@Aws333@jmhsrv iOS and Android apps are still on the app store as linked from this page, however they have not been updated since 2017 and likely won’t work much longer.
they have not been updated since 2017 and likely won’t work much longer
Once you have it downloaded, is there any reason to believe it will cease to function? It’s not like drone control is reliant on cloud interaction. Or is it?
@ruouttaurmind I mean, future OS could change things and cause it to not function. You also would lose access if you get a new cell phone. And I can’t find a clear answer on if it has any phone-home or cloud functions in it, if it did… that’s a problem.
@Collin1000 Since the phone—> drone connection is via wifi, it’s unlikely there is any cloud communication going on. So at least for the near future it should continue to function. As well as an app controlled drone can function anyway.
@Aws333 Looks like Hobbico’s RC division got purchased buy Horizon Hobby as part of the bankruptcy process and they intend to continue to support and manufacture Hobbico’s products under their own name.
This deal can fly away. Second drone in a week I swear.
Give me what I want -> IRK Plushies, Mehgic 8 Ball (all responses some form of meh.), Squatty Potty (because we don’t have the fukubukuro anymore and our crap needs to go somewhere), AAA batteries, poop meh emoji pillows, and candy corn because it’s near Halloween duh.
Those dimensions are a little… Different. I guess everything is just going to be folded up in the box. Super stealthy. Disguised as a very angular cigar.
I like how the picture with the girl in it looks like she’s grinning and giving the product a thumbs-down, because of ill-considered background/lighting for her frame gesture.
@ravenblack If this thing works the way other ‘selfie drones’ work, she’s most likely giving the drone the signal to take a photo. You’re supposed to make a unique gesture while facing the camera. The drone picks up on and identifies the gesture, and takes a photo after a brief delay, so you have time to pose.
Additionally, Hobbico is a dead company. And there are many, many YouTube videos showing camera connection issues. It also has very limited range and height.
@chienfou Full disclosure, I also don’t know much about drones. But when I was researching cheap drones with video 2 years ago a 100ft. range was relatively short. Sure, the video is FPV, but using your phone/tablet’s WIFI is limiting for both video and control. Most of the YouTube videos I watched of this model looked like you lost connection to both video and drone control rather quickly. And the videos also showed the same limitations when climbing vertically. Additionally, when the battery was close to depletion it quickly shut off with little warning and just dropped out of the sky.
I know it’s only $25 (w/ shipping), but with a doubling of that price I believe I can find something with more features and reliability, especially if I’m willing to buy direct-from-China which I’ve done in the past. But the manufacturer being non-existent was the deal-breaker for me. No replacement parts will be available or any support. It’s too bad because I really like this drone’s form-factor and the video wasn’t that bad for what it is (when it worked). But if you need a drone to take selfies, then this is an OK solution…or just go out and buy a $3 selfie stick.
@fastharry To be fair, though, you got that monitor in a Fuku, right? I got a non-functional hoverboard in the last–and only–Fuku I ever scored–as a big ol’ “Fuk U!”.
But I managed to fix the Hoverboard for $32 of eBay replacement parts–you, on the other hand, are screwed. And stuck with a dumping fee, depending on where you live.
(ship it back, postage due )
@Sapper and to be fair, if it didn’t work, i could have had it repaired…or done it myself. But there were other people that day that received the same monitor that worked and certainly weren’t cracked. This one was damaged in shipping…it was packed like crap with absolutely NO protective anything.
That, to me, shows plain incompetence and lack of caring on MEHS behalf. And their response sucked as well. I never treated anyone like that on my own vacuum business site, I never treated anyone like that in my store and I never treated anyone like that on EBAY…I don’t care if a ship a 5 dollar item on ebay…it gets packed well and buyer gets full service.
Hi @fastharry. I looked into your support cases where you described the monitor as “very well packed” and seemed to be having a good support experience overall. Sorry if that thing got busted in shipping. I went ahead and refunded your $5 Fukobukuro. We cool?
