I guess I technically use my (miserable piece of shit) work machine more than my personal machine, but I'm not willing to admit that, so I voted based on my personal machine.
Originally, around $1900 in 2010, but it's since had many parts removed and added so the current build is probably worth around $1100 or so in pure original price of the parts involved. Closer to $800 with the current value of the 5 year old video card. :p
$50 for two broken Macbooks. 3 tries and 2 days later had one working one with only 3 screws left over. First time took me 8.5 hours to take apart and put together. Final (3rd) time down to 3.5 hours).
@dashcloud One had a broken screen but turned on, the other didn't turn on. At first I was going to swap the screens but once I opened it it became apparent that this was not going to be easy. So several youtube videos and searches later and swapping out parts once I figured out which did what, a mechanical examination and saw what was pushed on when you pushed the power button, etc. and I was set. Took the thing apart laying out the pieces across the floor in the order I removed them so I'd have more of a chance to get the thing back together again in the right order. Was very happy when it worked.
It's a custom build going on a decade now. Lots and lots of money over the years. It's like skin, it gets fully replaced on a regular basis. Course that's my may desktop. I've lost count of the laptops and other PC like devices I have/use.
mines like some frankenstein I have pieced together over the years whenever one part breaks I buy another (part must be not current hardware and be cheap) nothing in it is newer then 5 years except the hard drive and the video cards fan cause that died a year or so ago and it was cheaper to buy the fan straight from chaina
Now for the total accumulated price, does this entail mouse/keyboard, speakers, and/or an excessive amount of usb based peripherals attached to said computer?
I am currently on my first self-built computer. I spent around $650-ish for the parts, starting from scratch. I am ridiculously proud of my achievement, since I've never really been technically inclined and didn't even think it would power on when I first started.
Hmm. Built this one in 2009 for about... 900? Not counting peripherals, just the tower. Been upgrading as necessary (or when the ooh shiny! bug hits) over the years, so at this point, it's an easy 2k, probably more. I've decided that early spring next year is the time for a new build from scratch. At the moment, my pc is just high-midrange and I want something ridiculously maxed-out overpowered for my casual gaming needs. I'm thinking of budgeting about 1.6k for it.
Got mine at CostCo three years ago, don't remember how much, but it was under $800. First thing I did was install a fax modem (for sending invoices) and firewire. I found it very odd that it didn't come with firewire connections (for my video cam).
Just spent $5 for my new monitor (that needs a more powerful video card than I have and will work best with DP cables, which I don't have....both will be here tomorrow - don't tell my husband, we're supposed to not be spending money).
paid $320 +$97 UPS shipping(it weights over 70 lbs of steel goodness)
the only issue seems to be that in the 4 years i've owned it, the electric bill probably is as high as the cost of my computer(it has a 1000watt power supply)
I was able to score my work machine and its piddly 26 gigs of ram for only $200 because corporate was forcing us to move to PC.
I just loaded the specs into one of the 'sell my mac' sites and they suggested I ask $1200 for it... and that's without listing the full CS6 that somehow managed to survive IT.
@Noddy93 Stock up . . . or move. I understand now, all too well. I was stuck there once for a few days doing ENG work in April 1993 during the siege. I thought I had died and had been sent across the river Styx.
@Noddy93 They knew they could just install Windows on that thing, right? Just recently upgraded from my Pro in that form factor to one of the new round ones… Pros (and the PowerMacs that came before them) are wonderful machines…
@brhfl had parallels... simply put, corporate spymasters had issues monitoring the 5 macs from 120 miles away, and our two local tech guys (for 600 people) don't know a thing about apple... not even how to eject a disc.
it was good for me. i couldn't care less which platform i'm using as they both have strong and weak points... but i did get a fookin' beast of a machine for only $200 (which included a magic mouse, and as i said, full CS6... that i haven't updated to cloud with its corporate license, cuz i don't much like cc)
@Noddy93 Oh, obviously it was good for you, that's a hell of a score! Just seems silly to replace hardware when you can cut OS X entirely if they really wanted to go that way. Always nice when the stupidity of others benefits us though… :)
And, this will probably be the time for me to move to CC. I hate the subscription model. And I think CS3 was really the last decent version, the UI deviations just became too great after that. But, if I'm not going to run CS3 (which… gets worse on every release of OS X), I may as well suck up the subscription bullshit and at least get the latest optimizations and all. Bastards.
