@Kyeh We do hot chocolate packets and individual wrapped cookies, bought through sams club it cost about 60 bucks for the cookies and hot chocolte packets, packaged them in treat bags. We also clearance shop for cheap toys. This year was dinosaurs and bugs. Add one for fun and the kiddos like them. We’re in Nebraska and a nice hot chocolate at the end of trick or treating is needed.
@kjady Sounds really Good! Sad to say there were No kids coming around, Knowing this I did not even bother getting any candy! I guess today I can score some good deals on bags of candy & stuff.
I have a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon, so I decided to dress up as a spooky witch. So really, that means wearing my normal clothes and adding a witch hat. I’m also going to the feed store and I might just stop at the tattoo shop to take advantage of their Halloween flash sale if I have time. Very exciting stuff. We live out in the sticks, so there aren’t any trick or treaters.
@andyw I miss doing that. It’s kinda fun seeing the kids (and sometimes parents) in their costumes. We live too far from town now, no trick or treaters here.
Kiddo’s gymnastics class is still on and mom is busy so I’ll be playing Mom at Mom and Tot gymnastics and then taking him to trunk or treat at his school if it’s not raining. First time we haven’t handed out candy since we lived in this neighborhood. I have to make sure the automations don’t turn on the porch lights tomorrow night.
Handing out candy with the dog. Hopefully it’s not as cold as last year. And hopefully the dog isn’t as spooked by costumes as she was last year. She will be a bat this year, and I’ll throw on a black cloak and witch hat. I need to get the massive amount of candy out of the house so I don’t eat it.
@remo28 Hahaha back when I lived in a house I was guilty of sometimes having to buy more candy, well, because, I ate it all prior to halloween (well the kinds I liked that I bought. My kid got to pick some too that we’d hand out so if any was left over she’d like it).
Nothing in the evening - so few trick-or-treaters come down my street it’s not worth it. But meeting for lunch with my cousin, her spouse, and 8 of her relatives plus my mother and brother. I’ve only ever met her and her husband up till now. Might wear something slightly Halloweenish!
No one is brave enough to walk down our long and dark driveway. I don’t think trick or treaters even know there’s a house at the end of it. Therefore, Halloween is just another day for us. Gonna install some new sinks and faucets.
@Cerridwyn@goldnectar Good plan. Most of us have Meh powerbanks with built-in lights so should be able to navigate the dark driveway. If any of the internal batteries still work by then…
I usually get candy to give out, but it’s 50/50 if we get any Trick or Treaters. Do have cheap crap candy for older- no costume teenagers and good candy for the little tykes.
We’re passing out the full size candy bars to the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, a tradition we started about 3 years ago. This year we’ll add a pop-up since we’re supposed to get rain.
@Zendriver, I put together candy packs. A mix of candy in a bag with a special surprise. One year that surprise was mini stroop waffles from meh. This year it’s edible straws from sorbos.
Try to get some work done on this gorgeous 80° day! Hand out candy to 50 to 70 trick or treaters while chatting with friends and neighbors. Halloween is fun here!
Taking my nephew trick or treating and bringing a bag for myself too. I fully expect to get candy with him as I’m dressing up as a witch and he’s either a skeleton or super baby (he wants to be both). At my dads funeral, my aunt had capes and mask (for her grandkids) and he put one on to play and I called him super baby so know he thinks it’s a real thing. I got a black sweat suit and some iron on letters and his shirt says super baby snd a cape and mask for him to wear if he wants to be super baby tonight.
I had to go and find another costume on the book face bc mine from eBay has been lost in the mail. Then just now I got an email saying it’s supposed to be delivered this morning (but the claim I filed says it’s not in my state) so we’ll see. All in all I’m excited. He’s 2 so we’re gonna have fun as long as it doesn’t rain tonight.
we have a long dark driveway too, only a few friends on our street come by with their kids. no candy but I have a bucket of fidget spinners I got from Meh a coupla years ago. everyone else goes to the crowded neighborhoods where they can load up.
