If we still had the ability to go back and click on previous months(meh faces), I could got back and tell ya which things! But Noooooo, had to get rid of that feature.. Pfft.
You forgot to add the correct answer - Yes! But Meh came through and found more and even told us when they would be up for sale. (Fire HDX 2-for-Tuesday)
I live on the "east coast" and I don't bitch about staying up till midnight to see what's for sale. I hated staying up till 1am to see what was new on that old site. Things are great here, that's why I come back everyday.
I'm still waiting for that two for Tuesday 32" TV's.. Missed my chance first time around because of process problems.. It was like 2K texters trying to call up the same number at once.. Still Waaa!
One way to "fix" this is to go on a 23 or 25 hour schedule. You could even rename the place meh23 or meh25 dot com. Imagenious. You have my address, send me my check and royalties forever.
I feel as though meh could really up their paradigm by always having a deal. Sure, feeling like I missed out on a bag of random junk makes me feel envious of other suckers, but it would definitely feel more meh if another speaker dock sale was put there to fill the disappointment with something even more disappointing. In fact, just ignore that entire suggestion.
The only thing I missed out on that I was mad about was the most recent red bag. I was refreshing right as it went live, and had multiple tabs that got to the point of placing an order, but none of them managed to process. I blame the servers.
So one deal a day has always been the meh way... And I agree with that, mostly. Suggestion for those "normally" rare occasions where these mediocre deals end up blowing anticipated sales out on the water by the time most people (unlike myself) roll outta bed. Crap sells out in the first 4 or 5 hours maybe, and meh puts up another item selected to be on reserve for such a heartbreaking situation. Win win for everyone! Meh gets to sell us more crap that we don't need, and those late (or just unlucky) risers get another opportunity to throw away that money people have been saving with these awesome gas prices we've been having! Thoughts? Ohh, and it's not soup today, I have some amazing roast stew that's been in the crock pot for the last 8 hours. :)
@bigbo2003 I have, from time to time, thought that sellout days should be rerun days. If today's item sells out and yesterday's did not, then put up yesterday's item to fill the space. Meh has the ad copy ready and the stuff right there, might as well get rid of some more of it. They could even leave the sold out item as the main part of the page and have a little rerun box with a mini version of the ad for the rerun item. If the rerun also sold out then it would be a double sellout page with no items for sale. I don't want to see this site proliferate and lose focus like Woot did, but this seems like a fun way to move more stock without losing 23+ hours of sales window on sellout days or swamping the site with an endless array of junk.
@moondrake Yeah but the only things that don't sell out are the things that people don't want to see again, like speaker docks. This doesn't solve the issue that people are complaining about because they would have already had a shot at the item because it didn't sell out.
@wisenekt There's plenty of stuff that doesn't sell out, and at least some of us don;t make it here every day. I am rarely online on the weekends, and there have been plenty of Mondays when I have come in to find discussions about stuff sold on the weekends that I'd have been interested in.'
@moondrake@bigbo2003 That's actually a pretty good idea, especially having the main page stay the same. Maybe if there were a preset maximum "sold out at" time, then the Buy It button would go to Second Chance Rerun instead of Too Late if the sellout was before that. The maximum time to sellout for this to happen is a subject for debate, but it should be a set time that everyone knows. I would suggest no longer than 6 hours, anything over and the Too Late button stays. And you're right, only 1 rerun per day. If it gets too common, then the max time to sellout is too long and needs to be adjusted. As meh adapts to its growing membership, hopefully they will be better able to buy bigger lots and predict sales (I know @dave likes databases and statistics.)
@2many2no@wisenekt@moondrake@mediocrebot <--?? This should happen. I'm not saying lets add tabs, god no. Let’s not have a new deal going on all the time. No reset clocks for deals that ran out funneling in a new one in every time. One replacement and like @2many2no and @moondrake are saying, one opportunity to fill that rest of the day (minus 5-6 hours, or whatever that set clock would be). Something new (maybe that Meh will hold on to for an extra sunny day like this, but bought for this reason). Or yea, repeats. Stuff hanging around the warehouse. They could throw together a fukubox of stuff that they need to dump off. Figure out a reasonable price and use it as a backup. $5 -$50+ You know meh could sell the stale (or stuff they just don’t have enough to release for another full day) just sitting around. And we all know that people will drop upwards of $50+ for a grab bag. Ohh and Meh will never become Woot. If you knew Meh and their views on woot…. Yea. Enough said.
@caffeine_dude I can understand having a handful of categories. At least a regular woot and shirt.woot. But once it went past that, that became the slippery slope. Now it takes no less than 5 clicks to add an item to the cart. It's a mess. The garage sale stuff at the bottom. Items that take up 50% of the screen and you can't actually click "add to cart", but rather have to go one link deeper to get to that. And there's text all over, squeezed anywhere they can get it.
