Here we are, halfway through the month! Let's recap.
8I’ve mostly been blamed for people’s medical problems and excess cats. It’s uncomfortably close to my own life, especially the part where I give advice about colonoscopy juice. I’ve also discovered that I definitely do not speak Spanish of any kind.
The breakfast appliance made everyone cringe, and it was definitely my fault for not warning everyone about it when @troy dropped me a hint over on the SideDeal comments.
My visitor is gone, and I definitely did not do any of the things suggested, especially the banana thing.
@Jasneko talked to me which makes me feel like I met a celebrity, because about 1/3 of my t-shirts come from them, with another 20% being meh merch of various types, and the rest random stuff I bought on vacation or got for free at conferences.
I also found out that my gift buddy @tohar1 is a cold blooded Northerner just like me.
And last but not least, don’t underestimate taking in a view of the trees as you sip a shower gatorade, underwear without a fly becomes panties really easily, hatchbacks are awesome, I got to drop the F-bomb on a PG-13 message board, and I’m still bitter about the e-waste I got as my last IRK.
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Here’s a bunch of unblames - I’ve had 3 different inconvenient challenges that turned out less bad than I thought they would. 1. A foul smell was coming out of a kitchen cupboard; I took out all the cans and jars and other food but couldn’t figure it out. I started to worry that somehow moisture had gotten behind the wall and started some mold. But sorting through the food I found a can of pears with a tab top that had popped open; the pears were moldy and the can rusty, but other than the smell, that was all. 2. My little lawnmower needed a part and I thought it would be a cinch to just order one - but it was really hard to find! Finally I found a place online where I was able to call and speak to a real live nice young woman, and they did get me the part(s.) I ordered 2, just in case. 3. My 30-some year old fridge suddenly started making a weird loud noise, and I thought it was dying. But I looked online and found info about what it could be - a piece of paper somehow caught in the fan blades - and instructions on how to get it out. So I did! It was simple, but not exactly easy. But I feel kind of triumphant solving all these household mini-crises all by my (female) self.
PLUS I did get to see the Aurora Borealis!
@Kyeh Number 3 reminds me of the time I thought my relatively new and slightly expensive microwave started making a horrible noise. Turns out I just had my thin cutting board leaning against it.
@Kyeh yea!!! Glad it all worked out and you were accomplished!!!
/giphy gold stars

@Kyeh I love it when a quick trip to YouTube and some elbow grease saves a lot of money. One time my washer agitator broke. Turned out all it needed as a new gear for $2 plus shipping and the patience not to break the clips. Same with my dishwasher soap dispenser, it was jammed and I literally just popped it off and reset the seal, it works perfectly now.
@tinamarie1974 Thanks!
@DLPanther I know, right? Youtube has definitely improved my home improvement skills! Same here with fixing my washing machine several years ago - it wouldn’t drain, but just needed a new lid switch. And my dryer, which I think just needed to have its belt put back on - can’t remember, again simple but not easy. But $aving so much money!!!
A little easier to fix, at least!
@DLPanther @Kyeh Kudos on the DIY fixes!
I just had one myself: I recently noticed a small stain in the ceiling of our laundry room. Just above the laundry room is the master bathroom shower. Oh Shit! (MAJOR BLAME!
So I did a little trouble shooting (cut a hole in the laundry room ceiling) and figured out that the shower drain had a tiny leak. Fortunately, I have some experience with DIY plumbing and was able to reseal the drain with some plumber’s putty and a dab of silicone grease. Total cost: <$10 (and a skinned knuckle). I will watch it for a few days and if there are no more drips, I will fix the hole in the laundry room ceiling. I’m sure it would have been multiple hundreds of dollars if I had just called a plumber. (Unblame
@DLPanther @macromeh Congratulations! Of course, you’re waaaay more knowledgeable about stuff like this than I am, but a DIY fix is always so gratifying.
It is also your fault I ordered stickers that are not as large as I need. You’re just lucky I can use them or I would be not using them.
@yakkoTDI Whew! @DLPanther dodged a bullet on that one!
Woo Hoo! I got mentioned by @dlpanther
Consider boxing it up and taking it to Best Buy for recycling.
@chienfou Best Buy will take electronic recycling?
yep. technically “3” items a day IIRC, but I have never had them refuse it if I take a medium sized box in with a bunch of small (chargers, cables, old PCI-e cards, remotes, tablets etc) stuff in.
@chienfou OMG I think you just solved my problem. I should have known about this, I used to work there back in the stone ages of the early 2000s and they are required to take any e trash they ever potentially sold.
YW (from one “old” goat to another, newer one)
@dlpanther Charliedoggo appreciates you taking the blame for his surgery and all the ups and downs that came with it. He said it made it easier for him to focus on chillaxing
Btw, he told me to give you an unblame because he finally had a good
today after that bout of explosive diarrhea on Saturday. He is going from one extreme to another over here
@tinamarie1974 Hopefully @Charliedoggo can get back to relaxing and eating treats soon.
@CharlieDoggo @yakkoTDI he finally decided to eat a few treats tonight after things started moving again.
Monday he hopefully gets stitches out and the hard cast removed. Then a soft cast for another 5-7 days. After that no cast, no cone, no crate at bedtime and free movement around the house. He will be a happy boi
@CharlieDoggo @tinamarie1974
That’s excellent news!