Have you changed all your clocks yet ( if you live in an area that observes DST)?
8I just finished changing the last clock in the house, an ornamental clock I keep in the bathroom. All that’s left is to change the car. I’m trying to remember how without resorting to the owner’s manual. I don’t usually change it, I just let it be an hour off half the year. But it’s been running fast, right now it’s an annoying 73 minutes fast, so I want to go ahead and change it.
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Yep. Changed the ones I intend to change. Don’t bother with the vehicle.
Probably not. I just changed the oven and microwave yesterday. I know of at least one more that needs setting now that I’m thinking about it.
I’m annoyed that my vehicle has satellite radio but it can’t set its own clock. It runs fast and has a glitch where on New year’s day (and for some reason this past Saturday as well) it will set the date to 1/1/06 and the time will be 10 am every time I start the car until I reset the date and time.
Some years I don’t change them.
I just leave them at in DST.
I play a private Twilight-Zone/1984 head game where it’s always truly DST, and the rest of the world is infected with a mad hallucination that we change back to ST for a few months each year.
So I protest privately at home, and play along with the hallucination in public.
Because if I don’t play along with the hallucination in public, The Ministry Of Truth and the Ministry Of Love will come for me.
/image “Ministry Of Truth”

/image “Ministry Of Love”

@f00l You must flee to the Ministry Exclusionary Zone at once!
@f00l That’s a great idea. I’m stealing it.
@ruouttaurmind No, Arizona is wrong. DST is far superior. The only great thing W did with his 8 years was extend DST to 8 months. In truth, they should really abolish regular time. I know it’s all arbitrary, but I do not want the sun going down before 5 ever.
@Fuzzalini It has been overcast here the last week or so. Last night it was nearly black out by 5:30pm. That really screws with my sleep schedule. I was ready for bed by 9pm!
Apparently (thx Wikipedia), universal synchronized timekeeping actually became a big deal with the introduction of train services. The need for state time zone and DST changes to be approved of and implemented by the DOT comes from interstate railroad schedule issues.
Makes sense.
According to something-or-other somewhere, during the 1960’s Minneapolis and St Paul could not agree on DST. But those two: in the 1890’s they used to kidnap each other’s census takers, in order to hinder the rival’s population count.
Fun fun.
I want the fairly useless US Congress to allow states to adopt per permanent universal year round DST as an option for states.
Would I want my own micro time zone? Naw. My life is already heavy on the ridiculous. I don’t need to add more of that.
I want the fully useless US Congress to mandate all states to adopt year round DST.
@f00l I actually knew most of that stuff, I spend way too much time reading Atlas Obscura… Anyway, I love the idea of a micro time zone! I’m totally going to use that with my friends “Yes, I have my own micro time zone you will have to recognize.”
I have two I haven’t yet because I need to use a ladder to get to it. I did change the batteries in my CO alarms, though. Not as worried about the smoke alarms, though; they’re hardwired.
@narfcake You should still test your smoke alarms though; they do go bad and need to be replaced. I think they last ten years.
@Durago Good point. I do test them monthly, and ten years is typical for replacement. CO detectors are 7 years; I’ll be replacing all of them come 2020.
@narfcake thanks for the reminder, my carbon monoxide detector is quite a bit older than that. I probably ought to replace it. I have one of those very old-fashioned gas heaters in the floor. So carbon monoxide is a concern here.
I think the only thing I regularly use that hasn’t been changed yet is my watch. I always forget how to change the time so I just leave it set to DST (it is the longer part of the year after all). The 2nd time on it is set to Seoul’s time zone which is currently 15 hours ahead of CST (only a 14 hour time difference during DST).
I changed everything on Sunday except an old alarm clock. That I did on Tuesday.
I only have the stove, the microwave, and my car, besides that. Easy peasy.
No, we just moved to our winter home. When it changes back, we’ll move back to the summer home. If they ever do away with DST, I guess we’ll have to stay wherever we are at the time.
Seriously, why in the fuck is DST still a thing?
@capguncowboy I love DST and wish it was DST all the time. Not only do I find it depressing as heck to leave work at 5 PM and it is already dark, but if I have anything that needs to be done outside, I am just screwed. I can live with it being dark in the AM, because I am not doing anything before my commute to work anyway.