@caffeine_dude Woot has also started putting in items on the very rare chance they have a sellout. It takes kind of the luster off of Woot and it has become a chore checking it, not to mention all their sub sales.
I said Yes, and that I blame Meh, but I really don't. I don't blame anyone--things happen,and it's not a tragedy that I miss out on a great deal. I like the red bags, because it's fun to get surprises. I like the tees (and I am super sad I didn't order more of the latest, but oh well, that's my fault, it didn't sell out until late in the day). Everything else is shiny stuff that I don't need and wouldn't buy elsewhere, so why bemoan 'missing out'?
Every Fuku since I joined, even though I am up at midnight EST. Possibly due to my soon to be replaced slow as hell DSL connection. I wish Meh would limit Fukus to one per address (or zip code if you want to be really crazy). Not fond of the "I got 2 and my husband got 3" comments when I stayed up until 2 AM just to see "Something went terribly wrong..."
@PocketBrain ... Nada! But I have nixed the buy then checked the forums, decided, "Yeah, I think I do need one (or two)" then came back just as it wanked-out.. (I blame my lackaday brain matter for that).
Are you planning to sell any of those 52" ceiling fans any time soon? (Yes, I have a habit of looking at the image header. ) I wouldn't buy any because I don't need any more, but they look like nice fans.
@narfcake When people build fortresses out of empty boxes they are normally pretty weak. If the boxes are full of speaker docks they are a bit more durable because of the added heft.
Yes, awkwardly enough. During the summer when Shabbat starts pretty late, I can end up missing the Friday night deal. I wouldn't change that, but it's a thing.
They still haven't told us the eight buck neoprene case philosphy (10 for $5.. 20 for $9.. 30 for $8).. Who does that? But more important, why did some buy the 20..??? Where da' monkey docks..??
Never missed anything I wanted because I'm there every night at launch. It's actually something I look forward to...which probably means I need to re-evaluate my life.
i quite enjoy this site and the forums, i should lurk less and post more often. i'm mildly annoyed at myself for not getting one of the meh shirts last time because i had another meh shirt, but now i wish i had the black on black meh shirt.
No one in the history of Meh has ever missed our on a sale item they wanted to buy. That's crazy talk
Yes and I blame the scapegoat of the month as Meh custom dictates...I assume.
If we still had the ability to go back and click on previous months(meh faces), I could got back and tell ya which things! But Noooooo, had to get rid of that feature.. Pfft.
Irk/Glen 2016!
@BabyBear wahhh? The calendar history is gone? MEHHHHH Going to look.
@BabyBear I thought going back months was something I could do in the past.
@caffeine_dude it was breaking the site, so they disabled it for the time being.
@BabyBear https://meh.com/deals
@BabyBear http://www.mehstalker.com/mehhistory.php Thanks, @lichme
You forgot to add the correct answer -
Yes! But Meh came through and found more and even told us when they would be up for sale. (Fire HDX 2-for-Tuesday)
@theoneill555 Yeah, that was sweet.
I wanted to buy a bazillion neoprene cases...
Wait, no I did not.
Why not have a new item at 6 am ? Two items per day?
@novjuli you shut your goddamn mouth.
@studerc now now kids, we all know it's just the crazy inside him talking. Don't mind him and he'll stop.
@novjuli But I love soup. I am up at midnight and 6 am. I just wanted to get 2 items that I really didn't each day.
@novjuli I meant to say 2 items that I really didn't need to buy each day. Please excuse me, it's 3am and I need to get up again at 530 am for work.
Cocaine's a hell of a drug
@novjuli there's a place for that kinda thinking - Woot.com
@novjuli Move to Germany then it will be at 6am and there are two items every Tuesday.
@Vettvilling No thanks. I've been drug free for 8 whole days.
happened with fuku #3 for me
@xEBRONx me too, i was at a work function
I live on the "east coast" and I don't bitch about staying up till midnight to see what's for sale. I hated staying up till 1am to see what was new on that old site. Things are great here, that's why I come back everyday.
@somf69 I was looking for a <3 image to send you, but during that search I found this so I'm using it instead:
@JonT That's my answer too! I adore you.
Dear meh;
upon careful review of available evidence I'd sincerely like to change my vote to my fault.
Soon-to-be owner of 30 (?!) neoprene cases
I'm still waiting for that two for Tuesday 32" TV's.. Missed my chance first time around because of process problems.. It was like 2K texters trying to call up the same number at once.. Still Waaa!
Is this some kind of personality test in disguise? Why is it always my fault!??! WHY!!?
@billymayfield you nominating yourself to be next month's goat?
