hey you! yeah.... that's right, you! you know what day it is?
33happy birthday you gorgeous motherfuckers of meh.
i was going to bake you a cake, but then shit started getting weird.
so, my next thought was, i’ll get them a kissing goat. but that thing was kind of a perv.
finally, i just decided to consult the mehcronomicon.
“For they that would survive another year, are truly generous and giving… wait… what the fuck?? there wasn’t a fuko tonight? Mary mother of the girl across the fucking street! Who the fuck do they think they are?! So say we all.”
so, i’m like, all out of ideas. but, happy birthday anyway.
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/youtube the wall
your title reminded me of 14:27
So fucking say we all.
Have a meh birthday!

Nope, nope, nope, best Lennon Sisters song –
Meh another year! Congratulations
Happy birthday Meh!
Have a very mediocre birthday.
Surprised more wasn’t made of the birthday. Hmm. No pomp? No circumstance? No Fukobukuro?
@BillLehecka i think @snapster and friends didnt want to be too predictable, at least with april fools days there is a challenge involved
@BillLehecka meh.
Happy day zero-versary, Meh.
@djslack Got the T-shirt!
/youtube goat screams happy birthday
@tellatale Thanks for the nightmares.
/giphy goat cake

@somf69 What the hell is wrong with that poor goat? Is it injured in the rear or something? Sort of makes me sad to watch.
/giphy humping cake

Happy birthday!

/giphy blow out candles
@FrostByte when the lights go out, I bet he gets grabby with whoever is in the room.
NOW it’s Happy Birthday time! Happy Birthday, Meh!
Happiest of birthdays!
Meh I’m pretty pleased that you got up and running.
Happy happy ya know?
Happy birthday y’all!
Happy Birthday to Meh
Happy Birthday dear Meh
Happy Birthday Meh!
Most of all thanks Meh for introducing me to this crazy bunch of mehers and for having such an amazing website where this band of misfits can come and play.
Happy birthday meh! Of course I bought the shirt last night but then had a long drive home so never even thought about posting. Perfect timing deciding to do a birthday shirt as I was just thinking about needing to buy another meh shirt. Haven’t had a bunch of money to spare so I’ve been passing on everything since I believe December and it was about time for me to go ahead and actually make use of my VMP