Hey Meh - Can I get a cut?
6I mean, you could help someone out and have a ton of IRK-stuffers I mean high-margin product.
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Oh my word
@tinamarie1974 I know - can you imagine? And it’s not like it’s stuff you could use or even easily sell/give away. I mean, who would take it? If it was masks, I could see maybe donating them to a local charity or something. But the “I can’t bring myself to throw away something that is useful” in me would just make it harder to get rid of them.
@ybmuG you say this, but then you actively try to secure Irks. This could happen to you!!!
@tinamarie1974 oh no, no, no - that’s far too much reality. We can’t have people pointing out hypocrisy liked this!

@tinamarie1974 just thought more about this. Meh grabs these, sells maybe half of them, then dumps the rest on my doorstep in a future IRK. Crap! Can I delete this thread???!!!
@ybmuG where is @koolhandjoe when we need him.
/giphy evil laugh

@Koolhandjoe @tinamarie1974
@Koolhandjoe @ybmuG
/giphy giggle

Wow, all shields to hold face masks off your face. Not even a mix of things. And amazon has no record of them. Strange indeed.
@raccoon81 Yeah, that’s the weird part. I get that they have no Amazon account, but they had to have paid for them somehow. No billing address? Was it a gift card? Just seems odd.
Glad they didn’t end up at my house.
Probably a “brushing” scammer that used their address.
@narfcake Interesting. The story hinted at that. And given the product, a likely explanation. Frankly, I would find it a little unsettling.
@narfcake Most likely. They are dumping a product that there is rapidly decreasing demand for, but plenty of stock. Best use for the vendor.
@narfcake @PocketBrain so…what you’re saying is…prefect for Meh
At first, I thought they’d made those bizarre wooden figures out of amazon boxes, like… “Hey boxes, stay away or I’ll turn you in to statuary!”
@msayler I seriously though the same thing - boxgoyles
@msayler I read the article and still thought that they were made from boxes until I read your post.
So there’s no way to demand that Amazon stop littering on your property? She said it’s not her name on it. You can’t just dump crap in my yard over and over.
@callow exactly! Can’t you at least say “this person is not allowed to send anything to this address”? Though i suppose they would then just change names and start all over again.