Honestly, gas fireplaces are actually pretty decent these days. You don’t get quite the same experience as with a wood fireplace but they put out good heat and are hella convenient.
My parents had an oil furnace system but eventually put in a gas insert; that insert warmed their bacon many a time when the oil company somehow forgot to refill. It’s nice to have a backup system!
We have an insert (woodburning) in the living room that we never use because we’re never in there, and you can’t see the fire anyway, so why bother. We also have a woodstove in the rec room, which is where we spend all of our time, but it doesn’t get used because no matter how small you try to make the fire in it, the freezing cold room turns into the ninth circle of hell five minutes after it’s lit. (there’s no furnace ducting into the rec room. The people who built this room on were assholes.)
Of course, now that I have to be on oxygen most of the time, fire isn’t something we want anyway, so we use electric throws and stuff to stay warm in here.
I have a real fireplace, with an insert. I keep the doors open, has a blower, pushes warm air further out. Nice to be able to close the doors.
Plenty of trees, could cut 50 and not miss them.
I love a fire.
A fireplace was a must have when looking at houses, looked at four. Fell in love with property, greatroom and fireplace, that was it, house sucked, not now, much…if any…hate the walls, ceilings, bathrooms.
Oh, hell I ‘m gonna move one day anyway!
This is last year, no fire tonight.
Special Election here has taken up my night!
Not super cold tonight, results kept me heated up!
And homemade chicken pot pie, yum!
We had a cardboard pretend fireplace that we’d put up at Christmas when I was a kid. We’d hang our stockings on it. I have no idea if we still have it (I’d guess not though).
I bought a fireplace tv stand thing on clearance for around $100. My old tv stand was too small, so it was a great deal. Since I’m in Florida, it’s perfect. I can have the “fire” on without necessarily having the heat on constantly. The fire is pretty realistic compared to some that I’ve seen. It even has a timer so I don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn it off.
The only thing I miss is that it doesn’t crackle like a real fire.
i live in boston, most places for us plebs come with ‘fireplaces’ that have long been sealed up and are purely decorative. (there’s no way in hell i’d trust a bunch of drunk college kids with a working fireplace anyway.) our current place doesn’t even have that but i’m fine with it. on xmas my partner puts this on the giant tv:
My house was built with a fireplace in 1912. At some point it became unfashionable to heat your house with fire, and the fireplace was poured with concrete. So I have a fireplace, but not one in which you can put a fire. I put one of those electric fireplace heaters in the fireplace and it looks pretty cute when it’s on, but I sure wish I had a real fireplace. I rented a home once that had one of those free standing metal fireplaces. I put it an armfull of fallen salt cedar in it early in the evening, and it would burn up really quickly, but radiant heat the whole house all night.
Fireplace in the living room, woodstove in the (basement) family room. The fireplace mostly gets used for mood on winter holidays. The woodstove is often used on cold winter nights when we’re watching TV. And they are nice to have as backup when the power goes out.
When the next door neighbors sons were still living home, they heated part of the house with a wood fireplace. Unfortunately for us, their chimney was lower than our house and only 25 feet away. The wind blew the smoke our way and our house smelled like a fireplace for years! I liked the smell before that.
So now if we ever get a fireplace, it will be gas.
We have one. It’s a nice one, opens on both sides. The thing is my husband likes to burn wood (he dismantled the gas part), but I always was the one who ended up cleaning it. Finally said you want a fire, you clean the fireplace.
I’ve had a gas insert in all the places I’ve owned/rented since I left my parents’ place (thirteen years). If nothing else, they’ve come in handy during ice storm power outages. In my current place, I’ve found myself using it when I want to be a little toastier in the living room while not wanting to heat up the rest of the condo.
Not sure if I’d trade it for a wood-burning one. I love the smell of those, but finding/storing/hauling wood probably isn’t worth it.
Honestly, gas fireplaces are actually pretty decent these days. You don’t get quite the same experience as with a wood fireplace but they put out good heat and are hella convenient.
My parents had an oil furnace system but eventually put in a gas insert; that insert warmed their bacon many a time when the oil company somehow forgot to refill. It’s nice to have a backup system!
Yes, it’s where I keep my spiders.