@brhfl be careful as CC has a real want for previous versions to be removed, although as is often the case with adobe, it's machine specific (so it's never their problem). was a bigger pain than updating to 5.5... that was totally fubar for a couple of weeks.
@Noddy93 You gotta stock up in advance. For a long time we were dry on Sunday too - everyone made a mad rush for the border into Missouri. Still do, when it is late and running on empty and the liquor stores here have all closed at 6:00PM.
@sohmageek it's worth the trouble if the techs, if they know little-to-nothing about mac, will leave you alone to do your own updates and upgrades.
our guys were great at leaving us be until corporate demanded our keystrokes. and now they choke because they don't know that we know how to turn their crap off. every three weeks the poor shills are up turning shit on, and/or off, and, just cuz i'm an ass, deleting tor, which i don't actually use from work.
@brhfl@Noddy93 I like my '09 Mac Pro and the various Mac Books I've used for work. I'm disappointed in the direction they've gone with the new Mac Pros, though. I'd still like to be able to add in cards and have two processors. I get that the new hexacore Xeons are faster than my dual quadcores from '09, and even the i7 in the current Mac Book Pro is faster, but I want insane power, like the server we had doing transcoding at my station! I suspect when it finally comes time to replace my Mac Pro I'll be building a new workstation from scratch. Last time I priced out parts I got above $6,000, though. I kinda wound up with 128 GB of RAM.
seems like every few years, my brother just goes and says, "here, i built you a new computer", out of the blue.
happened most recently in Oct 2013. then he gave me an SSD for Christmas. ( I had just built my prior system myself in the spring of 2010, and was still perfectly happy with it.)
@thismyusername he does the same with our parents, and our sister(though their last few have been off the shelf lenovos) and i currently Have an older Lenovo Unit and 2 boxes of upgrade parts for it, for our nephew (sister's boy, 13, going into 8th grade) to build his first computer. I was about the same age when he sent us a big hd(a massive 300 megabytes) to add to the gateway 486sx he had sent us the year prior.
@earlyre I remember when the hard drive went out on my gateway, before I was comfortable doing some of this stuff myself. I had to take it for warranty work and the HD they installed had 1GB, but they said they couldn't allow me to use the full amount, they set it somehow to only use 750MB.
I put in three more myself, after that. All small. I still have the hard drives. Got one of those docks to move the info off of them onto another drive.
A blonde enters a store that sells curtains.
She tells the salesman, “I would like to buy a pink curtain in the size of my computer screen.”
The surprised salesman replies, “But, madam, computers do not have curtains.”
And the blonde said, “Hellooo . . . . the computer I just bought has Windows!”
@sp3ar Hey, with so many hits, there's bound to be a few misses.
Apple Apple Apple!
I guess I technically use my (miserable piece of shit) work machine more than my personal machine, but I'm not willing to admit that, so I voted based on my personal machine.
It's probably actually in the 1800 range if you consider the extra parts I've put into it since I built it, plus the TV I have as a 3rd monitor
Originally, around $1900 in 2010, but it's since had many parts removed and added so the current build is probably worth around $1100 or so in pure original price of the parts involved. Closer to $800 with the current value of the 5 year old video card. :p
$50 for two broken Macbooks. 3 tries and 2 days later had one working one with only 3 screws left over. First time took me 8.5 hours to take apart and put together. Final (3rd) time down to 3.5 hours).
@Kidsandliz Good for you on repairing your MacBooks!
