Hey @Lynnerizer ET says phone home - oh wait - ET says whisper @kidsandliz
3@Lynnerizer I’ve sent you some whispers and a non-whisper that I think you must have missed as you have posted after them. I found where I put the scrubber thing I got in an irk that you covet that I was going to send you that your husband will kill you if you actually paid good money for. I packed it in another box to protect the one it came in - it looks like it has never been taken out of its original box or used. The original box has one end ripped a bit but inside nothing looks touched by that. It is ready for Pirate Shipping but I need your address.
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Now that is too funny. The photo meh’s generator created for this is a goat with a green St. Patty’s day hat on. Generating ET I could have understood. But a goat??? So I think I can blame the goat, @xobzoo, for you not seeing this.
@Kidsandliz Yep, my fault again. I changed some settings on the server so that it would hide messages that didn’t have goat pictures. You’re lucky that this one got a goat added to it, or it’d be hidden, too.
I suppose I should probably change it back. Mehbe I’ll wait until the end of the month.

@Lynnerizer just bumping so you’d notice this when you are back online. Hope things are OK at home.
Hey @Lynnerizer come out come out wherever you are.
@Kidsandliz Maybe she’s not getting her forum notifications - I suddenly haven’t been, for the past several days. I went in and checked and I do have that selected, so
@Kyeh Could be although I am getting mine but if you aren’t getting yours… I had that problem a while back. I don’t remember how I fixed it - I think it was meh that had to fix it as I think unchecking it, saving and then re checking it didn’t work.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh If all else fails, it doesn’t hurt to have

generate some goat pictures!@Kidsandliz @Kyeh (but it probably doesn’t help, either)

@Kyeh @xobzoo I should ask it to show me how to get hold of @Lynnerizer
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @xobzoo

The stars must be aligned!

Also… Last night, out of nowhere, I picked the winning lottery numbers!

That sixth sense was calling so I figured I should check in!
@Lynnerizer Congrats on the WIN!!
So, where are you booking a cruise to?? 
@Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @xobzoo
Wow! Congratulations!!!
That sixth sense took its time though - Kidsandliz has been trying to reach you since Monday!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @xobzoo
) but better late than NEVER has always been MY motto! When procrastinating is your friend it’s the best way of thinking.

Well, I was in that sleeping coma that hits every once in a while (I think sometimes I take that momma bear thing a bit too literally
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @xobzoo So you picked the winning lottery numbers. Cool. BUT they key question is did you actually buy a ticket with them on it?
I got your whisper and will go to pirate shipping today to find out how much it is to send and whisper you back. Do not give your husband my return address in case he then is then going to put in the same category paying postage vs actually buying this thing and swears he is going to get me for this.
@IndifferentDude @ladyhawke001 @Kidsandliz

WA WA WA… Sometimes it just isn’t meant to be! On the brighter side, we ONLY would’ve won either $80 or $300, not even enough to get us on the airplane to go on said cruise! 

That cruise is going to have to wait until I pick those numbers and the numbers ACTUALLY GET PLAYED!
And you should hear our justification…


It just wasn’t meant to be, IF we had played we might have been hit by a truck on our way to cash out! Or maybe the house would’ve burned down because we were so excited that we forgot to turn off the heating pad. Oh yeah, the list just goes on about the gazillion other tragedies that might’ve happened should we have played those numbers.
Do you know how superstitious gamblers are… EXTREMELY! Lol
/showme how kidsandliz can get a message to lynnerizer
@mediocrebot @werehatrack @Kidsandliz
Guess you’ll have to write her a letter!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mediocrebot

Now THAT is a really good show me, couldn’t be more perfect!!
No need for snail mail, not in 2024! AND… I honestly wouldn’t have gotten it any sooner, these days I only get the mail out of the mailbox once a month, it used to be once every THREE MONTHS! Lol

