Help me find this "rare" vinyl


Hello fellow Mehtizens - long time caller, first time listener here.

I’m turning to the community at large since there’s plenty of internet savvy folk out there and I find myself in need of an assist. I’m trying to find a recording - a particular piece of vinyl to be exact. Issue is - I have very little info to go on. I say “rare” but that’s likely a synonym for “unpopular” in this case… lolz

There was a fun little college radio show in Cleveland that ran from 1998 to 2005 called “Assholier Than Thou”. I discovered it on a Monday morning commute in 1998 after moving back to Cleveland following an 8 year stint in Pittsburgh. Much like Seinfeld, it was “a show about nothing” - mostly the hosts - Chris & Thea - talking about… nothing. I was instantly enamored. As it happens, over time I formed a lasting friendship with one of the show’s hosts - Thea. Sadly a couple weeks ago, after a decade long fight, we lost Thea to cancer.

Anyway - enough back story - the point is that I’m trying to find a piece of vinyl that the show used as one of its opening bumpers. It’s a remix of The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. All I know about it is that it was produced before, say, 2003, and it was (I believe) by a group or individual called “Bomb Shelter DJs”. I don’t know the track title that was used, or what “release” it would have appeared on.

I’ve tried all the “obvious search mechanisms” to find a copy of the vinyl, but have yet to even come close (other than a hint that it may have been included on a compilation CD of some sort).

I have put a copy of the show’s bumper here so you can give a listen. If anyone has any suggestions on how to find vinyl with so little info let me know! And thanks.

(PS - should anyone be curious - I am posting one episode a week of the radio show on my SoundCloud account, so Thea’s friends can relive a little of her personality. Have a listen!)