How fucked am I?

Seeds thought this was worth mentioning said

1: try to install arch Linux
2: realize that’s impossible without a way to lookup instructions
2: try to install arch anywhere
3: computer won’t boot
4: put arch anywhere usb stick back in, boot to shell
5: get nowhere with that
6: figure out that if I unplug usb stick right as it tries to load installer then plug it back in when it gets upset that installer will load
7: reinstall
8: get nowhere
9: install windows 10 recovery shit on usb stick
10: try to recover windows 10
11: after windows 10 recovery fails, reinstall windows 10
12: All of my shit is in windows.old
13: try to recover windows by rolling back to “before” installing windows 10 today (the only option)
14: nothing changes
15: merge windows with windows.old
16: all documents, downloads, pictures etc gone.