I’m about the same distance from active train tracks and bc someone died on them years ago the conductor blows his horn three times before crossing any of the many roads. It gets very load at night, especially in the summer when we have the windows open.
@phendrick I don’t know where that house is, but it looks like the photo is of the backside of the house, porch, and basement. I do wonder whether the sides visible from the street are a boring white. That would be kinda funny.
Very quit except for the train, and the 5 lane main road on the other side of the train, I hear them both all day long. There’s also a private airport a few miles away too. It’s the kind that Fortune 500 companies use, all our sports teams, and the president fly out of. It’s a real pain in the ass when the president (or anybody special like him) comes bc of how they close all the roads while he’s driving through. It takes a good hour and half before you can cross the intersection again. I’ve gotten stuck in it a couple times.
Depends on time of day and if my mom is talking loudly on the phone to people.
Unless I am talking to Charlie, it is VERY quiet
/giphy sshhhhh

Fairly loud on Date Night
The cats make less noise than we do, until they don’t.

Buzzing in the background until a dynamic blast followed by eerie silence.
@hchavers Quarry or manufacturing?
@werehatrack Worse. Momma!
Quieter than the outside; my house is about 250’ from the highway.
I’m about the same distance from active train tracks and bc someone died on them years ago the conductor blows his horn three times before crossing any of the many roads. It gets very load at night, especially in the summer when we have the windows open.
Two kids + two dogs. What’s quiet?
@Ziggie yeah, 3 kids (2 of them little boys), 2 golden retrievers, 3 cats.
@Ziggie yep 2 kids and 2 dogs here as well. When it finally is quiet, it’s just amazing.
You want a Loud House?

@phendrick No.
I have three children five and under. You tell me.
It’s quiet enough that I have to turn on the television so I can’t hear the blood coursing through my veins.
Depends how many grand children are here… As they get older there seems to be less screaming though.
2 small children, 2 small dogs, and a raccoon visiting in our attic.
Plus I have tinnitus, so once there is silence I just hear static going, so that’s fun.
No kids, no pets, real quiet. At times I can hear the golfers on the course, about 400 yards away.
Pretty quiet until around 7AM when the dog starts periodically woofing to be let out and the cats pester to be fed.
With brick and dark wood, mine is rather subdued. This is loud:

@rockblossom That’s an “Up yours, HOA!”
@phendrick I don’t know where that house is, but it looks like the photo is of the backside of the house, porch, and basement. I do wonder whether the sides visible from the street are a boring white. That would be kinda funny.
Very quit except for the train, and the 5 lane main road on the other side of the train, I hear them both all day long. There’s also a private airport a few miles away too. It’s the kind that Fortune 500 companies use, all our sports teams, and the president fly out of. It’s a real pain in the ass when the president (or anybody special like him) comes bc of how they close all the roads while he’s driving through. It takes a good hour and half before you can cross the intersection again. I’ve gotten stuck in it a couple times.

/giphy entitled
Louder than I’d like, I must confess
Pretty quiet except when during deck parties or when they blow the horn.