Thinking about this to do some inspection on my sister in law’s Beach house on St George island after Micheal blew thru… Can’t get a good angle on the roof due to height and proximity of neighboring houses… Also might be fun to take pics or video of the grandkids off the diving board at the pool… 20 bucks may be my sweet spot…
@chienfou The air would have to be dead still, zero wind, to fly it high outside. Any air movement at all and it will drift with the wind just like a kite because the optical sensors are no good at a certain height… my guess is the optical system will stop working at around 5-6 feet height.
Selfie drone for $20, or my arm which was free? I think my arm might be a better deal. But if you guys have some robot arms for sale, I might be interested.
I’m a DJI drone guy and I’m pretty impressed with the value of this one. I just bought two of these and I’m wishin’ now I bought three. 4 stars and $75 on Amazon. $20 today only on Meh. This one has live FPV in HD which is pretty amazing for $20. I say again, LIVE FPV, meaning it’s LIVE FIRST PERSON VIEW, and in HD, meaning it’s in HD. Two of my three DJI Phantoms don’t even had live FPV in HD. Takes videos and photos. Control it with a smart phone. Has optical positioning which keeps it from drifting provided you keep it low and it has barometer controlled altitude to keep the height. And gyros of course to keep it level. Folds up and fits in your pocket. Google and you’ll see it has good reviews.
The bad news is it has a max range of only 33 feet which ain’t much. That’s why they call it a selfie drone I guess. Only 4 oz so no FAA registration required. And it’s made in America! So by American. So how in the world can they do all this for twenty bucks??? Why so cheap? The US manufacturer is in Ch 7 liquidation. Haha. Pickin’ at the bones of the carcass. Buy five of 'em for $100 and $5 shipping. Enough for the kids, grandkids, neighbors, yourself.
Based on what I’m reading this actually costs $40 because if you don’t buy 2, 1 to use and 1 for parts as soon as something breaks and you can’t get parts you’re done. On the plus side you then get 2 batteries, which I say having no idea if they are swappable
edit: They are, I’m buying 2
@oldmantick i went with 2 for that reason also. plus amazon sells batteries for $10 and a battery charger for $15 - so extra $20 is a discount that also has extra everything else.
“Still, what annoys me isn’t the how clear it is that this product was definitely named by some old dude thinking he’d discovered a new way to “reach the youth.” It had to be, by the way, because, say what you will about millennials, they at least know what a selfie is, and a photo that you need a drone’s angle to capture is not a selfie; it’s a photo with you in it. There’s a difference.”
a selfie is a photo you take of yourself. so if you’re operating the drone, the resulting photo of you is indeed a selfie.
Re parts - some of the parts are generic such as motors and batteries and are easy to find on eBay. Also, many will crash/break their device and then list it broken on eBay which can then be purchased dirt cheap for parts.
What’s with the death laser coming out of the supposed “camera” in that one marketing photo? I will NOT be attempting a selfie with this… Although maybe it could be useful as a flying spot welder or for something…
These things drive my dog just a little bit battier than a laser pointer does, and my living room - with a ceiling that slopes from one story on one side to two stories on the other - should provide an ideal flight environment.
/giphy electrical-melancholy-parakeet
Running current android I can connect to the wifi hotspot the flitt creates, but when I open the app I get a ‘password not correct’ error. Something in the app hasn’t been updated for modern android.
I dug out my wife’s old sony android phone which hasn’t been updated for years, put the flitt app on it and it worked right away.
@RockGrumbler I would try it again…I just mine up and running on a LG g5 running Oreo…One thing I did notice that the green light doesn’t stop flashing till the wi fi connects…which is not what the instructions say…So I set up the wireless network, left the flight flashing, then opened the app…and it connected in about 15 seconds…
@RockGrumbler Try putting your device into airplane mode, turn on WiFi and connect. Wait for Android to tell you that there is no internet, select ‘stay connected’ and then open the app.
Thanks for the steps. Not sure if airplane mode was necessary, but I definitely think that modern Android must determine there’s no internet on a WiFi network and disconnect from it but not really tell you very clearly…
So yeah, I told it to remember my response and answered yes to stay connected. No problems since.
