@legendornothing Yes. If you’d been killed in the accident as a result of his reckless driving he could have been charged with manslaughter. Or in this case daughterslaughter? It’s pretty common in drunk driving accidents for the driver to be charged in the death of their passengers.
@melonscoop most modern cars have plastic bumpers that can pop back into shape but behind those are impact absorbing materials which really should get replaced otherwise if you get rear ended again the impact will be worse.
@injulen Thankfully my car is more simple than that. I have a Nissan Xterra and the rear bumper is just a sheet of moderately thick metal. There is no plastic outer shell and no impact absorbing layer behind that.
While I wasn’t involved in it in any way, mine’s a bit darker than anyone else has mentioned so far.
a couple years back my neighbors Middle aged Son was Killed by a distracted Driver.
he was riding his Motorcycle home from their place(no helmet), when someone distracted by something in their car veered left of center, headed straight for him.
His only way to avoid the car, was to aim for the ditch. when his bike hit the bottom of the ditch, he was ejected, and landed head first.
it took his body a few days to die, but he was gone instantly…
Honestly, I’m not sure how much a helmet would have helped…
not sure if they ever caught the kid…
@earlyre I’ve been on the assignment desk for too many dead motorcyclists to ride myself. Once had 4 separate fatalities in one morning. One of the ones I heard come over the scanner turned out to be an old family friend. You can be the best rider in the world and some yahoo who’s not paying attention can end your life in an instant.
@jqubed My brother was killed in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. He was on a Sunday afternoon ride with an enthusiast group. His friends that were with him said that the car he hit pulled out of a parking lot right in front of him, however the police investigation threw some doubt on their version of the story. So we really don’t know who was at fault. What we do know is that he was going about 40mph (within the speed limit) in broad daylight on a clear day and hit a car broadside. He was on a large well maintained motorcycle, wearing a helmet and leathers. He was 6’7" and built like a linebacker, and he still died as a result of the injuries. I hate it any time a friend gets on one if those things. There’s a reason why they call them donorcycles.
@moondrake I would definitely encourage anyone who still rides to wear a camera. Frankly, as cheap and as good as dashcams are nowadays, pretty much anyone with a vehicle might as well have one.
I was in the carpool line to drop my younger brother and sister off at middle school before heading on to my high school when my car was suddenly shoved forward. The mom in the car behind me was pulling up and said she was looking off to the side of the school and saying to herself, “they need to do landscaping.” The car wasn’t damaged other than my open cup of orange juice splashing everywhere. That was when I began insisting on lids; for whatever reason my dad used to carry all manner of hot and cold beverages in a Styrofoam cup with no lid. I think that finally convinced him that it didn’t matter how careful you were, things could still happen.
I was t-boned and my car was totaled by a distracted driver.
Not a cell phone though, she just had her son and granddaughter in the car on the way to church and was having a conversation with them. Didn’t realize there was a stop sign until way too late.
I was at fault. I was stopped and inputting prices into GasBuddy, when I thought the car in front of me started to go with the green light. I started forward, but he wasn’t actually moving yet, so I bumped him just as I stomped the brake. There was no visible damage to either vehicle, and no injuries, but it taught me a lesson.
Was rear ended in Sep 2016 by driver not paying attention in morning stop and go rush hour. Could see him coming at me in the rear view with eyes looking down. He slammed on brakes hard but ended up smacking into bumper. No injuries, but I think dealing with his insurance was the harder part of the incident. West Bend is apparently a bunch of aholes who want to claim no responsibility for clear fault. They did pay eventually but not enough to cover all damages.
Similar happened to me at a stoplight. I saw then heard it coming. Screeeech…Boom. Smashed into my rear bumper. I get out livid and curse his stupidity and recklessness. We were in front of a school and the kids were at recess. I think I taught some of them new words and phrases. To my delight, he had drenched himself with some large drink he had in the car. He gave me his insurance, but I guess they no longer covered him. For dumb some reason he told me where he worked, so I was able to find him and force him to give me $500 cash.
