Since I passed the childbearing years, the oddest thing happened. The hair on my legs and arms went away. I have some very fine hair on my arms and maybe fifteen hairs on the inside of my calves.
I do have some annoying chin whiskers which I pluck and if I didn’t trim my eyebrows I would look like andy Rooney or Larry hagman. I don’t pluck those because then I’d have to draw them on. And I really think that would be a bad idea.
@lisaviolet my mom said this happened to her too. (we had cause to talk about it when i needed a razor once and she told me just to take hers.) i hope the same happens to me.
@lisaviolet My body hair, even the little bit of hair on my armpits, is very fine and short and pale gold in color. It’s completely invisible unless the light catches it, and it’s so soft you can’t feel it either. So I don’t shave at all.
I must sculpt!
Seriously though, I will miss a few days through laziness until my stubble underneath is so prickly that I can’t sleep, then I shave again. Then sometimes, I shave every day for months. No rhyme or reason.
I don’t have dense facial hair, so two or three times a work week. If I’m on vacation I’ll go up to a week and a half; then all the thin areas become obvious and I whack it off.
I would grow a beard if I could, but I can’t, so I don’t.
Have goatee. Bah. Rest of face daily. Head Monday Wednesday Friday. May skip the head on occasion. Sometimes skip face on Saturday or Sunday when in vegetative state. NEVER skip shaving before work, well maybe a few times 20 or 30 years ago. It’s complicated.
i shave my armpits and i touch up my eyebrows every day or every other. and ahem other places once a week.
but i haven’t shaved my legs in probably two years. if i had kardashian money & their team, i’d get laser so i wouldn’t have to worry about doing anything myself. but you know, i don’t. and you know what feels ten times worse to me than some soft fuzzy calves (the hair on my thighs isn’t super noticeable)? stubbly legs all over. i don’t have the time, money, energy or desire to shave my legs daily which is what it would take to keep on top of it.
@jerk_nugget I bought laser through groupon. Cheap as hell compared to regular pricing. I got six sessions for less than the price of one. Best money I spent. I still need to do one or two more sessions to get every single thing, but it’s a humongous difference. Unfortunately my leg hair is too blonde for the current lasers, or I would of done those too.
@RiotDemon good to know! how is the pain? (i have a high tolerance for most pain including body modification with the annoying exception of plucking, which for some bizarre reason that sensation is the worst pain on earth to me.)
@jerk_nugget armpits felt like almost nothing. Other areas… Well, it depended on what part. Overall it was more annoying and painful. There was a couple of sessions that I was in tears because it felt like I was being branded (if I can imagine what that feels like.) The pain goes away very quickly. Usually by the time I’d walk to the front to make my next appointment, I was fine.
I don’t know if it was because I had two different technicians or what, or just that certain parts of my anatomy are just super sensitive. Because of how the specials ran, I did my armpits at one laser studio, and the rest somewhere else. When I go back for my follow up, I’m going to ask if I can if the one that does my armpits will also do the rest (for additional fee of course)
@RiotDemon actually, as it happens i have a star on my left inner forearm and a heart on my right that were done with a cauterizing pen a few years in a row so i do have a vague idea
“Every day, if I remember” is, technically, true for me, but I almost never remember. I’ll shave every day for a week or so, then forget about it for a couple weeks, then I will be annoyed enough to remember, then the cycle repeats.
I used to conform but then I worked in a warehouse for two years and that took all the fucks I had to give about shaving and the pain in the ass that is everything trying to grow back. It’s not like I ever wore girl shorts anyway. I like my ass fully covered, thank you.
also? since i stopped shaving my legs no one has cared. (since i’m seeing a lot of “but, but…society”) what’s that quote? those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind?
i don’t go bare legged much to begin with because i hate the feeling of skin touching skin when it’s warm, and i’m also sure there are people silently curious and/or judging when i do, but by and large no one cares. no one has said anything or treated me poorly. i know my partner would like it if i shaved, but he has never once said this and my fuzzy legs haven’t stopped him from being affectionate with me, including rubbing my legs when we’re sitting opposite each other on the couch. a few nights ago i was at a friend’s house with a mix of friends, acquaintances, and a few strangers, and a friend of mine wanted someone to jump in the pool with him. we stripped down to our underthings and went swimming awhile. no one even glanced, and we aren’t the type of crowd to miss an opportunity to bust balls or ask questions.
actually? the last person i ever remember saying something to me about shaving was a girl in elementary school who leaned over in the library and asked “forget to shave today?” when she saw my bare legs had hair. i was probably ten. i went home and cried to my mom and she showed me how to shave my legs for the first time. and for years and years after that i literally shaved my entire body (with the exception of the hair on my scalp) weekly if not daily. so, you know, if you want to shave, shave! if you don’t, don’t. and if you want to shave sometimes and not others, do that. but for the sweet love of glob, don’t shave because society wants you to.
Sunday night, then again on Tuesday night (if I remember, Wednesday if I don’t).
I have tried all variety of razors, from cheap Bic disposables to four-bucks-a-blade Gillette Fusion, even Featherblade but I just can’t find one that’s comfortable enough to shave every day. This wasn’t an issue 10 or 15 years ago. I don’t know if it’s because my skin has changed, or perhaps because after a massive weight loss my face is more bony and my skin not as taught.
Where is the “only occasionally during the summer because society is stupid” option?
@PurplePawprints That’s the one I want too.
Pics or it didn’t happen
Is that the thing where you physically ablate your unruly keratin outgrowths? I’ve done that. I probably should do it again.

