Have you tried how-old.net yet?
Not sure about paper bag snapster here, but it was pretty close on photos of me.
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Not sure about paper bag snapster here, but it was pretty close on photos of me.
@medz thanks, i'll be on the couch tonight after i put a photo of my wife and self in there...
Holy crap!!!! It says I'm 46!!! This site must be playing some kind of suck up. My 65th birthday is 3 weeks away.
Richard III looks 34.
In five different recent pics of me it thinks I'm anywhere from 27 to 52. It thinks my girlfriend is 16. Sweet.
It said I'm 39... I guess only being off ~22% isn't too shabby
thing has me in my 40s and I just turned 27 yesterday
@Lotsofgoats Happy Birthday!
@Thumperchick ( ゚ヮ゚)
It thinks I'm between 29 and 63. I'm 27.
Well... that's ego shattering. Depending on the photo it says I'm 26 - 37. I'm 32, so at least I'm in the middle of the span. Okay, "shattering" is too harsh a word... it makes me want to moisturize.

Though I've found something interesting! It's not just make-up that makes the difference, it's lipstick. In pictures where I have on my red lipstick, it thinks I'm younger. In pictures with full make-up, but subtle lipstick, it says I'm older. Weird.
It got me within 2 years, not bad.
fifty six. fifty fucking six. are you fucking kidding me?? damn you @narfcake!
@carl669 https://www.threadless.com/product/6082
@narfcake a little further back my fellow goat:
but even that wouldn't put me at 56!
@carl669 Heh. I just turned 57 two weeks ago and last weekend a friend and I were reminiscing about ColecoVision.
Well, I'm very pleased to have tried that. Said I was 27. I'll be 45 this month. Going home for the day. Nothing will be better than that.
This thing is terribly inaccurate.
84? Uh, more like 840. In 1938 he was 860 years old at best! Let's try again...
Count Orlok may pretend to be 52, but there's no way you're going to convince me that this nosferatu is just barely over the hill. What about his Vampire cousin?
Don't make me laugh. We might not know how old this eternal beast is, but it is certainly more than 49!
Please! Wolverine was born in 1888, so he was closer to 120 years old in this pic!
Nope, the mummy was looking forward to his 3,240th birthday, though I will give that MAYBE sucking the life out of some explorers will skew that a bit.
This is by far the most egregious slipup. Link is anywhere from 30,000 to 50,000 years old. Also the Mikey and The Weasel are teenagers in high school. F-
Pretty lame stuff here, I'm disappointed. Hopefully they can calibrate this to be more accurate someday.
Seems about right. I was impressed it saw the poster behind you.
29! Huzzzah!
I am 34.
It's only off for me by 37 years...decided to throw Bill Gates in there just to see.

hmm...that's pretty young for a demon.
I did 3 picture experiments.
Two with glasses on. One without. Of the two with glasses on, one was taken a couple of weeks ago, the other taken in 2013.
Pic from two weeks ago said I was 55 year old male.
Pic from 2013 said I was a 56 year old male.
I took off my glasses and took a new pic. It said I was a 33 year old female.
I am currently a 36 year old male sporting a goatee.
Microsoft: They REALLY know their audience!