@MrMikenIkes make sure you fly it above carpet or any floor with a bit of structure. It looks for that. Not sure if altitude is handled by an altimeter, in which case any air pressure changes from exhaust fans or AC could affect it.
Got mine today and it’s pretty great! The optical stabilization works quite nice indoor as long as my dog isn’t going apeshit below it. Which makes it move a bit, much to the enjoyment of my apeshit dog. Beyond that, controls are easy, camera is decent and dog absolutely hates it. Thanks!
Mine came in on Halloween. I tried it out yesterday (11/1) and it works well; auto-stabilization, etc., but the battery won’t charge. The little red light on the charger blinked all night with no discernible effect. I emailed for support. Hopefully they can do something for me (besides just a refund), because I really like this drone.
Q: What’s your return policy?
A: If it’s damaged, defective, or just DOA, we’ll either refund or replace it at our discretion. Just fill out our support form and tell us all about it.
We DO NOT accept returns if you just decided you didn’t want it, don’t like the color, or just feeling a little buyer’s remorse. You might try eBay - with as cheap as you probably got it, you could even end up making a little off it. Or hone your reputation for generosity by giving it to someone a little less picky.
What’s in the Box?
1x Flitt Drone
4x Blade guard bumpers
1x Battery
1x Charger and USB cable
4x Spare blades
Price Comparison
$74.90 at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Don’t be selfie - ish - Picture that idea
Perfect white elephant gift.
FYI Hobbico has filed for bankruptcy and the Hobbico drone I had, the app was removed from the App Store. Not sure about this one.
@Aws333 might be worth folks checking the App Store before buying, unless it comes with a CD lol
@Aws333 @jmhsrv iOS and Android apps are still on the app store as linked from this page, however they have not been updated since 2017 and likely won’t work much longer.
Once you have it downloaded, is there any reason to believe it will cease to function? It’s not like drone control is reliant on cloud interaction. Or is it?
@ruouttaurmind I mean, future OS could change things and cause it to not function. You also would lose access if you get a new cell phone. And I can’t find a clear answer on if it has any phone-home or cloud functions in it, if it did… that’s a problem.
@Collin1000 Since the phone—> drone connection is via wifi, it’s unlikely there is any cloud communication going on. So at least for the near future it should continue to function. As well as an app controlled drone can function anyway.
And it’s conceivable that you could control it indefinitely with an old iPod touch or Android phone or something if you don’t update the OS.
My Mom is about to retire a StraightTalk Android phone which I think would be perfect for this.
@Aws333 Looks like Hobbico’s RC division got purchased buy Horizon Hobby as part of the bankruptcy process and they intend to continue to support and manufacture Hobbico’s products under their own name.
A drone for selfies? Does it come with a helmet?
This deal can fly away. Second drone in a week I swear.
Give me what I want -> IRK Plushies, Mehgic 8 Ball (all responses some form of meh.), Squatty Potty (because we don’t have the fukubukuro anymore and our crap needs to go somewhere), AAA batteries, poop meh emoji pillows, and candy corn because it’s near Halloween duh.
@reclaimercube Had me at “Squatty Potty”. Lost me at “candy corn”.
@JT954 @reclaimercube squatty potty thirded
How are there no videos of this in action on Amazon?
@Collin1000 Try YouTube.
@Collin1000 https://d1y6jrbzotnyjg.cloudfront.net/V3MSA/f69de8d941f64aa9b06b9d826af57840/V1/6e47d879558043a7b5f720a5a96cd79a/ShortForm-Generic-480p-16-9-1409173089793-rpcbe5.mp4?Expires=1540610854&Signature=KSo752~-YPvwgeUAeCC8xAGXY-A28ME--cos-t5ySzUSOEc4sdi6Tvavlfhc81eNgunVgLO-ptH0zV5QLDS7HFooRrJsuWS0LWFF16h-Lil2eC-t~WbLpBU-sK2pd36SXMOCAvH1igaJzd23yLEUG88LuXHDWNrQULTu~5a6A2s_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJ62XWKZ35EOVO4XA
@Collin1000 there is the demo video from Amazon
App looks horrible. These need a way to work without phones
I get tired of meh just droning on and on…
Those dimensions are a little… Different. I guess everything is just going to be folded up in the box. Super stealthy. Disguised as a very angular cigar.