/image weedwhacker
Since I passed the childbearing years, the oddest thing happened. The hair on my legs and arms went away. I have some very fine hair on my arms and maybe fifteen hairs on the inside of my calves.
I do have some annoying chin whiskers which I pluck and if I didn’t trim my eyebrows I would look like andy Rooney or Larry hagman. I don’t pluck those because then I’d have to draw them on. And I really think that would be a bad idea.
@lisaviolet my mom said this happened to her too. (we had cause to talk about it when i needed a razor once and she told me just to take hers.) i hope the same happens to me.
@jerk_nugget It’s just really strange. It didn’t happen to my mom.
I’m not complaining.
@lisaviolet My body hair, even the little bit of hair on my armpits, is very fine and short and pale gold in color. It’s completely invisible unless the light catches it, and it’s so soft you can’t feel it either. So I don’t shave at all.
Once a year.
I only shave when I get a haircut, which was earlier today. I’m good for a few months.
@lichme was it 2 bits?
I must sculpt!
Seriously though, I will miss a few days through laziness until my stubble underneath is so prickly that I can’t sleep, then I shave again. Then sometimes, I shave every day for months. No rhyme or reason.
I don’t have dense facial hair, so two or three times a work week. If I’m on vacation I’ll go up to a week and a half; then all the thin areas become obvious and I whack it off.
I would grow a beard if I could, but I can’t, so I don’t.
At least this one isn’t a repeat of that facial hair poll that lumped me in with Guy Fieri.
Have goatee. Bah. Rest of face daily. Head Monday Wednesday Friday. May skip the head on occasion. Sometimes skip face on Saturday or Sunday when in vegetative state. NEVER skip shaving before work, well maybe a few times 20 or 30 years ago. It’s complicated.
i shave my armpits and i touch up my eyebrows every day or every other. and ahem other places once a week.
but i haven’t shaved my legs in probably two years. if i had kardashian money & their team, i’d get laser so i wouldn’t have to worry about doing anything myself. but you know, i don’t. and you know what feels ten times worse to me than some soft fuzzy calves (the hair on my thighs isn’t super noticeable)? stubbly legs all over. i don’t have the time, money, energy or desire to shave my legs daily which is what it would take to keep on top of it.
@jerk_nugget I bought laser through groupon. Cheap as hell compared to regular pricing. I got six sessions for less than the price of one. Best money I spent. I still need to do one or two more sessions to get every single thing, but it’s a humongous difference. Unfortunately my leg hair is too blonde for the current lasers, or I would of done those too.
@RiotDemon good to know! how is the pain? (i have a high tolerance for most pain including body modification with the annoying exception of plucking, which for some bizarre reason that sensation is the worst pain on earth to me.)
@jerk_nugget armpits felt like almost nothing. Other areas… Well, it depended on what part. Overall it was more annoying and painful. There was a couple of sessions that I was in tears because it felt like I was being branded (if I can imagine what that feels like.) The pain goes away very quickly. Usually by the time I’d walk to the front to make my next appointment, I was fine.
I don’t know if it was because I had two different technicians or what, or just that certain parts of my anatomy are just super sensitive. Because of how the specials ran, I did my armpits at one laser studio, and the rest somewhere else. When I go back for my follow up, I’m going to ask if I can if the one that does my armpits will also do the rest (for additional fee of course)
@RiotDemon actually, as it happens i have a star on my left inner forearm and a heart on my right that were done with a cauterizing pen a few years in a row so i do have a vague idea
“Every day, if I remember” is, technically, true for me, but I almost never remember. I’ll shave every day for a week or so, then forget about it for a couple weeks, then I will be annoyed enough to remember, then the cycle repeats.
I used to conform but then I worked in a warehouse for two years and that took all the fucks I had to give about shaving and the pain in the ass that is everything trying to grow back. It’s not like I ever wore girl shorts anyway. I like my ass fully covered, thank you.
also? since i stopped shaving my legs no one has cared. (since i’m seeing a lot of “but, but…society”) what’s that quote? those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind?
i don’t go bare legged much to begin with because i hate the feeling of skin touching skin when it’s warm, and i’m also sure there are people silently curious and/or judging when i do, but by and large no one cares. no one has said anything or treated me poorly. i know my partner would like it if i shaved, but he has never once said this and my fuzzy legs haven’t stopped him from being affectionate with me, including rubbing my legs when we’re sitting opposite each other on the couch. a few nights ago i was at a friend’s house with a mix of friends, acquaintances, and a few strangers, and a friend of mine wanted someone to jump in the pool with him. we stripped down to our underthings and went swimming awhile. no one even glanced, and we aren’t the type of crowd to miss an opportunity to bust balls or ask questions.
actually? the last person i ever remember saying something to me about shaving was a girl in elementary school who leaned over in the library and asked “forget to shave today?” when she saw my bare legs had hair. i was probably ten. i went home and cried to my mom and she showed me how to shave my legs for the first time. and for years and years after that i literally shaved my entire body (with the exception of the hair on my scalp) weekly if not daily. so, you know, if you want to shave, shave! if you don’t, don’t. and if you want to shave sometimes and not others, do that. but for the sweet love of glob, don’t shave because society wants you to.
Sunday night, then again on Tuesday night (if I remember, Wednesday if I don’t).
I have tried all variety of razors, from cheap Bic disposables to four-bucks-a-blade Gillette Fusion, even Featherblade but I just can’t find one that’s comfortable enough to shave every day. This wasn’t an issue 10 or 15 years ago. I don’t know if it’s because my skin has changed, or perhaps because after a massive weight loss my face is more bony and my skin not as taught.
I always wax poetical.