Last year, we had temps in the 70’s & had all kinds of “starving-for-candy” neighborhood kidlets to feed…and we did, happily! Over 300 by our estimate! This year, temps are only in the 40’s, so I’m guessing the number will be much lower–not sure if it’s the kids or the parents who’ve gotten “soft” over the years! Either way, I’m prepared on my honor to do my duty…nearly 400 individual pieces of candy purchased, and ready no matter what!
It’s gonna be mid 60’s here tonight but windy. It hasn’t been this nice on Halloween since I’ve been 18. I remember bc my friend had a pimps and ho’s party in his front yard and it was in the 70’s at night. I did it up with a pink wig and some skanky dress, fishnets and pink boa and some very fun pink makeup. It was a fun party.
@kittykat9180 I know. As a kid our goal was as much candy as possible which meant as many houses as possible. Walk fast, don’t stop and talk, run between houses.
@kittykat9180 We’d go with friends, not our siblings. I always needed a ton of candy as I didn’t like most of it, my siblings knew it so it would cost me 3 or 4 candy bars I didn’t like to be able to trade for even 1 candy bar i liked from them.
Slapping on scrubs and going to work dressed as an ER nurse! I may break out the shark-head hat that I have and go as a “nurse shark” though.
Making some cupcakes to bring when I go in at 1445, and picked up a small bag of fun size candy bars to pass out just in case anybody does show up, or if any “kids” come in to be treated. Should be enough to last me for 8 hours!
I got about 25 kids. None of the neighbors were giving out candy. I could see about 4 houses from my porch that were giving candy, but no one on my block. There are a couple neighborhoods in town that close the roads and most the houses participate, so I think a lot of parents take their kids there first and then go home. The dog and I stayed on the porch for over an hour and only had 10 kids. Then someone set off some loud fireworks and the dog was done with being outside. She would wait inside for me when I answered the door, but I did let her come out and get pets from a coworkers kids. I will be taking a lot of candy to work tomorrow. I’d eat more of it myself, but I have 2 temporary crowns at the moment, so I have to be careful.
I’m not. Got better things to do than play make-believe.
@IndifferentDude like what?
@spacemart You know … grown-up stuff!!
@IndifferentDude, I don’t believe that you do.
Handing out hot cocoa grab bags to the little buggers that venture our. Supposed to pretty cool tomorrow so we’ll see how many we get.
@kjady Sounds Kool!
@kjady @mycya4me
Make sure you at least give them a straw so they can drink it out of the bag before it gets cold!
@chienfou @mycya4me No straws, they can deal. Had about 150 buggers. Not bad for a weekday halloween.
@kjady How do hot cocoa grab bags work? I assumed it was the dry ingredients in a bag, but the other replies suggest it’s liquid … ?
@Kyeh We do hot chocolate packets and individual wrapped cookies, bought through sams club it cost about 60 bucks for the cookies and hot chocolte packets, packaged them in treat bags. We also clearance shop for cheap toys. This year was dinosaurs and bugs. Add one for fun and the kiddos like them. We’re in Nebraska and a nice hot chocolate at the end of trick or treating is needed.
@kjady Oh, that makes sense! That does sound like a nice assortment.
@Kyeh This is an example of one made for my moms church. Better cocoa than the trick or treaters but same concept.
@kjady That IS fancy hot chocolate!
@Kyeh It’s pretty sweet but so good. Expensive too as I think it’s discontinued. They went from land o lakes to just cocoa classics.
@kjady Darn! I would have tried it! I do remember them having fancy flavors for a while but I guess they didn’t sell well enough.
@Kyeh It’s still on Amazon but it’s 44.95 for 36 packets.
@kjady It’s probably kind of old, too, right?
@Kyeh The ones I bought a month and a half ago expire in 3/25. I can’t say if it would be the same though.
