How prepared are you for an emergency?

Thumperchick thought this was worth mentioning said

We recently checked out our emergency preparedness and found it lacking.

Then we went fully overboard. I think we’re a tote away from being preppers at this point.

We now have:

  • Water for the whole house (animals included) for 2 weeks
  • a First Aid kit w/Trauma kit that takes up a whole tote - with more band-aids than I can count
  • a whole tote of Huel (we had this, we just stashed it where it made sense)
  • a tote of batteries, radios, lanterns, candles, power banks
  • a “heat” tote that includes a mini propane heater - though we’re planning to add a much larger capacity one this summer
  • so. many. blankets.
  • between the deep chest freezer and the pantry, we’ve got food for a few weeks

Did we overdo it or are we missing something?

What’s in your emergency kit?