How to age 20 years in 20 minutes

Barney went on a bit of a rant said

For those of you who don’t know, my mother is in a nursing home due to a stroke. In August she went into hospice care at the nursing home, because she wasn’t eating very much and her health was rapidly going downhill. She has since stabilized and is back to participating in the activities at the nursing home.

Last week was Mom’s birthday and plans were being made by the nursing home staff, residents, and me for a celebration. The day before her birthday, I was at my doctor’s office getting a tetanus shot for having done something dumb while cleaning out my mother’s basement. When I got home, there was a message on my answer machine from the hospice nurse. I figured she wanted to talk to me about our prior conversation we had had about possibly taking Mom out of hospice, because she was doing so well.

However, the nurse told me that Mom had a stroke and was now paralyzed on the left side; her eyes were not tracking and she probably was no longer able to swallow. The nurse said that she would meet me at the nursing home and decisions had to be made. The nurse was visiting another patient, at a nearby home, and would meet me in a half an hour. (The nursing home staff was watching my mother.)

I literally do not remember my drive to the home, but I’m sure I made it in record time. Upon arrival, everyone was in the dining room eating lunch. Mom was in her room sleeping. I entered her room and walked over to her bed. Mom had her paralyzed left arm outside of the covers, resting on her chest. I never loved her as much as I did then. She opened her eyes and I thought she was looking at me. And then… Then she took her left arm and reached under the covers and brought out the little stuffed miniature dog that I had had made, which looks like her dog, Lady. She handed to me, and said, “Hi!”

I dropped to the chair and cried more than I ever thought was possible. She was okay! One of the nursing home staff heard me and quickly came into the room. She rushed out upon seeing what was going on and quickly spread the good word about Mom.

Now the bad news. Mom is okay for now; she had a TIA and there is no further damage. I’m being told that this is a sign of more bad things to come. But for now, Mom is back in her wheelchair and is happily visiting her dog when I bring her and when Lady is not there, she carries Little Lady wherever she goes.

Life is good.