Nothing I wanted sold out before I saw it but the goobers at stripe don't like my address so I can't buy anything here anyway.
@TerriblyHuang hit us up at https://meh.com/support and we might be able to fix that for you.
Take a moment and pray for the warehouse and customer service staff. They'll have a lot of work ahead.
One way to "fix" this is to go on a 23 or 25 hour schedule. You could even rename the place meh23 or meh25 dot com. Imagenious. You have my address, send me my check and royalties forever.
I feel as though meh could really up their paradigm by always having a deal. Sure, feeling like I missed out on a bag of random junk makes me feel envious of other suckers, but it would definitely feel more meh if another speaker dock sale was put there to fill the disappointment with something even more disappointing. In fact, just ignore that entire suggestion.
The shopping experience here is close to, back in the day. This would be, when Walmart started their Black Friday for Christmas. Lol
I wish there was a "Only when it sold out did I give a damn" option.
@TheChrisGlass Or an "I missed out because I took the time to think about it" option.
The only thing I missed out on that I was mad about was the most recent red bag. I was refreshing right as it went live, and had multiple tabs that got to the point of placing an order, but none of them managed to process. I blame the servers.
I love purple.
So one deal a day has always been the meh way... And I agree with that, mostly. Suggestion for those "normally" rare occasions where these mediocre deals end up blowing anticipated sales out on the water by the time most people (unlike myself) roll outta bed. Crap sells out in the first 4 or 5 hours maybe, and meh puts up another item selected to be on reserve for such a heartbreaking situation. Win win for everyone! Meh gets to sell us more crap that we don't need, and those late (or just unlucky) risers get another opportunity to throw away that money people have been saving with these awesome gas prices we've been having! Thoughts? Ohh, and it's not soup today, I have some amazing roast stew that's been in the crock pot for the last 8 hours. :)
@bigbo2003 I have, from time to time, thought that sellout days should be rerun days. If today's item sells out and yesterday's did not, then put up yesterday's item to fill the space. Meh has the ad copy ready and the stuff right there, might as well get rid of some more of it. They could even leave the sold out item as the main part of the page and have a little rerun box with a mini version of the ad for the rerun item. If the rerun also sold out then it would be a double sellout page with no items for sale. I don't want to see this site proliferate and lose focus like Woot did, but this seems like a fun way to move more stock without losing 23+ hours of sales window on sellout days or swamping the site with an endless array of junk.
@moondrake +1 to this idea
@moondrake Yeah but the only things that don't sell out are the things that people don't want to see again, like speaker docks. This doesn't solve the issue that people are complaining about because they would have already had a shot at the item because it didn't sell out.
@wisenekt There's plenty of stuff that doesn't sell out, and at least some of us don;t make it here every day. I am rarely online on the weekends, and there have been plenty of Mondays when I have come in to find discussions about stuff sold on the weekends that I'd have been interested in.'
@wisenekt Speaker docks rock. I have proof.
@moondrake @bigbo2003 That's actually a pretty good idea, especially having the main page stay the same. Maybe if there were a preset maximum "sold out at" time, then the Buy It button would go to Second Chance Rerun instead of Too Late if the sellout was before that. The maximum time to sellout for this to happen is a subject for debate, but it should be a set time that everyone knows. I would suggest no longer than 6 hours, anything over and the Too Late button stays. And you're right, only 1 rerun per day. If it gets too common, then the max time to sellout is too long and needs to be adjusted. As meh adapts to its growing membership, hopefully they will be better able to buy bigger lots and predict sales (I know @dave likes databases and statistics.)
@2many2no @wisenekt @moondrake @mediocrebot <--?? This should happen. I'm not saying lets add tabs, god no. Let’s not have a new deal going on all the time. No reset clocks for deals that ran out funneling in a new one in every time. One replacement and like @2many2no and @moondrake are saying, one opportunity to fill that rest of the day (minus 5-6 hours, or whatever that set clock would be). Something new (maybe that Meh will hold on to for an extra sunny day like this, but bought for this reason). Or yea, repeats. Stuff hanging around the warehouse. They could throw together a fukubox of stuff that they need to dump off. Figure out a reasonable price and use it as a backup. $5 -$50+ You know meh could sell the stale (or stuff they just don’t have enough to release for another full day) just sitting around. And we all know that people will drop upwards of $50+ for a grab bag. Ohh and Meh will never become Woot. If you knew Meh and their views on woot…. Yea. Enough said.
I would have liked to get in on the 10 dollar deep fryer, or one of the fukus. C'est la vie.
@neuromancer Ah the deep fryer, I am still kicking myself for sleeping that night. Such a great deal.
Keep complaining about stuff selling out folks you will end up with www.woot.com , multiple tabs and multiple items a day did not happen overnight.
