Help me find this "rare" vinyl
3Hello fellow Mehtizens - long time caller, first time listener here.
I’m turning to the community at large since there’s plenty of internet savvy folk out there and I find myself in need of an assist. I’m trying to find a recording - a particular piece of vinyl to be exact. Issue is - I have very little info to go on. I say “rare” but that’s likely a synonym for “unpopular” in this case… lolz
There was a fun little college radio show in Cleveland that ran from 1998 to 2005 called “Assholier Than Thou”. I discovered it on a Monday morning commute in 1998 after moving back to Cleveland following an 8 year stint in Pittsburgh. Much like Seinfeld, it was “a show about nothing” - mostly the hosts - Chris & Thea - talking about… nothing. I was instantly enamored. As it happens, over time I formed a lasting friendship with one of the show’s hosts - Thea. Sadly a couple weeks ago, after a decade long fight, we lost Thea to cancer.
Anyway - enough back story - the point is that I’m trying to find a piece of vinyl that the show used as one of its opening bumpers. It’s a remix of The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. All I know about it is that it was produced before, say, 2003, and it was (I believe) by a group or individual called “Bomb Shelter DJs”. I don’t know the track title that was used, or what “release” it would have appeared on.
I’ve tried all the “obvious search mechanisms” to find a copy of the vinyl, but have yet to even come close (other than a hint that it may have been included on a compilation CD of some sort).
I have put a copy of the show’s bumper here so you can give a listen. If anyone has any suggestions on how to find vinyl with so little info let me know! And thanks.
(PS - should anyone be curious - I am posting one episode a week of the radio show on my SoundCloud account, so Thea’s friends can relive a little of her personality. Have a listen!)
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Too bad there isn’t a music search like there is an image search on google…
@Kidsandliz But we have soundhound!
Sounds like something Z-Trip would have done but early/not as polished, so Bombshelter DJs makes sense. A lot of that stuff could never clear rights so wouldn’t be on any kind of official release. It probably really is rare and might be a tough find.
I’ve been looking for a recording of a Tool and Outkast mashup I heard Z-Trip do live at Voodoofest back in 2000 ever since then with no luck.
Got any more details on that compilation hint you found? I haven’t gotten that far in my search.
Also my brain has left the building. The mix I’ve been searching for is Tool’s “Sober” with Dead Prez’s “Bigger than Hip Hop”. If I can trust that thought anyway.
@djslack Yeah - I think in sort of true “underground DJ / hip-hop” fashion these guys used to make limited pressings and pass them around on “the club scene” - so it’s not like there were thousands of copies or they have an ISBN number or anything…
You should put this post on reddit in /r/music to see if anyone there could help.
@sprockett01 Ah - good idea!
I would start with the Radio Station Program Director. The Program Director would know the lay of the land concerning Rights of the music you want including if a recording even exists to share with you.
@Pete_Conrad I neglected to mention that “Chris” - the guy that made the bumper, actually had the vinyl. But sadly, he turned into quite the douchenozzle (in the end, Thea was the more popular part of the show, and his ego couldn’t take it and he halted Assholier Than Thou. He still plays jazz every Monday morning in the same timeslot as “DJ TotalBusiness”) and other than telling me who made the track wouldn’t really provide any more info.