Home Depot Skeleton
14Local Home Depot set up their in-store display 12-foot skeleton on Monday. But they won’t let me buy one.
I could have bought one last year, but i hesitated and then they were gone. so I’ve been checking frequently this year and visited the store just as they finished setting it up. But they told me this is the only one they’re getting and it’s not for sale yet. They said it could only be ordered online.
I’ve had one in my shopping cart for months, but won’t let me check out with it. A week or two ago, it disappeared from the website (but it’s still in my cart).
Home Depot announced a new pumpkin head version for this year. But no sign of that one either.
So did they just skip this part of the country? Or has nobody got any yet?
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We’ve got a choice of two but only one seems to be in stock right now.
Only one thing to do then.
Break in and steal theirs Oceans 11 style.
@Targaryen I’ll bring the balaclavas!
Eight more volunteers?
I am totally in!
@sammydog01 @Targaryen @cbilyak. Too late. Happened to be back in the store today and it’s gone. They wouldn’t sell it to me, but apparently they sold it to someone.
@sammydog01 @Targaryen @walarney BASTARDS!
It’s all about who you know, in the giant skeleton biz.
@walarney Probably an inside job.
My neighbor has the 8 foot T-Rex skeleton they sold a few years back in her front yard. She decorates it for holidays- it had bunny ears around Easter.
I can’t find it
Here’s the link I have, but it shows as “not currently available”.
@walarney nope
The product you are trying to view is not currently available.
If you have any questions, you can reach our web support team by email at customercare@homedepot.com or by phone at 1-800-430-3376
Only 144 inch skeleton I could find is this one. Not available in store and out of stock online.
@yakkoTDI Looking for the one in the background image.
My local Home Depot just got their Halloween stuff up and they don’t have either last years 12ft skeleton or the new pumpkin head version for this year.
Thanks. I feel a little bit less left out.
@Ignorant @walarney I have Home Depot on my list for tomorrow.
@Ignorant @walarney I checked and they don’t have any. In fact they don’t have much in the way of Halloween decorations at all. I wonder if they cut back?
@Ignorant @sammydog01 Maybe it will go like the six-foot pose-n-stay skeletons. Next year they’ll have them at Costco for half the price, and the year after that they’ll be in every drugstore in multiple colors for $20. It’ll be glorious.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 @walarney supply chain is a shit show right now. I am guessing that most of these items come from China. Shipping via ocean has been an issue since that Ever Given vessel was stuck in the canal.
This is causing companies to shift ocean -> air. Couple of weeks ago there was a Covid outbreak at the PVG airport and now they are having workers do a 14-7-7 cycle. 14 days working and basically 14 days in isolation slowing down how much freight can move into or out of China. As this is a major airport they are pulling ground handlers from nearby airports to help with volume, but this in turn causes slow downs at those airports as well.
Things are only going to get worse…
@Ignorant @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @walarney Eek, no wonder car builders can’t get stuff either so lines are shut down.
Opinion: it points to a major flaw in “Just-in-Time” manufacturing technology. It depends on things being available when you “need” them (like for Halloween).
Auto-makers used to have warehouses full of parts, that, honestly, didn’t change very much from year to year outside of body styles and trim. With the computer content of a current automobile (for marketing like integrated entertainment, but also for safety features, some mandated), anything in a warehouse more than a year or two old is probably obsolete already and couldn’t be used in the current production model.
@Ignorant @pmarin @tinamarie1974 @walarney I read an article saying that the problem was shipping containers. Just stupid shipping containers. It was a mess before the canal thing.
@Ignorant @pmarin @sammydog01 @walarney shipping containers have been an issue for a while, but you will notice that article is from Dec last year. Ss lines have been executing blank sailings to reposition containers where they are needed, but delays and also supply and demand. Shipping on a lane that use to be $2500-$3000 can now cost upwards of $15000-$20000 if you can get a booking. I am seeing delays of up to one month just to GET a container and find a trucker to handle drayage. It has never been this bad. The Ever Given only compounded the issue making it worse.
It is like you think my god it cannot get any worse and then someone’s says oh yeah, hold my beer!
@tinamarie1974 Yeah, the Calamityware guy linked that article way back to explain why my kickstarter beast bowls were so late coming. They had them made and couldn’t get them to the US. I have them now- they’re beautiful.
The Butter Robot I preordered from DDL is using supply chain excuses too but they may just have their heads up their asses. Those were supposed to have been shipped in May.
@sammydog01 it is a real problem and there is added complexity with air freight beyond what I mentioned above. That said, I have found A LOT of people are trying to use these situations as an excuse when they just have their head up their ass!
@sammydog01 btw, what do those bowls look like?
They’re supposed to be for pets but no way am I going to let Princess Puke near mine.
His newest kickstarter is a troll bowl. Too expensive for me but I love it. Maybe he’ll do mugs or something.