@kjady Sounds really Good! Sad to say there were No kids coming around, Knowing this I did not even bother getting any candy! I guess today I can score some good deals on bags of candy & stuff.
@mycya4me One of three half price chocolate days I celebrate. Not as good as February 15th or Boxing day but still good!
Well, technically we aren’t there yet.
But tomorrow probably going to bed early. Got an early Friday morning breakfast meeting.
WFH and not answering the door.
Taking my kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.
Rita Rudner
Handing out TrackRs
@lonocat I sold many of them for $1 each at some recent garage sales. Or maybe they walked off. Either way I was shocked!
@lonocat That is the Best Trick I have heard of!
I have a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon, so I decided to dress up as a spooky witch. So really, that means wearing my normal clothes and adding a witch hat. I’m also going to the feed store and I might just stop at the tattoo shop to take advantage of their Halloween flash sale if I have time. Very exciting stuff. We live out in the sticks, so there aren’t any trick or treaters.
Staying home and giving our treats.
@andyw I miss doing that. It’s kinda fun seeing the kids (and sometimes parents) in their costumes. We live too far from town now, no trick or treaters here.
Kiddo’s gymnastics class is still on and mom is busy so I’ll be playing Mom at Mom and Tot gymnastics and then taking him to trunk or treat at his school if it’s not raining. First time we haven’t handed out candy since we lived in this neighborhood. I have to make sure the automations don’t turn on the porch lights tomorrow night.
Giving out Big Bars
Handing out candy with the dog. Hopefully it’s not as cold as last year. And hopefully the dog isn’t as spooked by costumes as she was last year. She will be a bat this year, and I’ll throw on a black cloak and witch hat. I need to get the massive amount of candy out of the house so I don’t eat it.
Your willpower is admirable. I’m afraid I’d probably just turn off the lights and hide inside with a Giant bowl of candy!
@remo28 Hahaha back when I lived in a house I was guilty of sometimes having to buy more candy, well, because, I ate it all prior to halloween (well the kinds I liked that I bought. My kid got to pick some too that we’d hand out so if any was left over she’d like it).
Going in to the office like most Thursdays and I have no plans after work.
Uh, nothing…
If we get some candy, I’ll be changing the lighting colors to reflect the holiday. Otherwise, I guess we’ll have an ordinary evening?
Going to a pub quiz, like every other Thursday.
Nothing in the evening - so few trick-or-treaters come down my street it’s not worth it. But meeting for lunch with my cousin, her spouse, and 8 of her relatives
plus my mother and brother. I’ve only ever met her and her husband up till now. Might wear something slightly Halloweenish! 
No one is brave enough to walk down our long and dark driveway. I don’t think trick or treaters even know there’s a house at the end of it. Therefore, Halloween is just another day for us. Gonna install some new sinks and faucets.
@goldnectar ok, where do you live, we’ll all be there next year
@Cerridwyn @goldnectar Good plan. Most of us have Meh powerbanks with built-in lights so should be able to navigate the dark driveway. If any of the internal batteries still work by then…
take a time to rest and no wondering on work
Work, give out candy, go to sleep.
Dressing up and handing out candy!
I usually get candy to give out, but it’s 50/50 if we get any Trick or Treaters. Do have cheap crap candy for older- no costume teenagers and good candy for the little tykes.
We’re passing out the full size candy bars to the trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, a tradition we started about 3 years ago. This year we’ll add a pop-up since we’re supposed to get rain.
@Zendriver, I put together candy packs. A mix of candy in a bag with a special surprise. One year that surprise was mini stroop waffles from meh. This year it’s edible straws from sorbos.
Try to get some work done on this gorgeous 80° day! Hand out candy to 50 to 70 trick or treaters while chatting with friends and neighbors. Halloween is fun here!
