Hubman adoption project
21I noticed on the fuko reveal thread that lots of people got multiple hubmans, some wondered what the heck to do with them and others wanted some.
So if you have extra hubman you want to get rid of rehome or if you didn’t get one and want to adopt one then post here. Hopefully there will be matches made in heaven as people now can adopt someone’s unwanted hubman and give it a good home.
{VMod edit: added MSPaint pic.}
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I got seven lime-green hubmans… hubmen… hubpeople. Willing to part with a few.
Recommendations as to which USPS mailers we could use? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?
@PocketBrain why not just use a padded envelope? and if the packaging they are in isn’t stiff enough put in a piece of cardboard.
@PocketBrain My formal offer is down the page some.
I received five pink ones I will trade for two of a less pink color.
I have some green ones from previous Fukos/ the last Mehxchange…
And they’re gone.
I have a green one that I’ll part with.
I would like to adopt a hubman.
I might have 5 pink hubmen soon, if you want them…
I would like to adopt a hubman.
Not to sound racist or anything, I would prefer that is not be a pink one. That isn’t racist is it? Nope, it seems perfectly fine to rule out a whole sub-class of hubmen based solely on a characteristic beyond said hubmen’s control…yes…yes…it’s fine.
Just don’t think of them as pink then.
@PlacidPenguin @therealjrn Rose color, then?
@therealjrn With a few minutes, and a little imagination, they can be any color you want them to be…
@PlacidPenguin @therealjrn fine I’ll take the pink ones, I’m not racist
Get in touch with @boredashell about sending them the pink ones.
And let me know where to send the green ones.
Hey thanks for the MS paint addition to the picture whomever did that. @narfcake?
@narfcake LOL. Surprised he/she didn’t eat them. I had fish at one time (OMG they are so much work - kid wanted them). They were cat TV. The cats loved to watch them and goldfish interacted with the world outside of the fish tank so that make it so much better for the cats.
Had one of those 6 sided tanks. First attempt by Max to interact was to wrap his front legs around the tank and smash the side of his face against it. He could see the fish. He could see his paw. He could not get the fish. It was hysterical. He settled on sitting about 6" away from the tank and staring, occasionally batting at the tank when the fish would gather and stare at him. Cat 2 was scared and windmill legs any time someone brought her close to the tank but she would watch from the safety of the top of the cat tree. Cat 3 would watch from about a foot to three feet away, content to passively watch. (Only had 3 cats at the time).
@PlacidPenguin @therealjrn @RiotDemon @ruouttaurmind @PocketBrain
and anyone else
When your needs are satisfied or you are out of hubmen please reply to yourself so more people don’t bother to whisper you. Thanks!
I have gotten 2 over the years. Both from separate exchanges. Hubman 1 is green and lives in his package, he might have suffocated. Hubman A is white I think and likes to dangle from my work laptop and plug into things. I am willing to part with neither
I have more than one hubman… no real idea how many, but I’m sure at least three or so and I’m pretty sure more than green and pink (are there blue ones?).
But I may have way more than this since my memory for this kind of stuff counts like this:
cool, never got one of these
got this before
got this before
got this before
shit, more of these?
wtf?! (When is the next Mehxchange?!!)
I don’t think I’ve gotten to the “shit, more of these?” stage with hubmen, but not sure how many …'s have happened, so I might have six or nine of them.
I don’t need any of the hubmen I have and I’m trying to develop a get-rid-of-this-shit-so-my-daughters-don’t-hate-me-so-much-after-I-die mindset so if the supply dries up and people still want hubmen, ping me and maybe it will be enough motivation to get me to go on a hubman hunt amongst the 20 or so boxes of stuff I have like this.
Beware tho, if I end up going thru more than one or two boxes, you may end up getting way more than just a hubman or seven. I have way too much junk in my place.
@baqui63 lol. Nice. Adopting out a hubman with possible bonuses. If you’re willing to look I’d love a hubman. Although I also just posted I’m looking for one, so maybe I’ll end up with a bunch! And, maybe I wouldn’t mind…
@baqui63 Oh cool! A hubman and all his/her toys! I made this thread not thinking I wanted one and now look what happened! I’ve been seduced by cuteness and possible practicality. LOL
I would love to adopt a hubman as I don’t yet have one. Any color will do. I just need to have one of the unique guys in my life!
OK so all this talk about a hubman now makes me want one. Any color will do.
I’ll see what I can do.
@PlacidPenguin Thanks. Sounds though like you might not have any left over after your other commitments earlier in the thread.