@atannir Or just a reasonably short, stubby, fat cigar.
No Windows Phone support, no way.
I like how the picture with the girl in it looks like she’s grinning and giving the product a thumbs-down, because of ill-considered background/lighting for her frame gesture.
@ravenblack If this thing works the way other ‘selfie drones’ work, she’s most likely giving the drone the signal to take a photo. You’re supposed to make a unique gesture while facing the camera. The drone picks up on and identifies the gesture, and takes a photo after a brief delay, so you have time to pose.
Where’s homie with the meh face sockets?
Fly me to the moon
Take my picture with the stars
I want to see my selfites
On Jupiter and Mars
For 20 bucks, you’ve hit my impulse buy threshold.
@accumulator It worked! Your order number is: visible-lax-toucan
/image visible lax toucan

The name of the item for sale today sounds like a Latin legal term that is too complex for me to understand.
This is physically too square, needs to be more round like pop sockets
did someone test this according to the write-up? Moose?
Guess my grandson is getting a cheap drone for Christmas.
@rand3y It worked! Your order number is: offbeat-nimble-trade
/image offbeat nimble trade

“F” rating on Fakespot for the Amazon reviews, FYI.
Additionally, Hobbico is a dead company. And there are many, many YouTube videos showing camera connection issues. It also has very limited range and height.
I’ll pass…
@Kerig3 since I don’t know much about drones I need to ask… Isn’t the 10m (33ft) range both horizontal and vertical?
@chienfou Full disclosure, I also don’t know much about drones. But when I was researching cheap drones with video 2 years ago a 100ft. range was relatively short. Sure, the video is FPV, but using your phone/tablet’s WIFI is limiting for both video and control. Most of the YouTube videos I watched of this model looked like you lost connection to both video and drone control rather quickly. And the videos also showed the same limitations when climbing vertically. Additionally, when the battery was close to depletion it quickly shut off with little warning and just dropped out of the sky.
I know it’s only $25 (w/ shipping), but with a doubling of that price I believe I can find something with more features and reliability, especially if I’m willing to buy direct-from-China which I’ve done in the past. But the manufacturer being non-existent was the deal-breaker for me. No replacement parts will be available or any support. It’s too bad because I really like this drone’s form-factor and the video wasn’t that bad for what it is (when it worked). But if you need a drone to take selfies, then this is an OK solution…or just go out and buy a $3 selfie stick.
@chienfou @Kerig3 Yes 33’ would be max range in an ideal environment regardless of orientation.
so Meh sends out crappy LED fidget spinners that don’t light up (see complaints from everyone on that forum)
Then sends me a coupon email with coupons that expire 2 months ago…
Both expire 8/30/18 and cannot be combined with any other offer. 1 coupon per order.
Doesn’t give me much faith for anything they sell anymore…or how they pack it…(SEE my LED monitor they effed me on)
Esp with a drone…
@fastharry To be fair, though, you got that monitor in a Fuku, right? I got a non-functional hoverboard in the last–and only–Fuku I ever scored–as a big ol’ “Fuk U!”.
But I managed to fix the Hoverboard for $32 of eBay replacement parts–you, on the other hand, are screwed. And stuck with a dumping fee, depending on where you live.
(ship it back, postage due
@Sapper and to be fair, if it didn’t work, i could have had it repaired…or done it myself. But there were other people that day that received the same monitor that worked and certainly weren’t cracked. This one was damaged in shipping…it was packed like crap with absolutely NO protective anything.
That, to me, shows plain incompetence and lack of caring on MEHS behalf. And their response sucked as well. I never treated anyone like that on my own vacuum business site, I never treated anyone like that in my store and I never treated anyone like that on EBAY…I don’t care if a ship a 5 dollar item on ebay…it gets packed well and buyer gets full service.
Hi @fastharry. I looked into your support cases where you described the monitor as “very well packed” and seemed to be having a good support experience overall. Sorry if that thing got busted in shipping. I went ahead and refunded your $5 Fukobukuro. We cool?
