How to auto-click the meh. button?

michabailey thought this was worth mentioning said

As an observant Jew, I can't (among other things) use a computer (or phone, tablet, etc) on Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath, on Saturday) or holidays, from sunset on the night before until nightfall (about 25 hours). Normally this isn't a problem: I make sure to click the button Friday morning/afternoon, and again Saturday night, and so have maintained my streak of 101 meh. clicks (out of 240 total). But with Pesach (a.k.a. Passover) coming up, there's a problem, because the 7th day of Pesach, which is a holiday, is on Friday, meaning that it leads directly into Shabbat. So, it seems that I might be forced to break my streak... Does anyone know of a way to programatically register a meh. button click, ideally in a Linux script so I can schedule it with cron (or maybe a long sleep)? If someone does have code for that, I promise to only use it in situations like this where I have no way of clicking for a certain day myself. I know it's a long shot, but I figured I'd try...