@dashcloud One had a broken screen but turned on, the other didn't turn on. At first I was going to swap the screens but once I opened it it became apparent that this was not going to be easy. So several youtube videos and searches later and swapping out parts once I figured out which did what, a mechanical examination and saw what was pushed on when you pushed the power button, etc. and I was set. Took the thing apart laying out the pieces across the floor in the order I removed them so I'd have more of a chance to get the thing back together again in the right order. Was very happy when it worked.
Alienware M18x. So maybe just a little more than 1800.
Does this mean meh is considering offering computers? I'd definitely consider a desktop.
About $2K for my macbook air, but I negotiated it into a signing bonus when I got this job in 2013, so... free?
It's a custom build going on a decade now. Lots and lots of money over the years. It's like skin, it gets fully replaced on a regular basis. Course that's my may desktop. I've lost count of the laptops and other PC like devices I have/use.
mines like some frankenstein I have pieced together over the years whenever one part breaks I buy another (part must be not current hardware and be cheap) nothing in it is newer then 5 years except the hard drive and the video cards fan cause that died a year or so ago and it was cheaper to buy the fan straight from chaina
Now for the total accumulated price, does this entail mouse/keyboard, speakers, and/or an excessive amount of usb based peripherals attached to said computer?
If so, 2200.
Around 1600 not including the monitor, built from components, 600 for the graphics card because I wanted to drive an Oculus Rift at 60fps
Built from a mix of new and old parts,so probably close to $700 total.
Getting about time to start haunting Newegg again... need to upgrade.
I am currently on my first self-built computer. I spent around $650-ish for the parts, starting from scratch. I am ridiculously proud of my achievement, since I've never really been technically inclined and didn't even think it would power on when I first started.
@Purplefeather Good for you! Wasn't as hard as you expected, was it?
Hmm. Built this one in 2009 for about... 900? Not counting peripherals, just the tower. Been upgrading as necessary (or when the ooh shiny! bug hits) over the years, so at this point, it's an easy 2k, probably more. I've decided that early spring next year is the time for a new build from scratch. At the moment, my pc is just high-midrange and I want something ridiculously maxed-out overpowered for my casual gaming needs. I'm thinking of budgeting about 1.6k for it.
Got mine at CostCo three years ago, don't remember how much, but it was under $800. First thing I did was install a fax modem (for sending invoices) and firewire. I found it very odd that it didn't come with firewire connections (for my video cam).
Just spent $5 for my new monitor (that needs a more powerful video card than I have and will work best with DP cables, which I don't have....both will be here tomorrow - don't tell my husband, we're supposed to not be spending money).
xps 720 used from fleabay
paid $320 +$97 UPS shipping(it weights over 70 lbs of steel goodness)
the only issue seems to be that in the 4 years i've owned it, the electric bill probably is as high as the cost of my computer(it has a 1000watt power supply)
@communist I want your power supply.
@lisaviolet That's what she said.
@DaveInSoCal That's what I said. Are you trying to confuse me?
@lisaviolet funny you mention that. its starting to fail. i get power supply errors every other time i boot my pc
@communist Well, I take it back, then. I don't want your power supply.
I'm surprised at how many built-it-yourself PC folks are
a) still around
b) use Meh
I just buy 'em off the shelf.
@Collin1000 maybe the normal computer buyers just dont comment on meh forums . they are too busy.... ummm facebooking?
@communist Oh Snap! Applause!
@Collin1000 I built mine mostly because I was talking to a friend about how I needed a new one, and she basically dared me.
@Collin1000 With PC gaming on the rise, soon you will notice a lot more people building their own PC's.
I was able to score my work machine and its piddly 26 gigs of ram for only $200 because corporate was forcing us to move to PC.
I just loaded the specs into one of the 'sell my mac' sites and they suggested I ask $1200 for it... and that's without listing the full CS6 that somehow managed to survive IT.
@Noddy93 So that Mac drives you to drink cheap whiskey, eh?
@Pavlov no.... living in Waco does
@Noddy93 Stock up . . . or move. I understand now, all too well. I was stuck there once for a few days doing ENG work in April 1993 during the siege. I thought I had died and had been sent across the river Styx.