@shawn Nice! that means @fastharry isn’t allowed to use this photo ever again, right? Dude, you just lost your bitching rights!
@fastharry @shawn Meh: setting new standards in customer service!
@fastharry we’re still on this? Really?
@nolrak He got a refund so he’s done. FOREVER!

@shawn Now about my last 10 Fukos…
@shawn cool…thank you…(not because of the 5…but because you offered resolution…so again, thanks)
Thinking about this to do some inspection on my sister in law’s Beach house on St George island after Micheal blew thru… Can’t get a good angle on the roof due to height and proximity of neighboring houses… Also might be fun to take pics or video of the grandkids off the diving board at the pool… 20 bucks may be my sweet spot…
@chienfou The air would have to be dead still, zero wind, to fly it high outside. Any air movement at all and it will drift with the wind just like a kite because the optical sensors are no good at a certain height… my guess is the optical system will stop working at around 5-6 feet height.
BTW…Can this pair to a tablet instead of a phone?
@chienfou I’m a drone guy and there’s no reason this won’t pair to a wifi enabled tablet. I use a tablet with all my drones.
Selfie drone for $20, or my arm which was free? I think my arm might be a better deal. But if you guys have some robot arms for sale, I might be interested.
Oh… and BTW #2, here is a link for the manual:
drone manual
I’m a DJI drone guy and I’m pretty impressed with the value of this one. I just bought two of these and I’m wishin’ now I bought three. 4 stars and $75 on Amazon. $20 today only on Meh. This one has live FPV in HD which is pretty amazing for $20. I say again, LIVE FPV, meaning it’s LIVE FIRST PERSON VIEW, and in HD, meaning it’s in HD. Two of my three DJI Phantoms don’t even had live FPV in HD. Takes videos and photos. Control it with a smart phone. Has optical positioning which keeps it from drifting provided you keep it low and it has barometer controlled altitude to keep the height. And gyros of course to keep it level. Folds up and fits in your pocket. Google and you’ll see it has good reviews.
The bad news is it has a max range of only 33 feet which ain’t much. That’s why they call it a selfie drone I guess. Only 4 oz so no FAA registration required. And it’s made in America! So by American. So how in the world can they do all this for twenty bucks??? Why so cheap? The US manufacturer is in Ch 7 liquidation. Haha. Pickin’ at the bones of the carcass. Buy five of 'em for $100 and $5 shipping. Enough for the kids, grandkids, neighbors, yourself.
Might be crummy, but the kids I need to get gifts for are too.
Based on what I’m reading this actually costs $40 because if you don’t buy 2, 1 to use and 1 for parts as soon as something breaks and you can’t get parts you’re done. On the plus side you then get 2 batteries, which I say having no idea if they are swappable
edit: They are, I’m buying 2
@oldmantick i went with 2 for that reason also. plus amazon sells batteries for $10 and a battery charger for $15 - so extra $20 is a discount that also has extra everything else.
“Still, what annoys me isn’t the how clear it is that this product was definitely named by some old dude thinking he’d discovered a new way to “reach the youth.” It had to be, by the way, because, say what you will about millennials, they at least know what a selfie is, and a photo that you need a drone’s angle to capture is not a selfie; it’s a photo with you in it. There’s a difference.”
a selfie is a photo you take of yourself. so if you’re operating the drone, the resulting photo of you is indeed a selfie.
@jerk_nugget thank you for this.
Re parts - some of the parts are generic such as motors and batteries and are easy to find on eBay. Also, many will crash/break their device and then list it broken on eBay which can then be purchased dirt cheap for parts.
If it doesn’t fly are you gonna give me a $5 coupon instead of a refund?
What’s with the death laser coming out of the supposed “camera” in that one marketing photo? I will NOT be attempting a selfie with this… Although maybe it could be useful as a flying spot welder or for something…
@damccull it’s joke. The last photos on meh are all photoshopped ad copy.
These things drive my dog just a little bit battier than a laser pointer does, and my living room - with a ceiling that slopes from one story on one side to two stories on the other - should provide an ideal flight environment.

