staedtler or however you spell it's. Blue pencils, come in a tin. Fine-tip black market for inking: Sakura.
These are not top of the line, but they are the best for their price. Copics are expensive as fuck.
Get a huge box of vine charcoal and a cheap kit of different softness. Buy a few moldable grey erasers.
Paper wise, buy a strathmore pad. Not Bristol, just drawing. Buy a huge thick cheap shitty sketch pad.
Use the vine charcoal on the sketch pad and everything else on the drawing paper. Don't try to do anything super crazy nice for a few months. When you're ready, play with Bristol and vellum. The stiff translucent kind. Killer for markers.
Most importantly, LOOK. Don't draw an apple. Draw the lines and shadows. DrW what you see, not what you think. There, art 101.
@fjp999 Oh. Any sharpener will do. Don't let anyone con you otherwise. Yes manual to avoid rattling the cores but just buy a piece of crap $1 sharpener. And paper variety is for when you know what you're doing. One step at a time. Get a cheap pad of tracing paper too.
@fjp999 I've used prismacolors (120 color set) and they were fine. I do recommend a knife to sharpen the pencils. Not mandatory, but once you start it's nice to be able to customize the point (flat on one side, etc.)
Rembrandt stuff is fine as well, particularly for their pastels and charcoals. Conte crayons are another good starter item to have as you can make quick sketches with a few different colors to make things pop.
For the colored pencils, I would get a good, high-quality sketchbook -- any is fine, but if you're doing work with charcoal or conte, a newspaper sketchpad is the way to go. Strathmore makes good products in both cases.
Hope that helps!
@fjp999 Looks like @HELLOALICE and I are pretty much on the same page. Good luck on the new hobby!
This is so amazing! Thank you both!
I guess I have talents in other mediums but get so jealous when my partner would just sit down and create page after page of amazing sketches… having all these Japanese friends who could all make magic with pencil or pen and paper (learning to write the thousands of characters in Japanese which are actually often pictures).
I do know that drawing can be a learned talent from my uni days and a Psych 101 class with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
thanks again all
Got a notice of a small biz having a sale (30% off w code SummerSale30) and have always wanted to support this site - handeyesupply.com - They are nearly sold out of the things I wanted and what they did have in stock was very limited.
I did pick up a Cretacolor Monolith Woodless Graphite Pencil 6B all they had, for $1.57 and a case of 12 Palomino Blackwing in the gift box for $15+,a couple of Magma Sketchbooks for $11 each and a large roll of Bee Sketch Rolls White 24" x 20 yd for $7.
I hate paying for shipping so picked up a few other things like pants, dustpan, etc.
Those Palomino Blackwing pencils look beautiful. May not live up to all the hype but a good price.
btw, @ACraigL they have a book, 224pgs, on "How to Sharpen Pencils" Sold OUT! At the time of publishing, there is an ad for the guy - "ARTISANAL PENCIL SHARPENING - $12.50 PER PENCIL"
@fjp999 That's David Rees, who is a genius and a very, very funny person. His My New Fighting Technique Is Unstoppable was more pointed and biting than Tom Tomorrow's stuff and Get Your War On got even more pissed off. Poking around his site, it doesn't look like navigation and archiving are a priority of his, but there are great paperbacks that collect lots of his stuff.
@editorkid thanks for the links. I got curious about this book when I saw Amy Sedaris (of Candy from Strangers) featured in the "Customer Testimonials".
@editorkid I asked Stripe's support team to look into this further and they responded how I thought they would.
Thanks, @shawn -- @hollboll also emailed me the info. I totally slacked off on calling my bank earlier this week, and now it turns out that's a good thing since I can give them not only the info you had this weekend but also this info from Stripe. Way to reinforce my procrastination, man. On the other hand, if the bank is now just declining all charges from you guys, I'd better call soon, because this is the one card I use online...
please offer this again in 4 months
@Noddy93 Or days. Apparently I'm an idiot for not ordering one of these when I had the chance. I had to use ambient lighting like a freaking caveman to trace motivational artwork for my son this morning.
Wally Wood's note to self:
Never draw anything you can copy,
never copy anything you can trace,
never trace anything you can cut out and paste up.
This gives me faith that meh will still offer bulk earthworms. A light box? Talk about random!
I just got this and I'm super-impressed. This thing is crazy thin, crazy bright, and has a neat touch on/off switch. Bonus that you can adjust the brightness as well.
This has to be the coolest item I've gotten from Meh yet.
@ACraigL I had NO idea what to expect and totally agree with you!
WoW. I was forced to use laser printer paper & very difficult to trace on but I actually impressed myself - I did find some very old tracing paper (at least that is what I think it is) but will have to cycle to this big box while waiting for a mail order.
First attempt with was a complex line drawing - came out pretty good… #2 were smallish photo based and omg - fingers are difficult! but tracing really makes you notice all these amazing details. Now learning to reproduce them…
I do have a kind of passion for mechanical pencils and am using the "uni - Kuru Toga". I am sure the one they sell in Japan is even nicer but the one I got at Amazon is really fantastic. I have never broken the lead. The pencil automatically feeds the lead (usually) and even though it says it is 0.5 HB it seems much finer.
I would buy another one of these tracing boxes to use maybe as a LCD light source, conversation art piece (x-ray) etc.
btw, I didn't realize how tacky masking tape was… I really have to get tracing tape now.
Great light box! Wasn't expecting to see something like this here but I'm so happy you offered it. Again (I know I'm being a bore on the subject) impressed with how very quickly you shipped it.
Got Mine today, was just playing around and drew this off a Cross Stitch pattern

Mine just got delivered today (why oh why must I be so far from meh?), and I immediately put it to use. It was exactly what I needed for a covert craft in working on! One of the best meh purchases I've made.
Got mine and plugged it in to make sure it works. Disappointed that I didn't realize that there's no battery. Yes, I know I can solve that by adding a portable USB phone battery pack or any other fancy pants solution.
Why oh why didn't I order 3??? I need 20 of these!!!
This this is AWESOME! it is so slim and light, and I LOVE the dimmable screen! Fantastic purchase, great job Meh!
Is anyone still interested in this? I bought one for the lols and now I’m not loling anymore. I haven’t even used it and now I just need cash. If anyone wants this for the same price I’m selling
@nchew003 I’m interested. My email is sammydog001 at gmail.
@sammydog01 here’s me using mine.
@lisaviolet Nice!
@nchew003 I love mine. I don’t use it often, but when I do it’s EXACTLY what I need.
@nchew003 @sammydog01 I am STILL kicking myself for missing out on this, and here it is, nearly a year later, and I’m still missing out on this. It’s nuts.
@mossygreen Hey @sohmageek, did you sell the one from your fuko? Looks like there is a resale market here.
@mossygreen I haven’t heard from this guy (gal?) but I’m no longer interested in it. Good luck!
@sammydog01 S/he probably realized it could be posted somewhere and sold for at least slightly more money. And since I wouldn’t pay slightly more money for it, I do not begrudge the choice.