How many organs do you really need, anyway?
32We can live without a couple, right? Especially those lazy ones like the appendix… or gallbladder.
A few people came looking for me when I wasn’t here causing a ruckus with you all on meh’s birthday. (Thanks for the love!) I wasn’t here because I was in the hospital recovering from a hellacious case of pancreatitis, which was caused by ONE gallstone. It was just particularly large and perfectly placed in the joint bile-duct.
They let me come home a few days later, then I had to head back a few days ago to get that pesky stone-maker taken out.
I feel like this year I keep missing so much here, but know that I have not abandoned you - just keep getting waylaid by life, a tiny human, and internal organs that don’t want to be my friend anymore. I’m healing well and home and everything’s fine. I even got my fuko (thanks to staffers for the pity order!) and hope to get pics up soon.
- 22 comments, 28 replies
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Glad to hear that you’re on your way to recovery!
That sucks, I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend TC, we missed you! (you probably got tagged by me at some point but I’m sure it’s far in the past at this point and not worth the hassle so feel free to disregard!)
@jbartus I have been able to fix a few things and delete some spam for people who tagged me for help - but haven’t been able to catch up much.
@Thumperchick you’re such a trooper, I feel inadequate, I get busy or sick and my volunteer moderating on places goes to shit. Gold star for you!
Glad to know you are home doing well, and on the mend!
You even fixed my thread topic bubble, thanks. Get some rest.
Thanks for updating us. We do worry. Very happy you got diagnosed, and cholelcystectomized.
@OldCatLady I had to star your post for that word.
@baqui63 @OldCatLady Likewise
@baqui63 Autocorrect hates me. Cholecystectomized! Once you’ve done it, you’re never the same. I used to have a vial of my gallstones. Wonder where it is.
They make replacements now.
Really hope you are getting back to normal, we missed you.
Hope it’s all better now.
Glad to see you back here, even if only in a relatively tokenized state. I know that you want to do more, but as I was saying earlier in chat, you need to take life easy and do what you need to do to get yourself back up to speed.
@baqui63 there’s a chat?
@jbartus well, yes and no.
Yes, there is a chat frequented by a number of people here including @kalira, @thumperchick, @meh (the person, not this site), @lien007, myself and others. @carl669, @lichme, @raider and others have been there in the past tho life has absorbed (adsorbed?) much of lich’s time since his kidling was borned and I’ve not seen carl there for eons, tho raider pops up on occasion.
No, in that it is not related to meh (the site). It was originally started many moons ago by @cowboydann so that people could talk about stuff at woot without censorship by woot staff (or maybe it wasn’t). CBD got distracted by life, the universe and just about everything and now kalira kinda sorta owns it and it has morphed into a general chat about anything and everything (eg. a lot of Pokemon Go recently, soccer, me bitching at the java updater wanting to fuck with my browser settings, etc.). Meh (the site) and woot do come up in conversation a lot, but mostly because we are all hardcoreish meh and woot users and these sites are part of our lives.
You, and anyone else here, are welcome to join us. Some of you are even nerdy/crazy/strange enough that you would enjoy it. We are friendly (well, mostly… some of us get a bit rankled at the ppl who show up during woot offs only to get BOC links and go poof! once they get one), but we are kinda old friends so it can take a while to get used to us.
The IRC channel is #deals.woot (I get it via rizon).
@baqui63 I do? Been so long now I figured most people assumed I died.
actually, i was reflecting recently at just how long some of us have been around that room. i’ve had the (in)glorious (dis)pleasure of meeting many of the morons who frequent that chatty place. it’s really been a long time. babies have been born, surgeries been had, houses bought, new jobs and schools started and finished.
don’t mistake this for emotion you’re all a bunch of turds.
oh ps @thumperchick glad you’re feeling better
did i tell you my brother works at massies now? we’ll have to go again next time i’m in town.
@meh awesome! Bring Mehma and I’ll bring PuppyCat.
@Raider according to kal, you were last there on 7/17/2015, though I thought I remember you showing up briefly earlier this year.
Also, we knew you weren’t dead, what with the cameras and all. Nice new box, btw. I like the way you’ve cut window holes… almost like a bay window.
@baqui63 hi! yes, life has sucked up my time. and sadly, work refuses to give me any down time for the most part. one day, i hope to actually get back to that channel. but until then, give everyone a big old “fuck you” from me with the most admiration possible.
@carl669 CAAAAAAARRRRLLLLLLLL! if you’re ever down the tacoma/puyallup area, we need to grab a beer.
