How to auto-click the meh. button?
4As an observant Jew, I can't (among other things) use a computer (or phone, tablet, etc) on Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath, on Saturday) or holidays, from sunset on the night before until nightfall (about 25 hours). Normally this isn't a problem: I make sure to click the button Friday morning/afternoon, and again Saturday night, and so have maintained my streak of 101 meh. clicks (out of 240 total). But with Pesach (a.k.a. Passover) coming up, there's a problem, because the 7th day of Pesach, which is a holiday, is on Friday, meaning that it leads directly into Shabbat. So, it seems that I might be forced to break my streak... Does anyone know of a way to programatically register a meh. button click, ideally in a Linux script so I can schedule it with cron (or maybe a long sleep)? If someone does have code for that, I promise to only use it in situations like this where I have no way of clicking for a certain day myself. I know it's a long shot, but I figured I'd try...
- 13 comments, 26 replies
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There are some things you just miss out on . . . Like bacon cheeseburgers.
Seriously, just give your log in credentials to a Gentile whom you trust and ask them to keep up your streak. Problem solved.
You could always ask for rabbinical dispensation, but it ain't gonna fly . . . not even for a really, really good deal on speaker docks.
That's old testament legalism there. Since Jesus died on the cross for our sins and the veil was torn we aren't stuck with the old laws anymore, hallelujah! Read the Bible, see for yourself and log in with a clean conscience.
@juststephen Holy shit dude.
Religiocentrism at it's finest. It never ceases to amaze me how fundamentalist Christians and radical Islam are soooooo fucking similar.
10 bucks says @JonT closes this thread down sooner than later . . .
@Pavlov I was saying my beliefs and didn't tell him to take my word for it. If be believes otherwise, so be it. Everyone has the right to believe as they will.
@juststephen You were proselytizing. And you know it. Douche move man, with a capital D.
@Pavlov Well said! Sic 'em!!!
@juststephen the last time people mixed politics and religion, people were burned at the stake. Oh wait, never mind, the GOP does it every day. Do they burn people? maybe you could volunteer? Nah, that would wreck my Karma.
And yes, I apologize if I offended anyone. It wasn't relevant to the question posed. I don't know of such a thing, directly. As I said, anyone should be and is allowed to believe as they will.
I will refrain from mentioning my beliefs or Christianity on meh again, unless asked, if my sincere apology for upsetting anyone isn't enough, so be it.
Back to the question:
There are autoclick programs out there that you can set to click a certain spot at intervals of ten seconds or so.
This would require leaving your computer on. I'm on my phone but googling autoclick should yield results.
@juststephen Thanks for coming back and offering semi-constructive advice. As a fellow Christian, reading your first response made even me cringe. @michabailey, Good luck! I hope you find something that will make the click for you. As someone with an intact streak, that would be hard for me, too. Maybe I should give up Meh clicks for Lent next year....
Something like this:
@juststephen I see your apology - though you seem to be confused; being Christian and mentioning that fact is not a problem at all! There are many Christians here.
The problem comes in when you say things like, "Read the Bible, see for yourself..." - I'm fairly certain that as the OP is Jewish, they have indeed been exposed to the Bible. We're here in the US of A - everyone knows who Jesus is. Everyone is aware that the basis of Christianity is that Christ is the son of God, was crufified, died for our sins, and was reborn - that's common knowledge. The assumption of ignorance you made is the insult, not the religion you choose.
Celebrate your faith and who you are, but there's no need to insult others while doing it. We all get to play in this sandbox, let's keep it nice.
I did not intend in any way to insult everyone. Let's not make assumptions. I apologized, let's just put this all behind us!
@Thumperchick Jesus makes the best damn carne asada fries at a little Mexican food joint right up the street from me. The trick is keeping the fries from getting soggy. No idea how he does it; that man is a miracle worker!
@DaveInSoCal I would love to see a trend of english speakers naming their kids Jesus. Just so people answer when someone yells out JESUS! "Yeah?"
@DaveInSoCal damnit man, you know I'm craving carne asada fries here like 24/7 already without your damn reminders. RUDE.
@JonT It could be worse. You could have a massive craving for carne and be in upstate NY.
@DaveInSoCal for the record, sometimes I like when they get soggy and turn into one big mess of delicious mush @Thumperchick might as well be, Texas knows nothing of carne asada fries. I'm thinking of starting the trend here, I'll make millions…MILLIONS!!
