Hey Aussies, Kiwis, Brits, Canucks, everyone
27There are many services that provide you a US address for shopping from online stores that don’t ship outside the US. We don’t work with or endorse any particular one, but below is a partial listing:
Which ones do you use? What are your experiences with these services? Which would you recommend to your mediocre brethren?
- 19 comments, 25 replies
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None of the above. It's all about having family members in the States that you can saddle with random things until you visit them or they visit you.
Best option ;)
Viabox.com is the best and cheapest among all of them.
Lot of people are switching from Myus & Borderlinx to Viabox because they don't charge you any extra fees other than shipping cost which very straight forward.
@AussieMike How do they make money then? It seems like they'd need to charge some sort of fee.
@SteveOOO perhaps a commission from the shipping companies?
are there any that do the opposite? Buy something from a foreign country and get it to me in the US using a foreign mailing address?
@unixrab Still want that laser, eh…
@unixrab I would think that completely depends on the country you're looking to ship from. You won't find one company that covers "foreign countries".
@brhfl yes
@TBoneZeOriginal Ship my package to ____________that then forwards it to me in the US (fill in the blank)
@unixrab there are tons of them like http://www.canadianaddress.ca/ and http://lmgtfy.com/
@WTFhqwhgads THANKS!!!
http://www.aeropost.com for many latin american countries. HTH
www.ohmyzip.com has very good service and prices for Korea. They also have good prices for China and Japan.
@dav1d0 I love it; Shipped in a gigantic container ship with millions of other units from China, air freight back to China.
myshiphappens.com near Vancoucer!
I recently used www.usaddress.com.
They are fast cheap and has very good customer service.
Is there anyway I can get these products shipped to India without going broke?
@Satyajeet it depends upon whether you are also willing to get that online gambling habit under control.
(Have you reviewed the list of shipping forwarders at the top of this page?)
@RedOak I know it’s a sin, BET you can’t just give it up that easy!
(Yes I checked few, but I find them really expensive! I am trying to find a cheap solution.)
@RedOak @Satyajeet do let me know whe u find it.
How do you guys deal with the requirement to have a US or Canada billing address on your card?
Try contacting the biggest forwarders and see if they provide assistance with this. What is legal will vary country by country.
Also your card issuing may allow you to list an alternative or secondary billing address, and the forwarder may allow you to use this address as a temp billing address.
Start by contacting the card issuer.
Argghh, I wanted Geometric socks, Meh! Can’t justify the cost of the forwarding service for them, now I don’t think I’ll really be buying anything from Meh :’(
Canadians love not having to walk outside and freeze our balls just to buy something. Even if it’s pretty 'meh.
I suspect setting up an alternate contractor to accept postal codes and ship outside the US would at least double the size of the super rad map for ‘who’s buying this crap’.
Just cancelled my order now I have this account for nothing
You decided not to use a forwarder?
Hmmmm, I’ll have to think this over a bit more.
@aungericht let us know
Just charge a few more bucks and start shipping to AK/HI. No way is it worth using a forwarder and essentially pay twice/thrice the shipping rate.
I use Kinek all the time - ships it to a spot about 4 minutes from the USA/Canada border, and then pickup is $5. Works fantastically.
@Spike If you were really lazy, you could even call Uber/Lift. I expect all the unmanned cars in the future to be carrying pizza in them.
We don’t have either. Thanks taxi monopoly and corruption!!
any shipping to Malaysia?
@iburn74 yes you can use Gloablshopaholics they are providing shipping to Malaysia, There charges are very low as compare to other companies. I am also using their service.
The cost of shipping offered by these services is ridiculous. Minimum $40 for a small, light package? That’s on top of shipping to them from meh.com
Why can’t you guys just ship internationally? I don’t get what the problem is.
I cannot do business with meh because you do not ship internationally. Check B&H in New York, USA. ~ they do not have a problem with shipping to Canada. WHY not you?
@petermlewis meh is in Texas.
@petermlewis @therealjrn
Meh is a different sort of operation.
It’s kinda a hobby biz. Not really pushing for infinite growth and all.
The Corp makes its real money elsewhere. There’s a lot of b2b and other stuff behind the scenes. And the TV show connections on MorningSave.
Implied insult to Texas accepted; as the Horns lost to OU so badly on Sat.
The score made the game look closer than it was.
/giphy sadness

@mediocrebot @f00l Texas is further from Canada than New York. It wasn’t an insult, implied or otherwise.
Both of you need to quit being so weird.
@mediocrebot Man, I guess the last few months have been really rough on Taylor Swift…
Ditto for shipping directly to Canada.
/We still like the voters who didn’t vote for that idiot tRumPPski
/Your repigs are turning out to be traitors and worse…