@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Lynnerizer @mediocrebot @werehatrack
Are you serious you only get mail out if your mailbox every month? Your mailbox must be busting open? I do my dads mail and I’ve gone mialless on just about everything but he still get so much mail. Even at my house if I don’t just the mailbox for a week it will be full of crap. I also sign up for freebe sample shit but that only comes every so often. We just get a lot of junk mail.
@Star2236 Junk mail, yeah. It’s local election season, so the giant full-color postcards extolling the virtues of TheOneTrueCandidates lead the way, followed by the ones loudly warning of the woe to come should ThatWrongCandidates win. Then comes the medical/insurance junk mail, GetOurCreditCard ads, the “take a bath when I buy your house for less than half of what I’ll flip it for” scammers, and the special interest group “Send Us All The Monies!!” bunch. Catalogs can drop into any place depending on the season; right now, they are second in weekly volume but third or fourth place for quantity. Physical paper bills take last place as a differentiable class, and everything else is down to one or two per week. The recycling bin gets most of it, unopened/unread.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mediocrebot @Star2236 @werehatrack

When I first moved here I realized I made a huge mistake subscribing to magazines.
I took care of that issue PDQ!

Oh yeah, I’m serious!
I’ve got a condo and it’s a bit of a hike to the mailbox. We’ve got locked boxes with large boxes below for packages. It took me a minute to realize they call them a “garage” in the mail business!
There has been a couple times when my mailbox was stuffed full and my neighbor (who happens to be our mailman) bundled it up and brought it to my door.
My family knows to let me know if they’ve sent me anything, and I try to keep tabs on my purchases and their delivery dates.
There has been a few times when I missed something kinda important but obviously nothing life threatening is going to happen through the mail. At least I hope not!
Thankfully my guy doesn’t have a problem with getting my mail whenever I ask. You know, love and all…
(I just need to start asking more than once a month!
BTW, one of these days I’m going to learn how not to being so wordy. GOALS!

@Lynnerizer - just mailed your package. Check the whispers on the irk reveal thread where you sent me your address. Have tracking information, etc. uploaded there. If your husband threatens to kill for buying this you tell him he can use this to clean up the blood. And tell him you didn’t buy it anyway. You just paid for postage.
@Kidsandliz YAY ME… I’m getting a new scrubber to help make my cleaning person’s life easier!

Thanks so much!
@Lynnerizer Hey - you must not have notifications turned on as you haven’t responded to the whisper on the Feb reveal thread that also includes screenshots of the tracking number, postage cost, etc.
(but you will need to open older messages in the thread)
Just took screenshots of those messages and am replying to this post with a whisper with the info.
@Lynnerizer Well let’s hope this thing works like you had hoped or your husband really will kill you
. I think I recall someone posting that they liked it. It appears to be new and unused and I didn’t try it out.
She said they had to have been a BOGO. She gave one to my mom and then laughed saying moms is probably still sitting in the box! At my mom’s age she’s not going to change up the way she cleans!
HECK, my mom has a cleaning lady! Lol 

I have faith this will work just as well!

Funny thing is that when I mentioned these Spin Scrubber things to my sister a few days ago she said she got 2 of them last year. I said to her, TWO OF THEM!?
My sister bought it to clean grout in house she bought, said it worked great!
@Lynnerizer Well cool. Glad you know you didn’t waste your postage. Too bad you didn’t know what your sister did so you could have swiped your mom’s if it was still unused in the box.
@Lynnerizer Wakey wakey rise and shine. Piss on the runway seaplane coming in… along with your package on Friday. Theoretically anyway. That’s what the UPS info says but I am thinking Sunday or Monday after that since where I dropped it off has no pickup from UPS until Monday as the actual UPS place closed at 2pm (HUH???) so I had to go elsewhere.
So, not only do I mispronounce Xobzoo’s name, but everytime I see @Kidsandliz, in my brain it sounds like KidsAndLids. Not sure why, but here we are
@capnjb How DOES one pronounce @xobzoo? In my brain I’m saying “zobzoo.”
@capnjb @Kyeh @xobzoo hmm in my brain I am saying X ob zoo
@capnjb @Kidsandliz @xobzoo
I think I always revert to what’s shortest.
@capnjb @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @xobzoo
So. “hō’bō”?
Too much LDS in the '70s?
@capnjb you’re not the only one, I see Kids and Lids too. I mean I know it’s Liz, but my brain always translates it to Lidz. It was probably over a year after being on here before I realized I was reading it wrong…
Same thing happened when reading Hitchhikers guide as a young adult… I was over half way through the book before I realized the man’s name was “Ford PREFECT” (as in the classic car) not “Ford PERFECT”. My brain had somehow misread one of the main characters names over 100 times before I read it correctly.
@OnionSoup It was likely a glitch with the Babel fish
edit - me too