I’ve been lucky, in a sense. The only two car accidents I’ve been in were as a kid. Once some idiot didn’t pay attention and his my Mom’s car as we were trying to drive out of our street, and another time, some idiot was going too fast through a school zone and hit me as I was crossing the street.
(I was fine both times.)
(I also don’t drive, so that’s saved me from being in accidents as a driver.)
Kid on his phone texting, not paying attention and ran through a stop sign. Him: 2007 Toyota Yaris. Me: 1983 Chevy pickup with about 400 pounds of manure in the back. He lost.
Fortunately, neither of us was harmed. He was quite rattled as a result of seeing my Chevy basically drive up over the fender and hood of his car. He told me all he could see was driveshaft and tires.
I was able to continue driving, but the accident had disabled his car. When his mother came to the scene I told her I clearly saw him texting, and that’s why he totally missed the stop sign. She asked why I didn’t avoid him then. Pfft.
Twice I have been hit by people who showed phony insurance.
Both times I had a weird vide about the insurance thing and called the cops. Both times they said unless someone needed an ambulance or a vehicle was totaled, no way. Both timesat might, and insurance co wasn’t open till AM except for automated reporting. Both times I filed police reports.
Nothing happened to the other party. Not enough damage to my 250K + miles vehicle to bother with.
When I was 16 I hit my neighbor three doors down’s parked car because I was fidgeting with a Discman hooked up to a cassette adapter. Broke their taillight and bent my bumper and learned a lesson.
In 2013 a Tahoe came over into my lane without signaling. They were at best not paying attention. I was on my new motorcycle and when I hit the brakes the front wheel locked and down I went. It turns out there was a previous accident that day in that intersection and there were fluids on the ground. The Tahoe never stopped. I wound up in the hospital for a week, badly damaged for a couple of months, and the lasting damages are a plate in my wrist and a separated shoulder that’s still not right. I learned that motorcycles aren’t worth it with so many people distracted on the road. You can be completely in the right and some yahoo can cost you your livelihood, your independence, or even your life.
@djslack I rode a motorcycle part time for 15 years. One day I decided to stop pressing my luck and sold it before I got hurt. That was 17 years ago and I have never regretted the decision.
In 5th grade our school bus was rear-ended by a sedan while stopped at a stop sign. We were fine, the bus was fine (and back in service that afternoon), but the car was basically wedged up under the bumper up to the windshield.
I have no idea what they were doing to not notice a stationary giant yellow bus.
Both, hit broadside by a distracted driver who had a red light and pulled out right in front of me. Was young but not texting, just talking to the person in the passenger seat. That rattled me pretty good, she even looked right at me as she was pulling out. Everyone was fine, just a little sore the next day. Fast forward 10 years, I was driving around a curve in my neighborhood that I had driven probably a thousand times, I was thinking about what I needed to get from the store for Thanksgiving, took the curve too sharp and hit my neighbors’ mailbox. I have never felt so stupid in my entire life.
Stuck in city traffic on a late spring day- passing a gas station where a mid 20’s, toned size 2 woman was bending over pumping gas into an old Porsche, wearing a sports bra & bicycle shorts.
They were transparent- I mean, like black pantyhose- and dammit, she went commando.
I drove directly into the back of a Toyota Land Cruiser at 20 mph, totaling my company car (Chrysler 300).
It was her perfectly toned butt. My brain hit vapor-lock and while not proud of it- she was spectacular. My pennance was instead of the 300M, the replacement company car was a 4 year old Dodge Caravan.
Not distracted by technology. Distracted by being in an extreme emotional state. Decades in the past.
Fender Bender. My fault.
If my father was in the car and I was traumatized as a result and he was the one at fault but I was a victim am I still a victim of the accident
@legendornothing Yes. If you’d been killed in the accident as a result of his reckless driving he could have been charged with manslaughter. Or in this case daughterslaughter? It’s pretty common in drunk driving accidents for the driver to be charged in the death of their passengers.
No, but I’ve heard of them.
@sammydog01 Same here. Whoever makes up the options for these polls is not very good at thinking of all the possibilities…
Just last week I was rear ended by somebody who was probably texting and did not see the patch of ice.
