@2many2no You should check out a band called Hi Standard they are on the record label Fat Wreck-chords. Their song, “Teenagers Are All Assholes” is my favorite!
Remember the Google-doodle baseball game a few months ago? I still go back and play that when I need a brain break - personal goal for each out is to get the giant worm to cross the field, and to hit the elusive triple (I only did it once).
Along those lines, I’ve been playing Golf Blitz since @Moose put us on it. We want our tournaments!
I read and reply to posts on meh
@ybmuG agree, and sometimes flirt shamelessly
@tinamarie1974 but harmlessly!
@ybmuG well of course!
Not like I can use my whip on line anyway!! I kid, I kid!
Video games any chance I get. I play more than I let my sons play (after they go to bed).
I browse the https://postsecret.com/
I really like to listen to Japanese rock and roll…
Even though I don’t speak Japanese.
@2many2no You should check out a band called Hi Standard they are on the record label Fat Wreck-chords. Their song, “Teenagers Are All Assholes” is my favorite!
/youtube Scandal Doll
Turn it up!
@2many2no @sicc574 well, that woke me up …
@sicc574 @stolicat
Or if you like it heavier…
@sicc574 @stolicat
Holy crap, they’re Japanese Blink 182! Definitely NSFW.
@sicc574 @stolicat
BTW, both Babymetal and Band Maid are in Dallas this week.
I hide water. When the space probes get out to me, they won’t find it. Also, a guilty pleasure, I shop meh and watch Dave Ramsey videos. Yeah.
@PlutoIsAPlanet Dave is great. FPU graduate here, but I still shop meh.
Binging on anime at crunchyroll and netflix.
Listening to and loudly singing along to the entire MTV Unplugged “Dashboard Confessional” album…or video.
I read scifi and fantasy books on my Kindle at every spare [and sometimes not-so-spare] minute…
Truth told—I watch a hella lot of TV. Hella lot. Like if people knew how much, I’d be hella embarrassed.
i’ve been playing swarmsim (swarmsim.com) for 4 years now.
@carl669 huh. I was kind of grossed out reading it and understood nothing about how to play it. Now I’m very depressed.
I legitimately love watching Peppa Pig with my kids. It’s British humor, clean, and good-hearted. It makes me giggle.
@zinimusprime I kept watching Kim Possible and Phineus & Ferb after the kids were in bed.
@mollama I never got around to watching Kim Possible much but I loved Phineas & Ferb. I think I’m going to buy it if it ever gets released on disc.
I’m addicted to a game app called Genies and Gems.
Remember the Google-doodle baseball game a few months ago? I still go back and play that when I need a brain break - personal goal for each out is to get the giant worm to cross the field, and to hit the elusive triple (I only did it once).
@stolicat There’s a giant worm? Teach me to be a quitter.
@stolicat @therealjrn I didn’t know there was a giant worm!!
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 you need to score 50 runs and then a giant worm crawls across the outfield
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 or maybe it’s a caterpillar
@tinamarie1974 is our giant worm expert.
@stolicat @therealjrn yeah, I like to get a rise out if them!!

@stolicat @therealjrn Oh I have never scored over 5 or 10 runs on that game
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 try to get a rise out of this one

@stolicat @therealjrn How cute! I am calling it a Caterpillar.
Hhuummmm, I usually work on a different kind of worm, cough cough.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 yeah, early bird and all that. Need a cough drop?
@stolicat @therealjrn Now that you mention it, I do seem to have a sore throat from something or another lol
@stolicat @tinamarie1974

@stolicat @therealjrn
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 That’s no worm …