@JonT mind if I borrow this from you?
I use a program called Easy Auto Clicker 2.0 to cheat at those idle games on Kongregate. You can set it to click at intervals of milliseconds, secs, mins and hours. So it would be able to make the click for you....
However, you have an additional problem. How are you going to load the new page when it comes up? Maybe you'll need two autoclickers. One for refresh and one for meh.
Make sure your computer isn't going to go to sleep or restart itself!
@porkchop There's an extension called 'refresh every' that you can get and set to refresh a page at specified intervals. So, that might help with getting the new page loaded.
@PurplePawprints Yep. I've used it in the past when I feel like just staring at a screen for a boc instead of manually hitting f5. However, it's a tad slower than hitting f5 yourself, in my experience, it'll work fine for his task. Once midnight hits, perhaps he can simply unplug the computer to save power.
It would be great if there was a physical USB button.
I blame Indiana
@brandon I started to reply with, "Damn Straight!" but a double meaning is too easy to read in that. So I'll say, "Right on!"
Can I ask a serious question? Why is it forbidden for people who follow the strict guidelines of resting to operate things on the Sabbath, but it's totally OK to have people who do not share the faith to operate the items you aren't allowed to touch? That almost seems like you're putting one over on God, or you're dooming the Gentile to some kind of ill fate.
I've heard stories about how in NYC, Hasidic Jews ask cops to flip on lights or operate elevators. Or they keep their oven on all day if they want to cook because you can't operate the stove, but nothing's stopping you from using the stove if it's already on.
I figure since you're here already, you could enlighten us. Always good to learn about other cultures and faiths.
@BillLehecka I'm not an expert on this subject but, from my understanding, nobody is allowed to work on the Sabbath including your animals and servants. Deuteronomy 5:14, "But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as well as thou."
@BillLehecka Good question. I'd recommend reading and possibly some of the articles linked from there, and perhaps reading the first couple results from a Google search for the term.
@cengland0 That refers to a Jew's animals and actual servants (the Hebrew term used can also mean "slave"). Judaism, unlike some (many? most?) other religions, doesn't believe that every person on earth should be a Jew and follow Jewish Law (Halacha). Rather, the rules only bind Jews, who are the chosen nation. Gentiles are only required to follow the 7 Noahide Laws. (However, in general asking a Gentile to do something that you can't is not permitted in most cases. See my other comment.)
@BillLehecka Without unpacking a whole lot of Jewish law (halakha) for you, I think that the other poster has offered a great link for this. I would only say that some Jews who observe Shabbat also feel uncomfortable with the use of a "shabbos goy" or similar work around using people. It's not something all Jews -- not even all Hasidic or Ultra-Orthodox Jews do.
Don't feel like it's that big of a deal if your streak ends. It doesn't do anything tbh.
I think I'm going to use Phantom.js, write a script, use cron, and email myself screenshots. Load, log in, click.
@atannir I once wrote a chrome extension to automatically vote for a friend to win a radio station contest where voters could vote am unlimited number of times. Load page, set her checkbox to selected, submit, wait 5 seconds, do it all again. Easy JavaScript if the meh button's name can be determined ahead of time--i haven't looked at the source.
The friend won tickets to every concert in town for a year. The second place girl also had tens of thousands of votes, so she either had a nerd friend too, or LOTS of Facebook friends.
I just wanna comment on my love for this post. While I am not Orthodox, I do avoid the Internet and particularly shopping on Shabbat. As a result, I don't have an unbroken streak -- I keep missing Friday nights or sometimes Saturdays. So, I feel your pain, for sure.
On the other hand, the Talmudic scholar in me suggests that you interrogate the meaning of valuing your unbroken streak so highly that you would put effort into finding a workaround for it. While I know you wouldn't break Shabbat (or a chag) for it, the fact that it occupies you this much might give you a reason to think about it. I'm aware of rabbinic teachings that any time we get in that mindset, we are in danger of avodah zerah. I am certainly not suggesting that of you, but it's good sometimes to think on these things.
@Trin Nah, not a huge deal. Mildly annoying. Not going to start setting up some intricate autoclicker+autorefresher or hacking together a script. Was just wondering if anyone happened to know of something that already exists (or if it's trivial to make), since I'd rather maintain it if possible.
206 total meh button clicks
5 in a row
longest streak: 132
broke my streak a few days ago. woke up, clicked the button, fell back asleep while it was spinning. phone must have timed out, now :(