Fun ending though. I was able to fix my bumper with about 10 minutes of work and a crowbar. Pretty easy accident.
@melonscoop most modern cars have plastic bumpers that can pop back into shape but behind those are impact absorbing materials which really should get replaced otherwise if you get rear ended again the impact will be worse.
@injulen Thankfully my car is more simple than that. I have a Nissan Xterra and the rear bumper is just a sheet of moderately thick metal. There is no plastic outer shell and no impact absorbing layer behind that.
While I wasn’t involved in it in any way, mine’s a bit darker than anyone else has mentioned so far.
a couple years back my neighbors Middle aged Son was Killed by a distracted Driver.
he was riding his Motorcycle home from their place(no helmet), when someone distracted by something in their car veered left of center, headed straight for him.
His only way to avoid the car, was to aim for the ditch. when his bike hit the bottom of the ditch, he was ejected, and landed head first.
it took his body a few days to die, but he was gone instantly…
Honestly, I’m not sure how much a helmet would have helped…
not sure if they ever caught the kid…
@earlyre I’ve been on the assignment desk for too many dead motorcyclists to ride myself. Once had 4 separate fatalities in one morning. One of the ones I heard come over the scanner turned out to be an old family friend. You can be the best rider in the world and some yahoo who’s not paying attention can end your life in an instant.
@jqubed My brother was killed in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. He was on a Sunday afternoon ride with an enthusiast group. His friends that were with him said that the car he hit pulled out of a parking lot right in front of him, however the police investigation threw some doubt on their version of the story. So we really don’t know who was at fault. What we do know is that he was going about 40mph (within the speed limit) in broad daylight on a clear day and hit a car broadside. He was on a large well maintained motorcycle, wearing a helmet and leathers. He was 6’7" and built like a linebacker, and he still died as a result of the injuries. I hate it any time a friend gets on one if those things. There’s a reason why they call them donorcycles.
@moondrake I would definitely encourage anyone who still rides to wear a camera. Frankly, as cheap and as good as dashcams are nowadays, pretty much anyone with a vehicle might as well have one.
That’s horrific… Damn.
I was in the carpool line to drop my younger brother and sister off at middle school before heading on to my high school when my car was suddenly shoved forward. The mom in the car behind me was pulling up and said she was looking off to the side of the school and saying to herself, “they need to do landscaping.” The car wasn’t damaged other than my open cup of orange juice splashing everywhere. That was when I began insisting on lids; for whatever reason my dad used to carry all manner of hot and cold beverages in a Styrofoam cup with no lid. I think that finally convinced him that it didn’t matter how careful you were, things could still happen.
I was t-boned and my car was totaled by a distracted driver.
Not a cell phone though, she just had her son and granddaughter in the car on the way to church and was having a conversation with them. Didn’t realize there was a stop sign until way too late.
I was at fault. I was stopped and inputting prices into GasBuddy, when I thought the car in front of me started to go with the green light. I started forward, but he wasn’t actually moving yet, so I bumped him just as I stomped the brake. There was no visible damage to either vehicle, and no injuries, but it taught me a lesson.
Was rear ended in Sep 2016 by driver not paying attention in morning stop and go rush hour. Could see him coming at me in the rear view with eyes looking down. He slammed on brakes hard but ended up smacking into bumper. No injuries, but I think dealing with his insurance was the harder part of the incident. West Bend is apparently a bunch of aholes who want to claim no responsibility for clear fault. They did pay eventually but not enough to cover all damages.
Similar happened to me at a stoplight. I saw then heard it coming. Screeeech…Boom. Smashed into my rear bumper. I get out livid and curse his stupidity and recklessness. We were in front of a school and the kids were at recess. I think I taught some of them new words and phrases. To my delight, he had drenched himself with some large drink he had in the car. He gave me his insurance, but I guess they no longer covered him. For dumb some reason he told me where he worked, so I was able to find him and force him to give me $500 cash.
