Fucking HOT.

It’s been so far this year a fairly cool summer in N central TX (compared to the usual). Fewer 100F+ days than I expected, most likely due to lots of rain during the past 10 months and the resulting highish water table.

But this week is the bad week. (By Monday the heat wave will have broken [according to my apps], and from then on mid-90’sF. And late August means it’s so late in the summer weather season that another week of 100F+ is unlikely.)

enter image description here

DFW shows 108F at the moment.
Tombouctou shows 100F even tho it’s now after dark there.
Death Valley is at a pleasant, mild 117F.

So how is your weather?

@ruouttaurmind, we need your paint-melting S AZ temp stats!

/giphy hot