We have an insert (woodburning) in the living room that we never use because we’re never in there, and you can’t see the fire anyway, so why bother. We also have a woodstove in the rec room, which is where we spend all of our time, but it doesn’t get used because no matter how small you try to make the fire in it, the freezing cold room turns into the ninth circle of hell five minutes after it’s lit. (there’s no furnace ducting into the rec room. The people who built this room on were assholes.)
Of course, now that I have to be on oxygen most of the time, fire isn’t something we want anyway, so we use electric throws and stuff to stay warm in here.
@thismyusername reminded me of this from back in the day
I have a real fireplace, with an insert. I keep the doors open, has a blower, pushes warm air further out. Nice to be able to close the doors.
Plenty of trees, could cut 50 and not miss them.
I love a fire.
A fireplace was a must have when looking at houses, looked at four. Fell in love with property, greatroom and fireplace, that was it, house sucked, not now, much…if any…hate the walls, ceilings, bathrooms.
Oh, hell I ‘m gonna move one day anyway!
This is last year, no fire tonight.
Special Election here has taken up my night!
Not super cold tonight, results kept me heated up!
And homemade chicken pot pie, yum!
@Calabama Pretty!
Literally, swag for days!
fireplace and wood stove. the fireplace got used once… made the house way too smokey. wood stove gets used often throws out a btu load of heat
I love having a cozy fire in my fireplace- all twice a year that I use it.
No, but we would like one, and we play a fireplace video on the TV screen.
We had a cardboard pretend fireplace that we’d put up at Christmas when I was a kid. We’d hang our stockings on it. I have no idea if we still have it (I’d guess not though).
@therealjrn I’m glad that’s subtitled so we know what is going on.
I haven’t even got a place.
All things being equal, I’d rather have a place in Florida that I use a couple of weeks a year than have a fireplace in my house.
Alexa, play fireplace sounds.
I bought a fireplace tv stand thing on clearance for around $100. My old tv stand was too small, so it was a great deal. Since I’m in Florida, it’s perfect. I can have the “fire” on without necessarily having the heat on constantly. The fire is pretty realistic compared to some that I’ve seen. It even has a timer so I don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn it off.
The only thing I miss is that it doesn’t crackle like a real fire.

Gas insert; chose first option anyways
@meh ha that’s a familiar sight

i live in boston, most places for us plebs come with ‘fireplaces’ that have long been sealed up and are purely decorative. (there’s no way in hell i’d trust a bunch of drunk college kids with a working fireplace anyway.) our current place doesn’t even have that but i’m fine with it. on xmas my partner puts this on the giant tv:
Yes, we have a fireplace. No, we don’t use it. It needs repairs. We play a fireplace video on a laptop that sits inside it. It’s pitiful.
My house was built with a fireplace in 1912. At some point it became unfashionable to heat your house with fire, and the fireplace was poured with concrete. So I have a fireplace, but not one in which you can put a fire. I put one of those electric fireplace heaters in the fireplace and it looks pretty cute when it’s on, but I sure wish I had a real fireplace. I rented a home once that had one of those free standing metal fireplaces. I put it an armfull of fallen salt cedar in it early in the evening, and it would burn up really quickly, but radiant heat the whole house all night.
Fireplace in the living room, woodstove in the (basement) family room. The fireplace mostly gets used for mood on winter holidays. The woodstove is often used on cold winter nights when we’re watching TV. And they are nice to have as backup when the power goes out.
When the next door neighbors sons were still living home, they heated part of the house with a wood fireplace. Unfortunately for us, their chimney was lower than our house and only 25 feet away. The wind blew the smoke our way and our house smelled like a fireplace for years! I liked the smell before that.
So now if we ever get a fireplace, it will be gas.
We have one. It’s a nice one, opens on both sides. The thing is my husband likes to burn wood (he dismantled the gas part), but I always was the one who ended up cleaning it. Finally said you want a fire, you clean the fireplace.
Haven’t had a fire in years.
I’ve had a gas insert in all the places I’ve owned/rented since I left my parents’ place (thirteen years). If nothing else, they’ve come in handy during ice storm power outages. In my current place, I’ve found myself using it when I want to be a little toastier in the living room while not wanting to heat up the rest of the condo.
Not sure if I’d trade it for a wood-burning one. I love the smell of those, but finding/storing/hauling wood probably isn’t worth it.
We used to have a fireplace that we never used. We got rid of it a few years back.