Had a hit and run last night on my scooter last night :/

luvche21 went on a bit of a rant said

Any tips on getting through a hit and run accident? An idiot pulled out in front of me while I was riding my scooter (30-35 mph), and I couldn’t stop in time and had to lay my bike down.

After waiting 2 hours (well, 1 hour and 55 minutes to be precise) for the police to show up on scene after calling 911, they were extremely unhelpful and said that I couldn’t do anything since I don’t have a license plate # or anything (I guess I was more worried about not dying). I know what building the guy came out of (small four-plex), so he would likely be easy to find.

Well, off to the instacare to check out my wounds that are worse than they felt last night. Luckily I was wearing a brand new leather jacket that I just picked up in Japan. Otherwise I would be in a lot more pain. But now my beautiful jacket is toast. And my nice slacks are ripped to shreds. And brand new riding gloves. And leather shoes. And a pair of socks that I bought on our honeymoon back in the day (my shoe somehow flew off in the process of sliding…). The helmet saved my head from grinding on the ground though. Bike still works, in need of a couple small-ish fixes (other than cosmetic damage). Luckily I tipped the bike instead of flying through his back windshield, it could have been MUCH worse.

Is there anything I can do other than knock doors and hope the guy fesses up? I have 2 witnesses (that the police didn’t even take a statement from after they waited around for 2 hours with me).