@caffeine_dude I doubt the complaints will influence the Power That Be. I think things will pretty much stay meh.
@caffeine_dude Actually it did, one day there was a single item, the next there was a whole bunch. not to mention moofi
@caffeine_dude I can understand having a handful of categories. At least a regular woot and shirt.woot. But once it went past that, that became the slippery slope. Now it takes no less than 5 clicks to add an item to the cart. It's a mess. The garage sale stuff at the bottom. Items that take up 50% of the screen and you can't actually click "add to cart", but rather have to go one link deeper to get to that. And there's text all over, squeezed anywhere they can get it.
@caffeine_dude Woot has also started putting in items on the very rare chance they have a sellout. It takes kind of the luster off of Woot and it has become a chore checking it, not to mention all their sub sales.
I said Yes, and that I blame Meh, but I really don't. I don't blame anyone--things happen,and it's not a tragedy that I miss out on a great deal. I like the red bags, because it's fun to get surprises. I like the tees (and I am super sad I didn't order more of the latest, but oh well, that's my fault, it didn't sell out until late in the day). Everything else is shiny stuff that I don't need and wouldn't buy elsewhere, so why bemoan 'missing out'?
Oh...and I'm another East Coaster.
I like purple.
Every Fuku since I joined, even though I am up at midnight EST. Possibly due to my soon to be replaced slow as hell DSL connection. I wish Meh would limit Fukus to one per address (or zip code if you want to be really crazy). Not fond of the "I got 2 and my husband got 3" comments when I stayed up until 2 AM just to see "Something went terribly wrong..."
@marvelljones It's only one per account. You can't really help the husband/wife thing but at least they're only getting one each.
@Cinoclav Some people have multiple accounts.
@Mavyn it's only fair to allow each person an East Coast account and a West Coast account to help with the timezone problem.
@nadroj I hope my West Coast account is cooler than my East Coast account.
meh, for when you want to wake up every morning and think to yourself "wait, what the hell did I buy last night?"
Anybody else here ever missed buying something they actually wanted because they went to the forums first to say, "Hellz yeah, I'm buyin' three!"?
@PocketBrain ... Nada! But I have nixed the buy then checked the forums, decided, "Yeah, I think I do need one (or two)" then came back just as it wanked-out.. (I blame my lackaday brain matter for that).
I frankly hate you for trying to sell JBL dock speakers meh. That's just mehdiocre. Even for meh.
@legendornothing Speaker docks rock. I have proof.
I wanted a deep fryer for ten bucks. Last time I slept through the changing of the Meh (which is only nine here on the west coast).
Are you planning to sell any of those 52" ceiling fans any time soon? (Yes, I have a habit of looking at the image header. ) I wouldn't buy any because I don't need any more, but they look like nice fans.
I'm always kind of relieved when I'm on the fence about buying something and it sells out, resolving the issue and saving me money.
@matthew Don't all Meh employees get one of each item as a perk? If not that should be a thing.
@tightwad They don't, but even if so, being inundated with hundreds and hundreds of speaker docks is not a perk.
@narfcake When people build fortresses out of empty boxes they are normally pretty weak. If the boxes are full of speaker docks they are a bit more durable because of the added heft.
@ram434 Last I checked, speaker docks were NOT approved to be used as construction materials.
@narfcake Well I'm sure you're a fun guy at the office nerf war
@ram434 homeless problem - solved. See, this man's a thinker!
Yes, awkwardly enough. During the summer when Shabbat starts pretty late, I can end up missing the Friday night deal. I wouldn't change that, but it's a thing.
You should sell beer.
@EcoTony ... What's the sense? mehple would only whine because it wasn't their brand (but I'd jump on it!).
@EcoTony Yes. Home-brewed so there's an element of risk to it. Get to work, staffers!
Damn West coasters get everything you sell! SUCKS!
They still haven't told us the eight buck neoprene case philosphy (10 for $5.. 20 for $9.. 30 for $8).. Who does that? But more important, why did some buy the 20..???

Where da' monkey docks..??
Never missed anything I wanted because I'm there every night at launch. It's actually something I look forward to...which probably means I need to re-evaluate my life.
Yes, and I had items in my cart checking out. Would have gotten them if I hadn't decided to sign up for the stupid monthly program.
i quite enjoy this site and the forums, i should lurk less and post more often. i'm mildly annoyed at myself for not getting one of the meh shirts last time because i had another meh shirt, but now i wish i had the black on black meh shirt.
Change the site name to "Sold Out". Or launch deals at 12 noon. Everyone can be at the ready.
@mattwarren Or if it's really that important, stay up or set an alarm and check the site at launch like those who already do.