I’m admit I’m fortunate enough to live in the San Diego area, so I almost never turn on my furnace. If I do, it is to take the “cold snap” out of the air, and I turn it off 30 minutes later. (Fun fact: my furnace is still original from when my house was built… in 1973!)
@haydesigner, when I lived in Point Loma I would turn the heat on occasionally. I lived in an old apartment with one of those inefficient wall units, so most the time I just dressed warm.
I went to a conference in S.D., Ca. once, and for the week I was there, I walked everywhere- it is [or maybe was] a very nice and quite lovely city.
I very much enjoyed the Karl Strauss brewpub there.
@Kyeh That quilt looks like one (of the many) that my wife makes.
(So does the scene of wearing a sweater with a hot beverage in the hands, in front of the fire, draped in a quilt. )
Or like mine- when I fell and damaged the ligaments in the joints of my pinky leaving it in a permanent crooked state.
I live in New England (east cost) it gets cold, but, I like it.70 max unless we’re sub zero with wind. Then it might bump it a degree or 2 (old drafty house) just ran out of oil last night (2 am) had to go to buy 30 gallons of diesel, because it’s been negative digits with 35 mph winds this last week. Waiting for a delivery of oil hopefully tomorrow.
I keep misreading this as “how hot does winter have to get to skip going to your thermostat (thanks climate change)” - not the intended “what the max you set your thermostat to in the winter”
@yakkoTDI me too! I like bundling up and wearing hoodies around the house. Can’t do that if it is 70. 70 is shorts weather for me.
@shampshire 60 is still shorts weather for me. I do have to put socks on below 65 though.
@yakkoTDI Yeah, winter is supposed to be hoodie season after the BS of summer and fall. 60 is about ideal.
Although, since we generally depend on the wood stove, we keep it at 55 just in case.
I’m admit I’m fortunate enough to live in the San Diego area, so I almost never turn on my furnace. If I do, it is to take the “cold snap” out of the air, and I turn it off 30 minutes later. (Fun fact: my furnace is still original from when my house was built… in 1973!)
Bear in mind, we also (and for no discernible reason!!!) have the highest utility rates in the entire flipping 50 states!
@haydesigner, when I lived in Point Loma I would turn the heat on occasionally. I lived in an old apartment with one of those inefficient wall units, so most the time I just dressed warm.
I went to a conference in S.D., Ca. once, and for the week I was there, I walked everywhere- it is [or maybe was] a very nice and quite lovely city.
I very much enjoyed the Karl Strauss brewpub there.
/giphy Brewpub
/showme someone in front of a cozy fireplace with a Large cup of hot, cocoa & quilt
@mycya4me Wow, I really like that quilt!
@Kyeh @mycya4me Yes the quilt is pretty. The right hand has a pinky finger problem though, however showme is improving.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me It’s permanently bent from years of incorrectly holding quilting needles…
@Kyeh That quilt looks like one (of the many) that my wife makes.
(So does the scene of wearing a sweater with a hot beverage in the hands, in front of the fire, draped in a quilt. )
@bee1doll @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me
Or like mine- when I fell and damaged the ligaments in the joints of my pinky leaving it in a permanent crooked state.
63 during the day; 53 at night
That’s cold you must live where it’s warm or are going through menopause lol
I live in New England (east cost) it gets cold, but, I like it.70 max unless we’re sub zero with wind. Then it might bump it a degree or 2 (old drafty house) just ran out of oil last night (2 am) had to go to buy 30 gallons of diesel, because it’s been negative digits with 35 mph winds this last week. Waiting for a delivery of oil hopefully tomorrow.
451℉ is definitely too hot.
@xobzoo Not if you want to use your house as an oven to cook bratty teenagers (there are, after all, good reasons why some species eat their young).
@xobzoo Alright Vonnegut! (The temp. paper burns)
@accelerator @xobzoo (Um, Bradbury)
@macromeh @xobzoo oops. Was thinking Slaughterhouse Five. Thanks for the correction.
You forgot to say FIFY.
There: FIFY.
@PhysAssist TFFIFM
I set mine at 67° because I’m too cheap to set it higher. I wear a sweatshirt around the house.
I keep misreading this as “how hot does winter have to get to skip going to your thermostat (thanks climate change)” - not the intended “what the max you set your thermostat to in the winter”
20 degrees C (68 F for those that use weird measurement systems)