@baqui63 I don’t know how long its been, but I would believe it. @kalira 's database and black helicopter recon generally are pretty accurate so I accept her word, as usual. Nice to hear she still sends acouple passing by every now and then.
I guess the place really just needed a woman’s touch. The fancy windows have really helped with the summer heat, even my normal spot down by the rivers breeze hasnt helped much. Hopefully it means a mild winter and I wont have to create extra reinforcement on the blankie fort this winter!
@Raider Woman’s touch?
I can read that two ways… either you’ve become a woman or, more likely, you’ve got a mature female in your life on a frequent basis (as opposed to a niece or the like). Either way, congrats!
@baqui63 The first option is correct, I finally caved and wore what @adq sent me and it opened my eyes to a new future! My journey to Raiderette will be complete next month!
I really have been outa there for a long time havent I?! It took her awhile to embrace the nomadic lifestyle in an urban environment but after experiencing it she couldnt turn back! Tho I will say her vision has transformed the place from being purely functional to having touches of luxurious design.
@Raider did she punch some windows in the cardboard walls?
@kalira She used her superior knife skills to slice and dice and then put her decorative skills to the test and added exquisite touches to round out the frames.
@Raider eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@Lien007 LIEN!!! Hope all is well buddy!!!
Glad to know you’re doing better. What a year you guys are having!
At least there were sealed in a specimen cup.
Life is better without the gall bladder! Did you get to keep your stone? Odd but true fact: when I had my lap chole done a bazillion years ago, my surgeon allowed me to have the four stones which had been effing up my life. They looked like greenish version of Whoppers (you know, the candy) and were about the same size. I kept them until one of the twins decided to take them for Show & Tell without telling me. Teacher was not pleased. Can’t imagine why
@LaVikinga Well, I think that’s some pretty awesome show’n’tell
@LaVikinga aw man! I didn’t think to keep it.
Glad you’re back and feeling better. If too many people notice you’re missing, it could get a little unruly around here, even though there are few rules.
@2many2no Wait!!??? What the fuck?!! There are rules?!!
Yipes!, but glad you’re doing better!
I was gonna ask were the promised pics of your offspring or the gallstones. But apparently you didn’t keep the stones, so we all have to settle for adorable kid shots. Ah well.
Glad you are on the mend!
!! Gallbladder! He’s my favorite character!
(Glad to hear your hospital stay went alright!)
I had problems off and on for years, finally after an annual Disney meet it lasted over a week. On a scale of 1 - 10, pain was an 11. Sunday am at urgent care, they sent me to the hospital er. So sick I puked up my breakfast wetting my pants in the process ( I had made it into the restroom). When I checked myself in, I told the nurse what happened. Her response?. “Don’t sit anywhere.”
Four days later sans gallbladder, I went home.
I’m glad you’re okay. Those stones are excruciating. Not fun at all.
@lisaviolet how compassionate of the nurse. Did you sit in her chair when she stood up?
@Thumperchick No. After getting over the momentary shock, I started to laugh.
Yikes! I’m glad you’re doing okay now. I’ve had kidney stones, which were hell enough, but not gallstones. I’m glad you were able to have it removed and hope all is smooth sailing from here on out.
I saw the title and came here say I could get by with a B3, a Farfisa, and a Vox Continental.
That pancreas is one of those organs that we have to have, although at times it seems really unfortunate, especially when one has to endure pancreatitis!!! Thank God your’s was from a gall stone and you got that taken care of. Several years ago my husband (at the time) and I both got severe cases of pancreatitis… they took our gall bladders, with no relief, and they never could find a cause, as neither of us were drinkers. He was in the hospital for over a month straight with it, nothing to eat or drink, as if you’re not miserable enough already! The doctors and nurses all say it’s one of the most painful conditions to have. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, hoping you have a speedy recovery and never have to endure the angry pancreas again, as he’s definitely NOT a nice one!!!
I don’t have organs, only pianos. That’s like;

/giphy rock on!

@DaveInSoCal ROFL! I’m playing Ocarina of Time right now on my N64, what a fun coincidence to find this thanks to @Thumperchick’s response to @MrsPavlov
I always read this thread title as ‘orgasms’ not ‘organs’ - in which case my answer would be that there is fundamentally no limit.
@MrsPavlov The only correct answer to how many orgasms one needs is “all of them.”
Nice to hear from you, TC. Feel better!!!
As long as you still have one if these:

/giphy Fist Of Death
@f00l well, yeah, that still works.