Have you ever benefitted from procrastination?
My wife is always on my ass to do things in a timely fashion. (Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife. Some of my best friends are wives.) So, I’ve been looking for a cheap quad copter in the $15 dollar range, maybe the Cheerson CX-10 was what I was going to settle on. But I’ve been waffling on pulling the trigger because I want 2, (one for my son) and if I order it from some place like gearbest, it’s gonna be $16 bucks, but not get here until May, or I can (la la la la la) order it on amazone and get it in 2 days, but it’s gonna cost $21 bucks each. (Not that I have anything against spending an extra $10, some of my best friends are $10). I don’t really want to spend the extra $10 though. Anyway, to make a long story short, here comes my #4 Fukubukuro, and lo, what is in there? BOOM! A FREAKING QUADCOPTER!!! I’m still trying to wipe the shit eating grin off of my face. Although I don’t know why one would grin after eating something like that.
Why don’t they put the TLDR’s at the top? I always end up reading to the end and then finding out there is a TLDR. It’s not like you are typing it on paper, you can put stuff anywhere. To illustrate my point, I will add la la’s to the middle of my post. See, easy.
Anyway, I guess the main point of my post is that I was saved by procrastination. I am smart enough not to rub that in my wife’s face, but I guess I wanted to let someone know. And to say thank you to Meh!. Thanks Meh!
TLDR: Thanks MEH!
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Yeah, if I put off doing the dishes long enough, my husband will do them.
BTW, this is my husband. This was his screen test in our backyard, which they liked and used as a commercial. He's in another Mahindra commercial that aired nationally.
@lisaviolet Two tractors?
@lisaviolet Hi Mr. Violet!
@dashcloud Yeah. Two tractors. That's one of them behind him. We have eighty acres of property in the low mountains and he's got a bunch of stuff up there in storage (just some sea containers and a small trailer), but he never has time to get up there anymore. Once upon a time we planned on moving up there, but life has a way of screwing things up.
@hallmike Here's the other video. That is NOT his tractor. Mahindra flew Brian and two other people down to Texas for filming. He was gone for a couple of days. He got five hundred bucks. Oh, that fence at the end? It wasn't there when they filmed the video, it was added in during editing. I think that's funny.
@lisaviolet I think I want a tractor now
@lisaviolet My wife tries to do that in the bathroom to make me clean it... but she usually caves in and cleans it a few days before I was gonna get to it. I WAS going to do it though. Really! I was! And I also want a tractor. Probably research them next week if I get time, or maybe next month.
@miko1 Do you belong to any tractor forums? One of the biggest is tractorbynet.com. Lots and lots of good information and it has over 250K members. You'll get a lot of good (and some not so good) advice over there.
I immediately benefit every time I procrastinate by not having to do the thing I'm procrastinating on.
@JonT http://www.despair.com/procrastination.html
posted the image for ya
@JonT I could have been working, but I decided to read these forums for a bit. I was going to post something just like this, but someone else did it for me. Awesome.
Every time something is needed ASAP. (Thanks Irk!)
@nadroj I'll be getting to that presently.
All the time:
A) Sometimes users figure it out for themselves given enough time.
B) Sometimes they change their minds and I would have had to redo something if I had already done it.
Productive procrastination - that would be called cleaning the house (which I am already procrastinating) instead of [insert whatever it is you really really don't want to do even more than you don't want to clean the house]?
I often want to procrastinate but I keep putting it off.
I keep putting off feeding the troll in another thread, should starve soon enough.
Well sorta.
Way back in 1988, me and a couple of friends were going to the store to get some Bacardi and Beer. We decided to have a break and have a smoke before going. While doing that a drunk driver smashed into my parked car on PCH completely destroying it. If we had been in the car there would have been at least two fatalities. The drunk driver ended up being OK. She was so drunk she was limber as a wet rag when she went through the windshield.
Thanks Marlboro!
@Headly if you had gone to do that wouldnt your car then have no longer been parked there...making you have a not totalled car?
@chellemonkey Possibly, but the timing was such that we probably would have been hit before pulling out.
Of course. If you're an engineer it's a way of life. If you don't wait till the last second to implement a project, you end redoing your early over and over. It's just easier to stall then tell them if they change it now the project will never make deadline.
The main benefits of my constant procrastination:
1) I get to do other stuff (like meh)
2) I don't waste as much of my time on pointless details that others either wouldn't notice or might not even like if they did, but that I would certainly throw time into
3) urgency and focus when shit really needs to get done
i'll get back to you later
I wear this shirt that I bought from Woot. It get a lot of good compliments every time.
@miko1 I find great humor in all that because I had the exact opposite experience. I've been shopping out multi-rotors for about a month (since I didn't get one for Christmas; guess my hint-fu is not strong). On January 28th I ordered a Syma X5c-1 from GearBest. On Monday I received my Fukuthingy. Inside... a crispy new Syma X1! Don't get me wrong... I was thrilled to have it, but I am reveling in the curiosity that so frequently is my life. LOL!
I had an identical experience with the helicopters Meh sold in early December. I ordered three. Two days after I placed my order I got a Woot! BOC that contained... a World Tech Toys Nightcopter.
I am amused.
@ruouttaurmind Maybe you should try it with something big like a car or a tv. Buy one and you may get one free. Then you can return the first one to costco (if it's a tv).
TLDR: Start procrastinating before it's too late.
So yesterday, I thought I would avoid the last minute rush of finding my wife a birthday present, and got her a hunnerd dollar gift card to her hair salon. Today in the car, she read me an email from her stylist saying that today is her last day at the salon, and she is moving to another differnent salon. SEE WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT PROCRASTINATING!
p.s. Really, thanks again Meh. I'm really enjoying the quadcopter.
I just realized that I met my husband because I was procrastinating in college. Since I'm happily married, I'll consider that a benefit.
I procrastinated on replying to this thread? A summer Friday afternoon, and the fire alarm goes off at work. "Heck, its late, I will just shut down the laptop and go home.". Start > Shutdown.. No don't save that... Yes I am surKABOOM!!!! All hell breaks loose, as the Inergen system has just dispensed in the data center. The doors if the data center have just blasted open, ceiling tiles are raining down, and a hurricane force wind full of non life threatening but still not pleasant to breathe gas is roaring down the aisle. After crawling out from under my desk where I had instinctively ducked, I ran the other way.
If I had not paused to shut down, I would have been directly in front of those doors when they shattered. Inergen system had been retrofitted into a pressurized Halon protected space, and the valve between floors failed, so 2 floors worth of " don't use in a pressurized room" Inergen dumped into a single pressurized room. Fun times, my hearing was screwed up for a few days from the shockwave.
@Pamtha That's crazy- I'm glad you're okay.
Absolutely. When a business person refuses to use the ticketing system and instead wants to send one-off changes to a project via email.... procrastinate.