@Salanth If I’m going anywhere civilized, I just plan to buy them there, and don’t pack more than needed to get to the destination, otherwise I prolly over pack everything.
When I need to. How is there any other answer?? Who buys underwear on a schedule that’s entirely uncoupled from either the need to replace or the desire to change?!? What kinds of monster would just buy new underwear because the calendar said it was time…?!?
@mycya4me@shahnm We used to call underwear like that “consecrated”. and if it was really bad, “canonized”. It never ceased to amaze me that once in a while, a pair could go from secular to Pope-candidate in one washing.
I don’t think I’ve ever bought new underwear. That just seems to be a staple Christmas gift for me. As though having a birthday that close to Christmas wasn’t disappointing enough.
@Catburd probably more a off to the side/after conversion? “hey ***, you know I can buy my underwear right?” Considering if it’s turned into a tradition. Than a disappointed look?
Granted I don’t like getting gifts at all. Then who it is. Gifts be complicated.
Whenever Meh makes me an offer I can’t refuse.
Whenever I wear down the back enough that it’s not there anymore.
There are some things the internet doesn’t need to know.
@kjady Exactly!
Well, I don’t buy it used.
@awk or factory refurbished…
If I don’t get any for Christmas, I will have to wait another year.
Sometime after I notice they have more holes than they were designed with.
@tweezak same here.
If there’s a good sale or if I forgot to pack them while travelling.
@Salanth If I’m going anywhere civilized, I just plan to buy them there, and don’t pack more than needed to get to the destination, otherwise I prolly over pack everything.
@Salanth there’s always these you can just keep in your suitcase

When I need to. How is there any other answer?? Who buys underwear on a schedule that’s entirely uncoupled from either the need to replace or the desire to change?!? What kinds of monster would just buy new underwear because the calendar said it was time…?!?
@shahnm Omg, that is so true! When they “become Blessed” with more holes than they should have, then it is time to look for new ones in a Pak!
@mycya4me @shahnm …or when the elastic starts to relax too much…
@PhysAssist @shahnm amen to that… which is most of the time the case!
@mycya4me @shahnm We used to call underwear like that “consecrated”. and if it was really bad, “canonized”. It never ceased to amaze me that once in a while, a pair could go from secular to Pope-candidate in one washing.
@mycya4me @shahnm Yeah, my ‘wears’ almost never get to the point of being sacramental before the 'lastic gives up the [holy] ghost.
@PhysAssist @shahnm Amen to that!
@shahnm @werehatrack But many times the Band looses it Grip before it can become "Holy & Pope-candidate!
Every 7 days unless they start selling more in a pack. Who the hell wears used underwear?
@yakkoTDI You can twice as much use out of each pack if you flip them inside out after wearing them.
@banlon @sicc574

/giphy going commando
As needed.
I don’t think I’ve ever bought new underwear. That just seems to be a staple Christmas gift for me. As though having a birthday that close to Christmas wasn’t disappointing enough.
@Catburd BTDT. 21st. It sucks.
Turns out you are allowed to express disappointment. Who knew? I do hope/assume it’s a bit of a joke.
Personally I’m on the no gifts side of things. Imaginary wife/kids excluded
@unksol it’s funny how people always seem to think I don’t.
@Catburd probably more a off to the side/after conversion? “hey ***, you know I can buy my underwear right?” Considering if it’s turned into a tradition. Than a disappointed look?
Granted I don’t like getting gifts at all. Then who it is. Gifts be complicated.
How often do you buy new underwear? To you to