@sammydog01 loving that unassuming giant frog in the background!
@tinamarie1974 Here he is in the Christmas version:

@sammydog01 oh I like that!
@sammydog01 Butter robot? Do tell. I like both those words.
@walarney How about this: https://cts-halloween-decoration-shop.myshopify.com/products/home-accents-holiday-12-ft-giant-sized-skeleton-with-lifeeyes-312513260
@caramelarrow Yes! That’s the one! Is that shop legitimate? “Many in stock” doesn’t fill me with confidence when they’re not available at HD.
@walarney I ordered a cheap item about a week ago. It was a different vendor but I have a tracking number the shows movement. It is coming from China.
@walarney I’m sorry, I don’t know anything about the company. I understand your hesitation, especially on something so expensive. I was just focused on finding the skeleton for you.
@caramelarrow I appreciate it.
I can imagine shipping on something that size could easily cost more than the item.
I once hesitated on buying a similarly expensive aluminum gargoyle from a guy selling out of a truck in a parking lot. They didn’t do shipping. When I changed my mind, I had to call and find out where and when the truck would be close and go meet him.
(The website https://aluminumcritters.com/ used to have more pictures, but it’s pretty much just a phone number now.)
@caramelarrow @walarney Use a credit card. And if it never shows, that is what charge-backs are for.
@bdb @caramelarrow @walarney it’s a scam site. The skeleton is exclusive to Home Depot. Anyone else that’s reselling is jacking up the prices.
So now I’ve discovered https://www.halloweenforum.com/
From the thread there, it sounds like some stores got some and others didn’t.
All hail Internet
Enthusiasts of a thing
A forum for 'em
Walmart had them year before last. I don’t know about this year.
People have been buying them up and reselling them for up to 4x the price. Before HD began selling them for this year, some were asking $1500 on Ebay.
Not really helpful but…
@callow hmm, lifeEyes an in house creation? Seems to me like it may be a copy of something.
Those are open source, but you are still supposed to give credit
Glimpsed in the wild:

@mossygreen Got an address and do they have security cameras?
@sammydog01 I mean, yeah, but it’s at the top of my street and if I tell you then I won’t have the pleasure of driving past it for the next two months (or longer! these are new people, who knows how they decorate?).
@mossygreen Lucky you!
@Kyeh I know! Life has its moments.
@Kyeh @mossygreen
In the dead of night
Move the skeleton around
Different place and pose
I gave up hope of getting a giant skeleton, so instead I got one of the bone dogs.
A new music group
One is nicknamed skeleton
And his friend bone dog
Look! Of COURSE if anyone got one it would be…
@Kyeh lol! I’ve been called out!
I was super lucky. I didn’t realize they had them on their website mid July for sale. I only heard at the beginning of August they were bringing it back. I’ve been calling so many home depot’s trying to find out when they were setting up their stuff. I didn’t have high hopes that any would make it to the stores.
Most likely they are all sold out everywhere already. The stores that did get them got a max of 6, from what I understood. Most people that bought them are doing so to resell. They’ve been on Amazon and other places for $600-1500 for the past year. A lot of HD employees are taking advantage of that from what I saw on their Reddit page.
@RiotDemon Maybe an employee got the one at @walarney’s Home Depot. Is it time to get out the paper mache?

/image paper mache skeleton
@RiotDemon @walarney That actually looks doable!
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 Was kind of thinking I need to make my own even bigger one just to spite them. But no time.
@RiotDemon @walarney I have time. Hmmm…
@sammydog01 @walarney the amount of time to make a paper mache skeleton… I wouldn’t bother. Lowes and HD’s 5ft skeletons are like 30-35 bucks. Granted, it’s not 12ft tall…
@RiotDemon @walarney Good point. Plus I have a box of old porcelain dolls I need to get back to.
@Ignorant Woo-hoo! Skelly on the way! Thanks!!!
@Ignorant Already out of (or didn’t get any) or the normal one around me. Can get the pumpkin head, but not sure I should drop 400 when I don’t have a yard.
@walarney yay!!
@metaphore yeah no yard might be a deal breaker on something this large.
@Ignorant if I could get the original, I think he might have movable joints so could sit awkwardly in the corner somewhere
@metaphore that could be cool, or hunched over in the corner towering over everyone.
Original still showing available to be shipped to all stores around me, bummer that’s not the case for you
@Ignorant @metaphore Did you say four hundred dollars?
@Ignorant @sammydog01 Yup. $300 for the original, $380 for pumpkin head, I rounded for tax.
@Ignorant @metaphore

/giphy oh my
@Pony - did you see this?? They’re still available in CO!
@Kyeh We actually scored one a couple of months ago- We don’t know where to put it that the high winds we get up here won’t destroy it, though. I’ve been trying to convince the husband that it would work inside the house, but he’s being stubborn.
Thank you for thinking of me- I really appreciate that. 
@Pony I’m glad you got one! I’m surprised they’re selling now, but cool. Maybe you could hang him from the ceiling or something!
@Kyeh @Pony The skelly or the husband?
@compunaut @Pony

What to do with your giant skeleton during the rest of the year?
Skeleton Pride!
I can’t see the image?
edit: It doesn’t show in the post, but if I right click I can go to it…
weird… I can see it on my home computer…
@chienfou It’s from Twitter, so your social media or ad blockers could be why.