Taking my nephew trick or treating and bringing a bag for myself too. I fully expect to get candy with him as I’m dressing up as a witch and he’s either a skeleton or super baby (he wants to be both). At my dads funeral, my aunt had capes and mask (for her grandkids) and he put one on to play and I called him super baby so know he thinks it’s a real thing. I got a black sweat suit and some iron on letters and his shirt says super baby snd a cape and mask for him to wear if he wants to be super baby tonight.
I had to go and find another costume on the book face bc mine from eBay has been lost in the mail. Then just now I got an email saying it’s supposed to be delivered this morning (but the claim I filed says it’s not in my state) so we’ll see. All in all I’m excited. He’s 2 so we’re gonna have fun as long as it doesn’t rain tonight.
My costume came so now I have 2.
we have a long dark driveway too, only a few friends on our street come by with their kids. no candy but I have a bucket of fidget spinners I got from Meh a coupla years ago. everyone else goes to the crowded neighborhoods where they can load up.
Last year, we had temps in the 70’s & had all kinds of “starving-for-candy” neighborhood kidlets to feed…and we did, happily! Over 300 by our estimate! This year, temps are only in the 40’s, so I’m guessing the number will be much lower–not sure if it’s the kids or the parents who’ve gotten “soft” over the years!
Either way, I’m prepared on my honor to do my duty…nearly 400 individual pieces of candy purchased, and ready no matter what!
It’s gonna be mid 60’s here tonight but windy. It hasn’t been this nice on Halloween since I’ve been 18. I remember bc my friend had a pimps and ho’s party in his front yard and it was in the 70’s at night. I did it up with a pink wig and some skanky dress, fishnets and pink boa and some very fun pink makeup. It was a fun party.
@Star2236 Obligatory “Pics Or It Didn’t Happen” post.

Meh… It’s just another Thursday here
I live in an apartment building. No tricker treaters… now am I buying candy I like anyway? I plead guilty.
@Kidsandliz, I never understood that. Apartments are a great way to hit many doors quickly.
@kittykat9180 I know. As a kid our goal was as much candy as possible which meant as many houses as possible. Walk fast, don’t stop and talk, run between houses.
@Kidsandliz, my brother always got twice as much candy as me by running house to house. I always hated it.
@kittykat9180 We’d go with friends, not our siblings. I always needed a ton of candy as I didn’t like most of it, my siblings knew it so it would cost me 3 or 4 candy bars I didn’t like to be able to trade for even 1 candy bar i liked from them.
Slapping on scrubs and going to work dressed as an ER nurse! I may break out the shark-head hat that I have and go as a “nurse shark” though.
Making some cupcakes to bring when I go in at 1445, and picked up a small bag of fun size candy bars to pass out just in case anybody does show up, or if any “kids” come in to be treated. Should be enough to last me for 8 hours!

@chienfou That’s great!
it’s been bat-shit crazy tonight. Guess all the goblins are out.
@chienfou Oh no! Sorry to hear that.
Handing out candy and watching FOOTBALL
already did parties and bar going the last couple weekends
77 deg. at 7:00. Bought double the candy as last year. We might run out again. They’re coming by the car load
Sweating in my costume as I sit in 80°F weather giving out chocolate, chocolate peanuts, and vegan gummy bears.
are the vegan gummy bears from here?
Going to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. Then going to be early. Don’t wake me, yet.
I got about 25 kids. None of the neighbors were giving out candy. I could see about 4 houses from my porch that were giving candy, but no one on my block. There are a couple neighborhoods in town that close the roads and most the houses participate, so I think a lot of parents take their kids there first and then go home. The dog and I stayed on the porch for over an hour and only had 10 kids. Then someone set off some loud fireworks and the dog was done with being outside. She would wait inside for me when I answered the door, but I did let her come out and get pets from a coworkers kids. I will be taking a lot of candy to work tomorrow. I’d eat more of it myself, but I have 2 temporary crowns at the moment, so I have to be careful.