There was like 6 offerings of about 200 per right? Seemed like more than usual (compared to the fuku/fukos of old)
For me it was about 27. I got irked every time the latest product posted and it was just a retread from previous Meh or Morningsave sales.
Very IRKsome.
/giphy irksome
993 total IRK’s, 5 sales total almost 200 each time.
/giphy 993
@raccoon81 and that seems like less than the last couple times (Final Fuko and April Fools Fuko)
@raccoon81 993 is suspiciously close to 1000. I bet there were 100 originally.
So the CEO of Meh probably embezzled an IRK. A few went to people with tattoos.
That still leaves us 4 irks shy of 1000. The warehouse workers probably spilled beer on those and made them unsellable.
/giphy spilled beer
@OnionSoup @raccoon81 The missing few could be bad people that tried to order more than one and then got the extra canceled.
Offerings seemed to be upped from 3 to 5 starting Dec 2017
I only care about one single IRK order. MINE!
/giphy Ditto
Lots of shit to shovel out of the warehouse so they don’t have to inventory it. Year end and all. And we each paid them 5 bucks to solve their problem.
For me it was about 27. I got irked every time the latest product posted and it was just a retread from previous Meh or Morningsave sales.
Very IRKsome.
/giphy irksome
993 total IRK’s, 5 sales total almost 200 each time.
/giphy 993
@raccoon81 and that seems like less than the last couple times (Final Fuko and April Fools Fuko)
@raccoon81 993 is suspiciously close to 1000. I bet there were 100 originally.
So the CEO of Meh probably embezzled an IRK. A few went to people with tattoos.
That still leaves us 4 irks shy of 1000. The warehouse workers probably spilled beer on those and made them unsellable.
/giphy spilled beer
@OnionSoup @raccoon81 The missing few could be bad people that tried to order more than one and then got the extra canceled.
Offerings seemed to be upped from 3 to 5 starting Dec 2017
I only care about one single IRK order. MINE!
/giphy Ditto
Lots of shit to shovel out of the warehouse so they don’t have to inventory it. Year end and all. And we each paid them 5 bucks to solve their problem.