@DrWorm perhaps i should have been more clear. I prefer summertime hours, they should leave it that way
Some news article said that Federal Law allows states to opt out of DST completely. I love that AZ did this.
But Federal Law does not allow states to opt in to DST full time.
Which is why some people in the MA legislative are trying to start a serious movement to change all of New England from the Eastern Time Zone to the Atlantic Time Zone (1 hour earlier).
The idea being that then they would opt out of summer DST on Atlantic Time, and that would leave them on the equivalent of year round EDT. Dunno how much the would effect the local economy.
I guess states can choose what time zone they wish to be in? (This seems a bit weird. Texas is mostly Central Time, but El Paso is Mountain Time. Surely they didn’t choose to do that in the state legislature?)
Can Texas just go change all that and be on the same time zone as Singapore if we wish to? (I think this involves negotiation with the Federal DOT, so prob not.)
But the legislature might allow El Paso to change to Central Time and then opt out of DST. That would be cool.
Hey! I suppose I should go read this article!
@f00l When I lived in IL I had to remember that Indianapolis didn’t so savings time despite what most of the rest of IN did. Would screw me up on occasion if I had to fly somewhere. I think they legislated that problem out of existence though.
I thought I had, but this topic reminded me that I’ve neglected all the basement clocks:
a. the odd wedding clock Meh gave me*,
b. the clock in our Bosch boiler,
c. the clock in the water softener (but that keypad is dead, so I can’t adjust it; it’s on WST (Water Softener Time).
I used to be obsessive about setting the clocks, but now I’m content if they are within 4 seconds of each other. And I used to be frustrated that there are so many ways to set a clock, but now I’m amused.
*I owe a reveal for that free fuko that had the wedding clock. One day I’ll get to that.
@sligett A man with one clock always knows what time it is, a man with two is never sure.
Uh huh, and the clock in my truck radio is not an hour slow now.
ALL of them?!? Come on, it’s only Thursday.
Still have a few left to change. I’ll get around to it eventually.
Not the thermostat and not the day clock in the office. Oh, wait, the day clock was changed. (Just looked.)
I need to change the time on the phone (we have magic jack and the time is three hours off).
Yup. The only tricky one is the big-ass decorative one that is in the living room. Vaulted ceiling means lots of bare wall space. Stick a big-ass clock up there! Luckily, it’s light-weight, but getting it back on the nail takes some skill. Wife says not to worry about changing it because nobody looks at it for the purpose of telling time…
Funny… I just reset the clock in our conference room as I walked out of a meeting.
I was up until about 3 AM (EST) on November 5th, so I reset almost all of my clocks just before going to bed.
My cuckoo clock and an old pendulum clock that I need bushings to rebuild are only correct twice a day, regardless of DST, so I left them alone.
My stove and microwave annoy me greatly if they are not within a second or two of each other, so I dealt with them later on Sunday, after getting some sleep.
I reset the car on Monday, while driving to work.
There are four clocks in my office, but none of them work so I didn’t bother to reset them.
Oven, no, I have to dig out the manual. Car not yet. I think those are the last.
My grandfather refused to change the clocks. If you were inviting him to dinner you had to think about what time he was using to coordinate.
Time is an illusion.
Time just told you that, to mess with you.
Time is actually a bit of an asshole.
Thanks for the reminder to change the rest of the clocks… I haven’t been looking at much except my phone for the time lately…
We have enough daylight to get by here in Arizona, so we don’t need to save any!
I had to Google how to change the time in my car. I sat there for a solid five minutes and could not figure it out. Damn technology.
@Collin1000 press the clock button.
@thismyusername There isn’t one! There’s a stupid “H” button behind the steering wheel which I had no idea what it even did until now.
@thismyusername On my car it’s the aux button.
@Collin1000 Those are easiest clocks to change, the clock on my truck radio is buried 3 menus deep in programming menu that I can never remember how to access to begin with.
The only clock I have to change manually at this point is the one on the stove top range hood, and that one’s always slow by ~15 minutes per week because of an issue with my condo building’s wiring anyway, so I just correct it every couple weeks to get an approximate time for most things. Everything else changes automatically.
12 hours