@Noddy93 They knew they could just install Windows on that thing, right? Just recently upgraded from my Pro in that form factor to one of the new round ones… Pros (and the PowerMacs that came before them) are wonderful machines…
@brhfl had parallels... simply put, corporate spymasters had issues monitoring the 5 macs from 120 miles away, and our two local tech guys (for 600 people) don't know a thing about apple... not even how to eject a disc.
it was good for me. i couldn't care less which platform i'm using as they both have strong and weak points... but i did get a fookin' beast of a machine for only $200 (which included a magic mouse, and as i said, full CS6... that i haven't updated to cloud with its corporate license, cuz i don't much like cc)
@Noddy93 Oh, obviously it was good for you, that's a hell of a score! Just seems silly to replace hardware when you can cut OS X entirely if they really wanted to go that way. Always nice when the stupidity of others benefits us though… :)
And, this will probably be the time for me to move to CC. I hate the subscription model. And I think CS3 was really the last decent version, the UI deviations just became too great after that. But, if I'm not going to run CS3 (which… gets worse on every release of OS X), I may as well suck up the subscription bullshit and at least get the latest optimizations and all. Bastards.
@brhfl be careful as CC has a real want for previous versions to be removed, although as is often the case with adobe, it's machine specific (so it's never their problem). was a bigger pain than updating to 5.5... that was totally fubar for a couple of weeks.
@Noddy93 Have you done the bios hack to get it on Yosemite yet? Have a friends macpro we are contemplating doing this on.
@Pavlov and thanks to Jesus I can't buy whiskey on a Sunday... so i'm stuck with this... damn it Jesus, I'm 45 years old. It's embarrasing!

@Noddy93 You gotta stock up in advance. For a long time we were dry on Sunday too - everyone made a mad rush for the border into Missouri. Still do, when it is late and running on empty and the liquor stores here have all closed at 6:00PM.
@Noddy93 So... I've been trying to get my organization to get some macs on the network...
@sohmageek it's worth the trouble if the techs, if they know little-to-nothing about mac, will leave you alone to do your own updates and upgrades.
our guys were great at leaving us be until corporate demanded our keystrokes. and now they choke because they don't know that we know how to turn their crap off. every three weeks the poor shills are up turning shit on, and/or off, and, just cuz i'm an ass, deleting tor, which i don't actually use from work.
@Noddy93 I'd be that guy working on them ;)
@brhfl @Noddy93 I like my '09 Mac Pro and the various Mac Books I've used for work. I'm disappointed in the direction they've gone with the new Mac Pros, though. I'd still like to be able to add in cards and have two processors. I get that the new hexacore Xeons are faster than my dual quadcores from '09, and even the i7 in the current Mac Book Pro is faster, but I want insane power, like the server we had doing transcoding at my station! I suspect when it finally comes time to replace my Mac Pro I'll be building a new workstation from scratch. Last time I priced out parts I got above $6,000, though. I kinda wound up with 128 GB of RAM.
$135...... at Microsoft store....
$200 chromebook. love this little pos :)
seems like every few years, my brother just goes and says, "here, i built you a new computer", out of the blue.
happened most recently in Oct 2013. then he gave me an SSD for Christmas. ( I had just built my prior system myself in the spring of 2010, and was still perfectly happy with it.)
@earlyre can I be your brother too?
@thismyusername he does the same with our parents, and our sister(though their last few have been off the shelf lenovos) and i currently Have an older Lenovo Unit and 2 boxes of upgrade parts for it, for our nephew (sister's boy, 13, going into 8th grade) to build his first computer. I was about the same age when he sent us a big hd(a massive 300 megabytes) to add to the gateway 486sx he had sent us the year prior.
@earlyre I remember when the hard drive went out on my gateway, before I was comfortable doing some of this stuff myself. I had to take it for warranty work and the HD they installed had 1GB, but they said they couldn't allow me to use the full amount, they set it somehow to only use 750MB.
I put in three more myself, after that. All small. I still have the hard drives. Got one of those docks to move the info off of them onto another drive.
Ah, the memories...