/giphy electrical-melancholy-parakeet
We’re on a roll
@Seeds It worked! Your order number is: sore-mainstream-hook
/image sore mainstream hook

/giphy sore-mainstream-hook

@mediocrebot perfect giphy for so many orders
I can not terrorize the people in the nursing home next door and return to base safely with such a limited flight time.
@Viper1 So… I guess that’s a deal breaker?
@Viper1 liking those extra saggy ones, eh? Also, 10 mins ain’t bad but you’ll likely run into range issues due to the limitations of wifi.
It’s a stickless selfie stick! It’s like magic!
I downloaded the FLITT app to my sammy s4 and LG g5 running oreo…downloaded and opened fine…
Why are these $49 now on Morning Save?
@Kurtois Because they like us better.
@Kurtois I’m gonna guess the stock is limited and the price was set for metered but more profitable sales?
Doesnt’ work. Phone says I’m connected to the Flitt, then controller says my password (12345678) is incorrect. Waste of 28 bucks
@houstonbeerman My girlfriend was able to connect, but I wasn’t. She changed the name and password from within the app, then it worked for me.
@houstonbeerman I would try uninstalling the app and try it again…mine connected to a LGg5 running 8.0 oreo…
@houstonbeerman @Seeds
The important thing is one of you were happy. Maybe next time you’ll be the one to “connect”!
Running current android I can connect to the wifi hotspot the flitt creates, but when I open the app I get a ‘password not correct’ error. Something in the app hasn’t been updated for modern android.
I dug out my wife’s old sony android phone which hasn’t been updated for years, put the flitt app on it and it worked right away.
Pretty irritating problem.
@RockGrumbler My girlfriend was able to connect, but I wasn’t. She changed the name and password from within the app, then it worked for me.
@RockGrumbler I would try it again…I just mine up and running on a LG g5 running Oreo…One thing I did notice that the green light doesn’t stop flashing till the wi fi connects…which is not what the instructions say…So I set up the wireless network, left the flight flashing, then opened the app…and it connected in about 15 seconds…
@RockGrumbler Try putting your device into airplane mode, turn on WiFi and connect. Wait for Android to tell you that there is no internet, select ‘stay connected’ and then open the app.
@RockGrumbler @skywiselh this did it for me!
Thanks for the steps. Not sure if airplane mode was necessary, but I definitely think that modern Android must determine there’s no internet on a WiFi network and disconnect from it but not really tell you very clearly…
So yeah, I told it to remember my response and answered yes to stay connected. No problems since.
Even though I was just hunted by it, I think this thing is awesome.
@Seeds I do too…mine works perfectly…lot of fun.
I’m having a lot of trouble keeping it at a solid altitude, anyone got any tips?
@MrMikenIkes make sure you fly it above carpet or any floor with a bit of structure. It looks for that. Not sure if altitude is handled by an altimeter, in which case any air pressure changes from exhaust fans or AC could affect it.
Got mine today and it’s pretty great! The optical stabilization works quite nice indoor as long as my dog isn’t going apeshit below it. Which makes it move a bit, much to the enjoyment of my apeshit dog. Beyond that, controls are easy, camera is decent and dog absolutely hates it. Thanks!
Mine came in on Halloween. I tried it out yesterday (11/1) and it works well; auto-stabilization, etc., but the battery won’t charge. The little red light on the charger blinked all night with no discernible effect.
I emailed for support. Hopefully they can do something for me (besides just a refund), because I really like this drone.
How can I return it? My son got a gift of a drone already.
Q: What’s your return policy?
A: If it’s damaged, defective, or just DOA, we’ll either refund or replace it at our discretion. Just fill out our support form and tell us all about it.
We DO NOT accept returns if you just decided you didn’t want it, don’t like the color, or just feeling a little buyer’s remorse. You might try eBay - with as cheap as you probably got it, you could even end up making a little off it. Or hone your reputation for generosity by giving it to someone a little less picky.
It looks like your son has two drones.
@Barney @beayaya DRONE FIGHT!!!
@Barney You know he’s gonna break it the day he gets it. Gotta have a backup.

/giphy drone crash