Hah. As if I only have 2 hubmen.
I’m in dire need of a Hubman, pink preferably, but any color would do, pretty please with sugar on top. I promise to give it a good home and treat it well. Anyone?
Just saw this topic… I’ve never been lucky (unlucky?) enough to get a Hubman… Would be willing to adopt. Not picky on color. What do a have to do? Could trade a collapsible cup or two if someone is looking for those (might have some other Fuko treasures I could part with)…
@amazedblue You did what you needed to do - post and then see if someone responds… then between you and whomever you work out the details in whisper mode.
Hey all - those of you wanting to adopt a hubman - you might want to post if you have anything you’d be willing to trade for one. Someone just posted they’d trade for those collapsible cups.
Likely offering to pay postage would help with getting one so that it doesn’t cost the sender money.
In either case reply to yourself so all the stuff related to you stays together.
The format of this exchange is chaotic. How about this:
1. The party making offer of a hubman will post a clear offer and number of available hubmen.
2. An interested party will respond directly to the post of offering, with quantity.
3. The offering party will respond to interested party and amend available hubmen offered.
4. It is implied that the interested party would pay for basic postage/shipping and cost of packaging.
5. In exchanges for like-quantities of unlike-colors, shipping cost will be the shipping parties’ responsibility unless otherwise arranged.
@PocketBrain sounds like a good idea.
I have up to four hubmen with which I am willing to part.
@PocketBrain I have successfully given away one hubman! I now have three that I am willing to spare. This is taking too long.
@PocketBrain That is because @kdemo, with that wealth of hubmen, has robbed you of customers I think.
@kdemo – do YOU have any hubmen with which you would like to part???
I have close to 300, but no $ to mail them. If anyone in Western WA wants to pick up a case, let me know.
@kdemo buyer pays shipping is what it sounds like!
Anyone interested in relieving Kdemo of any number of hub ladies? (I think they are pink?) Whisper to K!
@kdemo @mikibell wow! 300 hubman? That’s a lot!!
@savvysapphire - Not so many compared to the original 768.
@kdemo omg!!! That’s insanity!! I’d be happy to pay for shipping to take some off your hands lol
@savvysapphire et al - Last call. Heading to storage unit today.
Pickup only?
@kdemo I’ll take a couple and pay postage
@kdemo Party at TRJ’s house!
@kdemo @therealjrn where is my brokering fee?
@kdemo @mikibell @therealjrn
@mikibell - You have earned an arm and a leg.
@therealjrn - Connect them all and they play music from Pink and Pink Floyd.
But not the same song at the same time.
Oh my! lolololol
@kdemo @therealjrn Hurray, is all I can say… more hubpeople who have a happy home!!
@kdemo @mikibell
@kdemo are you down to less than 250 hubladies?
@kdemo THEY CAME!!! Thank you. Thank you Thank you!!! They will have wonderful homes with the under 30 crowd that I buy christmas presents for. Gotta round up 9 more, preferably not pink (I think only one nephew has the nerve to use a pink one LOL).
@mikibell Far fewer now - About down to the last case of 96, I think.
@Kidsandliz - You’re very welcome. Glad you’re now properly hubbified.
My grandson @boredashell just brought me over one of the HUBMAN to sub adopt I feel so lucky and ITS A GIRL Hubman ‘’'thank you Trenton Love you
/giphy awww
@grohman360 So swaddle the baby and post a pic of your newest grand
hubchild.Is it to late to note that I’m totally hubman-less, would love to adopt one or two or three, and would happily pay postage plus whatever other costs might be needed.
All I have at the moment are way too many lonely devices looking around for some place to gather and exchange data. At the rate I’m going I may have to organize a social club of random USB ports, but I think it would be much nicer to have a hubman help with the task.
@magic_cave What if you woke up and found yourself transformed into a Hubman?
@magic_cave @PocketBrain just posted a wealth of 3 still
dispose ofgive up for adoption.@magic_cave
I still have green ones available. Apparently they weren’t wanted, so send me a whisper if you want to work shipping it.
*if you want to work something out regarding shipping.
@PocketBrain I’m not sure which would be more startling: becoming a flat-ish plastic creature or finding myself with a new gender and color.
@kdemo thank you I received my hubman! You rock
Does anyone have 6 non-pink ones I can either buy or reimburse for postage for?
I found this…
@Kidsandliz @PlacidPenguin
$6.70 Standard Shipping! Ooooo, Ahhhhh
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn
I didn’t say it was a cost-efficient deal.