I’ve been lucky, in a sense. The only two car accidents I’ve been in were as a kid. Once some idiot didn’t pay attention and his my Mom’s car as we were trying to drive out of our street, and another time, some idiot was going too fast through a school zone and hit me as I was crossing the street.
(I was fine both times.)
(I also don’t drive, so that’s saved me from being in accidents as a driver.)
Kid on his phone texting, not paying attention and ran through a stop sign. Him: 2007 Toyota Yaris. Me: 1983 Chevy pickup with about 400 pounds of manure in the back. He lost.
Fortunately, neither of us was harmed. He was quite rattled as a result of seeing my Chevy basically drive up over the fender and hood of his car. He told me all he could see was driveshaft and tires.
I was able to continue driving, but the accident had disabled his car. When his mother came to the scene I told her I clearly saw him texting, and that’s why he totally missed the stop sign. She asked why I didn’t avoid him then. Pfft.
Twice I have been hit by people who showed phony insurance.
Both times I had a weird vide about the insurance thing and called the cops. Both times they said unless someone needed an ambulance or a vehicle was totaled, no way. Both timesat might, and insurance co wasn’t open till AM except for automated reporting. Both times I filed police reports.
Nothing happened to the other party. Not enough damage to my 250K + miles vehicle to bother with.
@f00l This is why I feel 30 bucks a year for 2mil underinsured is a good investment.
And thanks for the reminder that my car LOOKS uninsured right now and to put the decal on (I did the renewal, just forgot the sticker)
When I was 16 I hit my neighbor three doors down’s parked car because I was fidgeting with a Discman hooked up to a cassette adapter. Broke their taillight and bent my bumper and learned a lesson.
In 2013 a Tahoe came over into my lane without signaling. They were at best not paying attention. I was on my new motorcycle and when I hit the brakes the front wheel locked and down I went. It turns out there was a previous accident that day in that intersection and there were fluids on the ground. The Tahoe never stopped. I wound up in the hospital for a week, badly damaged for a couple of months, and the lasting damages are a plate in my wrist and a separated shoulder that’s still not right. I learned that motorcycles aren’t worth it with so many people distracted on the road. You can be completely in the right and some yahoo can cost you your livelihood, your independence, or even your life.
@djslack I have often said that I would love to ride a motorcycle, if there weren’t any other drivers.
@djslack I rode a motorcycle part time for 15 years. One day I decided to stop pressing my luck and sold it before I got hurt. That was 17 years ago and I have never regretted the decision.
In 5th grade our school bus was rear-ended by a sedan while stopped at a stop sign. We were fine, the bus was fine (and back in service that afternoon), but the car was basically wedged up under the bumper up to the windshield.
I have no idea what they were doing to not notice a stationary giant yellow bus.
Both, hit broadside by a distracted driver who had a red light and pulled out right in front of me. Was young but not texting, just talking to the person in the passenger seat. That rattled me pretty good, she even looked right at me as she was pulling out. Everyone was fine, just a little sore the next day. Fast forward 10 years, I was driving around a curve in my neighborhood that I had driven probably a thousand times, I was thinking about what I needed to get from the store for Thanksgiving, took the curve too sharp and hit my neighbors’ mailbox. I have never felt so stupid in my entire life.
I tapped somebody’s bumper while my sister was giving me shit about something once; the other car wasn’t damaged, but I holed my radiator.
Stuck in city traffic on a late spring day- passing a gas station where a mid 20’s, toned size 2 woman was bending over pumping gas into an old Porsche, wearing a sports bra & bicycle shorts.
They were transparent- I mean, like black pantyhose- and dammit, she went commando.
I drove directly into the back of a Toyota Land Cruiser at 20 mph, totaling my company car (Chrysler 300).
Absolutely, totally and completely my fault.
@alacrity Sounds like maybe it was absolutely, totally, and completely worth it.

/giphy sports bra
It was her perfectly toned butt. My brain hit vapor-lock and while not proud of it- she was spectacular. My pennance was instead of the 300M, the replacement company car was a 4 year old Dodge Caravan.
@alacrity From a 300 to a minivan? Damn the Fates!