Hey Meh, I'm sorry I missed yesterday.
26I’m usually a 12:01er. Unfortunately, I fell asleep, and due to a horrible day, I didn’t check back in until a few minutes before midnight. I mean, it’s good you sold out and all on those Motorolas, so you didn’t need me or anything, but I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you. Plus, you might have some sort of metric tracking usage of 40ishers from NJ with VMP, and I’m sorry if it dipped. My bad.
I sat with what’s left of my dad (late-stage dementia) for a few hours today. I hadn’t talked to him in about ten years before last month. Now I just sit with him while his remaining neural processes fire at random in an attempt to get the shell comfortable in a recliner. I also gently shoo away other patients who just want ten dollah bills. If Dante were alive, nursing homes would get their own circle.
If you find any more high quality earstuff, let me know, and I’ll be there. I’m good in knives right now. Same with Bluetooth speakers. Maybe some Marvel comic tchochkes? That would be nice.
Thanks and much love, y’all.
- Comment
Man, that sounds rough. Glad you can share here, sending you wishes of love and support.
/giphy prayers for Dad.

Thinking about you and your Dad.
I’d give much to have mine back, even tho the last year I’d just sit with him and give him headrubs. Before the last two years he was pretty present as long as conversations were simple and short.
I’m so sorry. I’m glad you can be there with him. My father-in-law was 5 states away and we couldn’t see him as often as we’d like.
Glad you reconnected. That’s huge… for you both. Thoughts and prayers and hope you get some lucid moments with your Dad.♡♡♡
Thinking of you and hoping for strength for you during this time. I effectively said goodbye to my father 18 years ago when I left the UK for the States. He passed a couple of years later suddenly but I couldn’t go back due to being in the middle of the immigration process.
Thanks, y’all.
Wishlish, I truly know your pain. I’ve been there myself with my mother in law. I wish their was something I could say to make it easier on you but the words allude me. I wholeheartedly agree with you about nursing homes. I will be praying for you and your father.
I look at what is happening to the parents of several people here, what happened to my dad and is happening to my mom and sometimes old age can really suck. I wish you peace managing your own emotional state as you watch your father slowly fade away.